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Well my friends, welcome to shanghai. My name is **。 I’m going to be your tour guide. As an old saying in China goes: fate will bring you together if you are meant to be. It sure is fate that we are sitting side by side in the same bus to spend holiday together. Today, i will bring you to appreciate the charm of Shanghai.

Before we arriving at our destination, please let me introduce Shanghai briefly to you.

Shanghai, located at the outlet of the Yangtze River into the sea in east China, has 17 districts and one county, built in 1291.

The total territory of Shanghai is square kilometers.

Shanghai's terrain is high in East and low in West, with a dense river network. The main rivers are Huangpu river and its tributary Suzhou Creek, Chuanyang River and Dianpu River. The climate of Shanghai is the north subtropical monsoon climate.

I guess all of you have already heard that Shanghai is an international metropolis before coming to Shanghai. Of course, Shanghai is the largest economic center in China.

But you know, over one thousand years ago, Shanghai was only a fishing village on the fresh watershed, beyond which the fishermen caught fish with a kind of devi


ce called Hu, from which the short name of Shanghai was derived.

Historically speaking,Shanghai is not only a city of a long history and

culture but also a heroic city with a glorious tradition in Chinese revolution.

Following the first Opium War ended in 1842, Shanghai became a Treaty Port opening to foreign trade and residence and it opened officially in 1843. Later, Shanghai began a long-term defense to foreign aggression and anti-Qing struggle. Tens of thousands patriotic [?petri?ɑt?k] personage sacrificed.

Shanghai finally liberated in 1949.

Now Shanghai is targeting to establish the international economic, financial, trade and shipping center basically which adapt to China's economic strength and international status.

It is winter now, when spring comes, we can see Shanghai’s city flower: the white flower of magnolia, which symbolizes full of vitality.

There’s no doubt that shanghai is not only a metropolis renowned in the world but also a great tourist attraction in China. In the next few days, i will bring you to visit some scenic spots including the Bund, People’s Square, Oriental Pearl Tv tower, Yuyuan Garden, Jade Buddha Temple and so on.

I hope all of you will enjoy this trip to Shanghai.

That’s all of my brief introduction to shanghai, thx.



Good morning! Ladies and gentlemen. You ask good sleep last night? Great. I'm really sorry, luggage sent late last night. Because trolleys is broken, we had to another one. By the way, do you have luggage open? No wonder outside sunny. We guide often say: "sunshine installed in guest bag have." So I thank you. Good point. Breakfast already announced that my schedule, today we'll go over the sea, is the seat of the yu yuan garden, yuyuan garden store.


Our car is drive in the bund. Men left is the famous huangpu river. Our future will be here.


To save time, before I didn't arrive yuyuan garden in Chinese garden and first talk of yu.


In China, the landscape is divided into three categories: royal garden, private garden and temple garden. Yuyuan garden belong to private garden. The Chinese garden has many skills, such as clever, disabled scene, etc. But they are composed by four basic factors. These four factors is water, plant, building and rockeries. Most of the private garden is in the south of the water is, because here the stone and suitable do rockery. Yuyuan garden is four hundred years ago the Ming dynasty built. The Lord of the garden surname pan, is a big officer. He built this garden is pleasing the parents, let them, an old lady. So yuyuan garden "and" word will take its and yue meaning. Unfortunately his parents can seeing the completion of yu died. Qing, pan home weak, its offspring, and sold in the local guild. This garden Yuyuan garden becomes the main attractions, still another reason. In 1853, Shanghai outbreak in a hall divided uprising once used as headquarters. Yu is a swim necessarily land today. So I suggest we get there we must not become separated, the best everybody wheezed, ok?


Here is the parking lot. In case someone become separated, please remember the last three car number number is 121. I'd better don't happen this kind of things. I'll holding red flag, you will all accompany Mr Zhang will'll bring up the rear. Are you ready yet? We the afterlife. Get off please note the bicycle.


Ladies and gentlemen, this is the famous JiuQuQiao. Why is nine? Because of the highest number number is Yang. Walking on the bridge, stay time is long. Can also view from different scenery. Still, it is said that ghosts can only walk a straight line, so you don't have to worry about ghosts and met.


