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1、have sth. in common与……有共同点in common with sb. = as with sb.和某人一样common sense常识common practice惯例common disease常见病

adj. common常见的rare罕见的ordinary平凡的special特殊的2、make a difference有很大不同;有重大的影响

3、It’s obvious to us that……显而易见

4、remark on/upon sth. = make remarks on sth.对…做评论

5、all in all总之in all = in total总计all of a sudden突然all that = what6、What fun to do sth.!= It is fun to do sth. = Have fun in doing sth.做某事有趣

make fun of sb.取笑某人

7、have difficulty/trouble/problems in doing sth.做某事有困难

8、declare war on sb.向某人宣战

9、critisize sb. for sth.批评scold责骂punish惩罚blame sb. for sth.因……责备

10、on the air正在广播in the air在空中off the air停播

in the open air在户外

11、graduate from从……毕业n. graduation12、do sb. a favor = do a favor for sb.帮忙;得了吧

13、make a fuss of sb.过分呵护某人

14、wear off消失be worn out精疲力竭wear穿;损耗

15、be particular about对……挑剔

16、apply for a job to sb.向某人申请一份工作apply to do sth.申请做某事

apply sth. to sth.应用

17、be related to sth.被连接relate to sb.结合;理解relations = relatives亲戚

18、be likely to do很可能做某事

19、the demand for sth.……的需求be in need for = be in demand of有对……的需求demanding苛刻

20、cater for迎合appeal to迎合;喜欢;吸引

21、board on ship = go aboard = go on board the ship坐船go abroad出国

22、be curious about好奇n. curiosityout of curiosity出于好奇

23、get into a panic陷入恐慌

24、have had enough of sb.忍受够了某人

25、a threat to sb.对某人来说是威胁threat to do sth.威胁,恐吓做某事

26、at the beginning of在……的开始to start with首先;开始


28、as follows如下所述

29、pretend to do sth.假装做某事

30、prepare for为……作准备prepare the lesson准备功课in preparation for为了准备make preparations for sb.做准备be well prepared for = be ready for准备好

31、on end竖着的;连续不断的32、compete with/against sb.与某人竞争n. competitioncompetitor竞争者adj. competitive33、be tough with/on sb.对某人态度强硬

34、be based on建立在……的基础上adj. bas. basison the bisis of由于

35、at one time曾经一度

36、in one’s nature = by nature = in one’s blood天生的in nature = in fact本质上




Unit 5First aid

一。 单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇)

1、 The lung is an o________________and so is the heart.

2、 He tried to kill himself by taking p_________________.

3、 He has gone to the hospital for special t__________________.

4、 I was only m_______________interested in the story I read in the newspaper.

5、 Her ankle s_____________after the fall.

6、 Her foot was very s_________________after the accident.

7、 I can't s______________________toothpaste out of the tube.

8、 What is the typical s______________________of SARS?

9、 Would you like me to_________________your shirt for you?

10、 She is suffring from a lung i___________________.

11、 He(颁发)a silver cup to the winner.

12、 Did you attend your uncle's wedding_____________________(仪式)

13、 He is a_____________________(勇敢的) soldier.

14、 The _______________(压力)of the water can turn this wheel.

15、 We have to write an_________________(文章) about the film we saw yesterday.

16、 You should have your own ____________________ (毛巾)。

17、 Have you worked out your ____________________ (方案)?

18、 I saw an___________________(救护车) passing by.

19、 I'm_____________________(自豪)of my son.

20、 _______________________(祝贺)to you on your success!

21、 An a________________ is a vehicle for taking people to and from hospital.

22、 R_______________is energy, often in waves of heat or light that comes from a particular source.

23、 A b_______________ is a long strip of cloth which is covered around a wounded part of someone's body to protect or support it.

24、 If there is p________________on someone to do something, someone is trying to persuade them to do it.

25、 An o______________is a part of your body that has particular purpose or function, for example your heart.

26、 Fever is a_________________(征兆) of many illnesses.

