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time flies, unconsciously in between new post have been working for two years.


two years ago, in a school party committee, executive correct leadership and support, in the group members especially group general manager and general branch secretary guidance, care and the help, i pay attention to strengthen ideological and political learning, and constantly strengthen personal cultivation and the party spirit exercise, consciously keep consistent with the central party committee; in the work i always remember "three service two education," the purpose, fulfill their duties, the solid work, pays special attention to the serious charge of work, always with a communist party member's standard strict demands on themselves, and strive to overcome and correct their own problems, better to complete the job and the leadership turns over the handling various tasks, take overall responsibility the overall situation, to plan as a whole processing major problem, coordinating internal and external relations and active work resumption administrative ability obtained the further exercise and improve. we briefly summed up as follows:


a, take an active part in ideological and political learning, and strive to improve the political theory accomplishment.

两年来,我积极参加各类政治学习,认真学习党的基础理论和各项方针政策,重视对党的xx大精神特别是学校第三次党代会精神的学习,深刻领会其精神实质,并结合学习深刻剖析自己工作中的不足,找出自己的差距,写出心得体会,自觉以科学发展观和校党代会精神来指导自己的工作实践,时刻注意自己的言行与党中央保持一致,努力提高自己的政治水平和理论修养。通过学习,我进一步认识到自己所肩负的责任,牢固确立了 “三服务两育人”的宗旨观念和科学发展观等重要思想在工作中的指导地位,增强了顾全大局、坚持原则、身体力行、率先垂范的自觉性,自己的思想认识和理论水平上升到新的高度。

two years, i took an active part in all kinds of the political study, earnestly study the party's basic theory and various policies, attach importance to the essence of the 17th cpc especially school third party spirit of learning, a deep understanding of its essence, and in combination with the learning profound analysis of their work in of shortage, find out their gap, write comments, the determination to the scientific concept of development and school party spirit to guide their own work practice, always pay attention to his words and deeds remain consistent with the central party committee, and strive to improve their own political level and theory training. through the study, i further understand that his shoulder responsibility, established the "three service two education" for the purpose of the concept of scientific development, and the important thought of the guiding position at work, enhance the wagging the dog, insist on principle, physically, takes the lead to hang fan's consciousness, their own ideological recognition and the theoretical level rise to new heights.


second, conscientious, the solid work, honesty and self-discipline, administrative resumption ability has been improved.


two years, oneself always keep promising mental state, obey leadership, pay attention to the interests, who, pragmatic and hard work. as the deputy leader, the assigned by the general manager work, never bargain, accomplishing; to one's weight active treatment, and strive to complete, do neither offside, and to reach the designated position, more not dereliction of duty; in the same group several other comrades work coordination, do it with sincerity, teach and learn. in honesty and self-discipline, can according to ranking and the party committee about the leading cadre the provisions of honesty and self-discipline, high standard, strict requirement, carefully regulate behavior in politics, and consciously accept supervision, always do self-respect, from cheng zijing, self-excitation.


through more than two years of work discipline, in the work they can do clear thinking, highlight, clear responsibility, administrative resumption ability on a new level: one is to cultivate their overcoming difficulties, overcome difficulties spirit. in a positive state of mind to respond and handle in the work the difficulties and problems emerging in the, overcome the previous work in fear of impatience and mood. the second is to improve the responsibility of courage and ability. in the work to do justice, fair, when anything crops up to be responsible to responsible for, not pursuing work don't expect, don't shuffle don't pass the buck. three is to further improve the overall situation, their overall global, pay attention to the interests of the ability to further realize the importance of unity and cooperation. unity setting hearts meet force, unity out energy, unite a result, in the work cherish the chance work, conscientiously strengthen unity and cooperation. four is to improve their internal and external relations coordination and deal with major question ability. according to the superior arrangement, and puts forward the train of thought, the implementation of the project, and pay attention to solve problems, to carry out the implementation.


three, forge ahead, and actively work, work have made new progress, to achieve a new breakthrough.

