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unit 12

1. beyond belief 难以置信 have belief in 相信/ 信仰… believe in 信任/ 信仰/ 相信…的存在

make believe 假装

2. make a living = earn a living 谋生

3. apply for 申请 apply oneself to = devote oneself to 致力于 apply one's mind to 专心于

4. lay the foundation of… 奠定…的基础 lay aside 储蓄/ 保存 lay down 放下/ 躺下/ 制定

lay in 储存 lay off 解雇 lay out 展示/ 设计

★lay—laid—laid—laying 产…/放置 ★lie—lay—lain—lying 躺下/ 位于 ★lie—lied—lied—lying说谎

5. set out= set off 出发/ 上路

6. come into collision with 与…相撞/ 冲突 in collision 在冲突中

7. be on board 在甲板/ 飞机上 go aboard = be aboard (ship / plane)上船/ 登机

go abroad 出国 study abroad 留学

8. put sb in prison = send sb to prison送某人入监狱 hold / keep sb prisoner 囚禁某人

take sb prisoner 俘虏某人

9. six pieces of luggage 六件行李 come true = come into reality成为现实

10. in public 公开地 / 公然 in private =privately

11. throw light on / upon = cast light on 阐明某事 throw doubt on 对…产生怀疑

throw oneself into 投身于 light up 点燃 bring to light 揭露 come to light 显露

in (the) light of 鉴于/ 由于 light up with sth 容光焕发

12. hesitate about / at / in / over doing = hesitate to do sth做某事犹豫不决 without hesitation 毫不犹豫

★i am still hesitating about whether i should go home.

13. cut up 切碎 cut across 抄近路/ 违反 cut corners抄近路 cut in 插嘴 cut into pieces 切成碎片

cut off 切断/ 中止 cut out 删除 be cut out for 适合于

14. in the distance 在远处 keep sb at a distance = keep sb's distance from 疏远别人

at a respectful distance 敬而远之

15. make a sketch of 概述 / 制作…草图

16. sth need doing / to be done. be in need of 需要… in time of need 在必要时

there is no need for sb to do sth.

17. remind sb of sth 提醒某人某事 remind sb (not) to do sth 提醒某人(不要)干某事

remind sb that …提醒某人…

18. he will be back before long (不久以后) he saw the film long before (很久以前)

it was long before we knew what was wrong with our plan. 费了很长时间才…

it won't be long before we meet again. 不用多久…

19. make an effort to do sth = spare no efforts to do sth = make every effort to do sth 尽力做某事

without effort毫不费力的

20. turn out (to be) = prove to be 结果是 turn up 出现 turn down 拒绝 turn in = hand in 上呈

turn to sb for help = ask sb for help 向某人求助 turn over 反过去

21. give a view of 流览…

22. to start with = to begin with 首先 end up with 以…告终 begin with = start with 以…为开始

23. dream of 想到/ 梦到 dream away 虚度光阴 dream up 凭空虚构

24. what's more = moreover 更有甚者 what's worse = to matter worse 更糟糕的是

25. slow down 减慢 be slow to do sth = be slow in doing sth 慢吞吞地做某事

◆john had failed to pay his phone bills for months, so his telephone was _____ last week.

a. interrupted b. disconnected c. excluded d. discriminated

◆we wanted to go home before  dark, but it didn't quite _____ as planned.

a. make out b. turn out c. go on  d. come up

◆it was with great joy _____ he received the news that his lost daughter had been found.

a. because b. which c. that d. since

◆it was _____ back home after the experiment.

a. not until midnight did he go b. until midnight that he didn't go

c. not until midnight that he went d. until midnight when he didn't go

◆i have always been honest and straightforward, and it doesn't matter _____ i'm talking to.

a. who is it b. who it is c. it is who d. it is whom

◆why! i have nothing to confess. _____ you want me to say

a. what is it that b. what it is that c. how is it that d. how it is that

◆most people on this island are recreational fishers, and ___ , fishing forms an actual part of their leisure time.

a. accidentally b. purposefully c.  obviously d. formally

◆my grandfather is as ______ as a young man and hates sitting around doing nothing all days.

a. enthusiastic b. energetic c. talkative d. sensitive

◆the faces of four famous american presidents on mount rushmore can be seen from a _____ of 60 miles.

a. length b. distance c. way d. space


unit 15

1. look into 调查 look about = look around = look round 环顾四周 look after = take care of = care for 照顾 look back = call up 回忆 look down upon 看不起… look up to 尊敬… look forward to 盼望…

look out = watch out = take care = be careful 当心 look over 查阅 look through 流览

look up the dictionary = turn to the dictionary 查阅字典

2. every now and then = from time to time = at times = every now and again= now and then = occasionally不时地

3. get / be tired of 对…感到厌倦 be tired with / from 因…感到累 give out = be tired out 精疲力竭

4. cool off = cool down 变凉/ 冷静 keep cool = keep calm 保持镇定!

