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My Chinese teacher is Miss LI, she impresses me so much, the first day I see her, I like her, because she is so kind to us.

I am weak in Chinese, so I don’t like Chinese class, but Miss Li can make the class very active and funny, all the students focus their minds. Now my Chinese improves, I owe it to Miss Li.




I have many good teachers, but my favourite teacher is Miss Li. SWhe is a very good teacher.

She is very young, but her English is very good. She teaches us English every day. Her class has so much sings songs with us, plays games with us. We are so happy . And we learn English well. Our English are very very I like her very much.

She likes reading books and playing sports. After class, Miss Li often plays sports with us. We are very happy. We all love her very much.

This is my favourite is a good teacher .I like my English teacher very much. What about you?Do you have a good teacher, too?







Monday to Friday we have Chinese classes every week, one of my favorite in all the teacher is language teacher, black hair, has bloodshot eyes, this is our Chinese teacher, Mr Zhang.

Remember once, next to my deskmate class and students passing notes, after found by the teacher, will open on see, all of the above is scold the teacher's words, the teacher saw was not a bit angry, today, I go to the office on duty, go to the front of the teacher's desk, see the teacher's desk a lot of antiphlogistic medicine and cure cold medicine, in the afternoon, the first lesson is a language lesson, I have very good relationship with several classmates said: "on Chinese classes today, don't let the teacher shouted, called out, let the teacher thoroughly from class." The students agreed, class, the teacher in a soft voice, finished class, only a few male student performance is not good, ran to the front of the teacher, some students asked the teacher: "your disease better?" The teacher said, "much better, all in a couple of days."

The Chinese teacher of our class is like that, she is a kind and gentle Chinese teacher, she let us know what love is, let us more united, more up, continuous improvement, continuous efforts.


她,中等身材,腰身匀称,宽圆的肩膀。端庄秀丽的脸,白皙白皙的,粗发浓眉,一双炯炯有神,特别明亮。她就是我心目中最喜欢的英语老师——Miss Hu,也是最美的一位年轻老师。

她上课总是笑容满面,精神抖擞;讲的课不但清晰易懂,娓娓动听,而且特别有趣,我们都非常喜欢,聚精会神,像许多花儿在静静接受辛勤园丁的浇灌。要是有一部分的同学在课堂上说话,她没有大发雷霆,而是教我们把手指竖在嘴唇,用英语说“嘘---嘘,停止讲话。”,嘿,这招灵。有时她会教我们唱英文歌。那次,她唱起了“one little,two little,three........"声音如同泉水声那么动听,那么甜美,使人沉醉在喜悦与音乐当中。她拍起手一句一句地教我们,那张嘴笑得更灿烂,宛如阳光。


miss Hu给予人很大的力量。一次,英语老师刚好抽到我的号数,叫我到讲台上朗诵”Public signs”这篇课文。我心里怦怦乱跳,像弹棉弓上的牛筋绷得那样紧。不过,我使劲告诫自己要平静。我带上扩音器,一句一句地朗读。突然有一处读错了,miss Hu在我旁边帮我指正,顿时我似乎吸取了甘露,很流利了。尽管后来有些读不出,我也没着急,因为老师用清泉滋润着我。朗读完毕,传来一阵掌声。

她,miss Hu,我最喜欢的老师,因为她在我们面前打开一扇窗户,让我们看到了丰富多采的新世界!



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