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网友发表时间 1773901



Hello, my name is Peter. This is my day. I have a busy day. My Saturday morning is very busy. Every Tuesday, I’m always busy. I’m always busy on Monday. I always get up at six o’clock. I usually brush my teeth and wash my face at a quarter past seven. I sometimes have breakfast at half past seven. But I never go to school at eight o’clock because it is too late. When I come back homefromschool. I’m always busy. )First, I do my homework. It’s very easy for me. Second, I wash my hands and have dinner. Then I watch TV and do a puzzle. After that, it’s seven fifty. I do some exercises in English and maths. It’s eight fifty-nine now. It’s time for bed. I’m going to sleep. After I sleep and wake up, the next day begins!


请根据以下要点写1篇议论文,谈谈你对环境污染的看法( 100~130 词)。


1. 当今污染已成为严重的社会问题。空气、河海、土壤的污染对动物和人类十分有害。

2. 列举 2~ 种污染的原因和现象及其后果。

3. 希望科学家们找出解决办法,恢复大自然的本来面貌。


Today, pollution has become a serious problem to us. It means that the air, seas, rivers and land are polluted by waste or poisonous things. It does harm not only to human beings but also to animals (It does harm to animals, as well as human beings.)。

We cannot have fresh air because many factories have the poisonous smoke sent into the air. Beautiful parks are made dirty by plastic tins and bags. Fish die from the polluted water. It is said that strange diseases have appeared in some places because of pollution.

I hope scientists can find ways to solve the serious problem. We are looking forward to seeing the clear sky, clean rivers and beautiful parks again.



tobacco smoke is killing thousands of people every year and injuring hundreds of thousands more every day like children. federal officials released a massive report that is sparking renewed efforts to ban smoking in public places. secondhand smoke has been classified as known carcinogen, this classification is only shared by ten other pollutants.(these pollutants include benzene, asbestos and smoke inhaled directly from cigarettes. govenor mario cuomo has asked the legislature to outlaw smoking on school grounds and antismoking advocates said they would target airlines and fast food chains for similar bans.

the risk of developing lung cancer due to tobacco smoke is 1 in 1,000 for nonsmokers and 2 in 1,000 for nonsmoking spouses of smokers. however, the risk for smokers is 70 in every 1, smoking causes between 150,000 and 300,000 cases of bronchitis, pneumoia and similar infections in children less than 18 months old and worsens the condition of between 200,000 and 1 million asthmatic children. it is pointless to allow people to smoke in one part of a restaurant and not to allow it in another when eventuallly the nonsmoking section breathes in the smoke.

in conclusion, second hand smoke is a human carcinogen that kills about 3,000 nonsmokers because of lung cancer annually. cigarette smoke is responsible ffor 150,000 to 300,000 cases of bronchitis and pneumonia and other lower respiratory infections in children up to 18 months of age. tobacco smoke is also known to cause the build-up of fluid in the middle ear causing various infections. as one can see it is not recommended for people to smoke in public due to the effects it has on smokersa s as well as nonsmokers.



1. 当今污染已成为严重的社会问题。空气、河海、土壤的污染对动物和人类十分有害。

2. 列举 2~ 种污染的原因和现象及其后果。

3. 希望科学家们找出解决办法,恢复大自然的本来面貌。

Today, pollution has become a serious problem to us. It means that the air, seas, rivers and land are polluted by waste or poisonous things. It does harm not only to human beings but also to animals (It does harm to animals, as well as human beings.)。

We cannot have fresh air because many factories have the poisonous smoke sent into the air. Beautiful parks are made dirty by plastic tins and bags. Fish die from the polluted water. It is said that strange diseases have appeared in some places because of pollution.

I hope scientists can find ways to solve the serious problem. We are looking forward to seeing the clear sky, clean rivers and beautiful parks again.



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