5. be guaranteed for 对…提出担保

6. gather (in) crops 收割庄稼 gather oneself 使振作 gather up 聚拢 / 概括

7. foreign currency 外币

8. be faced with 面对… in face of… 面对 face to face 面对面 lose one's face 丢面子

see fit = think fit 认为恰当 think fit to do sth

9. argue sb into doing 劝说某人做某事 argue sb out of doing

argue with sb about sth 与某人争辩某事 apologize to sb for doing = make an apology to sb for sth

10. have an itch for sth = have an itch to do sth 渴望做某事 have itching ears 爱听新奇的事

11. be considered as / to be 被认为… consider doing sth 考虑做某事 all things considered 纵观一切

12. urge sb to do sth = urge sb into doing sth 催促某人做某事

13. catch / get / have a glimpse of = glimpse at 瞥见

14. be known for 因…而出名 be known to 为…所熟知 be known as 作为…而出名

15. celebrate sb sth 庆祝… in celebration of 为庆祝… congratulate sb on sth 庆祝某人某事

16. there is no doubt that… 毫无疑问… there is no possibility that … 不可能…

there is chance that… 有可能… there is no point in doing sth 做某事无意义

there is no need to do sth 没有必要做某事 be in need of 需要量 need to do sth 需要做…

★ it is no good doing sth = it is no use to do sth = it is no use doing sth 做某事没用

17. breath-taking 惊险的 peace-loving people 爱好和平人士 meat-eating animals 食肉动物

18. a feast for the eyes 大开眼界 / 眼睛的盛宴 / 赏心悦目 give / hold a feast 举行宴会

a wedding feast 婚宴

19. take / have a dip in 在…里游泳 / 洗澡 go for a dip 去游泳

take a bath 淋浴 take a vacation 休假 take a journey / trip去旅行 take a walk 去散步

20. offer to do 主动提议做某事 offer sth to sb = offer sb sth 提供某人某物 offer oneself to 献身于

offer sth for money 开价…

21. things work out quite well. 结果 i work out regularly to keep fit. 锻炼

i've worked out the difficult maths question. 计算出 work out a plan 设计出

22. should you have enough energy left, … = if you should have enough energy left, …. 如果。

23. draw up a list 制表 make a list of 列表 put one's name on the list 把某人列入名单中

24. travel budget 旅行预算 balance the budget 平衡预算 travel document 旅游证件

25. fall in with one's view 按某人意愿行事 in my view = in my opinion in view 计划好了

in view of 关于 with a view to doing… 为了做…

26. arrange for 安排/准备/ 商定 make arrangements for 为…作出安排

27. make photocopies of 复印… if possible 若可能的话 a seasoned sailor = an experienced sailor

28. act as 充当/ 起…作用 act for 代理 act out 表演 act up 捣乱/ 出毛病 act on / upon 对…起作用

29. especially 尤其/ 特别是 both the brothers are tall, john especially.

specially 特别地 / 专门的 this car was specially designed for use in the desert.

30. make forecast = make weather predictions 天气预报

foretell / forecast / predict the path of a hurricane 预测飓风路径 in all directions = in every direction

in a certain direction 从某个方向过来 give directions 给予指示

scientific equipments 科学仪器 / 设备 musical instruments 乐器

31. prepare for… = make preparations for 为…做准备 prepa()re …准备…

be well prepared for = be ready for 做好了做某事的准备

◆when first ____ to the market, these products enjoyed great success.

a. introducing b. introduced c. introduce d. being introduced

◆ "we can't go out in this weather," said bob, _____ out of the window.

a. looking b. to look c. looked d. having looked

◆helen had to shout _____ above the sound of the music.

a. making herself hear b. to male herself hear c. making herself heard d. to make herself heard

