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第二部分 阅读理解

28. A


36-40. DEGAF


46-50. CBDAB 51-55. BACAD 56-60. ABCDD


62. the 63. addressed 64. largest 65. responsibility

66、 shared 67. and 68. to 69. inviting 70. its










2022 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试



1、 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。

2、 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。

3、 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。

第一部分听力 ( 共两节,满分 30 分 )


第一节 ( 共 5 小题 ; 每小题 分,满分 分 )

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A 、 B 、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

例:How much is the shirt?

A. ? B. ? C. ?


1、 What does the man want to do?

A. Have breakfast.

B. Take a walk.

C. Call his office.

2、 What was George doing last night?

A. Having a meeting.

B. Flying home.

C. Working on a project.

3、 Why does the man suggest going to the park?

A. It’s big.

B. It’s quiet.

C. It’s new.

4、 How does the woman sound?

A. Annoyed.

B. Pleased.

C. Puzzled.

5Where is the man’s table?

A. Near the door.

B. By the window.

C. In the corner.

(答案:1-5 BCBAC)

第二节 ( 共 15 小题 ; 每小题 分,满分 分 )

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A 、 B 、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟 ; 听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 、 7 题。

6、 What are the speakers going to do tonight?

A. Eat out.

B. Go shopping.

C. Do sports.

7、 What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Boss and secretary.

B. Hostess and guest.

C. Husband and wife.

(答案:6-7 AC)

听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 、 9 题。

8、 Why does the woman think July is the best time to move?

A. Their business is slow.

B. The weather is favorable.

C. It’s easy to hire people.

9、 How will they handle the moving?

A. Finish it all at once.

B. Have the sales section go first.

C. Do one department at a time.

(答案:8-9 AC)

听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。

10、 What did Peter learn from his grandfather?

A. How to appreciate art works.

B. How to deal with artists.

C. How to run a museum.

11、 What did Peter do in Chicago?

A. He studied at a college.

B. He served in the army.

C. He worked in a gallery.

12、 Whose works did Peter like best?

A. Rembrandt’s.

B. Botticelli’s.

C. Rubens’。


听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。

13、 Where does the conversation take place?

A. At a library.

B. In a law firm.

C. On a train.

14、 By what time did John plan to finish his term paper?

A. March.

B. August.

C. October.

15、 Why did John quit his part-time job?

A. He had to catch up with his study.

B. He was offered a better one.

C. He got tired of it.

16、 What is Susan’s attitude to John’s problem?

A. Carefree.

B. Understanding.

C. Forgiving.


听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。

17、 What did the speaker do before the year 2012?

A. A fitness coach.

B. A chess player.

C. A marathon runner.

18、 Why was the 2016 Olympics important for the speaker?

A. He was motivated by Bolt.

B. He broke a world record.

C. He won fifth place.

19、 Which is the hardest for the speaker?

A. Getting over an injury.

B. Doing strength training.

C. Representing Botswana.

20、 What is the speaker mainly talking about?

A. His plan to go for the gold.

B. His experience on the track.

C. His love for his home country.


第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节(共 15 小题:每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A 、 B 、 C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。


Theatres and Entertainment

St David’s Hall

St David’s Hall is the award winning National Concert Hall of Wales standing at the very heart of Cardiff’s entertainment centre. With an impressive 2,000-seat concert hall, St David’s Hall is home to the annual Welsh Proms Cardiff. It presents live entertainment, including pop, rock, folk, jazz, musicals, dance, world music, films and classical music.

The Hayes, Cardiff CF 10 1 AH

The Glee Club

Every weekend this is “Wales” premier comedy club where having a great time is the order for both audiences and comedy stars alike. It is hard to name a comedy star who hasn’t been on the stage here. If you are looking for the best comedies on tour and brilliant live music, you should start here.

Mermaid Quay, Cardiff Bay, Cardiff CF 10 5 BZ

Sherman Cymru

Sherman Cymru’s theatre in the Cathays area of Cardiff reopened in February 2012. This special building is a place in which theatre is made and where children, artists, writers and anyone else have the opportunity (机会) to do creative things. Sherman Cymru is excited to present a packed programme of the very best theatre, dance, family shows and music from Wales and the rest of the world.

Senghennydd Road, Cardiff CF 24 4 YE

New Theatre

The New Theatre has been the home of quality drama, musicals, dance and children’s shows for more than 100 years. Presenting the best of the West End along with the pick of the UK’s touring shows, the New Theatre is Cardiff’s oldest surviving traditional theatre. Be sure to pay a visit as part of your stay in the city.

Park Place, Cardiff CF 10 3 LN

1、 Where is the Welsh Proms Cardiff hosted?

A. At the New Theatre

the Glee Club.

C. At Sherman Cymru.

St David’s Hall.

2、 What can people do at the Glee Club?

