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1.教材简析。 本课共有两部分内容,其中第一部分是以中秋节为话题而展开的一个对话。它主要讲了Han Mei和Lucy简单谈论有关中秋节和月饼方面的知识,并邀请Lucy到她家作客的过程。在这个对话中出现了如autumn和festival等十一个新单词以及几个学生难以理解的、需教师解释的词、句型和句子。 第二部分内容是两人在商店为朋友买月饼的一个情境,谈话内容是从月饼表面的样子的好坏、大小、轻重和价钱等方面展开的。其中出现了形容词比较级的用法,它们是:nicer, bigger, heavier, cheaper。它要求学生根据图、词和句子提示创造性的对话。

2.教学重点。 (1)指导学生掌握和熟练运用那些难以理解的词、句型和句子,如cakes with meet... (2)指导学生口头熟练表达就中秋节这一话题展开的对话内容,包括第二部分的购物经过。 (3)形容词比较级的用法。

3.教学难点。 学生根据实际情境需要真正开口讲英语。

4.教学目标。 (1)技能目标。学生能听懂本对话录音,能听懂师生之间就本对话内容而展开的、切形式的问答,会和别人展开对话,了解和传递信息;能就本课语言难点造句,而且无语法错误;能就类似话题,创造性地自编对话;掌握形容词比较级的用法。 (2)知识目标。学生要牢记所有新学单词,包括重点字母或字母组合的发音,还要记住新学短语、句型、难句及本对话各句的英语表达,为实现自如讲英语奠定基础。 (3)情感目标。学生要爱学英语、爱说英语、想说英语,对英语学习投以极大的兴趣和热情。

(4)学习策略目标。改变传统的死记硬背,积极主动地投入到语言的实践中去,包括听、说、读、写的实践。在实践中提高语言的综合使用能力,加深对基础知识的掌握和记忆。 (5)文化意识目标。使学生进一步了解和会简单向别人介绍中国这个传统节日,从而体会节日的快乐。



1.听录音。 听音是英语学习的重要方法,也是课堂教学的重要步骤。在听中可以感知,可以模仿。

2.重点解释,个别操练。 在每一堂教学中,学生总会遇到一些难以理解的词、句型、短语、句子或某一语法现象。如本课出现的形容词比较级的用法等都需要教师个别解释甚至创设语言情境进行操练和举例,以扫除自由交际过程中的“拦路虎”,为语言的进一步学习奠定基础。

3.指导学生展开情景对话。 教师可以和任何一个学生对话。开始时和学习好的可多说几句,和学习差的可以少说几句,要想办法使人人开口,使人人都有成功感。通过对话逐步达到对教材内容的全部操练。在对话时可不受课文内容和顺序的限制,师生完全可以根据当时的实际思路创造性地交流,这种教法是实现语言知识向语言能力转变的必经之路。师生对话时,其他学生静听。

4.学生独立操作。 首先要求学生根据师生示范独立对话,随后叫几组分别站起来表演。这是深化课堂教学的重要举措。

5.教师可设计填空或翻译练习,以检查学生对本对话的掌握情况。 在整个教学活动中,我还采用了投影仪、挂图、卡片、实物等,对顺利开展教学活动起到了很好的辅助作用。



1.养成听的习惯。 学生要经常听录音,听教师讲英语,听同学们讲英语,这对学好英语大有好处。

2.科学储备大量知识。 学生不掌握丰富的知识就不可能进行很好的语言交流。所以学生必须了解语言规律,掌握丰富的词汇,熟知语法规则,会熟练表达由各个话题而展开的交际内容。要学会在实践中学,在应用中学,这样学来的知识记忆深刻、灵活度大。

3.及时巩固,反复记忆。 凡教师在课堂上所讲到的语言难点,学生应及时整理,再次认识并积极使用。对前面已学过的课文,学生要有安排地经常复习,否则常常是学了新的,忘了旧的。

4.积极操练,重在口头。 在课堂上,学生要积极参与教师设计的每个教学活动,要大胆开口,创造性地说自己想说的话。课后和其他同学及时进行英语交流。只有这样,才能将书本知识变成自己的知识和语言能力;也只有这样,才能实现脱口说英语的目的。 教育论文在线




如: Ss: Good morning, teacher!T: Good morning, class! 之后,就上单元的话题和学生展开对话: T: Comrades! We won’t have any lessons this afternoon. I’m going on a field trip. Would you like to go with me? Ss: Yes, we do. T: Where are we going? Ss: We’re going to the mountains /rivers / hills... T: What do you think we’re going to do? Ss: We’re going to have a pic /discuss the air outside... 教师可根据当时的情况和学生继续多谈几句,交谈的思维要顺着学生的思维展开。之后,老师问道: T: Do you know what day is tomorrow?

Ss: Yes, we do./No,we don’t.