27、 The bell rang, the naughty boy ______________(挤) his book into his bag and went out of the classroom.

28、 The streets in the centre of the city were___________(塞) up with traffic because of an accident.

29、 The storm did a lot of ______________(毁坏) to the building and crops in Hunan province.

30、 A bee has stung my hand and it is __________________(膨胀) up.













1、 He suddenly__________________________________(昨晚他突然病了)。

2、 Sunglasses can________________________________ the sun' s rays (保护我们的眼睛免受。.。.。.)。

3、 You may ________________________(烫伤) by hot liquids.

4、 These burns are not serious and they should____________-____________


5、 First degree burns _____________________when they are pressed(变成白色)。

参考答案 Unit 5.

一。 1. organ2. poison3. treatment4. mildly5. swelled6. swollen

7、 squeeze8. symptom9. iron10. infection11. presented12. ceremory

13、 brave14. pressure15. essay16. towel17. scheme18. ambulance

19、 proud20. Congratulations21. ambulance22. Radiation23. bandage

24、 pressure25. organ26. symptom27. squeezed28. choked29. damage 30. swelling

二。 1. prevent sb from doing sth2. sense of touch3. squeeze out4. in place

5、 over and over again6. carry out7. put one’s hands on8. a number of

9、 be proud of10. cut off

三。 1. fell ill last night2. protect our eyes from3. get burnt

4、 feel better within a day or two5. turn white

Unit 1 Great Scientists

Word usage

1、 attend v1)to take care; give attention

2) to be present at

3) to take care of ; take part in; pay attention to sth; look after

He did not attend the meeting yesterday.

The school was attended almost entirely by local children There was no one to attend him but Tina.

She didn't attend to what I was saying.

2、 expose v1) to make visible to

2) to reveal the guilt or wrong doing of

They consider it almost a crime to expose children to violence and sex on TV.

Their scheme was exposed.

Don't expose the film to light.

Cleaning exposed the grain of wood.

3、 curev. 1)bring a person back to health

n2) curing and being cured

Antibiotics help to cure many diseases that were formerly fatal. Penicillin cured him of pneumonia. You cured me completely.

There's no known cure for a cold.

She tried every means to cure her child of the bad habit

4、 absorb v :1) to occupy the full attention, or time

2) take and suck in, take in heat and light etc.

Cotton gloves absorb sweat. So many good ideas! It's too much for me to absorb all at once. The old man was utterly absorbed in the book. Small businesses are absorbed by big ones. She won't be able to absorb another heavy blow. 5. contribute v 1) join with others in giving help, money etc.

2) have a share in He contributed half of his savings to the relief fund. He didn't contribute one idea to the document He contributed generously to the Red Cross. He never contributes to the discussion The scientist often contributes to an academic journal

6、 exercise authoritative or dominating influence over; direct

hold in restraint; check

She is skillful enough to control the machine now.

The British government at that time controlled the island

You must learn to control your temper. They have no control over him. The helicopter landed with Joe at the controls.

7、 determine reach a decision; resolve

She determined to go that very afternoon

My mom's encouragement determined me to go on with my study

He was determined to win the game The court determined that the man was guilty of drunken driving.

They have determined where the new school will be built. 8. devote v. to give or apply entirely to particular activity, cause or a person He devoted himself to writing. He was still devoted to the study of chemistry He has devoted his whole life to benefiting mankind.

9、 confuse ) to cause to be unable to think clarity or act with intelligence

2) to assemble without order or sense; jumble

They confused me by their conflicting advice

You confused Australia with Austria. His granddaughter confused the papers on his desk. 10. enthusiastic adj. Having or demonstrating enthusiasm David is very enthusiastic about the plan. They are enthusiastic admirers of that movie star. My parents are enthusiastic skiers. 11. valuable adj. 1) worth of a lot of money

2) having great usefulness or value

He bought me a valuable diamond ring as a birthday present This experience is valuable to me. 12. especially adv. 1) to extend or degree deserving of special emphasis

2) particularly, in particular I liked all the children, Tom especially. We need to be especially careful. The book is compiled especially for beginners.