A. Watch musicals.


C. See family shows.

creative things.

3、 Which website can you visit to learn about Cardiff’s oldest surviving theatre?





答案1. D 2. B 3. A




细节理解题。根据文章“St David’s Hall”部分中的“St David’s Hall is home to the annual Welsh Proms Cardiff (St David’s Hall是Cardiff一年一度的Welsh Proms的举办地)”可知,Cardiff的Welsh Proms活动在St David’s Hall举办。故选D。


细节理解题。根据文章“The Glee Club”部分中的“If you are looking for the best comedies on tour and brilliant live music, you should start here (如果你正在寻找巡演中最好的喜剧和精彩的现场音乐,你应该从这里开始)”可知,人们可以在The Glee Club享受喜剧。故选B。


细节理解题。根据文章“New Theatre”部分中的“The New Theatre has been the home of quality drama, musicians, dance and children’s shows for more than 100 years (100多年来,New Theatre一直是优质戏剧、音乐家、舞蹈和儿童节目的发源地)”以及其下面的网站“”可知,可以在网站找到Cardiff存在最久的剧院。故选A。


Goffin’s cockatoos, a kind of small parrot native to Australasia, have been shown to have similar shape-recognition abilities to a human two-year-old. Though not known to use tools in the wild, the birds have proved skilful at tool use while kept in the cage. In a recent experiment, cockatoos were presented with a box with a nut inside it. The clear front of the box had a “keyhole” in a geometric shape, and the birds were given five differently shaped “keys” to choose from. Inserting the correct “key” would let out the humans, babies can put a round shape in a round hole from around one year of age, but it will be another year before they are able to do the same with less symmetrical (对称的) shapes. This ability to recognize that a shape will need to be turned in a specific direction before it will fit is called an “allocentric frame of reference”。 In the experiment, Goffin’s cockatoos were able to select the right tool for the job, in most cases, by visual recognition alone. Where trial-and-error was used, the cockatoos did better than monkeys in similar tests. This indicates that Goffin’s cockatoos do indeed possess an allocentric frame of reference when moving objects in space, similar to two-year-old next step, according to the researchers, is to try and work out whether the cockatoos rely entirely on visual clues (线索), or also use a sense of touch in making their shape selections.

4、 How did the cockatoos get the nut from the box in the experiment?

A. By following instructions.

using a tool.

C. By turning the box around.

removing the lid.

5、 Which task can human one-year-olds most likely complete according to the text?

A. Using a key to unlock a door.

B. Telling parrots from other birds.

C. Putting a ball into a round hole.

D. Grouping toys of different shapes.

6、 What does the follow-up test aim to find out about the cockatoos?

A. How far they are able to see. B. How they track moving objects.

C. Whether they are smarter than monkeys.

D. Whether they use a sense of touch in the test.

7、 Which can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Cockatoos: Quick Error Checkers

B. Cockatoos: Independent Learners

C. Cockatoos: Clever Signal-Readers

D. Cockatoos: Skilful Shape-Sorters

答案4. B 5. C 6. D 7. D




细节理解题。根据文章第一段“Though not known to use tools in the wild, the birds have proved skilful at tool use while kept in the cage. (虽然人们不知道这些鸟在野外会使用工具,但事实证明,它们在关在笼子里时就能熟练地使用工具)”以及“the birds were given five differently shaped “keys” to choose from. Inserting, the correct “keys” would let out the nut. (研究人员给了这些鸟5把形状各异的“钥匙”供它们选择。插入,正确的“钥匙”会让坚果出来)”可知,在实验中,凤头鹦鹉是通过使用工具从盒子里取出坚果的。故选B。


细节理解题。根据文章第二段“In humans, babies can put a round shape in a round hole from around one year of age (在人类身上,婴儿从一岁左右就可以把一个圆形的物品放进一个圆形的洞里)”结合选项,可知,一岁儿童最有可能完成“将一个球放进一个圆形的洞里”的任务。故选C。


推理判断题。通过文章最后一段“The next step, according to the researchers, is to try and work out whether the cockatoos rely entirely on visual clues, or also use a sense of touch in making their shape selections. (根据研究人员的说法,下一步是尝试弄清楚凤头鹦鹉是完全依靠视觉线索,还是也使用触觉来选择它们的形状)”可推知,后续测试的目的是了解凤头鹦鹉在测试中是否使用触觉。故选D。


主旨大意题。通读全文,再结合文章第一段“Coffin’s cockatoos, a kind of small parrot native to Australasia, have been shown to have similar shape-recognition abilities to a human two-year-old. (科芬的凤头鹦鹉是一种原产于大洋洲的小鹦鹉,它的形状识别能力与两岁的人类相似)”可推知,本文主要介绍了会识别形状的凤头鹦鹉。D项“Cockatoos: Skilful Shape-Sorters (凤头鹦鹉:识别形状的熟练工)”符合文意,最适合作为本文标题。故选D。