T: Now let me tell you. Tomorrow is Mid-autumn Festival. We’re going to have a big dinner. Would you like to come to my home to eat something?

Ss: Yes, we’d love to. 到此引出新学课文,教师说:Now let’s learn Lesson9. 之后板书“Lesson9”。

2.熟悉语言阶段。 (1) 学生看着书听一遍录音,初步了解对话内容。 (2) 教师领读或朗读一遍,同时板书本课新学单词。 (3) 教师指出每个新学单词重点字母及字母组合的发音。 (4) 创设情景,攻克语言难点。 (5) 学生可再听一遍录音,此次需合着书进行。 (6) 分角色表演对话。

3.情景交际阶段。 (1)教师可按照上面教法中讲到的交际方式和学生对话,要照顾到不同位置的学生,最少可进行五、六次。 (2)学生与学生自由对话,人人都要开口说话。

4.巩固验收阶段。 (1) 几组学生分别表演对话,其他同学听。 (2) 设计如下填空练习: A: Hi, Lily! Are you free tomorrow evening?

B: Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Would you ____to come to my home to eat the big dinner _____us? A: We’re going to eat mooncakes ____meat in them.

A: Yes, we do.

A: Oh,mooncakes! B: Do you have something sweet ____. I like sweet. B: Oh, there’s a shop_______ there. Let’s go and see what’s sold.

Because I don’t have much money.

A: Oh, this is_____(heavy) than that one and I also think it is ____(nice) than that one. I just buy____ (big) ones. (3)做如下翻译练习: 你喜欢吃里面夹肉的月饼吗? 这个月饼不如那个月饼好看,但比那个便宜。 这就是他们在商店里所买的东西。 (4)学生以New Year’s Day为话题创造性地编一个对话。 B: Great! I want to buy some for my father. A: Which _____ you like? B: I want to buy the ______ ones.


Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation?

Good morning, everyone. I am ____ from the ______. I have taught English for over ten years and I like my students. Today, I will talk about Unit 10 where did you go on vacation? Go for it Junior English Book .There are 6 periods to finish this unit. I will talk about the first period with the following parts..

I. Analysis of the Teaching Materials.

The topic of this unit is the continuation of unit 9 as well as about the past events.

By using the Simple PasT Tense,which is essential in junior English,students will

talk about their topic is about their experiences and places they have

visited on their it helps bring back their memories and learning


II. Students’ characteristic

Although the Junior 1 has been learning English for almost a year and are having

some basic knowledge. Because of living in China and surrounding environment, students are learning English impassively and irregularly. But The junior 1 has showned themselves very creative,capable and of plasticity as they’re doing so well in what they’re interested in such as games and CAI.

Aims and Demands


a. To enable the students to read, to spell , to understand the vocabulary correctly.

b. To help the students ask and answer the new sentence pattern: Where did you go on vacation?


a. To improve the students’ skills of listening ,speaking,reading and writing..

b. To encourage the students to communicate with others uning the new sentence pattern .


a. To train the Ss to cooperate well in groups and in pairs.

b. To be interested in communicating in English.

IV. Teaching Key Points

1. Key vocabulary

New York City camp summer camp museum

2. Key structures

Where did you go on vacation?

I went to…

V. Teaching Difficulty

Learn the key structures

VI. Teaching Methods

1. Task-based method

That’s to say I’ll let the students finish 1 listening task and make short dialogues along with the actions to help the students get a better understanding of the key


2. Communication method

I’ll set up a dream and ask students to pretent themselves as reporters. This way, the students can say freely and needn’t to worry about making mistakes.

VII. Learning Methods

1. Listening—speaking method

2. Communicative strategy

We all know that the best ways to learn English well are to imitate,to practice,to listen,to speak and to communicate more constantly.

VIII. Teaching Aids

In this lesson, the CAI, cassette, a tape recorder will be used.

X. Teaching Procedure

I’ll mainly talk about this part. It consists of 5 steps.

Step 1 Warm – up and review

1. Make a free talk between T-S. What did you do yesterday? And what did your best friend do yesterday?

2. Write down the past tenses of the verbs that I show in CAI.

Purpose: this step is in order to review what the students have learnt in Unit way, I can lead them into the new lesson smoothly. I think It’s usual but pratical.

Step 2 Presentation

1. Learn the new words and expressions

a. lead—in: ask students some questions: Did you dream last night? What did you dream? Where did I go on vacation in my dream?

b. CAI shows many pictures of my dream,which are also the activities in 1a .

c. Ask students to read and spell the new phrases.

d. Do 1a. Match the activities with the pictures (a—g).

e. Play a guessing game: I will show some jigsaws of each picture and have the students to guess. I will praise the student who answers more quickly.

Purpose: I put the vocabulary learning into a dream in order to prompt them to find it very interesting to learn English.. By a CAI, students can match the vocabulary with the real things directly and master them easily.