13、 concludev. 1) to bring to an end; close

2) to arrive at but the process of reason We concluded our meeting at 9 o'clock. What can you conclude from these observations? He concluded that he would wait a little longer. The meeting concluded after two hours. 14. replace v. 1) to put back into a former position or place

2) to take or fill the place of She replaced the receiver. The brakes have to be replaced. Electric lights have replaced candles. I will replace the cup I broke. 15. puzzle n. 1) something that baffles or confuses

2) something, such as a toy or game, that tests one’s ingenuity

) to baffle or confuse mentally

What puzzles me is why they didn't show up. He looked a little puzzled. His recent behavior puzzles me. Her decision was a puzzle to him. 16. admire v. to regard with pleasure, wonder, and approval We admire her for her diplomatic tact. He admires your poems very much. He admired her new hat.

17、 appear vi. 1) to become visible

2) to seem or look to be

3) to come before the public Gradually a smile appeared on her face. It appears they are right. He appeared to be talking to himself. The famous singer is appearing this fall at the Music expressions

1、 put forwardto offer( an idea, suggestion etc.) for consideration

He put forward a very good suggestion at the meeting.

You ought to put your watch forward ten minutes.

2、 believe in1) to accept as true or real

2) to have a firm religious faith

3) to have faith or trust in Christians believe in Jesus. We believe in him. Jim believes in fresh air and morning exercises.

3、 in addition adv. As well as

They eat a great deal of fruit in addition.

In addition, the course also produces practical experience. 4. deal with: do with, concern sth He has learnt to deal properly with all kinds of complicated situations. This book deals with an important issue.

I don’t know what they do with the problem=I don’t know how they deal with the problem

5、 make sense 1)to make sth understand or reasonable

2)to have a clear meaning

3)to be a wise course of action This sentence doesn't make sense.

Your story doesn’t make sense to me

Here, read the sentence. It doesn’t seem to make sense.

6、 base on:to use particular information or facts as a point from which to

develop an idea, plan, etc.

This play is based on a true story.

We should base our theory on facts. 7. apart from: without considering; except for He lives apart from his family. Apart from a few faults, he is a trustworthy teacher.

Apart from the the cost, the dress doesn’t suit me. 8. look into : to investigate We will look into this matter together. 9. join in 1) to participate with in an act or activity

2) to become a part or member of

3) to put sth together

Will you join me in a walk?

He jion the army.

Where does the path join the road?

Tie a knot to join those two piece of rope.

over 1) go examine

2) to look at or examine for a purpose

3) to repeat

We went over the building.

We must go over the account s carefully before we settle over the lesson again




endanger v. 威胁

die of与die from

都译为“死于…”,当“死于疾病”时可以互换,但die of更强调由于年龄,寒冷,饥饿,情感等死亡,die from强调由于环境,伤害,事故等死亡。


The old lady died of old age.

Careless drivers often die from traffic accidents.

lead v. 领导




Our leaders are very considerate.

Under his leadership, the company went out of depression.

tour v. 旅行 n. 旅行

species (pl.)n. 生物,物种

measure v. 测量 n. 尺寸

take measures to do sth.

habitat n. 栖息地

inhabit v. 居住在

inhabitant n. 居民

reside v. 居住

resident n. 居民

adapt v. 适应,符合

adapt to

adopt v. 收养,采纳

original a. 原始的,起初的

devote v. 奉献

devote oneself to sth. /doing

be devoted to sth. /doing

at present,for the moment,for the time being与now



I don’t have money at present/for the moment/for the time being, besides which I must borrow more from you.

We can’t discuss it at present 。 We can leave it to be discussed sometime next week.

common a. 普通的

in common

set sb. free

valuable a. 贵重的

respond v. 回答,作出反应

respond to sb.

response n. 回答,答复,反应,反响

in response to

amount n. 数量

harmful a. 有害的

harm n. 害处 v. 伤害



organize v. 组织

brief a. 简洁的

in brief


… expert who tries to keep animals and plants from becoming endangered.