1、狠抓校园环境绿化卫生 “窗口”建设,认真清洁校园每一寸土地,科学养护每一棵花草树木,努力为广大师生创造一个优雅、清洁、美丽的生活学习环境,为学校荣获“全国绿化模范单位”和聊城市成功创建“全国卫生城市”做出了积极贡献。

1, vigorously promotes the campus environment greening health "window" construction, carefully clean campus every inch of the land, scientific maintenance every tree flowers and trees, and strive for teachers and students to create an elegant, clean and beautiful life learning environment, for the school won the "national model green unit" and liaocheng successfully created the "national health city" has made a positive contribution.


2, to the patriotic health responsibility to the pision and adjustment, and in every college health responsibility area setting the health pision of responsibility card, further clarify accountability unit and range, convenient the majority of teachers and students supervision, to mobilize all the teachers and students to participate in the campus management and the construction of campus's enthusiasm.


3, to achieve the school put forward by greening greening construction to beautify the leap, implement the way increase green and flowers and plants to adorn engineering, enrich the school greening plant variety and level, improve the campus beautification level, make the landscape layout, beautification effect is more outstanding, has received the very good environment effect and social repercussions.


4, conscientiously carry out teaching building, laboratory building management and clean, good service for the teaching affairs. and the academic administration actively contact, close cooperation, successfully held the first and the second classroom building management appraisal recognition work, powerful promotes the floor tube work to go into another new step.


5, standardizes the orientation heguoqing flowers put management examination and approval procedures, improve the beautification and ornamental effect. campus center carefully improve flowers breeding and put the work, rich varieties, scientific maintenance to prolong flowering, and strive for the teachers and students to build the harmony between human and nature beautiful picture scroll festival, joy and peace festival atmosphere.


6, nearly two years the outbreak of the united states in our province moths major epidemic, to ecological environment caused by serious damage. campus management center overcome workload big, prevention and control task and employee costs increase and drug purchase funds nervous and so on many difficulties, early to begin, grasp the initiative, the united states moths prevention and control work to achieve the "have insect don't hazard" prevention and control target.


7, conscientiously implement the "labor contract law", the legal maintenance schools and the interests of the group. one is the economic contract form completion of the things campus green space, and the contract management work, not only save the spending and avoid the implementation of the labor contract law for caused by the labor dispute; 2 it is effective to use labor xieyigong, hire some physical condition good retired or leave due out personnel, omissible three risks a gold, reduce the labor cost, save the money for the group.


8, completed the huahuiyuan market development work, to rationalize the management system and operational mechanism, realize the year over net profit of 300000 yuan economic goals. huahuiyuan land formalities have made significant breakthrough, has been reported to shengting for examination and approval.


9, in the school leader's support, actively and local competent department contact, through the active work, two years accumulated for the school to save nearly 600000 yuan city garbage expenditure.


four, problems and the insufficiency


through two years of work discipline, in their political thought has a new progress, administrative resumption ability had the new enhancement, the performance achieved new progress, honesty and self-discipline also have new achievements, but with implementation of the scientific outlook on development requirements compared with high efficiency performance of the requirements of the job responsibilities, compared to oneself and school leaders put forward the expectations and requirements are obviously less than gap: one is the study is still very insufficient, lack of systematic and deep going. need in the future work to further strengthen the study of political theory, to the excellent learning, the side learning edge thinking edge summary, deepening the study effect, often to do work summary and reflection to learn lessons, enhance the rational thinking, and improve the quality and ability. the second is enough thought liberation, concept is not very good to adapt to the requirement of the scientific development concept, couldn't keep up with the needs of the development of the situation. in the future work, must further increase the strength of emancipating the mind, further strengthen the scientific development concept understanding, the understanding and utilization, the determination according to the requirement of the scientific development concept innovation concept, the improvement work ideas and ways of working. the third is to improve working methods, avoid to criticize. in some specific issues can't all require perfect, because, because, because when it should reflect the difference, want to notice to everybody's enthusiasm play good, protect, build give a kind of lively good situation, the society will be director-general, dry to accomplish anything and do some good.


review the past two years, achievement is insignificant, problems and the insufficiency must be taken seriously, sober understanding, timely solve. in the future work, i will further implementation of the third party spirit, according to the requirement of the scientific development concept, do a solid job and the leadership turns over the handling each work mission, to realize the third party school put forward the goal and task, for the group to realize the development of new cross actively make their own contribution.












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