◆reading is an experience quite different from watching tv; there are pictures _____ in your mind instead of before your eyes.

a. to form b. form c. forming d. having formed

◆it shames me to say it, but i told a lie when ______ at the meeting by my boss.

a. questioning b. having questioned c. questioned d. to be questioned

◆alice returned from the manager's office, _____ me that the boss wanted to see me at once.

a. having told b. tells c. to tell d. telling

◆you were silly not _____ your car.

a. to lock b. to have locked c. locking d. having locked

◆having been ill in bed for nearly a month, he had a hard time ______ the exam.

a. pass b. to pass c. passed d. passing

◆_______ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.

a. compare b. when comparing c. comparing d. when compared

◆having been attacked by terrorists, ______.

a. doctors came to their rescue b. the tall building collapsed

c. an emergency measure was taken d. warnings were given to tourists

◆he looked around and caught a man ______ his hand into the pocket of a passenger.

a. put b. to be putting c. to put d. putting

◆the pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain _____ as the plane was making a landing.

a. seat b. seating c. seated d. to be seating

◆victor apologized for _____ to inform me of the change in the plan.

a. his being not able b. him not to be able c. his not being able d. him to be not able

◆after his journey from abroad, richard jones returned home, _______.

a. exhausting b. exhausted c. being exhausted d. having exhausted

◆suddenly a tall man driving a golden carriage _____ the girl and took her away, _____ into the woods.

a. seizing; disappeared b. seized; disappeared c. seizing; disappearing d. seized; disappearing

◆a cook will be immediately fired if he is found _____ in the kitchen.

a. smoke b. smoking c. to smoke d. smoked

◆_____ time, he will make a first-class tennis player.

a. having given b. to give c. giving d. given

◆the discovery of new evidence led to ______.

a. the thief having caught b. caught the thief

c. the thief being caught d. the thief to be caught

◆an army spokesman stressed that all the soldiers had been ordered __ clear warnings before firing any shots.

a. to issue b. being issued c. to have issued d. to be issued

◆_____ the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement.

a. the president will attend b. the president to attend

c. the president attended d. the president's attending

◆unless _____ to speak, you should remain silent at he conference.

a. invited b. inviting c. being invited d. having invited

◆she will tell us why she feels so strongly that each of us has a role _____ in making the earth a better place to live.

a. to have played b. to play c. to be played d. to be playing

◆mr. smith, _____ of the ______ speech, started to read a novel.

a. tired; boring b. tiring; bored c. tired; bored d. tiring; boring

◆—are the new rules working in the library — yes, _____ books are stolen.

a. few b. more c. some d. none

◆fuzhou is bigger than ______ in fujian.

a. many another cities b. many other cities c. any city d. any of the other city


unit 16

1. mental and physical labor 脑力与体力劳动 physical examination 体检

in good physical condition 身体状况良好

2. suffer from 遭受… suffer from headache / floods suffer a great loss 遭受巨大损失

suffer for one's carelessness 因粗心而受苦

3. be greedy for / of knowledge 渴求知识 be greedy to do = be eager to do 渴望干某事

4. get employment 就业 lose employment 失业 employment agency 职业介绍所

5. civil unrest 内乱 post-war 战后 be under construction = be being built 在建设中

6. make sacrifices 作出牺牲 at the sacrifice of… 以牺牲…为代价

7. bring justice to 依法判处… a war of justice 正义战争

8. in vain 徒劳 be vain of = be proud of 以…为自豪 try in vain to do sth 枉费心机做某事

9. eventually = at last = in the end 最后/ 终于

10. take a chance 冒险/ 碰运气 take apart 拆开 take down 拆掉 take in 吸收/欺骗 take on 呈现/ 雇佣

承担 take change of = be in charge of 负责 take great trouble to do sth 不辞辛苦做某事 take over 接管 take up 开始从事 / 占据 take possession of 占有 take to 开始喜欢 take for 误以为 take away 剥夺