定语从句,keep sb. from doing词组

We often talk about how important it is to take good care of ourselves and our planet, but we don’t always do as we say,” Steve says as he takes us on a tour of Green Park in Birmingham.

If we want to live a better life…we must learn to act in ways that do not harm other living things.

it is important to do sth.做某事很重要,感叹形式how important it is to do sth. ,

do as / what we say,as在此处相当于宾语从句中what的作用,

live / lead a…life,过一种…的生活

If we know more about what causes endangerment…

know something/little/a little/nothing/much about



1、 scientist science scientific 2. know about 了解

know of 听说过

3、 find/ find out/ discover/ invent 4. explain sth. to sb 5. be characteristic of sb/ sth 6. pass sth from„

从„处传来, 传下

pass by

路过, 经过„

pass down


pass on

传递, 传授 7. the way of doing sth = the way to do


8、 put forward 提出建议, 推荐某人或者自己任职,提名;时钟往前拨 9. by the way 顺便说

by way of „通过„ 的方法

lose one’s way 迷路

no way 没门,别想

feel one’s way 摸索着走 谨慎从事

on one’s way to„ 在去„„的路上

in this way=by this means=with this method用这种方法 10. put away 抛弃;舍弃

put down 写下来; 记入名单

put on

穿上; 戴上; 增加

put off

耽误; 延期

put out

熄灭(灯); 扑灭 (火)

put up

建立; 建造 put up with„


11、 arrive at / come to / draw /

reach a conclusion 12. win / beat /defeat

win “赢得, 获胜”, 后接奖品, 奖金, 名誉, 财产 beat “击败, 战胜”, 后接竞争队伍或者对手, 敌人

defeat “击败,战胜”, 后接竞争队伍或者对手, 敌人, (此用法同beat), 疾病等。

expert at/in sth 某方面的专家 14. attend 注意;照看,照顾;参加

attendance n. 照顾, 出席

attend school


attend a lecture


attend a wedding 出席婚礼 15. attend to 处理, 办理 I have some important things to attend to.

照顾, 照料; Are you being attended to ? 先生, 有人接待你吗?

专心, 注意If you don’t attend to the teacher, you’ll never learn anything.

16、 expose A to B 使 A 暴露于B

A be exposed to B

A 暴露于B 17. die (v.)

dead (adj.) death (n.)

deadly adj. 致命的 18. deadly adv.

(1)very 极度; 非常; 十分

deadly serious 十分认真

(2)like death 死一般地

deadly pale 死一般苍白

19、 every time 每当

每次 (连词 连接句子)注意: immediately, the moment, directly,

instantly 等与 every time一样, 都可以 用作连词引导时间状语从句, 意为


20、 absorb„。.into 吸收,理解接受,吞并

be absorbed in „ 被„吸引; 专心于; 全神贯注于某事 21. suggest doing sth 建议做某事

suggest that 建议 should + V


该使用什么时态用什么 22. severe 严厉的; 苛刻的; 严格的。

剧痛的, 剧烈的, 严重的, 难熬的be severe with/on sth 对„„严格。 23. be to blame 应该受到责备

blame sb for sth 因„„责备某人

blame sth on sb 把 sth 归咎于某人 24. look into 向里看; 调查,了解 25. suspect sth 怀疑某事

suspect sb of doing sth 怀疑某人做某事

suspect that 从句

26、 look on

观看, 面向, 旁观, 看待 look out

面朝, 留神, 照料 look over

从上面看, 察看, 检查 look around

环顾, 观光, 察看

look through

看穿, 审核, 浏览, 温习 look up and down 仔细打量, 到处寻找 look after 寻求, 照顾, 关心 27. at ease 舒适 快活 自由自在

ease off 减轻痛苦,紧张状态, 缓和,放松。 28. connect …with与…相联系,关系(抽象)

connect „„to

与„„相连接 29. come to an end 结束,终结,终止 30. handle n. 柄, 把手

v. A. 操作; 运用

B. 经销; 买卖

C. 管理

D. 对待

E. 应付

F. 控制; 管理

31、 link A to B 把„与„连接; 联系

be linked to


link n. 联系, 关系

29、 announce

announce sth. (to sb.)

