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网友发表时间 519627



Subject: Ask for your Help

Dear Ms. Schaeffer:

In our continued efforts to provide quality service and merchandise to valued clients like you, we would like your help in answering the attached survey.

Each year we review our service and merchandise in order to meet our clients' needs. The client survey plays a major role in determining how we improve services and which line of goods we concentrate sales on next year. By answering our survey, you will help us know how to serve you better. Also, as a gesture of our appreciation, we will send you a 10%-off voucher to use on your next order with us.

Could you please send back the survey with your comments on it before next Friday? We understand you are very busy and appreciate your willingness to take the time to help us serve our clients better. Your comments are highly valued. Thank you.

Sincerely yours,

Sandy Fei

Customer Service Manager


支付Payment1. 催款函提及相关订单。催促买家付款,说明金额和支付条款。表达你的态度。 2. 收到客户付款通知通知支付已经被创建。附上银行水单如果有的话。询问原始单据和电放提单。 3. 请客户提供银行汇款凭证提及相关订单。寻求银行水单并说明理由。表达你的态度。 4. 发现付款错误跟客户重新谈论说明付款错误。请求重新支付。推进解决。 5. 告知客户款项收到提及相关订单号货物和合同。说明支付已经收到。表达你对未来业务的期待。 6. 请客户接受信用证不符点说明不符点和导致不符点的原因。请求买家告知银行接受不符点。表达你的态度。 7. 讨论新订单付款方式表达你对实际业务完成的满意。询问新的支付方式。说明为什么你需要新的付款方式的理由。期待同意并提前说明你的态度。 The order has executed to the entire satisfaction of customers.这笔订单执行令顾客完全满意。We regret to find that there is a discrepancy in the amount od your L/C我们很遗憾的发现你放信用证金额有误。It is expe)(nsive for us to open an L/C and it will tie up the capital of small company like ours, so it is better for us to adopt the collection of D/P or D/A.开立信用证费用很高,会影响像我方这样的小公司的资金周转。因此最好采用付款交单或承兑交单的托收方式。


信用证的开立与修改Establishment and Amendment of L/C1. 催证函 urging establishment参考货物,相对订单或者合同、抱怨未收到未接受信用证,表达你对信用证急切的需要、促进买家开立信用证、期待尽快收到信用证。 2. 通知信用证已开立参考货物,相对订单或者合同。说明你已经介绍了银行开立信用证,并表明信用证的细节。希望有个尽早的转运。 3. 改证函告知已经收到信用证。指出不符点并修改。希望尽快修改。 4. 展证函告知已收到。扩建的理由。希望有个尽早的转运。 5. 催款函参考货物,相对订单或者合同。抱怨没收到的提前支付:说明你急切需要提前支付希望引起关注。催促买家加快支付。希望能尽快收到提前支付。 Cheques should be written in favor of Oxfam.支票上请写明以牛津饥荒救济委员会为收款人。Be punctual for an appointment/punctual delivery准时赴约/准时交货We enclose a check in partial payment for the goods shipped on consignment.随附一张支票,作为所装运来的寄售货物的部分款项。I’ve changed the last paragraph. It now reads as follows…我已经修改了最后一段。现在是这样的。The goods will be dispatched on receipt of an order form.订单一到即发货。The period of validity of the agreement has expired.本协议的有效期已过。The extension of a loan货款偿还期的延长The shop promised to keep the goods for me if I paid a deposit.商店答应,如果我付定金就给我保留这批货。Kindly remit the balance without delay,请立刻将余额汇来。D/P: document against payment付款交单D/A: document against acceptance承兑交单T/T: telegraphic transfer电汇C/D: cash against document凭单付现


To confirm||Confirming||Confirmation


In Confirmation of


A letter of confirmation


We confirm our call of last week respecting our offers to you.


We confirm our respects of the 3rd May, and inform you that your consignment has duly arrived.


I confirm the receipt of your shipment by . xxxOxxx,and now send you a cheque, valuing $550.


Confirming our letter of last week, we ask you to appoint an early interview with our representative.


Confirming ours of the 11th June, we now hand you enclosed B/L for 50 packages.


We confirm our respects of yesterday, and have the pleasure to inform you that we have drawn this day on you.


We have much pleasure in confirming herewith the order which you kindly placed with us yesterday.


Kindly let us have confirmation of these orders by telegraph tomorrow by 3 .


In confirmation of my cable today, I regret to state that the factory was completely destroyed by fire last night.


Kindly give us an order sheet in confirmation of the message by telephone of this morning.



65 519627