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Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall is a memorial building built to commemorate thegreat revolutionary leader Sun Yat Sen. it has witnessed many historical eventsin Guangzhou and is full of commemorative significance. Now it is an importantplace for large-scale gatherings and performances in Guangzhou. Here you can seethe brief introduction and life of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, and come here to rememberDr. Sun Yat Sen.

It is located at the south foot of Yuexiu Park, in 1920___ The projectstarted in 1931 and was completed in 1931. The transportation of the memorialhall is very convenient. Take subway line 2 to get off the memorial hall. Afterentering the gate is a square where you can see the towering statue of Sun YatSen and take photos. Then further ahead is the main building of ZhongshanMemorial Hall. There is a ticket office next to it. You need to charge 10 yuanfor entering the main building.

The main building is a grand and magnificent octagonal palace building,which is very rich in Chinese traditional characteristics. In the center of thebuilding, there is a big painted gold plaque with a blue background and rededge, on which there are four big words "the world is for the public" written bySun Yat Sen, which is powerful. The theme building is like a performance hall,and now there are many concerts held here. There are many pictures and words onthe wall to introduce the construction of the memorial hall and the briefintroduction of Sun Yat Sen. In the back of the memorial hall, there is anindependent small room, the exhibition hall of Sun Yat Sen's historical relics,which also introduces Sun Yat Sen's life.

The Zhongshan Memorial Hall witnessed many historical events in Guangzhou:in 1936, people from all walks of life in Guangzhou held a no smoking paradehere; in September 1945, the Japanese invading army stationed in Guangzhousigned a surrender here; in September 1945, the Japanese invading army inGuangzhou signed a declaration to surrender; After liberation, every yearvarious activities in memory of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, important provincial andmunicipal gatherings and artistic performances were held here, such ascommemorating the 100th anniversary of Mao Zedong's birth, the 60th anniversaryof the long march of the Red Army, the 50th anniversary of the victory of theAnti Japanese War and the world anti fascist war, etc. So it's verycommemorative, and it's also very suitable to bring children to carry outpatriotic education and understand knowledge.

In addition, there are also some plants worth seeing here. For example,there are the oldest kapok tree in Guangzhou, and the two largest brandy treesin Guangzhou. In the northeast corner of Zhongshan Memorial Hall, there is astrange tree, which is called "tree embracing tree", also known as "one pole twotrees"。 Moreover, it is formed naturally, not grafted.


hello everyone! I'm the tour guide of the "_ _" tour group. Let's visit thepeony garden with you today.

Look! The stone tablet with "national Peony Garden" on it is carved withmarble, which is very imposing. Now we come to the "Millennium peony king"plantation, where there are tens of thousands of peony varieties, colorful,pink, yellow, white, light blue, bean green Further on, we can see the "Peonysoul" in front of us. There are many small peonies on this black stone. It'samazing! It is said that if you touch this millennium Peony stone, it will be asfragrant and charming as peony. If you need to take a picture here, please takea photo as soon as possible.

Further north, we will come to another ornamental garden of Peony Garden --North Garden. This period is the period when peony blossoms most budding peony is the most beautiful Peony -- black peony. That forest ispeony tree. The highest peony tree is more than 2 meters high. Here we can seethe most unique lotus leaf peony. Lotus leaf peony is several times smaller thanordinary peony, and its style is also very unique. You see, its two big leavesstand on both sides, and the branches come out from the middle of the are pink flowers on it. There are four small leaves on its flowers, whichare wrapped with yellow stamens. Because the flowers press the branches to theground quickly, it seems that lotus leaf peony is shy. The breeze blows, theselotus peonies are also waving to us!

Well, I hope my explanation can bring you harvest. Here is the free viewingtime. Go and watch the peony quickly, it will make you feel endlessaftertaste.


Xinghualing district is an urban-rural integration new district established after the administrative region adjustment of Taiyuan city approved by the State Council. It was officially established on New Year's day in 1998. Xinghualing district is the political center of Taiyuan, the capital of Shanxi Province. There are coal, gypsum, refractory clay, bauxite and other minerals in the area. There are more than 300 streets and more than 20 bus and tram lines in the area. There are more than 20 large department stores and vegetable markets as well as a number of national supermarkets.

Xinghualing is a small well-known street in Taiyuan. For sports lovers, it is the largest sports center in Taiyuan since the founding of the people's Republic of China, and also the Pearl in their mind. However, today's Xinghualing has neither apricot trees nor apricot flowers, nor the potential of slope ridge. Why is this? Originally, Xinghualing was not a street or a street name, but the name of a garden garden. It was born five or six hundred years ago in the Ming and Jin Dynasties. At that time, Xinghualing was indeed a place with hills and slopes, where apricot trees were planted all over the place. It and the adjacent songhuapo, also known as the pine garden, complement each other for fun, can be called the most gardens in Taiyuan city.