announce that + 从句

It is / was announced that + 从句


announcement N

make an announcement 下通知 30. instruct

instruction 31. cure sb of sth 治好了某人的病

cure for sth 治疗„„的方法

32、 have sb do sth= get sb to do sth 让某人做某事

have sb doing sth = get sb doing sth让某人一直做某事

have sth done = get sth done 叫别人做某事 33. make money 挣钱

make one’s way to一路前进, 向前

make sure 确保

make friends 交朋友

make the bed 铺床

make room for 为„„腾出空位、空间

make up one’s mind 下决心 决定

make an appointment 约会

make a gossip 闲言碎语

make an apology 道歉

make a contest 竞争

make a choice选择

34、 be strict with sb. in (doing) sth.

35、 prevent/stop/keep…from doing sth


absorbed in 专心致志

determined to do决定做某事

38、 so„ that„


39、 die of / from 死于

40、 attend to/take care of/ look after sb of one’s disease/illness 42. put forward 提出



linked to 和„„有联系

exposed to


46、 look into 调查,向里看 addition to


(led, led) to


up 开始从事,继续,占据,接纳,吸收

50、 be to blame for 因„„应当受到责备

from/except for/besides/other than/but/except 除„„之外 52. take in 收留, 包括

take on 雇佣,呈现,露出,承担

take over 接任,接管,接收

take off 脱掉衣物,飞机起飞, 成功。

take back 撤销,同意收回,回忆昔日 53. work on 从事;继续工作;致力于„ 54. be enthusiastic about 对某事充满热情 的复合宾语结构 独立复合结构 (1)With + n./pron. + 介词短语

He sat there with a smile on his face. (2) With + n./pron. + 副词

With Mr Smith away, we’ve got more room. (3) With + n./pron. + 不定式

With so much work to do, he could not go home. (4) With + n./pron. + 现在分词

The street was quiet with no buses running. (5) With + n./pron. + 过去分词

In came a man with his hands tied back. (6) With + n./pron. + 形容词

He wrote a shirt, with the neck open, showing his bare chest. cautious about/of sb对„„小心谨慎的 57. base sth on 把„„建立在„„

be based on 基于

58、 can never„„too 再„„也不为过 59. would have done

should have done

needn’t have done

ought to have done 60. only + 介词短语/副词/状语从句 放在句首,要使用部分倒装倒

only then did he realize that he made mistakes. only at home can I have a good sleep. 1 know about 了解

be known as 作„„而出名

be known for 因„„而著名

as far as one knows据某人所知 2 divide „„into 把„„分成 separate…。from consist of 由„„组成 不用被动,进行

= be made up of

consist in 存在于

4、 take the place of = replace 代替


=take sb’s place 代替某人 take place 发生, 举行

in place of =instead of 代替

5、 arrange v. (for连用) 安排, 筹备, 布置

arrangement n.

筹备, 安排

arrange to do sth. 安排做某事, 预定

arrange for

安排, 准备

arrange for sb to do sth 安排某人去做某事 6. fold v.& n.

折叠, 弯曲, 合起来



foldaway a. 可折叠的



fold back

折叠起来; 折回去

fold up

失败; 倒闭

7、 clarify one’s stand/ position 阐明某人的立场 clarify matters 澄清真相

8、 puzzle over 苦思

be in a puzzle about 对„„不解

人 puzzled

物 puzzling 9. be in/ come into conflict with 与„冲突/ 矛盾 unwilling to do sth 不愿意做某事 11. break away from 摆脱,脱离„

break down 坏(抛锚, 出故障, 身体跨了)

break into


break out

(war/fire/disease) 爆发

break off


break the rules


break the records

打破记录 12. to one’s credit 值得赞扬

13、 for one’s convenience = for the convenience of sb 为了方便某人

at one’s convenience


It is convenient to sb. 在sb方便的时候

It is convenient for sb. to do sth sb方便做sth 14. attract sb. 吸引某人

attract one’s attention 吸引某人的注意力 15. work together


work out


work on 从事,继续工作;致力于 around 参观,四处看

17、 It is worthwhile to do sth. 值得做某事

It is worthwhile doing sth

be worthy to be done

be worthy of being done

be worth n/pron /doing book is worth reading. The book is worthy to be read/ of being read.

