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文化大革命(The Cultural Revolution in China1

文化大革命(the cultural revolution in china)

the cultural revolution in china () was a large scale political campaign launched by the late iron man mao zetong. afraid of china's heading for the so-called revisionist road, which was alien to the orthodox marxist doctrine, mao gathered a bloc of radicals to aid him in his attack on the leadership of the communist party. law-and-order was shattered. the whole country was in complete upheaval. good-willed as the intent might seem, the cr turned out to be a nightmare in the history of china's development. official chinese communist party documents termed it as a colossal mistake which is in no conformity with re√山草香★√volution in any sense of the word.

my experience with cr as i remember is that everywhere there were red guards, those mao's crazy supporters. the feverish rgs went so far as to resort to violence, dragging out government officials, blocking railroad traffic, hampering production in factories, fighting among themselves, destroying cultural relics. i still recall a remote relative of mine, whose family was victim to the fractional fight among the rgs. members of the family belonged to and believed in different rg organizations. they argued, debated, and there was no peace at home. at last, they fought with fists. as a tragic result, one lost an eye. what is really sad is that this is only a very small incident in the tragedy of the whole nation.

a wrong revolution waged by a problem-minded leader made common people suffer. this is the real picture of cr.




revolution的基本意思是“革命”,指为了推翻旧的政权或体系而进行的规模较大的行为,尤指借助武力; 也可指有重大意义的或彻底的变化。revolution还可指“旋转,运行”。



Most countries have had revolutions aganist the government.大多数国家发生过反对政府的革命。

The industrial revolution had taken place in England first.工业革命首先在英国发生。

Those people go around preaching revolution.那些人到处宣扬革命。


1、The vehicle that permitted both communication and acceptability was social revolution.


2、Babearth regarded the middle classes as the betrayers of the Revolution.


3、The feeding of dairy cows has undergone a revolution.


second industrial revolution是什么意思及用法

经 第二次工业革命


· second industrial revolution 经 第二次工业革命

· the industrial revolution n.工业革命

· industrial revolution n.工业革命(18世纪60年代在英国开始的)

· Industrial Revolution n. 工业革命

· revolution per second 每秒钟转数

· second per revolution 每一转所需秒数

· be second to 次于。

· second to 次于,不如

· to second 赞成

· earth revolution 地球公转


· revolution n.[C] 1. 革命;革命活动;革命运动;革命力量 2. 革命性巨变,大变革 3. 旋转;绕转;天公转 4. 循环;(一)周期 5.地变革

· industrial adj. 1.工业的,产业的 2.用于工业的 3.有很多产业的,工业发达的

· second second 1 a. 1.第二的;第二次的 2.二等的,次等的 3.次要的;副的;从属的 4.另一的;附加的,另加的 5.隔一的 6.类似的,非原先的,比喻性的 7.非天生的,后天

· semi revolution 半周

· two revolution 二回转印刷机

· counter revolution adj. 反革命的

· kilocharacters/second 每秒千字符(=KCS) 通常用来表示资料的传输速率。

· cycles/second phr. 每秒周数

· industrial accountant 经 工业会计师

· industrial strength adj. 极其有效的,耐用的


· sloping floor是什么意思 倾斜地面,斜地坪

· sloping fields的意思 坡地

· sloping field的中文解释 破田

· sloping desk的中文解释 倾斜面板

· sloping curb是什么意思及反义词 斜路缘

· sloping core是什么意思 斜心墙

· sloping convection怎么翻译及发音 斜坡对流

· sloping control panel的中文翻译及用法 斜面控制盘



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