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护理本科毕业,六年以上临床护理经验,主管护师职称。熟悉各项临床操作技术和诊疗常规,五年以上二级以上医院工作经验、三年的临床带教和一年的护士长管理经验,一年500强企业工作经验,几个月的销售经验,让我具有良好的沟通能力,一定的市场开拓能力,很快的适应能力和很强的责任心,性格开朗,人际关系良好,学习能力强。能熟练操作ms office软件系统,具备一定的英文听说读写能力。


本人性格开朗、稳重、有活力,待人热情、真诚:对待工作认真负责,善于沟通、协调有较强的组织能力与团队精神;活泼开朗、乐观上进、有爱心并善于施教并行;上进心强、勤于学习能不断提高自身的能力与综合素质。在未来的工作中,我将以充沛的精力,刻苦钻研的精神来努力工作,稳定地提高自己的工作能力,与企业同步发展。保险这个行业让我成长很快。为人处事。沟通能力等等很多。也曾今拿过区域业绩第3 。在这里我懂的团队的力量。一个团队的凝聚力是恐怖的。当大家抱着必胜的决心朝着一个方向前进的时候感觉太棒了。


Time flies, flash two years! Looking back two years of college life, my thoughts thousands; thinking about the work of two years of the class committee, which has bitter music, there is more to lose but get! Look at their own learning, life and work performance of the following aspects of self-identification:

In learning, I have been trying to upper reaches, a new high. Although the results are often not as desired, but the struggle and hard work process is enough for me to enjoy half! In terms of public basic courses, I try to communicate with other professors and other students in order to obtain a more objective understanding and understanding; professional theory courses, I am positive thinking, willing to ask for advice.

In the understanding and understanding of textbook theory, I will use the leisure time to fully enjoy

"Internet explorer" resource advantages, to understand and master the professional talents of the requirements and development trends and trends. In short, I will use a variety of ways to expand their horizons, strengthen their own knowledge system. Although my performance is still very good, but I believe: as long as the use of scientific methods, coupled with unremitting efforts, my great potential will slowly play out!

Life, we certainly have a set of suitable for their own survival methods. I do, or more believe that "plain is true, simple is real," I am happy to help others in life, unity of students, respect for teachers and and cheerful personality, sincere self-confidence in nearly two years of my college career to establish a better relationship. Think about the past, grasp now, challenge the future, I am confident! Please believe: self-confidence, optimism and hard work will make life shine, fruitful!

In terms of work, I attach great importance to communication and communication between students and strengthen mutual cooperation and cooperation between partners, and fully tap and play due to the sense of teamwork and cooperation. On weekdays I asked myself to try to understand and care about the life of every student, take the initiative to discover and understand their real thoughts and needs, do their best to care for and help the students in need, in order to exercise self, useful to others! In addition, I always strive to give priority to doing my part, and strive to do a real name to the "outstanding student cadres."

Nearly two years of class work, so I am fully aware of: as a class cadre, first of all to have the results to conquer the students, and then use the action to influence students, so as to get the students trust and love."Small can not bear to mess with", control their emotions as a class cadre of the necessary conditions. I always spur their own efforts to do our best!

Into the knowledge of the hall, no matter which I have strict demands on themselves, do things are abide by their own guidelines! All along, I abide by the rules and regulations of the school, has a good ideological and moral qualities and strong sense of collective honor and sense of responsibility. As a member of the Communist Youth League, I thought of progress, abide by social morality, and actively participate in social practice and concerned about national affairs.

Under the leadership of the CYL organizations, strive to better exercise their own, and strive to be a social useful talent, to achieve self-worth of life! I have many shortcomings, but there are some potential, I believe that through unremitting efforts, their overall quality and overall strength will be a new high! I also give myself a chance to identify themselves, in order to put right attitude, optimistic, courage, courage and success!