It is worthwhile to read the book. 18. leave out 遗漏, 漏掉

leave A for B 离开A去B

leave alone 不管; 撇下„一个人

leave aside 搁置

leave behind 遗忘, 遗留

leave+宾语+宾补(adj/v-ing/v-ed ) 使。. 19. sb. be familiar with sth

sth be familar to sb

熟悉某物 20. whisper to sb 悄悄说 21. pick up 捡

22、 make a list of 列„清单 23. delight

n. to one’s delight 使某人高兴的是„ vt. delight sb

adj delighted be ~ ed at sth, be delighted to do sth


1、 impression n (c) give sb. a good impression 给某人以好印象

make/have/leave an impression on sb. 给某人留下印象

impress vt.使…印象深刻 主语impress sb with sth

主语impress sth on sb


sb be impressed by sth sth impress sb impressive adj. 印象深刻的

The girl impressed her friends with her beauty. 2. He took up his book and hurried out. 拿起 He took up challenge with courage 接受

He decided to take up photograph as his career 开始从事 I’m going to take this matter up with my lawyer. 着手处理 It takes up too much room.占据(时间或空间) take off 脱下;起飞

take in

接纳, 吸收; 领会, 理解; 欺骗 take on 呈现出;雇佣 take over 接管

take it easy!

别着急 take your time

慢慢来 take advantage of 利用 3. previous to 在„之前

4、 be surrounded by/ with 被„包围

5、 tolerate/ bear/ stand/ put up with 忍受 vt.

tolerance n. tolerant adj 6. lack v. be lacking in/ lack sth.

n. (be)lack of sth. for lack of sth 缺乏 He lacks courage = He is lacking in courage

The plants died for lack of water 7. adjustment n – adjust v. 调整

adjust to 8. press v ~ sb to do sth 强迫某人做某事

~ one’s way to„

挤 n. the press 新闻界

9、 lose sight of/ out of sight „ 看不见

catch sight of / in sight „


at the sight of 一看

(连词作用) 10. sweep up 扫除, 打扫

11、 switch off=turn off


switch on=turn on


switch from A to B? 由A转变为B into 溜进(悄声地) 13. Speed up 加速

at a speed of „


14、 the instant

一„ 就„ ( conj作用)

for an instant 一瞬间

15、 be overcome by ( anger,grief) 被(感情)压倒

sb of sth


Vt. remind sb to do sth


remind sb that„

使想起 17. as a result + 结果(句子)

as a result of + 原因(n/ 短语)


result in 导致

result from 由„引起

His carelessness resulted in failure. As a result of the rain, we can’t go out. 18. suffer from 遭受„患(病) 19. be similar to 与…相似

20、 Keep sb. from doing sth.


stop/ prevent sb. ( from ) doing sth protect sb. from sth/ doing sth. 保护某人免受„伤害 21. be well-known for/ as

