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网友发表时间 416278



I was born in a small village of He Nan Province on Jan 16th, 1968. When I was young, my family was very poor, so I had to work to earn money to help my parents after class when I was in the middle school.

In 1986 I was admitted by University of International Business and Economics (or: UIBE) to pursue a bachelor degree in Economics. My major is accounting in Department of International Business Management. The undergraduate education gave me a wide range of vision and taught me how to cooperate with others. I developed several professional interests in Accounting, Finance, and International Trade.

The following eight-year working experience offered me a good chance to give full play to my creativity, intelligence and diligence. In 1990-1993, I worked as an assistant to funding manager in China National Technical Import and Export Corporation. In 1993-present, I was employed by China Kingdom Import and Export Corporation to be the Manger of Financial and Accounting Division.

I do believe that with my hard early life, solid educational background and ample working experience, I would be an excellent student of you MBA program.


After graduating from UIBE, I was employed as the assistant to the funding manager by China National Technical Import and Export Corporation. After reading a lot of related files, and analyzing the overall funding situation of the corporation, I found that the loan policy was not been put into effect. So we have thousands of millions RMB loan with very high interest rate while a large amount of cash in bank with very low interest rate was idle. I reported this to my supervisor, and then we studied and revised the loan policy. This revision saved the corporation approximately RMB thirty millions yuan. In order to raise the funding effectiveness, after one years hard work, I developed the internal banking system within the corporation based on the actual funding supply and need of the different divisions and projects. This internal banking system made full use of the corporation funding resources, and due to this, I was highly praised by the president of the corporation.



Objective:To exercise work in company


Education:—now Studying in Commercial College in Guangxi University for Nationalities, major is International Economic and Trade;

—now Studying Thai language in Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University.

Personal: Nationalities: Chinese

Age: **

Address: **********

Tel: *************


Language: Thai Language: Excellence English: well

Computer: WindowXX, Window OfficeXX, Photoshop CS etc.


★Writing, reading ,photographing;

★liking play football, tennis, ping-pong etc;

★Be interested in research and survey, had ever organized a team and gone to several villages to survey about the Building a new socialist countryside twice in Wuming County, Guangxi Province.


★ I was a director of the Club of Computer and Internet, was an excellence reporter in university, and had ever published more than 40 pieces of news and other articles thought websites and newspapers of Guangxi University for Nationalities;

★ Once organized a team went to several villages twice in summer holiday and awarded “Provincial Excellent Person” of “culture, science and sanity” summer social practice sponsored by junior and senior college students in Guangxi Province ;

★ Once was the chief of the reporter team in Commercial College of Guangxi University for Nationalities;

★ Once joined the 10th National Challenge Cup Competition for Academic and Scientific Achievements among University Students, and awarded the Second Class in Guangxi Province.


daniel leon

1217 eastern ridge way

cleveland, oh 44108


to obtain a position as a biomedical researcher.

professional skills

operating systems

windows 98/95/00 , nt, linux

applications & languages

ms office (word, excel, powerpoint, access, frontpage), visual basic, labview, matlab, minitab, design expert

medical instrumentation

thermodilution, ultrasound, ecg, pacemaker, physiogrip, electroneurogram, electroencephalography(eeg)

design & optimization

using the graphic language labview, created electromyography (emg), electrocardiogram (ecg), automatic speech recognition (asr) system and performed basic engineering analysis


biogenesis labs, cleveland, oh

supervisor, 1992 to present

performed cancer research. assisted in overall lab management, directly supervising 8 researchers. responsible for maintenance of health and safety standards.

vitex labs, dayton, oh

staff scientist, 1990 to 1992

investigated various aspects of eukaryotic metabolism, protein targeting and genetic transformation, ultimately leading to the metabolic engineering of organisms with designer pathways for biosynthesis of commercially valuable biochemicals and improved biomass accumulation.


, molecular biology, 1990

johns hopkins university, baltimore, md




·More than 14 years in accounting.

·Training and directing staff in accounting activities and be an expert in Lotus system.

·Planning and conducting audits and variance analysis ,processing payroll and payroll tax reports and files,and maintaining /updating accurate inventories.


Name: Stella Li Gender:Female Date of Birth:August 23th,1968

Martial Status:Married Email Address:stellali@


·Responsible for the accurate and timely processing of accounts payable/receivable, payroll,insurance reports,and sales tax/payroll tax reporting.

·Performing job costing ,account analysis,and general ledger management using Lotus and Excel.

--Freeding up $32,ooo by reducing A/R aging from 77 to 38 days

--Reducing accounting payroll costs 41% through automation

·Analyzed and interpreted forecasts,capital expenditures,and financial data.

·Directly involved in budget preparation and cash flow.

·Trained and directed six employees in accounting department.

--Successfully negotiated a $650,000 credit line with major bank.

--Detected costing problem that eventually saved the company$124,000/year.

--Active participant in the successful implementation of just-in-time program.

·Performed detailed financial audits for clients.

·Recommended improvements in system procedures,documentation,and internal controls.

·Conducted reviews and compilations.

·Prepared corporate and individual income tax returns,and payroll /sales tax returns.

·Assisted in budget forecasting.

·Developed standard cost data and variance analyses.

·Reviewed capital expenditures and coordinated /reconciled physical inventories.


10/1998-09/2000 China USA Business University

Certifications & Memberships

Certified Public Valuer-Member of China Appraisal Society

Certifild Public Accountant-Member of China CPA SOCIETY



本身是主管, 简历 少说也看了几万封了,发现有一些通病是很多人会忽略的,而那些招聘网站或者 简历 中心也没有很专业的教你怎么写一封好的英文 简历 。


当然在国内中文简历比较重要,但是现在的趋势就是双语,有时候中文写的洋洋洒洒,英文确令人哭笑不得。通常 面试 外企,多少都会有老外 面试 ,一份得体的英文简历还是很重要的。




- 结了婚是Married, 未婚就是Unmarried? 偶尔看到有人写上Single会倍感安慰

- 个性有闯劲,最好还是不要用aggressive,中文感觉还可以但其实英文里这个词是非常负面的,有暴躁的意思,不是优点。用energetic或者spirited比较好

- 英文和中文一样,标点符号后要空一格,不要所有句子挤在一起

- 很多人喜欢在写职责范围的时候写上Be responsible for , 文法上来说是不需要的。这些事情是你已经做过的,直接说 Responsible for all outgoing couriers 就可以了

- 英文有很多缩写,但是在像简历这种正式场合还是少用为妙,比如Dont可以换成do not,千万不要用那些wanna, gonna来代替want to, going to



- 写完后一定要去页面设置去除多余的空白页面,或者是orphan和widow现象,也就是单句的句子在页面的最上面,最好是合并到前一页

- 记得调整字体和大小,有些人的简历除了不同颜色以外还用不同字体,就像是在不同网站上粘贴过来的,非常不专业。

- 简历最好不要超过3页,言语要精简,最忌讳像论文一样,但是没有重点

- Word本身带有拼写检查,你这里满页都是红线,我这里看到的也都是红线

下面这十个毛病可是 简历 中不该犯的。对照检查一下你犯错了没有?如果有,要赶快改吧!

1、拷贝别人的 简历 格式;








9、只有 简历 ,没有COVERLETTER。




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