The places of historic interest and scenic beauty in Xinghualing District include: Town God's Temple, Bell Tower and Drum Tower, baling bridge Guan Yu Temple, the mountain of Meishan (Hill), Wu Fu nun, dragon horn hill, and arch ruins. There are the former sites of Chengcheng middle school, where the northern Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the office of the Eighth Route Army were located during the Anti Japanese War, the birthplace of the Shanxi provincial League, the former sites of the National Normal University, where Zhou Enlai, Liu Shaoqi, Xu Qianqian, Bo Yibo and other revolutionaries of the older generation were engaged in revolutionary activities, and the Taiyuan liberation Memorial Hall and marshal Xu Qianqian memorial hall built after liberation.


In the early morning of October 16, we went to Yao temple under the guidance of our guide. Yao temple is located three kilometers south of Linfen City. Walking from the parking lot to the mountain gate, we can see that the four characters "ancient emperor Yao Temple" are inlaid in the middle of the gate, and "on the sun" is engraved in the east of the side door, and "Zhanyun" is engraved in the West. These two words come from historical records: "just like the sun, looking like the cloud", which means that people attach to Emperor Yao like sunflower to the sun, and people look at Emperor Yao like grain to the rain.

From the mountain gate, there are 24 solar terms carved in stone. According to the records of the historian, Ming Xi's and he's of Yao King assiduously complied with Haoda's astronomical phenomena, calculated the movement of the sun, moon and stars, formulated the calendar, deduced the 24 solar terms and set the leap moon, which was the predecessor of the lunar calendar. Today, more than 4000 years later, the lunar calendar still has practical significance in guiding agriculture, which is one of the most outstanding contributions of Emperor Yao.

The gate of the mountain is about 100 meters to Rio. Yimen is tall and solemn. This is the place where ancient emperors arranged their clothes when they paid homage to Yao temple. "People without instrument, why not die?" how can people not speak etiquette? I also solemnly dusted the dust on my body and crossed the instrument door. From Yimen to Guangyun hall, there is a long corridor with continuous dragon and phoenix patterns in the middle. The guide girl said that dragon and Phoenix represent auspiciousness. Let's all walk on the pattern. Walking on the broad corridor, I can't bear to trample on the great totem of the Chinese nation. During the reign of Emperor Yao, countless small clans with their own totem worship were integrated, achieving unprecedented great integration. Then the totems of these tribes were combined to form "dragon" and "phoenix". Under the unified leadership of Emperor Yao, these clans lived in harmony and treated each other equally. On both sides of the corridor are Yao period pottery unearthed in Dingcun, Xiangfen. Of course, many of them are imitations, which is also to let contemporary people know more about the production and living conditions of people in the late Paleolithic period.

When I got to Wufeng downstairs, I was attracted by a carved stone. With only a few seal characters I knew, I recognized that the scarlet letter engraved on it was the song of striking Earth: "work at sunrise and rest at sunset. Dig a well and drink, farm and eat. It is said that during the reign of Emperor Yao, there were eight or 90 year old people singing in the fields. The lyrics reflected the peaceful and harmonious life of the people at that time. They lived carefree: they worked when the sun came out, went home to rest when the sun set, had water to drink when they dug wells and springs, and had food when they cultivated fields. They live on their own and enjoy themselves. It seems that the rule of the emperor has nothing to do with them. In fact, this poem just reflects that Emperor Yao was indeed a saint of a generation. He did not send taxes, did not increase corvee, did not show his authority and did not disturb the people. By doing nothing, people can not feel his existence, but also live a life of self-sufficiency, tranquility and contentment. It is no wonder that many clans are willing to attach themselves to and follow Emperor Yao. This song has been included in the book of songs.

Wufeng building is close in front of you. Looking up at the majestic building, you can see that there are more than 30 upright pottery people on the top of the building, and pottery lion is the center. It is said that King Yao and his four ministers often went up the building to have a distant view. At that time, people referred to him and his four ministers as "Wufeng", so it was called "Wufeng building". Although Yao was the leader of the tribe, he never regarded himself as the leader and still lived an ordinary life. It is recorded in Han Feizi that King Yao lived in a thatched cottage, ate wild vegetable roots without seasoning, drank water in a earthen jar, covered his body only with coarse cloth, and wore deerskin in winter. This is probably the reason why he was not only admired by the emperor, but also admired by later generations.

