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2、通过用Lets do部分“Show me.。.”的指令练习和运用有关颜色的单词,训练学生的动手能力。




难点:会用句型I see.。.描述自己看到的颜色。





(1)T:Hello,boys and ’m your newteacher name is you can call me

T:Today we will learn Unit2 Colours(课件出示Colours单词,教师领读),Doyou know colours?


T:Let’ssing a song about colours,the song’s name is《colours》,Please stand up,clap your hands.(师生齐唱歌曲)


T:Let’s go on,Look,what’s this?(课件出示学校图)引导学生说出school,教师领读(注意升降调)At school,we have many friends,Look,they are coming.(教师逐一介绍四个人物的名字) Let’s say “hello” tothem.


T:Today is a very sunny friends are going to the park(呈现公园图片) 领读单词 you want to gothere?Let’s go,Listen(课件播放公园里鸟的叫声)What do you see in the park?(学生也可用汉语回答)

T:Yes,it’s a beautiful you see the flowers?Do you see thetrees?Do you see the rainbow?

Ss: Yes/No.

T:What do you see in the park? Let’s go,listen carefully(播放课文录音,让学生仔细的听)

T:What do you see in the park? Do you remember?引导学生利用句型I see.。.(板书)进行描述。

引导学生分别说出:I see red/yellow/green/blue.(出示四种颜色的图片贴到黑板上)

T:How many colours do you see in the park?Do you remember?Let’s listenagain,This time pay attention to the words.(再次播放视频让学生跟读)

T:How many colours do you see in the park?(课件出示四种颜色的图片,引导学生说出这几种颜色)Theyare red/yellow/green/blue.(板书四个单词,同时对学生进行书写规范训练)


T:OK,Ihave these (分别呈现四个单词卡片)



(4)活动:I say,you do

T:Here are the colours,(出示四种颜色的彩笔)Look,on your desk, you have the crayons,listen,when I say red,youcan take up the red crayon quickly,let’s try.


T:Look here,In the park,we see many colours(课件呈现四个人物说的句子,学生齐读)OK,showme your finger(让生手指四个句子齐读)


(7)活动:Colour your park

T:Now you have a new park,colour your park colourful.


(8)找学生汇报自己的作品,利用句子I see.。.进行描述。





1. 能够听、说、读、写以下动词短语:learned Chinese,sang and danced,took pictures,climbed a mountain,ate good food。

2. 能够询问别人在假期里所做的事情并做答。


1. 本课时的教学重点是掌握五个动词短语的过去式形式。

2. 本课时的教学难点是以下六个单词的拼读和拼写:took,learned,sang,danced,ate,climbed。教师要多示范,通过有针对性地反复操练直到学生熟练掌握。





1. 教师放五年级下册的歌谣“Let's go on a field trip...” 学生边唱歌边跟教师做相应的动作。

2. 教师放Let's chant的录音,学生跟着录音说。


1. “猜一猜”游戏:教师呈现学生小时候的照片问:Who's he/she? 引导学生回答。然后教师拿出自己小时候的照片让学生猜。学生猜出后,教师指着照片说:Yes, it's me. I was ... years old then. 教师依次拿出几张风景照,问:Guess. What place is it? 引导学生回答。

2. Let's start

教师展示本部分的挂图问:Do you like holidays? What do you usually do on your holiday? Do you go on trip? What do you usually do during your trips? 引导学生根据提示图回答。

(三)Presentation and Practice

Let's learn

1. 教师问一名学生:What's your hobby? 引导学生回答。教师指着自己说:I like taking pictures. I have many beautiful pictures. 然后拿出一张风景照说:Look at this picture. I took the picture last week. 教师板书took pictures和take pictures,请学生认真观察并说出两个短语的不同之处,然后指导学生拼写。

2. 教师拿出一张自己爬山的照片,说:I went to Xinjiang/...last year. Guess. What did I do there? 请学生猜。如果有学生猜到climb a mountain,教师就向学生展示照片:Yes, that's right. I climbed a mountain. 教师板书climbed a mountain,带读,引导学生对动词原形和过去式进行比较。教师继续问:Have you ever been to any famous mountains? Where have you been? 引导学生说:I climbed Hua/Yandang/...Mountain.教师可继续提问:When did you climb Yandang Mountain? I climbed Yandang Mountain in spring/April 8th.

