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网友发表时间 511254



Job description Raleigh office recruitment assistant the candidate will assist the hiring director in performing his duties, including but not limited to maintaining a national database, leading induction training for new employees, and identifying potential employees who must be proficient in MS Office and peopleclick software this position requires a high degree of professionalism and attention to detail. All applicants for . vacancies must be authorized to work in the United States.

All applicants for Canadian vacancies must be authorized to work in Canada: peopleclick software is proficient in MS The office office team is the global leader in professional executive staffing, offering opportunities from administrative assistants to office managers and receptionists. We have the resources, experience and expertise to choose companies and temporary or full-time positions that meet your skills and career goals. We provide industry-leading training, benefits and compensation.

Contact your local office team Office team is an equal opportunity employer.


职位描述罗利公司办公室招聘助理该候选人将主要协助招聘主管履行职责,包括但不限于维护全国数据库,领导新员工入职培训,以及识别潜在员工个人必须精通MS Office和Peopleclick软件此职位要求高度专业化和对细节的高度关注所有申请美国职位空缺的申请人必须获得授权在美国工作所有申请加拿大职位空缺的申请人必须授权在加拿大工作资格:Peopleclick软件精通MS Office办公团队是全球专业行政人员配置的领导者,提供从行政助理到办公室经理和接待员的工作机会,我们拥有资源,经验和专业知识选择符合您的技能和职业目标的公司和临时或全职职位我们提供行业最先进的培训、福利和薪酬待遇联系您当地的办公室团队所在地,或致电了解有关此工作的更多信息OfficeTeam是一个机会均等的雇主o(∩∩)o。


商务口语:用外企招聘广告中常见的英语个性描述来打造自我介绍 Mature, dynamic and honest.思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。

Excellent ability of systematical management.有极强的系统管理能力。

Ability to work independently, mature and resourceful.能够独立工作、思想成熟、应变能力强。

A person with ability plus flexibility should apply.需要有能力及适应力强的人。

A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable.个性稳重、具高度责任感。 Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force.能够在不同文化和工作人员的背景下出色地工作。

Bright, aggressive applicants.反应快、有进取心的应聘者。

Ambitious attitude essential.有雄心壮志。

Initiative, independent and good communication skill.积极主动、独立工作能力强,并有良好的交际技能。

Willing to work under pressure with leardership quality.愿意在压力下工作,并具领导素质。 Willing to assume responsibilities. 应聘者须勇于挑重担。

Mature, self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills. 思想成熟、上进心强,并具极丰富的人际关系技巧。

Energetic, fashion-minded person. 精力旺盛、思想新潮。

With a pleasant mature attitude. 开朗成熟。

Strong determination to succeed. 有获得成功的坚定决心。

Strong leadership skills. 有极强的领导艺术。

Ability to work well with others. 能够同他人一道很好地工作。

Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality. 上进心强又可靠者,并且身体健康、性格开朗。

The ability to initiate and operate independently. 有创业能力,并能独立地从业。

Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit. 有很高的领导艺术和很强的集体精神。

Be highly organized and effecient. 工作很有条理,办事效率高。

Willing to learn and progress. 肯学习进取。

Good presentation skills. 有良好的表达能力。


Dear, I am very glad to hear from you / see your advertisement for the position. I would like to write to tell you / I am confident that I am suitable for the job you are looking for / I feel that I am capable of meeting the requirements listed by you. On the one hand, on the other hand, I am enclosing my resume for your reference.

If you can give me a valuable interview opportunity, I will be very grateful. I would like to thank you for your reply as soon as possible at your convenience. I look forward to your reply and sincerely wish you health and success.


你的年月日接收人亲爱的,我非常高兴收到你的来信/看到你在招聘职位的广告,我想写信告诉你/我有信心我适合你招聘的那种工作/我觉得我有能力满足你列出的要求一方面,另一方面,随函附上我的简历,供您参考。如果您能给我一个宝贵的面试机会,我将不胜感激。我将非常感谢您在方便的时候尽快回复我/我期待您的回复,真诚地祝您健康和成功你的,X X X 9。



Trade Fair Event Trainee Manager

We are one of the world's largest, non-athletic shoe brands and boast outlets, sourcing operations, factories, and customers in every continent. We have one hundred eighty years of shoemaking history behind us and are constantly developing and employing new and innovative ways of manufacturing and selling shoes. Our fastest growing market is China and the Asia-Pacific Region.

本公司为世界顶级的(非运动)鞋子品牌,拥有名品折扣店、采购营运中心、工 厂,客户遍及各大洲。我们拥有180年的制鞋历史,但仍持续不断地研发和采用崭新而 富有创意的制鞋和营销方法。我们成长最快的市场即为中国和亚太地区。

We seek a Trade Fair Event Trainee Manager to assist in marketing event management. This includes the setting up, running, and taking down of our booths at international and regional trade fairs. The successful applicant will be expected to provide creative input into the design of the booth in accordance with our corporate image and goals, and also to participate in sales, managing customer inquiries, and handling large orders made at the fair. In addition, the successful candidate will be responsible for event budget management.

本公司征求商展活动培训主管一名,协助营销活动的管理,职务内容包括在国际和地区性商展中搭建、经营和拆卸摊位。应征成功者将根据本企业的形象和目标,为摊位的设计贡献其创意,并在展期中参与业务、处理客户询问和大宗订单。除此之外,应征 成功者也将负责管理活动预算。

The position offers a generous remuneration package and lots of opportunities for international travel. Training will be provided. Excellent potential for advancement.


Please send a cover letter and CV to:xxxxxx




Project Management Assistant


—Provide service for the project in Chongqing.

—Provide assistance to the project manager for everyday work.

—Responsible for file management, customer service for students and parents


—College degree and above

—Good English and puter skills.

—Related working experience in the international organization.

—Patient, careful, supportive. Has strong team work spirit.

English Teacher


—Conduct English teaching according to British education system. Requirements:

—University degree and above in English major or normal English. —Eager to learn and open-minded with creativity.

—With deep understanding and respect for different cultures.

(Warmly wele the fresh graduates to apply for this position.)

Marketing Assistant


—Responsible for the local management of marketing and sales

activities according to the instruction from the head office.

—Collect related information to the head office.


—College degree and above with good English (speaking and writing). —Develop relationship with local media and customers.


—College degree and above with good English (speaking and writing). —With basic idea of sales and marketing, related experience is


—Working experience in the international organization is a must.

—Good munication and presentation skills.



—Accountant work for Chongqing office and project.

—Perform the finance management locally according to the rules and

policy of the pany.


—College degree and above in finance area.

—Good English and puter skills.

—Good sense of finance management.

—At least two yeas of experience as accountant in the international organization is a must. —Self-management, hard-working, independent and able to deal with




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