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1.能够听说读写本课单词:singer, writer, actress, actor, TV report

2.能够理解、认读白体句子:what does your father /mother do?He’s a---

3.能够听懂、会唱歌曲“My family”


1.重点是掌握A let’learn部分的五种英语表达,并能简单问答、介绍,表达自己的理想

2.本课难点是在正确区分运用冠词an和a,如:an actress,a writer






1. warming up



教师把doctor,teacher,nurse,farmer,baseball palyer等单词卡片朝下放在桌上。一名学生抽一张卡片,用动作表演卡片上的职业,其他学生猜职业名称。第一个猜出的同学抽下一张卡片继续做游戏。

let’s start

教师展示本部分的挂图,然后对学生说:“I am a teacher .I teacher English.”教师板书:teach,teacher.注意:teach,teacher用不同颜色的笔标出来。请学生观察两个词并说出差别。教师通过一些动作给学生以提示,帮助学生理解几种职业的含义。注意提示学生dancer,driver,writer三个词是直接在原动词后面加r.

let’s learn


(2)教师出示一名歌手的照片,问:“what does he/she do?”引导学生回答:“she/he is a singer.”启发学生说出更多歌手的名字。

(3)用同样的方法学习其他职业:writer,TV reporter.教师依次拿出几张演员的照片,问学生:“What does he do?”引导学生回答:“She is an actress.”教师提示学生在actress和actor前面要用an.修改意见





教师同时快速出示一张职业图片和she,he,Sarah中的任一张卡片,学生根据卡片上的内容快速说出一个句子,如:She is an actress.

(7)教师向学生展示杂志上的名人照片,问:“who’s he/she?what does he/she do?”引导学生回答:“That’s---He’s/She’s a---”


学生把本课职业单词卡片正面朝上放在课桌上,随意抽一张。教师也从自己的卡片中抽一张,然后和学生同时说:”What does she do?”教师迅速向学生展示自己的卡片,和教师选同一张卡片的学生起立根据卡片内容回答:She’s a---

and extension

Group work

(1)教师依次戴上Amy,Chen Jie,等人物的头饰,并介绍说:I am am going to be an am am going to be a/an---”然后向一名学生提问:What are you going to be?”引导学生回答:I am going to be a/an---



教师放“My family”的录音,然后向学生解释歌词大意。学生跟读歌词,跟录音唱歌曲。

(4)做活动手册A let’s learn部分的配套练习




六年级英语教案Unit three【第二篇】

六年级英语教案Unit three

Unit  three第一课时 备时 10、8  授时 一、教学目标与要求 1.能够听、说、认读句型:“What are you going to do this evening? Im going to the cinema.”并能对其中的动词和时间短语进行替换操练。 2.能够听、说、认读动词短语:take a trip,go to the cinema,read a magazine. 二、教学重、难点分析 1.重点:能够听、说、读、写Lets learn部分的四会短语;并能替换句型中的动词和时间短语对将来的活动进行表述。 2.难点:四会词汇的听、说、读、写以及对be going to do句型了解和替换操练。 三、课前准备 1.教师准备动词短语卡片,如:take a trip,go to the cinema等。 2.教师准备录音机和本课时的录音带。 四、教学步骤和建议 1.热身(Warm-up) (1)教师课前放歌曲“What Are You Going to Do?”学生初步感知be to do句型。 (2)师生进行日常会话,将重点放在动词短语的问答上。 2.预习(Preview) (1)教师出示课程表,说:“What classes do we have on Mondays?”帮助学生一起说“On Mondays,we have English,Chinese,math.…”再请学生回答其他几个的课安排。 (2)教师出示当天的'日历,师生进行问答。 3.  新课呈现(Presentation)  (1)“演一演、猜一猜”活动   教师准备好动词短语卡片,如:play spots,go hiking,dO morning exercises. take a trip,read a magazine等以及相关道具。   1、生抽出一张卡片,根据上面的图片或文字,用动作表现出来,其他学生猜   2、当有学生抽到新短语read a magazine时,教师可引に来进行表演,其他学生由此可能会猜:read a book,教师借机引入magazine。教师可将take a trip留到最后自己表演,借助背包、太阳帽,引出新短语take atrip。   (2)教师放课文的录音,学生静听一遍后跟读,随后学生两人一组进行练习,教师引导他们主动替换对话中的时间和动词短语,进行更为广泛的操练。







《小学英语课程标准》强调指出:“英语教学要重视对学生实际语言运用能力的培养,重视学生的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力。” 根据以上要求及对学生实际情况的分析,我制定了如下教学目标。





(一)教学方式与学习方式 [教学方式:“任务型”教学方式 学习方式:自主探究、合作交流] 本课的设计中,我运用了“任务型”教学方式,要求学生通过表达、询问、解释、沟通、交涉、协商等多种语言活动形式来完成任务,同时注重英语中听、说、读、写各项基本技能的训练;英语课程标准强调重视学生实际语言运用能力的培养,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式。学生将在“任务型”教学方式的引导下,在自主探究与合作交流中学习和运用语言。

(二)评价方式 [评价方式:多元性评价] 心理学家指出:学生在课堂上有获得表扬的需要,评价的主体应该是多元性的。所以,在教学中我着眼于学生语言运用的培养,采用激励性评价、师生评价、生生互评等多元性评价方式,在教学活动中充分激发学生的求知欲和表现欲,实现教学过程的化。


1、结合本课教学目标我设计了“猜谜语”、“听音排序”、“听音写词”、“动物习性的讨论”、 “学说小韵诗”、“写写喜爱的动物”等几项任务。




一、Warm up

T: Good morning, boys and girls!