如果是应届毕业生求职者,专家建议你可以着重表现你的学业:比如“学习刻苦认真,成绩优秀,名列前茅。品学兼优,连续三年获得学院奖学金。” 或者“曾担任系学生会外联部干部、系团总支组织部副部长、班级生活委员等,在学生工作和外出拉赞助与商家联系的过程中,大大提高了自己的办事和处事能力。此外,还积极参加课外文体活动,各种社会实践活动和兼职工作等,以增加自己的阅历,提高自己的能力。在工作中体会办事方式,锻炼口才和人际交往能力。曾连续两年获得学院“暑期社会实践积极分子”,“学生会优秀干事”等荣誉称号。”





Under the leadership of the party branch of the sub-branch, under the leadership of party members and leading cadres, we strictly demand ourselves, strengthen political beliefs, strengthen political theory, laws and regulations, financial knowledge learning, change work ideas, improve work style, insist on honesty and self- Conscientiously perform their duties and take concrete actions to practice the "three represents."

First, in Germany:

We should continue to study and implement the important thinking of the 'Three Represents', maintain the advanced nature of the Party members, establish a scientific outlook on development and a correct performance program, law, discipline, and organizational concepts; and be in line with the Party Central Committee. Conscientiously implement the democratic centralism, the overall situation, subject to division of labor, Yong for leaders, unity of leadership and the majority of cadres and workers, the ideological style of correct style of work, practical, dare to uphold the principle of refinement and pragmatic, pioneering spirit, and earnestly perform their duties, adhere to the administration according to law, responsible and supervisory work, and strong support The work of the top leaders to promote the smooth development of the three branches of civilization.

Second, in the energy aspects:

Familiar with and master the country's financial principles and policies, financial laws and regulations, can be better combined with the actual situation to be implemented; better coordination of all aspects of the relationship, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff to complete the complex work tasks; The level of cultural knowledge is high, the level of professional theory is strong, with the basic skills required by their own work; through the survey found the problem, sum up experience, make recommendations, with the Independent processing and problem-solving skills; work experience is more abundant, wide knowledge.

Over the past year, I have hosted the area of financial institutions anti-money laundering work conference, foreign exchange management forum, economic and financial situation analysis, coordination of the county government held a forum on the work of the treasury. At the meeting, respectively, the organization to learn about the financial policy, the "one provides two methods", foreign exchange management policies, financial macro-control measures, account management, cash management, treasury management regulations conduction to the area financial institutions and the relevant departments , And inform the relevant work, analysis of problems, improve the views put forward to better play the grassroots people's Bank of monetary policy transmission and window guidance role.

Earlier this year, I organized the middle-level cadres of the sub-branches to study the "four laws" and conduct the examination. Through organizational learning and examination, to improve the middle-level cadres, the level of financial laws and regulations and the ability to administer according to law.

In accordance with the duties and scope of the supervisory work and the supervisory and administrative functions, the Bank has organized the following aspects: the examination of the cash management, the implementation of the Measures for the Administration of the Credit Registration Consultation System and the implementation of the Measures for the Collection and Appraisal of Counterfeit Currency Check the situation, and coordinate the central branch of the inspection section of the area designated foreign exchange banks to carry out foreign exchange business inspection and the area of foreign trade companies to carry out verification of export proceeds verification. Through inspection, timely detection and correction of the relevant issues, and promote the financial institutions and foreign trade companies in accordance with the law in accordance with regulations and management, and better coordination of the relevant aspects of the relationship.

I have a strong guidance, management, coordination capacity. In the guidance work, always first conscientiously understand the spirit of the document, careful consideration, the development of a work program; and then solicit opinions from all sides, brainstorming, the spirit of the file and the actual situation, the combination of personal wisdom and collective wisdom . In the course of work, adhere to the front command, identify the focus of work, difficulties, to seize the main contradiction, targeted to solve the problem, resolve contradictions, firmly grasp the initiative. In the management work, adhere to the beginning of each month to host a charge, co-ordination of department heads to listen to the work report last month, study the work of the month plan; adhere to the monthly operating room, the outer tube unit for internal control system implementation check , Strengthen management, urge the implementation of internal control system. In the coordination work, adhere to the people-oriented, give full play to people's initiative and teamwork, together to complete the complex and arduous tasks.