As Ginni Bazlinton reached Antarctica, she found herself greeted by a group of little Gentoo penguins(企鹅) longing to say hello. These gentle, lovely gatekeepers welcomed her and kick-started what was to be a trip Ginni would never since her childhood, Ginni, now 71, has had a deep love for travel. Throughout her career(职业) as a professional dancer, she toured in the UK, but always longed to explore further When she retired from dancing and her sons eventually flew the nest, she decided it was time to take the taking a degree at Chichester University in Related Arts, Ginni began to travel the world, eventually getting work teaching English in Japan and Chile. And it was in Chile she discovered she could get last-minute cheap deals on ships going to Antarctica from the islands off Tierra del Fuego, the southernmost tip of the South American mainland. “I just decided wanted to go,” she says. “I had no idea about what I’d find there and I wasn’t nervous, I just wanted to do it. And I wanted to do it alone as I always prefer it that way.”In March 2008, Ginni boarded a ship with 48 passengers she’d never met before, to begin the journey towards Antarctica. “From seeing the wildlife to witnessing sunrises, the whole experience was amazing. Antarctica left an impression on me that no other place has,” Ginni says. “I remember the first time I saw a humpback whale; it just rose out of the water like some prehistoric creature and I thought it was smiling at us. You could still hear the operatic sounds it was making underwater.”The realization that this is a precious land, to be respected by humans, was one of the biggest things that hit home to Ginni.

8、 Which of the following best explains “take the plunge” underlined in paragraph 2?

A. Try challenging things.

a degree.

C. Bring back lost memories.

to a promise.

9、 What made Ginni decide on the trip to Antarctica?

A. Lovely penguins.


C. A discount fare.

friend’s invitation.

10、 What does Ginni think about Antarctica after the journey?

A. It could be a home for her. should be easily accessible.

C. It should be well preserved. D. It needs to be fully introduced.

11What is the text mainly about?

A. A childhood dream.

unforgettable experience.

C. Sailing around the world.

animals in Antarctica.

答案8. A 9. C 10. C 11. A


导语本文是1篇说明文。文章主要介绍了71岁的Ginni Balinton从小就对旅行有着深深的热爱,渴望探险,不再跳舞和孩子们成家立业之后,她开始周游世界,并在2008年开始了前往南极洲的旅程。


词句猜测题。根据第二段划线词前文“Throughout her career(职业) as a professional dancer, she toured in the UK, but always longed to explore further. (在她的职业舞蹈演员生涯中,她曾在英国巡演,但一直渴望进一步探索)”和“When she retired from dancing and her sons eventually flew the nest,(当她不再跳舞,她的儿子们最终独立生活)”可知,Ginni在退休和儿子们成家立业之后,她决定尝试有挑战性的事情。由此推知,划线词组take the plunge与try challenging things“尝试有挑战性的事情”意思接近。故选A。


细节理解题。根据第三段中的“And it was in Chile she discovered she could get last-minute cheap deals on ships going to Antarctica from the islands off Tiera del Fuego.(正是在智利,她发现自己可以在最后一刻买到从火地岛附近岛屿前往南极洲的廉价船只)”可知,是一张折扣票价让Ginni决定去南极洲旅行的。故选C。


细节理解题。根据最后一段“The realization that this is a precious land, to be respected by humans, was one of the biggest things that hit home to Ginni.(意识到这是一块宝贵的土地,应该受到人类的尊重,这是Ginni最深刻的感受之一。)”可知,旅行结束后,Ginni认为南极洲应该得到很好的保护。故选C。


主旨大意题。根据第二段“Ever since her childhood, Ginni, now 71 has had a deep love for travel.(今年71岁的吉妮从小就对旅行有着深深的热爱)”及全文可知,文章主要介绍了71岁的Ginni Balinton从小就对旅行有着深深的热爱,渴望探险,不再跳舞和孩子们成家立业之后,她开始周游世界,并在2008年开始了前往南极洲的旅程。由此可知,A childhood dream.(童年的梦想)能够概括文章主旨。故选A。