因„而闻名/ 作为„而闻名 22. sth be difficult to do

( hard,easy, important, necessary) 23. follow sb to do sth 跟着某人做某事 24. in no time 立刻

at one time 曾经

in time 及时

at times 有时 on time 按时

at a time一次

at all times 一直

from time to time 不时的

25、 in all directions= in every direction 四面八方

in the direction of „ 在„方向

under the direction of sb

在某人的指导下 26. show sb in/ into 领某人进入

show sb. out / around领某人出去/ 四处看看 show sb. sth. = show sth to sb 向某人展示 show off 炫耀

show up 出现 show sb. the way 指路

show sb what/ how / where to do 教sb … show that从句

sb with sth= provide sth for…提供 fast sleep 熟睡

consider sb to have done认为某人做了某事 31. in space 在空间中

32、 up- to -date 最新的,日益更新的, of sth / sth be disposed of 处理 into 转化成 at 盯着


36、 happen to + n. 发生

happen to do sth. 碰巧做(无进行时)

it happens/ happened that


37、 program sb to do sth 安排某人做某事 38. perform tasks/ work 履行职责/ 任务 „。in / be involved in 牵涉 / photo (s) take ~s of sb 给某人照相

3、 submit sth. to sb. 向某人递交(文件)

submit (that) 主张

submit to sb/ sth 屈服于

4、 be eager (for sb.) to do sth


be eager for / about sth.

be eager that

be anxious for /about sth. 担心, 忧虑

be anxious to do sth


5、 concentrate (one’s attention, mind, efforts, thoughts) on (doing) sth.全神贯注, 致力于„„

6、 inform sb of/ about sth 通知某人某事

inform sb (that) 7. in the meanwhile/ meantime 与此同时, 在此期间 on 依靠,依赖;取决于

It all depends 视情况而定 9. in that case 如果那 in any case 不管怎样

in no case 绝不, 放句首倒装

in case(of) 以防万一

as is often the case with„对„是常有的事

Take your umbrella in case it rains. sb. of sth. 指控某人某事

charge sb. with sth. 指控

blame sb. for sth. 责备

ask/ cure/ rob / warn /remind sb. of sth. as ( not) to = in order ( not ) to 为了( 不 )做 11. deny doing sth. 拒接做某事

12、 be skeptical about/ of sth. 怀疑某事 13. be in a dilemma 处于进退两难的境地 14. be gifted in sth/ doing sth

have a gift for sth

在某方面有天赋 15. approve of sb/ sth.


approve sth.


16、 process a film / photos 冲洗胶卷/照片

in (the) process of„ 在„过程中 17. make an appointment with sb. 与某人约会

18、 occupy vt 占有;从事,忙于

occupy oneself in (doing) sth 忙于做某事occupation by ~/ profession 工作是

19、 suppose vt 假设(虚拟语气);认为;料想,推断

suppose you were a journalist.

be supposed to do sth. 本应该做某事

be not supposed to do 表示不允许 20. sb. be offered a job 提供给某人工作

offer sb. sth (sb.) in doing sth.

assist sb in/ with sth. 帮助, 协助(help) 22.表示将来的五种句型

/ shall do

2、 be going to do 3. be doing

4、 be to do 5. be about to do 23. go out on a story 出去做新闻 24. cover vt. (1) 铺, 覆盖;包括, 涉及

He covered the table with a piece of cloth. His research covered a wide field. (2) 占有(时间,面积) The city covers ten square miles. (3) 走完, 走过

They covered 20 miles a day. (4) 看完(多少页书) I have covered 200 pages now.



The firm barely covers its costs 25. take sth. with sb. 随身带着某物

26、 find+ n. + adj.+ to do sth. 发现做某事很„。 you will find your colleagues very eager to assist you. 27. have a nose for sth. 对„很敏感 探查发现某事物的能力 28. keep sth. in mind = remember 29. meet /miss a deadline

如期 / 超过期限

30、 take notes 做笔记

31、 a trick of the trade 行业诀窍

32、 case, situation, position, condition, stage, point 等抽象地点n.做先行词时,其后的定语从句用where引导, 相当于in which 33. get the wrong end of the stick 得出错误结论 34. This is how the story goes. 这就是事情的发展 35. tell the truth / tell a lie 说实话/ 说谎

36、 look forward to sth./ doing sth. 期盼做某事 37. set to work = settle down to work 开始工作 settle down to sth/ doing sth.