I pay attention to theory with practice, to strengthen investigation and study. Over the past year, under the grass-roots 50 times, more than 30 days. On the basis of investigation and study, it solves many problems in daily work, at the same time, wrote a number of theoretical research and research articles. In the paper, the author analyzes the problems of Huidong's history, which is against the scientific concept of development, blindly exploiting the development zone to cause serious losses to the economy and finance, and expounds the problems of the financial development Support the development of the focus of science to grasp the intensity of credit, credit growth to achieve steady and rapid growth, the People's Bank to do a good job financial services "point of view."Stick to the role of good selection, selection of good people," an article, analyzed in recent years, the party and state corruption data and corrupt elements from quantitative to qualitative change in the process of selection and employment problems to the critical To the conclusion. First of all, we must have a good style in the selection of candidates, one is to uphold meritocracy; the other is to adhere to the mass line; third is to uphold the collective discussion of the party committee; second, to choose the style of good people. It is necessary to adhere to the virtuous people; the second is to adhere to the ability to use; three is to adhere to the ground knowledge; four is to adhere to the performance of people; five is to insist on a low selection of people "point of view. From the perspective of the reality of foreign exchange management at the grassroots level, the five issues concerning the current foreign exchange management policy are seriously considered and relevant suggestions for improving foreign exchange management are put forward. "On the promotion of county economy and financial development of thinking" article, analysis of economic and financial development Huidong uncoordinated performance and its causes, put forward to promote the coordination of county economy and financial development of the six recommendations.

Third, in the ground:

Work diligently, vigorous and resolute, vigorous and resolute, dare to be responsible, do not care about personal gains and losses; work diligent, hard work, hard working; no reason not to be late, not early retirement .Over the past year, I basically work days off, holidays and more regular duty and overtime, adhere to the end of each month to participate in the overtime business room to coordinate the work, review the I work more busy, so many times to give up the invitation to participate in a national academic exchange and study abroad opportunities.

Fourth, in the area of honesty:

1. Strictly enforce and maintain the party's "four requirements of the four disciplines," consciously abide by the "clean political criteria", consciously abide by the party's discipline and unswervingly implement the party's discipline is not aliasing. Enhance the sense of supervision, take the initiative to accept the party organizations, party members and the masses of supervision. Over the past year, I have strictly abided by the party's political discipline, organizational discipline, economic work discipline and mass work discipline. Abide by the democratic centralism, not arbitrary, weak laissez-faire; exercise power according to law, do not abuse their powers, neglect their duties; honest, do not accept any impact on the interests of fair execution of official duties; Good spouses, children and staff around, do not allow them to use their influence for personal gain; fair and decent employment, not cronyism, malpractice; hard work, not extravagant waste, coveted enjoyment; pragmatic for the people, not fraud, and civil disputes Lee.

2. In the selection and appointment of cadres, conscientiously implement the relevant provisions of the "Regulations on the Selection and Appointment of Party and Government Leading Cadres" and the "Interim Measures for the Administration of Cadres", adhere to the principles of openness, equality, competition and merit, and promote the employment mechanism of branches Reform, and gradually into the track of the rule of law.

3. Strictly implement the rules and regulations, and resolutely correct the unhealthy tendencies in the industry. I set an example of love, strict adherence to the system of employment, the system of people, and guide and educate staff consciously implement the rules and regulations of the sub-branch, love line home, love and dedication of good habits.

4. Close contact with the masses, and strive to achieve, safeguard and develop the people's fundamental interests. I firmly establish the correct concept of power, status, interests, establish the idea of serving the people, the masses are not satisfied with the support and support, do not agree as the starting point and end point, and strive to do practical things for the masses, .

5. According to the provisions of the implementation of individual matters of major reporting system, personal income reporting system.

In general, over the past year, I have been in charge of a large number of shares, a wide range of work, heavy responsibilities and responsibilities. Since I have a correct understanding of the work arrangements of the higher authorities, I have firmly implemented the Party's and State's financial policies. Sub-branch of the rules and regulations to better fulfill the administrative duties and as a professional and technical duties, to play a leadership management and organization and coordination capacity, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff work, and better completed in charge of the whole Year of work tasks.



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