Sometime in the early 1960s, a significant thing happened in Sydney, Australia. The city discovered its harbor. Then, one after another, Sydney discovered lots of things that were just sort of there — broad parks, superb beaches, and a culturally diverse population. But it is the harbor that makes the Reynolds, a cheerful fellow in his early 30s, pilots Sydney ferryboats for a living. I spent the whole morning shuttling back and forth across the harbor. After our third run Andrew shut down the engine, and we went our separate ways — he for a lunch break, I to explore the city.“I’ll miss these old boats,” he said as we parted.“How do you mean?” I asked.“Oh, they’re replacing them with catamarans. Catamarans are faster, but they’re not so elegant, and they’re not fun to pilot. But that’s progress, I guess.”Everywhere in Sydney these days, change and progress are the watchwords (口号), and traditions are increasingly rare. Shirley Fitzgerald, the city’s official historian, told me that in its rush to modernity in the 1970s, Sydney swept aside much of its past, including many of its finest buildings. “Sydney is confused about itself,” she said. “We can’t seem to make up our minds whether we want a modern city or a traditional one. It’s a conflict that we aren’t getting any better at resolving (解决)。”On the other hand, being young and old at the same time has its attractions. I considered this when I met a thoughtful young businessman named Anthony. “Many people say that we lack culture in this country,” he told me. “What people forget is that the Italians, when they came to Australia, brought 2000 years of their culture, the Greeks some 3000 years, and the Chinese more still. We’ve got a foundation built on ancient cultures but with a drive and dynamism of a young country. It’s a pretty hard combination to beat.”He is right, but I can’t help wishing they would keep those old ferries.

12、 What is the first paragraph mainly about?

A. Sydney’s striking architecture.

B. The cultural diversity of Sydney.

C. The key to Sydney’s development.

D. Sydney’s tourist attractions in the 1960s.

13、 What can we learn about Andrew Reynolds?

A. He goes to work by boat.

looks forward to a new life.

C. He pilots catamarans well.

is attached to the old ferries.

14、 What does Shirley Fitzgerald think of Sydney?

A. It is losing its traditions.

B. It should speed up its progress.

C. It should expand its population.

D. It is becoming more international.

15、 Which statement will the author probably agree with?

A. A city can be young and old at the same time.

B. A city built on ancient cultures is more dynamic.

C. modernity is usually achieved at the cost of elegance.

D. Compromise should be made between the local and the foreign.

答案12. D 13. D 14. A 15. A




主旨大意题。根据第一段“Sometime in the early 1960s, a significant thing happened in Sydney, Australia. The city discovered its harbor. (20世纪60年代初,澳大利亚悉尼发生了一件大事。这座城市发现了它的港口) ”以及“But it is the harbor that makes the city. (但是是港口造就了城市)”可知,本段主要介绍了悉尼发展的关键是港口。故选C项。


细节理解题。根据第二段“Andrew Reynolds, a cheerful fellow in his early 30s, pilot Sydney ferryboats for a living. (30岁出头的Andrew Reynolds是个快乐的小伙子,他在悉尼担任渡轮领航员为生)”、第三段“I’ll miss these old boats. (我会想念这些旧船的)”以及第五段“Catamarans are faster, but they’re not so elegant, and they’re not fun to pilot. (双体船更快,但它们不那么优雅,驾驶起来也不有趣)”可知,渡轮领航员Andrew Reynolds喜欢老式渡船。故选D项。


推理判断题。根据倒数第三段“Shirley Fitzgerald, the city’s official historian, told me that in its rush to modernity in the 1970s, Sydney swept aside much of its past, including many of its finest buildings. (悉尼的官方历史学家Shirley Fitzgerald告诉我,在20世纪70年代奔向现代化的过程中,悉尼把很多它的过去都抛在了一边,包括许多最漂亮的建筑)”可推知,Shirley Fitzgerald认为悉尼匆忙奔向现代化,正在失去它的传统。故选A项。


推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“On the other hand, being young and old at the same time has its attractions. I considered this when I met a thoughtful young businessman named Anthony. (另一方面,同时既年轻又古老也有它的魅力。当我遇到一位深思熟虑的年轻商人Anthony时,我考虑到了这一点)”以及最后一段“He is right (他说得没错)”可推知,作者赞同Anthony的观点,认为一座城市可以同时既年轻又古老。故选A项。

第二节 ( 其 5 小题 ; 每小题 2 分 , 满分 10 分 )


Important Things to Know When Dining Out

Cultural dining etiquette (礼节) might surprise you with some of its important rules. ___16___. Knowing some tips will help ensure that you have an enjoyable meal with friends or family — no matter where you are in the world.

Chopstick Rules

The way you handle chopsticks is important to avoid annoying your companions. When you put them down between bites, always put them down together so they are parallel with the edge of the table in front of you. ___17___ 。

Hands or Utensils ( 餐具 )

In India and the Middle East, it’s considered very rude to eat with your left hand. People in France expect you to eat with a utensil in each hand. ___18___, instead preferring to use their hands. In Chile, you may never touch any food with your fingers. People in Thailand generally use their forks only to push food onto their spoons.

Making Requests

___19___ 。 In Portugal, this would be a serious mistake, because it shows the chef that you don’t like their seasoning skills. Similarly, in Italy, never ask for extra cheese to add to your of these cultural dining etiquette rules may seem random and strange, but they are important in various countries. ___20___ , the more comfortable you’ll begin to feel with its foreign cultural practices.