Among the bridge is the pavilion, built dynasty, around 80 years ago was outfitted as a teahouse. Old people like morning here, and visit friends, making a pot of tea, chat son. Generally they drink is a kind of green tea, called "longjing"。 This teahouse is foreign leaders often come to land. For instance in 1986 queen Elizabeth ii to Shanghai, also visit the teahouse drank tea.


Indeed, can drink here on a pot of also is a kind of enjoyment. Imagine that, in a summer, you come to the teahouse, faces a window and sit, overlooking the LuChi in full blossom lotus. The cool wind blown head on. In the jiangnan silk in elegant voice, you mentioned violet arenaceous crock, slowly sip a mouthful of tepid longjing tea. If you feel floating losses.


You also want to drink a pot? I'm sorry, I still can't let you go. Until we finish see yuyuan garden and make a decision, all right?


Here is the entrance of the yuyuan garden. When you go into a private garden, the sight of what things are always block, sometimes are rockeries, sometimes is this the zhaobi adjudicates. This is a skill, called the disabled garden scene. Don't let you 1, lets you see utterly pointless to achieve "part, then step yi" effect moving scene.


This hall call "yangshan hall"。 You know, Shanghai is located in an alluvial plain, city no more mountains, no Lin. So this "mountain" means the opposite of that rockeries. It high 12 metres, heavy 80 tons. It has been a miracle in the past and even today. For four hundred years ago no cement and plaster, people use cooked glutinous rice, add alum and lime, the stones up gluing. Yet safe. See the top of the mountain pavilion? Four hundred years ago, this is the Shanghai city a peak. From there it can be seen the fishing boats, the huangpu river, but these distant sail raised only in see in movies today. You also can only saw them move up head. Because hovering path all be tree, stone cover. This is really a gardening master zhang nanyang masterpiece. Also is acknowledged to be a local optimal rockeries.


After a seat in the rockery, dragon wall. This is a kindergarten features. There are five dragon wall. Go this way, I will take you to a place, there could clearly see another dragon wall.


Ladies and gentlemen, this is what I just said that dragon wall. The dragon is actually imaginary animals. We refer to themselves as descendants of the dragon. Don't know whether we read of the dragon "seed" buck. If read words, here many things make you feel familiar. Look at the dragon, you will discover that this is a variety of animal spirits. You see it head like cattle, eye like shrimp, Angle like.。. I see not too like cattle. We usually say like deer horn, scale, body like snake like fish, claw like chicken or eagle. Please tell me, do you see a few toes. The three. But general dragon should have five toes. Why is three? One story. Previously, only the emperor and the royal personnel to the design with dragons. The Lord of the vineyard do wall with the dragon pavilions, he was ambitious. Somehow, the emperor who know this matter, sent to investigate. That immediately after a pavilions hit two toes. The delay officers arrived, the Lord of the garden said: "look, this is not dragon, only three toes." Is really a wise man, otherwise he would be killed.


You said you wanted to take a group. I see with dragon wall as the background, this is the best place for you, I clap, don't forget to say "Cheese"。


Here we can see three pieces of stone. Intermediate that piece called "jade and exquisite"。 It is not the jade, but quite famous, that accompany by water erosion, appearance is and into. It turned out to be SongWei tributes to the Pope. SongWei Pope wide accept wonderful flower, said "take different stone cloud"。 But how can here? Originally, to when the Kyoto lost. After many years, and became a place where the gentries trinkets. Then he put the stone to do, because the pan pavilions dowry to marry his daughter's brother. Jade carved for a "thin, thoroughly, wrinkle, leakage" wait for a characteristic and celebrated. If you pour it downward. It is little waterfall ultimatum 72 holes; If you burn incense, it below 72 holes smoke fragrant tenuous ultimatum, very beautiful. The Lord used to stare at the stone for long time, linger culture. This is also one of the scenery, a landscape effect that you ponder, t(差异网☆)he results to the unity of the emotion border. Later


Yuyuan garden tour ends here, hope to the chest like it. Finally, you should make a choice: is tea or shopping. I see, or hands. Many people want to tea? Ha, all want to go? !What? I would not let go? To tell you the truth, this is to my liking. So what are we waiting for? Everybody go!




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