11. overcome = get over 克服/战胜

12. leave alone 不理会/不打扰 leave the door open 不要关门 leave behind 留下/不带走 leave out 漏掉

leave off 停止/脱掉 leave for = start out for 动身往 leave sth to sb 把…留给某人 leave aside 搁置

on leave 休假 ask for leave 请假 fall behind 落后 behind the times 过时/ 跟不上时代

remain / stay behind 留下 leave word 留言 leave + 宾语 + doing 使…处于某状态

13. insist on doing = persist in doing 坚持做…

14. as a result of = because of = owing to = due to = thanks to 由于… without result 毫无结果

result in = lead to 导致/ 结果 result from 起因于… as a result 结果

15. on sale 出售/减价 for sale 待售 cultural diversity 多元文化

16. in turn 反过来/ 轮流 turn away from = turn off 避开 turn in = hand in 上交

turn out (to be) = prove to be 结果是 turn over 翻过去/ 反复考虑 turn up 出现

turn to sb for help = ask sb for help take turns to do sth 轮流做某事 out of turn 不合时宜

take one's turns 轮班 on the turn 将好转 turn down 拒绝/ 调低

17. supply sth for / to sb = supply sb with sth 提供某人某物 be in short supply 供应短缺

a good supply of food 大量的食物

18. a chain of 一连串 a series of 一系列

19. be willing to help others = be ready to help others 乐于助人

20. struggle to do sth = try one's best to do sth 努力做某事

21. civil rights movement 民权运动 the great depression 经济大萧条时期

22. 尽管 / 虽然:despite = in spite of = regardless of + 短语

although = though = while + 从句

23. burn with anger 怒火中烧 burn away 烧毁 / 消散 burn down = burn to the ground烧毁

burn out 烧坏 burn up 烧光 / 烧得更旺

24. recover from 从…恢复过来 recover one's sight 恢复视力 recover oneself = come to one's sense

come to one's life = come to oneself = revive 恢复知觉

25. aim at doing = aim to do 旨在… aim at(表动作)= be aimed at (表状态)

we are studying hard, aimed at attending universities.

26. display new image 展现新面貌 in huge numbers = in large numbers 大规模的

27. be determined to do = determine to do = decide to do = make a decision to do = make up one's mind to do determine on (doing) sth 决心干某事

28. gather roots 采集根茎 gather in = harvest 收割 gather up 收拾起来/ 聚集

29. be forced to do = have to do 被迫做某事 move away 搬走 put away 收拾/ 储蓄

give away 分发/ 泄密 clear away 清除 tear oneself away 忍痛舍去 turn away 把…打发走/ 解雇

30. make / reach / arrive at / come to an agreement with 与…达成协议

31. all the while 一直/始终 for a little while 持续了一会儿 in a little while 一会儿后

once in a while 偶尔 worth one while 值得 at while = at times 有时

32. die away (风)停下来/ 平息 die down (声音/光)消失/ 渐熄 die out 灭绝

die for sth = die to do sth = be eager to do sth 渴望…. die off 枯死/ 绝种

die of hunger / illness / disease / old age… 死于内部因素

die from lack of food / a wound / an accident / over-work 死于外部因素

33. live on = feed on 以…为生 live by 靠…生活 live through 经历 live up to 达到/ 不辜负/ 符合

live / lead a simple life. 过朴素的生活

34. cut across 走捷径 cut away 切除/ 逃走 cut back on 减少 cut down 削减/ 砍倒 cut in 插嘴

cut out 删掉/ 停止 cut through 穿过 cut up 切碎/ 使痛苦 cut into pieces 切成碎片

cut off 切断/ 中止 be cut out for = be fit for = be suitable for 适合于

35. be in effect 有效/生效 in effect = in fact = as a matter of fact = in reality 事实上

come into effect = go into effect 生效 without effect 没有作用

put… into effect = bring….into effect = carry… into effect 使…生效

36. 如果:suppose = supposing = as long as = provided = on condition that = providing = assuming = if

suppose (用于祈使语气或现在分词,同if)

suppose it rains, what's to be done supposing (that) she doesn't come, we will still go.

37. not + all/both/every/everyone/everybody/everything/everywhere 部分否定

none/neither/nobody/nothing/no one/never/not┉any 全部否定

我不全认识他们:i don't know all of them.

他们我全不认识:i don't know any of them.= i know none of them

部分否定:both of them are not my brothers.= either of them is my brother.

全部否定:neither of them is my brother.

★not every one of them / us / you is polite to me

38. i bought the gold necklace for 2500 yuan. = my gold necklace cost me 2500 yuan.

=it took me 2500 yuan to buy the gold necklace. = i paid 2500 yuan for the gold necklace.