A. The more friends you make in your lifetime

B. The more time you spend in any given country

C. Mexicans consider it inappropriate to eat with utensils

D. Don’t get caught making an embarrassing mistake at a restaurant

E. It’s a good sign for the chef if you make a mess around your plate

F. Never stick them upright in your food or cross them as you use them

G. It may seem like a simple request to ask for salt and pepper at a meal

答案16. D 17. F 18. C 19. G 20. B




根据文章标题“Important Things to Know When Dining Out (外出就餐时要知道的重要事情)”可知,本文主要介绍的是外出就餐时应该知道的重要事情。由此可知,D项“Don’t get caught making an embarrassing mistake at a restaurant (不要在餐馆犯尴尬的错误)”符合语境,其中“at a restaurant”对应标题中的“When Dining Out”,同时引起下文“Knowing some tips will help ensure that you have an enjoyable meal with friends or family — no matter where you are in the world. (知道一些技巧将有助于确保你和朋友或家人一起享受一顿愉快的晚餐——无论你在世界的哪个地方)”。故选D。


根据本段小标题“Chopstick Rules ”可知,本段主要讲述的是使用筷子的规则。根据上文“When you put them down between bites, always put them down together so they are parallel with the edge of the table in front of you. (当你在吃的间隙把它们放下来的时候,一定要把它们放在一起,这样它们就和你面前的桌子边缘平行了)”可知,此处讲述了正确使用筷子的方式。由此可知,F项“Never stick them upright in your food or cross them as you use them (不要把它们笔直地插在你的食物中,也不要在使用它们时交叉放置)”讲述的也是使用筷子时的注意事项,符合此处语境,其中“them”指的是上文的“chopsticks”。故选F。


根据本段小标题“Hands or Utensils ( 餐具 ) ”可知,本段主要讲述的是手和餐具的问题。根据上文“In India and the Middle East, it’s considered very rude to eat with your left hand. People in France expect you to eat with a utensil in each hand. (在印度和中东,用左手吃饭被认为是非常不礼貌的。法国人希望你每只手拿一个餐具吃饭)”及下文“instead preferring to use their hands (相反更愿意使用他们的双手)”可知,此处在讲述不同国家就餐时习惯使用哪只手的问题。由此可知,C项“Mexicans consider it inappropriate to eat with utensils (墨西哥人认为用餐具吃饭是不合适的)”符合语境,与下文形成转折关系。故选C。


根据本段小标题“Making Requests ”可知,本段主要讲述的是用餐时提请求的问题。根据下文“In Portugal, this would be a serious mistake, because it shows the chef that you don’t like their seasoning skills. Similarly, in Italy, never ask for extra cheese to add to your food. (在葡萄牙,这将是一个严重的错误,因为这向厨师表明你不喜欢他们的调味技巧。同样,在意大利,永远不要要求在食物中添加额外的奶酪)”可推知,在一些国家,用餐时提出要求是很无礼的。由此可知,G项“It may seem like simple request to ask for salt and pepper at a meal (吃饭时要盐和胡椒看似很简单)”符合此处语境,其中“request”是关键词,说明,在用餐时提出一些我们看来很平常的要求在某些国家是无礼的。故选G。


根据下文“the more comfortable you’ll begin to feel with its foreign cultural practices. (你就会对它的外国文化习俗感到越舒服)”可推知,此处指在一个国家待得越久,就会越习惯当地习俗,且此处是“the+比较级,the+比较级”结构,B项“The more time you spend in any given country (你在某个国家待的时间越长)”符合文意,引出下文。故选B。

第三部分 语言知识运用 ( 共两节 , 满分 45 分 )

第一节 ( 共 20 小题;每小题 分,满分 30 分 )

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A 、 B 、 C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

You can tell a lot about a man by how he treats his many years, I enjoyed living with my dogs, Tilly and Chance. Their ___21___ was nearly enough to keep my loneliness at bay. Nearly. Last year, I started dating, but with ___22___ 。 When I first dated Steve, I ___23___ he had a dog, Molly, and a cat, Flora. While I was ___24___ that he was an animal lover, I ___25___ that three dogs were perhaps too many, and my dogs might attack ___26___ , the next week we ___27___ our dogs together. It was a hot day. When we paused to catch our ___28___ , Steve got down on one knee. Was he proposing (求婚)? I liked him too, but so ___29___ ? He poured water from a bottle into his hand and offered it to my dogs. _____30_____ , I began to fall for _____31_____ to date,  though neither of us brought up the future. And then in late November, Tilly had an operation on her _____32_____ 。 I took the dogs out four times a day, and I worried that Tilly _____33_____ climbing the stairs could reopen the wound. Then Steve _____34_____ his house. All worked _____35_____ 。 The three dogs formed a pack that, with coaching, _____36_____ Flora’s space; Steve and I formed a good team _____37_____ for Tilly. We made good year later, much to my _____38_____ , this man produced a little box with a ring and proposed to me. He did not kneel (跪) down, nor did I _____39_____ him to. That’s only for giving _____40_____ to the dogs that brought us together.