There is Yaojing Pavilion at the back of Wufeng building. This is a six star Pavilion, small and exquisite. It was built in the taining period of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, 1600 years ago. The well in the pavilion is said to have been dug by King Yao himself in order that the people would not be limited by the amount of water in the river. According to legend, Yao underground can be connected to the sea, so far underground springs gurgle, clear to drink. From a small well, we can also see that we are thinking for the people everywhere and taking the needs of the people as the direction of our own efforts. Next to the Yaojing pavilion are some odd trees of the Han Dynasty, such as cypress baohuai, cypress baocatalpa, Minglu cypress and Yexiao cypress, which are more than 1600 years ago.

Yao palace behind Yaojing Pavilion is also called Guangyun hall. It is the place where King Yao summoned his ministers to discuss state affairs, and it is the main building in the temple. The palace is big and spacious. The guide girl said that this is a Tang Dynasty building, which has a history of more than 1300 years. Inside the hall, there is a two meter high statue of King Yao, with two prime ministers and two cabinet elders standing on both sides. One by one, they were kind-hearted and peaceful. In front of the Yao palace, there are two wooden pillars on the left and right, which is the famous defamation wood. In those days, the king of Yao opened his mouth to the public, solicited public advice and listened to public opinions. In order to dispel everyone's scruples, achieve the speaker's innocence and speak freely, we specially set up these two slanders. With the development of the times, defamation wood has evolved into exquisitely carved stone pillars, and has become the ornament of the imperial palaces and the symbol of the dignity of the emperors. However, the vivid images of Cambodian ministers are forever recorded in history. Zou Ji used his own experience of "Meiwo incident" to warn the king of Qi that those who say good things about themselves must have concerns and must be open-minded in order to hear more criticism. Wei Zheng of Tang Dynasty dared to speak out and was called a mirror by Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty. Are these historical figures and events merely warning the emperors of the feudal era? Are they also reminding us that every tourist here should listen to the advice and make friends?

Around Guangyun hall are the palaces of Emperor Shun and Emperor Yu. In his later years, Yao asked the public who could conform to the times and inherit the throne? They first recommended Dan Zhu, his son. Yao thought that Dan Zhu was stubborn and liked to fight for meritorious service, so he could not shoulder heavy responsibilities. They also recommended Gonggong. Yao thought that Gonggong was good at words, eccentric in purpose, respectful on the surface, heinous and useless. Finally, he asked the four princes to recommend the talents who had disappeared in the countryside. All the princes recommended Shun to him. Shun used filial piety to treat the blind father, the cruel stepmother and the arrogant and unreasonable younger brother, so that they could make progress from good to evil. Yao then married his two daughters to Shun and asked them to observe his words and deeds. It took him twenty years to abdicate the throne to shun. Let people not only be relatives, but also be able to get them by virtue. All for the benefit of the tribal alliance, without any selfish thoughts. This is Emperor Yao in the hearts of posterity. I don't know whether later emperors asked themselves about the statue of Emperor Yao when they visited the Yao temple, whether they were ashamed of fighting for power and profit and greedy for enjoyment, and how many of the people who came to visit the Yao Temple today came to save their souls. Standing in front of the great emperors Yao and Shun, all souls are selfish and small, and need to repent.

Behind the Guangyun hall is the bedroom, in which there are statues of King Yao and his wife. It is said that the wife of King Yao, named Lu Xiannv, was born in Gushe mountain. Legend has it that King Yao was almost hurt by a boa constrictor when he visited gusheshan, thanks to the deer fairy. So they fell in love at first sight and decided for life. Soon, they took deer fairy cave as their new house and held a wedding. That night, the candle mountain on the opposite side was shining brightly, making the fairy cave as bright as day. Later people called the wedding night "wedding night." After marriage, Yao was busy managing the affairs of the tribe, and the deer fairy often took care of the horse ranch in shegu mountain. The next year, Lu Xian had a boy. Yao was very happy and named him "Zhu".

From the palace, we went to the drum tower, which is called "the first drum in the world", and the bell tower, which is called "huadiyao bell". The name of the drum "dare to admonish the drum" is the same as slandering the wood. It aims to publicize Emperor Yao's extensive speech, open up holy listening, accept admonition and eliminate malpractice, and create a precedent of democratic administration. The drum is made of a whole piece of cow hide, with a diameter of more than three meters. It is said that it has been recorded in the Guinness world record. The clock is 366 cm high, 240 cm in diameter and consists of 12 teeth. There are 366 days, 24 solar terms and 12 months in a year. The purpose is to praise Emperor Yao for creating the holy day of Yao with the flourishing bell.

The last classic of Yao temple is "Yao Dian wall". Standing in front of the 300 meter "Yao Dian wall", my thoughts seem to have gone through the time and space of history, listening to the praises of emperors, celebrities and scholars for the great achievements of Emperor Yao. "Forever, like the sun, majestic and good work." No star's light can compare with the sun, no one's merit can surpass Emperor Yao.

Emperor Yao - every posterity needs to look up and see.



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