3. 教师再次展示爬山的照片,说:I climbed Huang Mountain. Then I was hungry. I went to a restaurant. Guess. What did I do there? 如果学生猜到吃东西,教师就拿出一张美食的照片说:Yes, I ate. I ate good food. 板书ate good food和eat good food,带领学生比较不同之处。教师带读,注意强调ate的发音。

4. 教师依次出示爬山和美食的照片说:I climbed a mountain. I ate good food, too. What else did I do there? Guess.

5. 教师放课前准备的歌曲录音,放完一遍后,问学生:Do you like it? Would you like to sing along? 教师和学生一起跟着录音哼唱歌曲。教师问学生:What did we do just now? 引导学生回答:We sang a song. 教师板书sang和sing,带领学生进行比较。教师带读单词。教师边做动作边说:People in Xinjiang like singing. They like dancing, too. 教师板书sang and danced,带读。

6. 教师出示本部分的教学挂图,介绍说:Mike and John went to Xinjiang together. Mike likes taking pictures. He took many pictures. What else did he do? 手指Mike学中文的图说:He learned Chinese. 板书 learned Chinese,带读。教师再问学生:What did John do? 引导学生回答:He climbed a mountain. He ate good food. He sang and danced.

7. 教师放A Let's learn部分的录音,学生跟读。

8. 教师带领学生说唱下面的歌谣:

What did you do on your holiday?

What did you do on your holiday?

I took, took pictures.

What did you do on your holiday?

I climbed, climbed a mountain.

What did you do on your holiday?

I learned, learned Chinese.

What did you do on your holiday?

I sang, sang and danced.

9. 快速抢答:全班学生分成四个大组。请一名学生上来抽取两张卡片并依次做相应的动作,四个组的学生根据表演者的动作猜:He ate good food/ ... and climbed a mountain/... 哪个小组首先猜出正确答案就得一分,最后总分最高的小组获胜。

10. 学生两人一组,轮流抽取学生卡片编对话。



Revise   Unit 1&2   Book3









just,already,yet,ever,never,several,times,so far,in the last/past few years.






Have/has been to 与have/has gone to的区别:

Have/has been to意为“已经去过某地,且已回来”,have/has gone to意为“去了某地,但还未回来”。


现在完成时态可以表示已经发生了的动作持续到现在(包括相应“现在”在内)的动作或状态,但动词必须是延续性动词,因此,如果句子需要现在用现在完成时态,有些短暂性动词要改成相应的延续性动词或词组,常见的有:leave―be away,  die―be dead ,  buy―have,

borrow―keep,  open―be open,  begin/start―be on,

arrive/reach/get―be in, come/go―be in, get up Cbe up

get ill/fall―be ill,  join―be in the /be a member of


the shelf 在架子上

the monent 现在;此刻

to  过去常常做某事

down  放下;写下

for sth. 付款

up  with  提供;提出

of  认为;想起

… back  找回;要回

up  拾(拿)起

10.(a)large number(s)  of大量

overthe world 遍及整个世界

matter            无论怎样

up 放弃

since  从那时起

far  迄今为止

true 实现

down 减慢

proud  of以……自豪

highly  称赞

only …but also 不仅……而且

TV  station  电视台

afraid  of  害怕

piece  of music  一首音乐

down   砍下;割下

a contribution to 贡献给;捐赠

one’s life (某人的)一生

well  in  在某方面擅长


1.Have you got…?

Have you got a CD player?



She was worried and so was the librarian.


3.What’s the…like today?

What’s the surfing lide today?


4.Have you ever been to…?

Have you ever been to



5.There be+sth.+doing sth.

My friend said there was a truck collecting rubbish outside.


6.It’s a pleasant way to do sth.