the way

that case

all means

that moment

答案21. C 22. A 23. D 24. B 25. B 26. A 27. B 28. A 29. C 30. D 31. A 32. D 33. B 34. A 35. C 36. B 37. B 38. A 39. C 40. D




考查名词词义辨析。句意:它们的陪伴几乎足以让我远离孤独。A. ownership所有权;B. membership会员;C. companionship陪伴;D. leadership领导。由上文的“For many years, I enjoyed living with my dogs, Tilly and Chance. (多年来,我喜欢和我的狗Tilly和Chance生活在一起)”可知,作者多年和狗狗生活在一起,可得出狗狗陪伴着作者,让作者远离孤独。故选C项。


考查名词词义辨析。句意:去年,我开始约会,但有所保留。A. reservations保留;B. expectations期望;C. confidence信心;D. prejudice偏见。由下文的“He poured water from a bottle into his hand and offered it to my dogs. (他把瓶子里的水倒在手里,递给我的狗)”和“I began to fall for him (我开始爱上他)”可知,作者是在第二周和史蒂夫一起遛狗时,因为史蒂夫把水给自己的爱犬喝,作者才对史蒂夫产生好感,可得出刚开始约会时,因为不熟悉史蒂夫的品行,作者还是有所保留的。故选A项。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我第一次和史蒂夫约会时,我得知他有一条名叫Molly的狗和一只名叫Flora的猫。A. feared恐惧;B. doubted怀疑;C. hoped希望;D. learned得知。由上文的“When I first dated Steve (当我第一次和史蒂夫约会时)”和常识可知,第一次约会会得知对方相关情况,作者从而得知史蒂夫有一只狗和一只猫。故选D项。


考查形容词词义辨析。句意:虽然我很高兴他是一个动物爱好者,但我担心三条狗可能太多了,我的狗可能会攻击猫Flora。A. unsatisfied不满意的;B. amused愉快的;C. terrified害怕的;D. thrilled刺激的。由下文的“he was an animal lover (他是一个动物爱好者)”可知,得知史蒂夫是一个动物爱好者,多年和两只爱犬生活在一起的作者应该是感到愉快高兴。故选B项。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:虽然我很高兴他是一个动物爱好者,但我担心三条狗可能太多了,我的狗可能会攻击猫Flora。A. predicted预测;B. worried担心;C. regretted后悔;D. insisted坚持。由下文的“three dogs were perhaps too many, and my dogs might attack 6 the cat (三条狗可能太多了,我的狗可能会攻击猫)”可知,作者认为三条狗可能太多了,且自己的狗可能会攻击史蒂夫的猫,针对这种情况,作者是担忧的。故选B项。


考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然我很高兴他是一个动物爱好者,但我担心三条狗可能太多了,我的狗可能会攻击猫Flora。A. Flora弗洛拉;B. Chance机会;C. Molly莫莉;D. Tilly蒂莉。选项指的是文中动物名词。由上文的“he had a dog, Molly, and a car, Flora (他有一条名叫Molly的狗和一只名叫Flora的猫)”可知,此处指作者担心自己的狗可能会攻击史蒂夫的猫Flora。故选A项。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:第二周,我们一起遛狗。A. tied系;B. walked牵着(动物)走;C. bathed沐浴;D. fed喂养。由本处的“ 7 our dogs together (一起……我们的狗)”可知,作者和史蒂夫在一起遛狗。故选B项。


考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我们停下来休息时,史蒂夫单膝跪下。A. breath呼吸;B. balance平衡;C. attention注意力;D. imagination想象。由上文的“It was a hot day. When we paused (那是一个炎热的日子。当我们停下)”可知,那天很热,遛狗的二人停下来休息一下,catch one’s breath (休息一下、歇一口气)。故选A项。


考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我也喜欢他,但这么快?A. calm冷静的;B. sure确定的;C. soon很快的;D real真正的。由上文的“The next week (第二周)”和“Was he proposing (求婚)? (他在求婚吗)”可知,二人才认识两周,作者以为史蒂夫要向自己求婚,认为进展太快了。故选C项。


考查介词短语辨析。句意:就在那一刻,我开始爱上他。A. By the way顺便说一句;B. In that case那样的话;C. By all means务必;D. In that moment那一刻。由上文的“He poured water from a bottle into his hand and offered it to my dogs. (他把瓶子里的水倒在手里,递给我的狗)”和下文的“I began to fall for him (我开始爱上他)”可知,就在史蒂夫把水给作者爱犬喝的那一刻,还有所保留的作者卸下心防,对史蒂夫产生好感。故选D项。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们继续约会,虽然我们都没有提到未来。A. continued继续;B. decided决定;C. intended打算;D. pretended假装。由上文的“I began to fall for him (我开始爱上他)”可知,作者对史蒂夫产生好感,可得出二人会继续约会。故选A项。


