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网友发表时间 959597



1. What do you do?

2. What's your job?

3. What do you do for a living?

4. What are your main responsibilities?

5. What do you do every day?

6. What are your duties?

7. What is your daily routine?

8. What does your job involve?

9. How many people does your firm employ at present?

10. Can you have some time off whenever you want?

12. Why don't you apply for another job?

13. Have you filled in the application form?

14. If they offer you a well-paid job. will you take it?

15. How much holiday do you get / How many weeks holiday do you get?

16. What are normal working hours for most office jobs in your country?

17. What kind of jobs get very high salaries in your country?

18. What is the minimum amount of income tax you have to pay?

19. What jobs often involve shiftwork? Would you like to do one?

20. Is flexi-time common in your company?


Describe something you enjoy doing with an old person in your family

You should say:

What it is

How often you do it

Who you do it with

Why you enjoy doing it with this person

I enjoy spending time with my maternal grandmother. She is eighty and has an opinion on anything and everything. My grandma is an energetic person. She has some age-related problems but she gets about more than my mother or me. Actually, there are hardly any temples in South India that she hasn’t been to. She is fluent in most South Indian languages and also possesses a working knowledge of Sanskrit. I visit my grandmother at least once a month. When we were kids, we used to spend the weekends at her place and then she would tell us numerous stories from Hindu mythology and keep in entertained for hours on end. Actually, if I am deeply religious today, that is because of her. She also visits us very often, and whenever she does she makes it a point to bring us lots of gifts and other goodies. She is a generous woman who enjoys giving food and money to the needy. The reason that I enjoy spending time with her is that she has a positive attitude towards anything. Actually I have never seen her looking depressed or hopeless. She is great fun to be with.


Do you think the Internet is a good place to learn about history?

同样,这也是一道是非疑问类的题目,无论我们的答案是肯定的还是否定的,都需要有充分的支持。例如,这道题目你可以回答‘是’(Yes, I think so; Yes I guess so; Yes sort of),然后在给出理由,可以是网络资源充分,且免费,查阅方便等等(give a convenient access to information on almost everything)。所以你经常到什么样的网站上去浏览什么样的历史知识。

除此之外,你还可以给出否定的答案(No, I don’t think so; No, I don’t think it’s necessarily the case.),然后给出原因,可能是因为网络信息并不总是可靠或者客观(not always reliable or objective),也可能是因为网络当中充斥着大量的误导或虚假或歪曲的信息(be awash with some misleading or false or distorted information),还有可能是因为网络上信息量过于庞大导致很难找到真正有用可靠的信息(With so much information in the website, people may find it difficult to search for the useful and reliable information which they really need)。因此我们应当慎重使用网络信息(be careful in using the information on the internet)

范例1:Yes, I guess so. It’s mainly because the Internet gives us a convenient access to information on almost everything we need. So I usually go to some news and education websites to read some information about history or other things.

范例2: Well, I don’t think it’s necessarily the case, mainly because the stuff on the Internet is not always reliable or objective. You know, everyone can publish their own ideas on the websites so the Internet might be awash with a huge amount of misleading, false or distorted things. In addition, with so much information in the website, people may find it difficult to search for the useful and reliable information which they really need. So yeah, that’s basically why I suppose not.


1. An important letter

2. An important decision

3. An adventurous person

4. A busy time

5. Receiving a large sum of money

6. A film

7. A vehicle you would like to own

8. A friend

9. A class or course

10. An interesting or unusual thing you did recently

11. A walk you take regularly

12. An English class activity

13. Future plans

14. A local event

15. A place you have visited in your country

16. Your favourite season or time of year



71 959597