=i spent 2500 yuan on / in buying the gold necklace.


unit 18

1. get a patent for 得到…专利权 patent office 专利局 a patent office专利权

hold a patent on对…拥有专利权

2. allow for 顾及/为…做好准备 allow doing sth 允许做某事 allow sb to sth 允许某人做某事

the problem allows of only one solution 容许/ 得 has everything allowed for in your plan 考虑到

make / let / have sb do sth 使某人做某事 get / cause / force sb to do sth使某人做某事

3. get stuck 遇到困难 / 陷进去 get about 传开/走动 get in with 巴结 get rid of 除掉 get at了解/查明

get sb down 使…失望 get through 完成 get through to 弄明白房价 get together 聚会房价

4. break away from 摆脱 / 脱离 break down 打破 / 坏掉 / 分解 break into / in pieces 成为碎片房价

break in 打断 break into = burst into 破门而入 burst into a laugh 哄堂大笑 break off 折断 / 中断

break out 爆发 break through 突围 break up 破裂 / 拆开 break with 戒除房价

5. in connection with 与…有关系/关于房价

6. be aware of 知道 / 意识到 be afraid of 害怕 be short of 缺乏 be sure of 对…有把握

be fond of 喜欢 be full of = be filled with be proud of 以…为豪房价

7. trail and error 反复实验/不断摸索

8. after all 毕竟 above all = most important of all 最重要的是 all alone 独自 all along 始终 all at once = all of a sudden = suddenly 突然 all but 几乎 all in all 总的说来 go all out 竭尽全力 all over 全部房价

all the same 尽管如此/ 仍然 all through 整个…期间 all together 一道儿 all up 彻底完蛋

for all 尽管 once for all一劳永逸 in all = altogether = in total 总共 all the way 一路上/ 径直房价

first of all = at first 首先 all the time 总是

9. keep track of 保持联系 lose track of 失去联系 track and field 田径赛 off the track 偏离主题

on the track 正中主题 cover up one's track 隐匿行踪

10. throw away 扔掉 throw up 呕吐 throw oneself into…积极从事 throw off 匆匆脱掉/ 抛掉习俗 房价

throw doubt on 对…产生怀疑 throw light on 使清楚/ 提供线索 throw out扔出房价

throw aside 扔在一边房价

11. be tired of 对…厌烦 be tired from / with 因…而累房价 be tired out = give out 精疲力竭

12. come up with = put forward 提出… come up 房价走进 come up against 遭遇 come up to 符合

come out 出版/发表房价

13. have much in common 有许多共同之处 common sense 常识 out of common 异乎寻常房价房价

the common people 普通人 in common with 与…一样房价

14. think about 认真考虑 think out 精心想出 think over 仔细考虑 think up 想出 think of想到

15. a matter of life and death 生死攸关之事 as a matter of fact 事实上 in the matter of 在…方面上

for the matter 进一步来说房价

16. bring to one's knowledge 让某人知道 come to one' s knowledge 传到某人耳朵里

have a good knowledge of 对…熟悉

17. move toward 向…迈进 move in 搬家 move on 继续前进 / 转话题 move out 搬出去

move about / round 到处走动 move off 离去/ 走掉 be moved with 受…感动

18. as with = as to = as for 就…而言

19. attempt to do = attempt doing = make an attempt to do = make an attempt at doing = try to do = seek to do…试图做…

20. be similar to 与…相类似 now that 既然


unit 14

1. the nobel prize 诺贝尔奖

2. put sb in prison = send sb to prison 把某人投入监狱 be in prison 在囚禁 escape from prison 越狱

be taken to prison = be thrown into prison = be sent to prison = be put in prison被投入监狱

3. join hands 携手/ 联手/ 合伙 join sb in doing sth 和某人一起做事 join up 参与/ 入伍/ 汇合

4. the civil war the right to vote 选举权 vote for sth 投某人的票 vote in sb 选出某人

vote out sb 罢免某人 vote to do sth 通过投票干… give voice to 为…代言

5. set an example to = give an example to sb 为…树立榜样 follow sb's example = follow the example of sb

take sb as an example 以某人为榜样 take sth for example 以某事为例 for example = for instance

6. racial discrimination 种族歧视

7. from then on 从那时起 from now on 从现在起 since then = ever since自从那时起(现在完成时)

8. start with 以…开始

9. regardless of 不理会/不顾/尽管 be regardless of 不在乎 / 不重视

regardless of the consequences 不顾后果

10. at first sight 乍一看 /初见之下 at the sight of 看见 catch / have /get sight of 看见 / 发现

be in / within sight 在视线内 be out of sight = lose sight of 看不见 in the sight of 在…看来

have far / long sight 远视 have near / short sight 近视 lose one's sight 失明

keep good sight 保持好视力 keep out of my sight! 别让我在看见你!