考查名词词义辨析。句意:11月下旬,Tilly的腿做了一次手术。A. eye眼睛;B. tail尾巴;C. ear耳朵;D. leg腿。由下文的“I worried that Tilly 13 climbing the stairs could reopen the wound (我担心Tilly爬楼梯会重新打开伤口)”可知,作者担心爬楼会影响Tilly的伤口,可得出Tilly的腿做了手术。故选D项。


考查副词词义辨析。句意:我一天带狗出去四次,我担心Tilly不断地爬楼梯会重新打开伤口。A. secretly秘密地;B. constantly不断地;C. eventually最终;D. unwillingly不情愿地。由上文的“I took the dogs out four times a day (我一天带狗出去四次)”可知,作者一天带狗出去四次,可得出狗狗(包括Tilly)要不断地爬楼梯。故选B项。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后史蒂夫离开了他的房子。A. left离开;B. sold卖;C. suggested建议;D. searched搜寻。由下文的“We made good housemates. (我们是很好的室友)”可知,二人成为室友,可得出史蒂夫离开了他的房子,和作者一起居住。故选A项。


考查形容词词义辨析。句意:一切都很好。A. late晚的;B. hard困难的;C. fine好的;D. free自由的。由下文的“The three dogs formed a pack (这三条狗组成了一个团队)”和“Steve and I formed a good team (史蒂夫和我组成了一个好团队)”“We made good housemates. (我们是很好的室友)”可知,狗狗相处友好,作者和史蒂夫相处也友好,可得出一切都好。故选C项。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:这三条狗组成了一个团队,在训练下,尊重Flora的空间;史蒂夫和我组成了一个照顾Tilly的好团队。A. emptied清空;B. respected尊重;C. occupied占据;D. discovered发现。由上文的“my dogs might attack 6 , the cat (我的狗可能会攻击猫)”和“The three dogs formed a pack that, with coaching (这三条狗组成了一个团队,在训练下)”可知,起初作者担心自己的狗会攻击史蒂夫的猫Flora,但作者的狗和史蒂夫的狗相处友好,可得出在训练下,狗不会去攻击猫,结合动物的领地意识可知,此处指狗尊重猫的空间。故选B项。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:这三条狗组成了一个团队,在训练下,尊重Flora的空间;史蒂夫和我组成了一个照顾Tilly的好团队。A. looking看;B. caring照顾;C. waiting等待;D. calling打电话。由上文的“Tilly had an operation (Tilly做了一次手术)”可知,作者的狗Tilly做过手术,史蒂夫和作者一起居住后,和作者一起照顾术后康复的Tilly。故选B项。


考查名词词义辨析。句意:一年后,令我非常高兴的是,这个男人拿出一个带戒指的小盒子向我求婚。A. delight高兴;B. credit信用;C. interest兴趣;D. disadvantage缺点。由下文的“this man produced a little box with a ring and proposed to me (这个男人拿出一个带戒指的小盒子向我求婚)”可知,史蒂夫向作者求婚,作者应该是感到高兴。故选A项。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:他没有跪下,我也不需要他跪下。A. beg乞求;B. trust信任;C. need需要;D. aid帮助。由上文的“He did not kneel (跪) down (他没有跪下)”和常识可知,一般求婚是要下跪的,但史蒂夫没有下跪,作者对此并不在意,因为作者不需要他下跪。故选C项。


考查名词词义辨析。句意:正是给爱犬喝水的举动把我们带到一起。A. toys玩具;B. awards奖励;C. food食物;D. water水。由上文的“He poured water from a bottle into his hand and offered it to my dogs. 10 , I began to fall for him. (他把瓶子里的水倒在手里,递给我的狗。我开始爱上他)”可知,就在史蒂夫把水给作者爱犬喝的那一刻,还有所保留的作者卸下心防,对史蒂夫产生好感,所以是“给爱犬喝水”的举动让二人走到了一起。故选D项。

第二节 ( 共 10 小题 : 每小题 分 , 满分 15 分 )

阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。A visually-challenged man from Beijing recently hiked (徒步) 40 days to Xi’an, as a first step ___41___ (journey) the Belt and Road route (路线) by the 1,100. Kilometer journey, the man Cao Shengkang, ___42___ lost his eyesight at the age of eight in a car accident, crossed 40 cities and counties in three province. Inspired by the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation ___43___ (bold) in Beijing, Cao decided to cover the route by hiking as a tribute (致敬) to the ancient Silk Road. ___44___ friend of his, Wu Fan, volunteered to be his companion during the and Wu also collected garbage along the road, in order to promote environmental ___45___ (protect)。 Cao believes this will make the hiking trip even more ___46___(meaning)。 The two of them collected more than 1,000 plastic bottles along the 40-day the last five cars. Cao ___47___ (walk) through 34 countries in six continents, and in 2016, he reached the top of Kilimanjaro, Africa’s ___48___ (high) , Cao has started the second part of his dream to walk along the Belt and Road route. He flew 4, 700 kilometers ___49___ Xi’an to Kashgar on seat. 20, ___50___ (plan) to hike back to Xi’an in five months.