Ss: Good morning, teacher!

T: Pleased to meet you!

Ss: Pleased to meet you, too!

T: Now relax yourself. Let’s listen to music.

(Play the song Old MacDonald had a farm.)

Ss: (Listen, repeat and clap.)

T: This song sounds nice. There are lots of animals in the song. Yes?

Ss: Yes!

T: Do you like animals?

Ss: Yes!

T: Now I say, you guess which animals they are. Let’s have a match between four groups. OK?

Ss: OK!

T: Number

1. They’ve got long tails. They climb trees very fast. They like bananas. What are they?

S1: They are : You are very clever! Group 2 can get a flag.

T: Number

2. They are tall. They’ve got long necks. What are they?

S2: They are : Fantastic! Group 3, a flag!

T: Who can say another animal?


T: So many animals! I like pandas. But I don’t like snakes. (Write on board.) What about you?

S1: I like monkeys. But I don’t like tigers.

S2: I like bears. But I don’t like dogs.

T: Good. And do you know what do pandas love? (Write the title: Unit 2 Pandas love bamboo.)Ss: (Read the title together for twice.)

T: Today we’ll discuss some animals. Let’s see what they are.(Show the pictures of animals.)

Ss: (Read and spell the words together for twice.)

三、New contents

T: These animals are lovely. You can see them on your books. Now listen to the tape, order the pictures.

T: Now I’ll check the answers. Who can tell me?

S1: Number 1 is …T: Excellent! And what do they like? Let’s listen, then you should say and write down the sentences.

T: First, which animals?

Ss: Snakes.

T: Who can repeat the sentence?

S3: Snakes love the sun.

T: Great! (Write on the board.) Read together, please.

Ss: Snakes love the sun.

T: Next, which animals?

Ss: Elephants.

T: Who can repeat?

S4: Elephants like water.

T: Can you write on board?(The same process for the other animals.)

Ss: (Read the sentences together.)

T: (Correct the mistakes.)

T: Now I say numbers, you say the sentences.

T: Who can come here and point to the pictures for us?

S2: I can. …You are very good!


T: Can you remember now?

Ss: Yes!

T: OK. I say, you guess. They love the sun. What are they?

S5: They are : Very good. Now work in pairs, practice part 2.

Ss: (Work in pairs to do the practice.)

T: Who want to show your dialogue?Ss: (Several groups act out.)

T: You did a good job! Now let’s learn another animal----owl.(Read and explain the word.)

T: I’ll ask students to explain the sentences.

Ss: (Study the chant, and then say with the rhyme.)


T: Today we’ve learnt lots of animals. But which do you like? Now talk in groups: What are your favorite animals? Why?

Ss: (Talk in groups.)

T: Stop! Now write down your ideas. You can write like this: My favorite animals are …Because… T: Who want to read your sentences?

S1: …

S2: …

T: You are very lovely. We love animals, because they are our good friends. Let’s read loudly!

Ss: We love animals, because they are our good friends.

T: Again! Louder!

Ss: We love animals, because they are our good friends!

T: Well done, children! You should remember this is over. Goodbye, children!

Ss: Goodbye, teacher!



1、能够听、说、认读句子He is afraid. He is stuck in the mud. He is worried. They are pull Robin out of the mud. Everyone is happy.

2、能够正确听说认读单词和短语wait, afraid, worry, stuck in, pull out of等。


4、能听懂Let’s check的内容,并提取正确信息完成题目。


1、能够听、说、认读句子He is afraid. He is stuck in the mud. He is worried. They are pull Robin out of the mud. Everyone is happy.

2、能够正确听说认读单词和短语wait, afraid, worry, stuck in, pull out of等。




PPT 录音


Unit 6 How do you feel?

B Read and write&Let’s check&Pronunciation

He is afraid.

He is stuck in the mud. He is worried.

They are pull Robin out of the mud.

Everyone is happy.



1、 Free talk

T: Good morning, boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning, teacher.

T: How do you feel today?

Ss: I am … thanks.

T: Nice to see you.

Ss: Nice to see you, too.

2、 教师播放歌曲“If you’re happy, clap your hands”的录音,全班学生跟着录音唱歌曲,活跃课堂气氛。

A PPT出示各种表情

T:How does he/she feel?

S: He/She is …

T: What should he/she do?

S: He/She should …


1、 表情复习

PPT出示表情,请孩子一起说出He/She is …


2、 Draw the faces for each word on P62.


3、 听录音,回答老师的`问题

a. What’s the weather like?

b. Who are they?

c. Are they happy?


The ant is _________. Robin is stuck and ___.

The ant are strong. They_________.

Now everyone ______________.

5、听录音,画出关键句,并跟读。完成NUMBER THE PICTURES.




7、 请学生展示对话

三、巩固延伸(Consolidation & Extension)

1、 课堂练习

2、 练习册第六课时听力




1、 听录音,跟读B. Let’s learn&Let’s talk部分内容。

2、 和自己的搭档一起做角色扮演。



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