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网友发表时间 966971



As we know, the nature is the most important to human. People depend on the nature to live and human need fresh air, water, vegetable, which al come form the nature. The industry need fuel, raw material, which also root form the nature. What’s more, human also belong to the nature, he is high animal existing in nature. As a consequence, if we destroy the nature, in some extent, we will diminish ourselves.

However, human beings haven’t paid more attention to this argument. They upset the ecological balance and destroy the environment surrounding. For example, smoke stacker have disgorged poisonous gases into the atmosphere; factories have dumped waste into rivers and streams; forests have been felled out; citizens haven dumped rubbish everywhere; groundwater have been drawn out unrestrictedly. As the scientists predict, it become dangerous to us if we continue to do so. And in some day, human being will destroy the whole earth and can’t to live any longer.



Suddenly, is unpredictable. Natural disasters is usually fierce, with great destructive power. The duration of a long short. Disaster, including a lot of factors that would cause injuries and deaths, huge property losses and a considerable degree of confusion. A disaster and the longer the duration of the incident, the victims are the greater the threat, the greater the impact of the incident. Another impact of the disaster extent of the main features is that people are getting the adequate warning.


When I was in middle school, I moved to the city to live with my parents, I miss my hometown all the time, I can’t forget about the beautiful mountain and the clear water. So in this summer vacation, I went back to my hometown, when I saw the familiar country road, I was so happy, I knew I was close to the nature. I took in the fresh air, I smelt the straw’s flavor, I took a look at the mountains and the clear water again. All of these made me relaxed, the nature was right in front of me. I hope the scenery won’t change all the time, once I have time, I will come back to enjoy it.



Man and nature are interactiveforces.

Looking back along the river of history, we may find that harmony used to exist between people and nature. At that time nature was pure field to be ploughed, sown and harvested. Man respected nature and was one part of nature.

It seems that people today are masters of natureg Nature is torn into pieces. While we are disrupting the order of the natural world, we are the ultimate victims, for nature is seeking its revenge。 Disappearing forests, drying rivers, polluted soil and worsening climate have punished greedy human beings. We have taken too much from nature, and given back too little.

Looking forward to the future, when we gain reasoning, when we remember the deep interdependent relationship between people and nature, when citizens of the world work persistently to protect nature, then nature will be our friend instead of our slave or servant. Sure, people can live in harmony with nature, with commitment, hard work and new technology.



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