11. 我禁止你进入这个房间:i forbid you the room = i forbid you to enter the room

= i forbid your entering the room= i forbid that you should enter the room.

forbid doing sth 禁止干某事 forbid sb to do sth 禁止某人干某事 be forbidden to do sth被禁止干某事

12. demand of sb to do sth = demand that sb should do sth 要求某人干某事

meet / satisfy one's demands / needs 满足需求

13. freedom of speech 言论自由 freedom from care 无忧无虑

14. commit murder 犯杀人罪 get away with murder 逍遥法外

15. put one's whole soul into 全神贯注于 heart and soul 全身心

16. separate from 分离开 divide into 分割开 lately = recently 最近地

17. look on … as = think of … as = treat… as = take… as = consider… as = regard… as = refer to… as

18. lead sb to some place 带领某人去某地 lead sb in doing sth 领导某人做某事 lead to 导致

lead a simple / hard life 过着…的生活 lead by 在…的领导下

have / gain the lead in the race 赛跑中领先 take the lead 带头 with sb in the lead 在某人带领下

19. in modern times 在现/ 当代 in ancient / old times 在古代 at a time = each time 每次

at one time = once 曾经/一度 at no time 决不 at times = from time to time = sometimes

in no time = soon at all times 一直/ 无论何时 in time of 在…的时候 all the time 一直/ 始终

take one's time 不要急 / 慢慢来 in one' s spare time 在业余时间里

20. be fit for = be suitable for 适合… fit sb 合身 go with 与…搭配

21. as a result 结果 as a result of 由于…的结果 with the result that 其结果是 without result 没有结果

result from 因…而产生的 result in 引起/导致

◆—how about eight o'clock outside the cinema — that _____ me fine.

a. fits b. meets c. satisfies d. suits(适合)

◆—the window is dirty. — i know. it ______ for weeks.

a. hasn't cleaned b. didn't clean c. wasn't cleaned d. hasn't been cleaned

◆more patients _____in hospital this year than last year.

a. treated b. have treated c. had been treated d. have been treated

◆—how do you _______ we go to beijing for our holidays

—i think we'd better fly there. it's much more comfortable.

a. insist b. want c. suppose d. suggest

◆the mayor of beijing says that all construction work for the beijing olympics _____ by .

a. has been completed b. has completed c. will have been completed d. will have completed

◆—george and lucy got married last week. did you go to the wedding

—no, _______. did they have a big wedding

a. was not invited b. have not been invited c. hadn't been invited d. didn't invite

◆the number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people ____ to eat more fruit and vegetables.

a. persuade b. will persuade c. be persuaded d. are persuaded

◆—what happened to the priceless works of art — ________.

a. they were destroyed in the earthquake b. the earthquake was destroying them.

c. they destroyed in the earthquake d. the earthquake destroyed them.

◆by the end of last year, another new gymnasium _____ in beijing.

a. would be completed b. was being complete c. has been completed d. had been completed

◆when and where to go for the holiday ______ yet.

a. are not decided b. have not been decided c. is not being decided d. has not been decided

◆i feel it is your husband who _____ for the spoiled child.

a. is to blame b. is going to blame c. is to be blamed d. should blame

◆this is ted's photo. we miss him a lot. he ______ trying to save a child in the earthquake.

a. killed b. is killed c. was killed d. was killing

◆—how are the team playing — they're playing well, but one of them _____ hurt.

a. got b. gets c. are d. were

◆rainforests ______ and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future.

a. cut b. are cut c. are being cut d. had been cut

◆a new cinema ______ here. they hope to finish it next month.

a. will be built b. is built c. has been built d. is being built

◆my uncle _______ until he was forty-five.

a. married b. didn't marry c. was marrying d. would marry

◆all the preparations for the task _____ , and we're ready to start.

a. completed b. complete c. had been completed d. have been completed



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