It’s a pleasant way to help keep our city clean.



The more trees ,the better.


Teaching  Steps

Step1  Greeting


Step2  Listening exercises


Step3  Revise  the Past  Particple Tense


Step4  Ask  & Answer


Step5  Do  exercises


Step6  Homework

1、Revise Unit3&4

2、Finish exercises

3、Prepare for dictation―words and  phrasesUnit1&2


初三英语教案lesson 61

Lesson 61

Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projector

Teaching Objectives:

1. Understand the dialogues.

2. Learn some useful expressions.

Teaching Procedures:

I. Showing the teaching aims

II. Revision

Check the homework, then let the students act out their dialogues.

III. Leading in

T: Today there is a football match, Did Jim watch the football match? Did Li Lei watch it? Play the tape for the students to find the answer, then check the answers with the whole class.

IV. Presentation

Let the students go through the questions of Exercise 1 in the workbook, read the dialogue on P76. Answer these questions, then check the answer.

V. Practice

Play the tape for the students to listen to and repeat, then go through the dialogue. Explain some language points: 1. win - won - won/ winner, 2. beat somebody 3 .win the game/ match 4. think of

Let the students practise the dialogue, then act out the dialogue, then do Exercise 3 in the workbook. The answers are: saw, already, win, team, stronger, beat, thank, told, place, important.

VI. Teaching grammar

Draw this line on the blackboard:



last Sunday

before last Sunday

having a lesson

has (never)seen

watched a match

had (never)seen

Ask the students some questions:

1. What are you doing now? (having a lesson)

2. What did you do last Sunday? (watched a match)

3. Was it a good match? (Yes, a very good one)

4. Had you ever seen a good match before?

No, I had never seen such a good match before.

Yes, I had seen many like that one.

Explain: The Past Perfect Tense shows an action happening before a certain time in the past. Give the students more examples:

A: Li Lei said he had seen it.

B: The train had already left when I got to the station.

C: She had finished her homework by the end of last year.

D: They had never seen such beautiful places before they came to China.

VII. Practice

Look at Exercise 2 in the workbook. Let the students match the two halves to make true sentences, then practise the dialogue with the whole class.

VIII. Summary

Exercises in class

Complete the following sentences after the model.

Model: the bell ring, I, finish, the exercises

When the bell rang, I had finished the exercises.

1. I, come to Jim's home, he, go out for a walk

2. they, get to the station, the train, leave

3. we, reach the farm, the farmers, pick a lot of apples

4. by the end of last month, we, learn about, 1000 English words

5. by 1990, the worlds population, reach five billion

IX. Homework

1. Revise the Grammar: The Past Perfect Tense.

2. Make up four sentences using when, before, after, by. .




在课前2-4分钟播放优美动听的经典英文歌曲或熟悉的音乐,一方面,可以使学生安静下来,对学生起到心理放松的作用,能使学生迅速进入角色;另一方面,可以有效用来导入新课,特别对于上午第四节课或下午的课更有效。例如,在处理新目标英语九年级Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to , Period One 时教师就进行了音乐情境的创设。在上课铃响之前2分钟左右教师走进教室,播放理查德的钢琴曲《致爱丽丝》,同学们一听到那么美妙的声音马上都安静了下来,坐在位置上静静地欣赏。马上铃声响起,同学们好似没回过神来,教师也没有再刻意地说“上课起立”,而是

问同学T: Do you like the piece of music? How do you like it? Why do you like it?

有学生大声地说S1: Yes, I like it very much. Its beautiful,。 Its gentle and quiet.

但也有同学说S2: No, Im afraid I dont like it.

T: So what kind of music do you like?

S2: I like pop music. T: Just like this kind.

教师顺势又播放了周杰伦的稻香。S2: Yes, that’s it. T: Ok, I know. You like music that is popular. (Repeat it to present.) But why do you like this kind of music?

S2: Because I like the singer.

T: Oh? Why?

S2: He is different from other singers. He can write songs for himself.

T: Yeah. So the lyrics is nice. It sounds great.

