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网友发表时间 892436



A Factory near the Neighborhood

Having a factory near where one lives brings with it both advantages and disadvantages. An obvious advantage is an increase in the number of available jobs, and many people in the community might find employment in the new factory. The factory would bring money into the community in other ways as well. It would have to pay some taxes to the local government, and workers might go shopping or eat at a restaurant in the area before or after their shifts.

However, the factory would bring some disadvantages, too. Depending on what kind of factory it is, it might pollute the environment and bring down property values. It would be sure to increase traffic in the area, causing congestion and making it unsafe for children to play outside. Finally, the neighborhood would become a noisy, busy place. For all of these reasons, I would be opposed to the construction of a new factory near my community. While the employment opportunities would help the community, I believe it would be better for residents to commute to work and preserve the peace of our neighborhood.


Some people like to eat out at food stands and restaurants, while others like to prepare food at home. Often it depends on the kind of lifestyle people have. Those with very busy jobs outside the house don’t always have time to cook. They like the convenience of eating out. Overall, though, it is cheaper and healthier to eat at home.

While eating in restaurants is fast, the money you spend can add up. When I have dinner at restaurant with a friend, the bill is usually over twenty dollars. I can buy a lot of groceries with that much money. Even lunch at a fast-food stand usually costs five or six dollars for one person. That’s enough to feed the whole family at home.

Eating at home is better for you, too. Meals at restaurants are often high in fat and calories, and they serve big plates of food--much more food than you need to eat at one meal. If you cook food at home, you have more control over the ingredients. You can use margarine instead of butter on your potatoes, or not put so much cheese on top of your pizza. At home, you can control your portion size. You can serve yourself as little as you want. In a restaurant, you may eat a full plate of food "because you paid for it".

It’s true that eating out is convenient. You don’t have to shop, or cook, or clean up. But real home cooking doesn’t have to take a lot of time. There are lots of simple meals that don’t take long to make. In fact, they’re faster than eating out, especially if you think of the time you spend driving to a restaurant, parking, waiting for a table, waiting for service, and driving home.

Both eating at restaurants and cooking at home can be satisfying. Both can taste good and be enjoyed with family and friends. I prefer cooking at home because of the money and health issues, but people will make the choice that fits their lifestyle best.

Many people visit museums when they travel to new places. Why do you think people visit museums? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


Most of us can learn how to do something simple on our own with just a set of instructions. However, to learn about something more complex, it’s always best to have a teacher.

Teachers bring with them varied and useful backgrounds. They’ve been trained to teach individuals in different ways depending on their style. For instance, omen students learn better by discussing a topic. Others learn more by writing about it. Teachers can help students learn in the way that’s best of each student. A textbook or a manual can only give you one way of learning something. Plus they’re only as helpful as your ability to understand them. A good teacher can adapt her teaching to your needs.

Teachers help you focus on what you’re learning. If you’re learning something by yourself, it’s easy to become distracted, and go on to other activities. Teachers keep your attention on the subject. They also approach a subject logically, taking it one step at a time. On your own, it’s tempting to skip parts of the learning process you think you don’t need. That can binder your ability to really understand the subject.

Learning a subject on your own is a very narrow way of learning. You can only use the information you get from the textbook. With a teacher, you get the information in the written materials as well as the teacher’s own knowledge of the topic. Teachers can also provide extra materials to broaden the scope of what you’re learning.

There’s nothing wrong with studying on your own, and a learner can always benefit from some quiet study. For the best possible learning, though, a good teacher is the biggest help you can have.


In this competitive society,people cannot avoid the stress from the bustle and hustle of modern pressure is the motivation for our progress,while too much stress will have harmful effects on our health and cannot avoid it,so we must learn deal to with it properly.

In the first place,it is important to have a correct understanding about are now in a world where the fittest will survive,and it’s better to ensure survival than being to individuals, the social environment will not have to realize both the positive and negative aspects of is like a double-edged sword,which may be used by us,or may hurt key point is whether you hold the blade or the handle. We can take it as a motive force for us to make progress,makefull use of it and avoid being hurt by it.

In the second place,people have to adjust their own mood and should say to ourselves thatI like challenges and I am strong,but never think I am a loser or I cannot stand that any positive hint will change your attitude,and then affect the result of your it is also of great importance to cherish what you have common weak point of the human being is that he longs forwhat he cannot get,but does not value and protect what he has at the people are thinking about how to own more,such as social status,power,honor and so on.

At last the more they want,the more pressure they they can give something up,they will feel ,some practical measures can help us to handle stress in our a plan on the career, increasing the competitiveness and learning to control your time will do much help to reduce the is advisable to separate work from hard when you are at work and have a good rest when you are other words,there must be a boundary.

To sum up,the stress in our life is inevitable,and we must learn to handle it effectively. We must have a right understanding about it,try our best to adjust our own mentality and use practical ways to reduce it.


Just as is depicted in the picture. It is not difficult to find that in today’s society, more and more people begin to …… . It is rather good news to …… .

The picture reminds us that in China, due to ,…… . Moreover, there are …… .In addition, we should not forget …….

……is a good way to express human love. To some extent, it also reflects individuals sense of social responsibility. It is also a feeling from deep heart that is beyond words and is difficult to obtain no matter how rich one is. Therefore, I strongly advocate that…… . I am sure our society will hence be more beautiful because of…… .



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