答案41. to journey

42、 who43. held 44. A

45、 protection

46、 meaningful

47、 has walked

48、 highest

49、 from50. planning




考查非谓语动词。句意:近日,一名来自北京的盲人徒步40天来到西安,作为“一带一路”徒步旅行的第一步。分析句子结合句意可知,journey为动词,表示“旅行”,step前面有序数词,应用不定式,作后置定语。故填to journey。


考查定语从句。句意:在1100公里的旅程中,8岁时因一次车祸失明的男子曹盛康穿过了三个省的40个城市和县。分析句子结合句意可知,此处是非限定性定语从句,先行词为Cao Shengkang,指人,在从句中作主语,应用关系代词who引导。故填who。










考查动词时态。句意:在过去的五年中,曹操穿越了六大洲的34个国家,2016年,他到达了乞力马扎罗山顶,这是非洲最高的山峰。根据时间状语in the last five years可知,此处应用现在完成时,主语Cao为第三人称单数,助动词用has。故填has walked。




考查介词。句意:9月20日,他从4700公里外的西安飞到了喀什,计划在五个月内徒步回到西安。根据句意和Xi’an to Kashgar 可知,此处表示“从西安飞往喀什”,应用介词from,固定搭配from…to…表示“从……到……”。故填from。



第四部分 写作 ( 共两节 , 满分 35 分 )

第一节 短文改错 ( 共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分 )

51、 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。




注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2、 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

My father often took me to his hospital when I was off my school. He showed me how his medical instruments was used. I felt so closely to him. However, after I went to high school, somehow I become distant from him. I was unwilling talk with him and often disobeyed his rule of not stay out with my friends too late. The disagreement was too sharp that neither he nor I knew what to settle it. One day, he talked with me or hoped to mend our relations. With the efforts made by all sides, we began to understand each other better.













详解1.考查短语。句意:当我不上学时,我的爸爸经常带我去他的医院。off school为固定短语,表示“不在上学时”,school前面不加任何限定词。故将my去掉。




5、考查短语。句意:我不愿意和他交谈,经常违反他让我不要在外面待到很晚的规定。be willing to do意思为:愿意做,为固定短语。故在talk前面加to。



8、考查副词。句意同上。此处为“疑问副词+不定式”结构来做动词knew的宾语。结合句意,此处表达“如何解决它”,settle it为动宾关系,此处缺少方式状语,用how。故将what改为how。

9、考查并列连词。句意:一天,他和我交谈,并且希望修补我们的关系。根据语境,“talked with me”与“hoped to mend our relations”为顺承、递进关系,用and连接。故将or改为and。


第二节 书面表达(满分 25 分)

52、 你校将以六月八日世界海洋日为主题,举办英语征文比赛,请你写1篇短文投稿。


1、 海洋的重要性;

2、 保护海洋的倡议。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2、 短文的题目和首句已为你写好。



When it comes to ocean, its pollution is becoming more and more serious. World Ocean Day, falling on June 8th, is aimed at raising awareness of ocean plays a key role in our world. Not only does ocean offer us sufficient food, but also it maintains the balance of nature. Thus, it is imperative to protect ocean. First of all, what we can do is to place importance on our daily actions. For example, garbage can’t be thrown into ocean. What’s more, we can also hand out leaflets to call on more people to protect the ocean. The more people are involved, the better the ocean environment in all, it is high time that we devoted ourselves to protecting ocean. To protect ocean is to protect ourselves.




越来越:more and more→increasingly

重视:place importance on→attach importance to


此外:what’s more→furthermore



原句:World Ocean Day, falling on June 8th, is aimed at raising awareness of ocean conservation.

拓展句:World Ocean Day, which falls on June 8th, is aimed at raising awareness of ocean conservation.

点睛[高分句型1]Not only does ocean offer us sufficient food, but also it maintains the balance of nature.(运用了部分倒装结构)

[高分句型2]When it comes to ocean, its pollution becoming more and more serious.(使用了固定句型)

[高分句型3]First of all, what we can do is to place importance on our daily actions.(使用了主语从句)
































不少考生家长误以为只要被高校提档,就一定会被录取,其实这是不对的。学校审阅档案后,少数考生档案会因各种原因被学校退回到省招办, 即“退档”。教育部规定,普通高校的调档比例一般不得超过招生计划的120%。各高校为了既顺利完成招生计划又保证招生质量,调档比例一般都在100%- 120%之间。














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