S2: Yes, yes.

T: So you like music that has great lyrics. And you like the singer who writes his own songs.

教师一边复述一边板书,并把定语从句部分用红色表示,再一次问学生他喜欢的音乐时,学生已经能够套用我的板书回答了。就这样在音乐的渲染中,教师很自然地呈现了第一课时的重难点,即一个定语从句子I like music that I can dance to;和不同种类音乐的表述:the music that has great lyrics; the music that isnt too loud; the music that can sing along with; the music that I can dance to , etc.正是因为音乐渲染带来的`真实的情境,此时的新的知识点对学生来说再也不是抽象的冷冰冰的东西,而变成了大家都能感受得到的立体的活生生的东西,便于学生接受记忆。又如在新目标初三whatever 的学习中,我就教学生歌曲“My heart will go on”中的高潮部分---Wherever you go, whatever you do, Ill be right here waiting for you 。然后再因势利导,发散学生的思维,又教了wherever, whoever, however, whenever等单词。此时,同学们情绪高涨,兴致勃勃,教学就在歌声中开始,歌声中进行,快乐而且有效。




S1: Excuse me. How do you study for English? Gao: I usually study English by making flashcards, but sometimes I study it by listening to tapes.

S2: Did you use to be good at English? G: Of course not. I used to be afraid of English. But later I found reading aloud was helpful. And I began to read every morning.

S3: Do you think teenagers should be allowed to work in groups?

G: I believe we can learn a lot from each other, but sometimes we get noisy.给出一个例子之后,便于课堂操控,再把学生分成4——6人小组,各自对自己小组里的优秀同学进行提问。在问答之间,同学们不但落实了三个单元的基本句型、语法结构和常用表达;还把三个独立的部分用优秀学生学习过程这个纽带紧密地连接在一起,使原本零散的知识点汇聚在一起构成了知识的网络。既活跃了课堂的氛围,又很形象地把知识上升到了系统的高度,最终便于学生的长久记忆。


在英语课堂上,进行角色扮演,是老师常用的,也是学生很喜欢的一种方式。在角色扮演中,几乎所有的学生都能参与其中,积极主动地进行学习。我这里所说的角色扮演,并不是单纯的把书上的内容表演出来,同时也包括故事的`扩展,对话的重组,对课文的重新理解等等。如对Unit 8 Ill help clean up the city parks.的教学, 教师一上课就给学生创设了角色扮演的情境。

"Look at these pictures, what can you do?"

"You can help them with their homework. So are you a teacher?

NO, you are a volunteer. As a volunteer, what else can you do?"


clean up the city park;

help homeless people;

cheer them up ;

give out food at the food bank, etc.



初三英语词汇的听写也是课堂有待突破的“瓶颈”。笔者作了如下尝试让学生入“境”来进行突破。即把一的单元的词汇编成一个具体的故事,创设出特定的情境,用交际的'形式进行听写。以Unit 14 单元为例。暑假的某一天,我们决定到海南去旅游。我们先列举了要带的物品,有游泳时穿的 bathing suit,擦洗的towels ,看路用的guidebook 及一些食物。走之前我特意去看看爷爷。他老人家又跟我聊起了他的过去。他说他以前常常要做好多家务:如先chop wood ,light the fire for breakfast 烧饭,到 collect the water from the village well 取水,喂养在on the farm 的动物等等。和爷爷吃了中饭,期间看了一则娱乐采访节目。说的是一个乐队,名叫the New Ocean Waves ,在两年前公开appear ,出现在舞台上不久就出了轰动一时的make a hit CD ,乐队的lead singer 还会写 poems ,经常在诗中提到他的homeland——四川,他说他的root 在那里;他的ancestor 在那里,虽然现在他身在 overseas ,我坚决地strongly believe他是个好人。总于到了出发的那一天,走之前我给花 water the flowers, 爸爸把车放到put the car into the garage,姐姐 整理了clean out the refrigerator ,妈妈把所有要带的放到pack the suitcase 。 我们都 look forward to 度过一个有意义的假期。



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