着手做某事 set about doing

set out to do sth

开始做某事 38. pass sth (on)to sb 把„传给某人

pass sth down to sb 把„传给下一代 39. above all 最重要after all 毕竟, 终究

first of all 首先 last of all 最后in all 总计; 40. concentrate on (doing) sth专心做某事

concentrate one’s attention on 把注意力集中于„„上

41、 update a law 修订法律

update sb on sth 向某人提供最新的信息

42、 so as (not) to= in order (not) to (不)为了做„„ 43. be guilty of „ 犯„„最

be guilty for/about sth 对sth感到内疚 44. be in a dilemma 陷入进退两难的困境

put sb into a dilemma 使某人处于进退两难的境地 1. aid( 用法同help)

do/ give/ offer (some )first aid 进行急救 2. fall ill/ sleep/ awake/ silent fall+ adj.

3、 do an injury to sb. = do sb. an injury


an injury to + 身体部位( arm/leg„)

(胳膊/ 手/ 腿)„的伤

get injured/ wounded/ infected 受伤/感染

get+adj. 4. bleed to death 流血致死

bleed-bled-bled 5. be essential for/ to sb.


It is essential for sb. to do sth.


It is essential that„



essentials 必需品 out 挤出

and over again 反复

place 适当,合适的位置

out of place 不合适 take place 发生

take ons’s place=take the place of sb.=in place of 取代 9. stand on/ without ceremony 拘泥于礼节/ 不拘小节 10. A number of students are sleeping.

The number of sleeping students is 60. 11. put one’s hands on = find

sth to sth. 把某物涂/ 应用到„上

apply to sb. for sth. 向某人申请某物

apply to sth 适用于

apply pressure to„


13、 make a/some/no difference 有一些/没有什么区别 14. save 拯救(life);节约(money)

save up 储蓄

save(on)sth 节约 15. If possible/ necessary如果可能/ 必要的话 16. act as 作为

17、 be / get/ stand close to 靠近

18、 a variety of = varieties of 各种各样的 19. affect sth. 影响


be affected by effcct n. have an effect on sth. 对„有影响 20. It takes sb. sometime to do sth. 花费„

sb. spend sometime on sth. /(in) doing sth.

sth. cost sb. sometime / money sb. pay money for sth. 21. jewellery n. 珠宝的总称 (不可数)

jewel n. 珠宝, 首饰 (可数) 22. stick-stuck- stuck 粘;刺

stick to 粘住;坚持

stick A on B 贴上 stick in 刺入,扎入

be stuck / trapped/ caught in 陷入„中

23、 a basin of water 一盆水

24、 knock down 撞到

~ over 撞翻

25、 honor v. 给予表扬(或奖励、头衔、称号)/ n. 荣誉,尊敬

honor sb. (with sth) /(for sth) be honored for„ 因„而受到尊敬 be honored with sth. 给„以示荣誉

be/feel honored to do / that


show honour to „

向„表示敬意 in honor of 纪念( 表示敬意)

26、 present

n. 现在,目前; 礼物

at present = at the present time

adj. 现在的; 出席的,到场的

the ~ situation 当前形势

be ~ at 出席 vt. 赠送; 呈交; 介绍; 陈述

present sb. with sth.= ~ sth. to sb. 交

present sb. to sb.



lay- lainlied - lying;

lay安放;下蛋 laid- laid- laying; 27. be proud of = take proud in 以„为自豪 is no need/ doubt that…。 29.强调句一 It is(was)+被强调的部分+that/ who+其它”

强调人用who,人/物用that。 1)特征:把“It?be„that„”去掉,剩的还是一个完整的句子

It was evening when we reached the little town It was in the evening that we reached the little town 2)特殊疑问句结构:特殊疑问词+is/was +it that.。.? What is it that you want me to say? 3)It is/was not until.。.that.。.


It was not until midnight that he went back home.不用倒装 二 易混句型

1:It be+段时间+ since…“自从„„以来”? 2;It be+点时间+ when 。.。 ”当„„的时候,是„„”

3;It be+段时间+ before 。.。“多久之后才„„”、“不久„„



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