Step 3 Listening practice

a. Tell the students to listen to the tape and number the people (1—5) in the picture.

b. Play the recorder for the first time, and then check the answers.

c. Play the recorder again, students imitate the conversations and fill in the blanks. Pay attention to their pronunciation and intonation.

Purpose: this is a basic and necessary step, which develops the students’ skills of listening, reading and writing.

Step 4 Pairwork

a. T—S: where did Tina go on vacation?

She went to the mountains.

b. Ask the students to practice in pairs as we 1c. Then they will come to the platform and click on the number to choose a picture and act it out randomly

Purpose: “Task-based”teaching method is used here to develop the students’ability of

communication and their ability of co-operation will be well trained. This step provides guided oral practice using the target language to consolidate the key structure and It can develop students’ skill of speaking and sense of language.

Step5 Production

Have students pretent to be reporters to interview anyone they want to ask about their vacation.

Purpose: After learning 1a—1c, it’s time to extend what they learnt just now and give the students a free space to show their abilities. With the real situations, students will feel easy and successful during this part. By way of communication, the students will understand how to use the key structure better and consolidate the knowledge firmly.

Part XI Homework

Do a survey and write a report about the classmates’ vocation.

Purpose: I think homework is so important that the students can speak english as much as they can in class or after set this step in order to practice students’ skills of listening, speaking and writing.


《Lesson21 Look at Your Hair》说课稿

Good morning ladies and gentlemen .I’m very happy to see I’ll

talk about Lesson21 Look at Y our Hair Grade 3 Hebei Education Press. I’ll talk

about this lesson with the following parts : Teaching Aims ,Teaching Procedures, Teaching

Methods and so on.

I Say teaching Aims

(1)Aims of knowledge

Let students grasp the main words: blond ,long 、short 、curly 、straight

And use the sentence structure :What colour is your

hair ?

My hair is ...to talk about the hair.

(2)Aims of ablity

Go on improving students’skills of listening ,speaking,reading and writing,especially develop

students’practing and creating ability.

(3)Aims of emotion

Make students more interested in learning English and develope good studying students enjoy learning ,taking part in ,competing and cooperating.



1、说唱引入 激发兴趣

歌谣能给学生创设一个开放宽松的环境,使学生怀着轻松愉快的心情投入学习,所以在热身环节中我选择歌曲《Head shoulders knees toes 》

2、创设情境 呈现新知


3、互动操练 及时评价


Say Teaching Procedures

(一)Class opening

1、Let’s sing a song 《Head shoulders knees toes》


hello ,boys and girls . How are you?

Today I’m very happy .Are you happy?


(1) Words :cold、hot 、warm 、cool

T: How do you feel?

S: I feel_____.

(2) Words: head 、arm、leg、hand、foot.

Play Joining game, Review parts of the body.

(二)New Concepts

1、Words: hair、long 、short、straight 、curly

(1)T:(A barbie doll is in teacher’s hands.)Today I’ll

introduce a new friend : Anne .Look ! She is very beautiful.

T: (Point to Anne’s hair ) Now please look here.

What’s this? This is hair.

板书 hair The students read the word after teacher seveal times.

(2)Anne: I’m not beautiful. I want to be a barber.

Show powerpoint to learn words : long 、short、straight 、curly

(3)Let students intrduce in their groups

This is______(long short straight curly) hair.

2、Word: blond

Sentences: What colour is your hair?

My hair is ______

(1)T: (Point to Anne’s hair ) What colour is Anne’s hair?

T: It’s blond

(板书:blond )

(2)T: What colour is your hair?

(Point to the student )

S: My hair is black.

Ask and answer in pairs.

(3)现在我们进行一次发型设计比赛,让同学们为自己设计一个新发型,把它画下来,可以把头发染成自己喜欢的颜色。(并标明long short straight curly或颜色)


My hair is_______(long short straight curly) hair.

My hair is_____(colours)



(三)Class closing

Let’s sing 《If you’re happy and you know it》.


Draw a picture.为自己的妈妈设计一种好看的发型并标明long short straight curly和颜色,向妈妈介绍一下你的设计。

四 、板书设计

Lesson 21 : Look at Your Hair !

1 、long 2、What colour is your hair?shortMy hair is _______.

hair straight





Unit4Where’smybackpack?本单元的主题为谈论物品的位置,使学生在熟悉物品名称的基础上用方位介词熟练地表达物品的位置,并能 where问句及一般疑问句提问并回答,并自然地引出名词的单复数及人称代词they的用法。本单元谈论的是学生比较熟悉的内容,学生有认同感,因此在任务的设计上,要贴近学生真实生活,包括学校生活、家庭生活等任务,以引起学生的共鸣和兴趣,激发学生的求知欲,充分发挥学生的想象力和能动性,主动自觉地融入到语言学习中去。















































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