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网友发表时间 332982



in 1999 , i was born, unluckily, i got the very serious pneumonia and suffered a lot. my mother said: ‘until now she still remembers my smiling face with tears on it. she told me that when i grow up, i should be a strong-minded and optimistic girl. during the ten years, i have been experiencing a lot with my country…

in XX, china no. 5 spaceship was successfully launched发射 into space! in yangliwei’s hometown, we took a photo. you can see on my t-shirt, it is written ‘what is love?’ at that time, i didn’t quite understand the sentence, but with the time passing, i begin to know its meaning.

in XX, i went to the primary school, since then i started a very important step in my life. in XX, i worked hard and got my first certificate —cambridge english level 1 with the score of 14 shields.

following that it was XX, there were a great number of things in this year. first, the olympic games were successfully held in our country. second, i got the first prize in hainxin cup competition. but there was a bad thing--the earthquake in wenchuan, in the disaster, we felt our country’s love.

now it is XX, i’m growing up with country, little by little i understand what love is—love is to help other people and help myself!



XX年我国第一艘载人飞船“神舟”五号发射成功!爸爸妈妈带着我来到航天英雄杨立伟的。故乡——绥中拍了照片。我的t恤上写着what is love ?当时我还不太明白这句话的意思,随着时间的流逝我越来越懂得这句话的含义……






My English teacherMy English teacher is slim and beautiful. She is in her thirties with curly,short hair. She has been teaching in this school for about ten years. She is kind,generous, friends and intellegent. Of course she is very strict with us.

She likes reading books and traveling. She knows so much that she always makes her class interesting and lively. She ofen lets us watching PPT, short English movies and descuss in class so that we all have chance to speak English and know the background of Europe and America.

She is our best friend,too. When we have any difficulties wheather they are about English or our lives, she can always give us good suggestion. She works so hard that sometimes she has no time to rest herself. Sometimes she has to prepare the lesson and read our test paper till late at night. I still remember when she first became my English teacher, I was weak in it and always worried. She talked with me for a long time on how to learn English and lent me some books. Besides she often helped me with my English after school. With her help, I made great progress and I could caught up with others. Now I am good at English and I thank her very much. This is my English teacher who is lovely and kind. So we all love her very much.


Dear friends:

If you can dream it, you can do it.——Walt Disney

It was a long four years. Even after I had actually graduated, the nightmares began to haunt me, the university would call to say I hadn’t truly graduated. There had been a mistake and there was just one more class I needed to take. I was always so relieved to wake up and realize that it had only been a bad dream. In reality, I had completed every course needed for my degree, and I was a full-fledged college graduate!

Now, the rest of my life loomed ahead of me. Sometimes a bachelor’s degree prepares you for a specific occupation——you train to be an accountant, you graduate and get a position in an accounting firm. Often, however, your stint in college only prepares you to make further decisions regarding your future. You’re pretty sure what you don’t want to do!

During my senior year of college, I had toyed with the idea of changing my major. At that point, I had finally discovered what captured my heart. But, wanting to finally be finishing school was a stronger pull. So, I took a few courses in physiology and exercise science, but not enough to receive a degree in physical therapy. That would require advanced schooling, beyond my bachelor’s degree——and I just wasn’tready to tackle that. Having completed my degree, I didn’t have any intentions of furthering my education.

So, I did the safe thing and got an office job——the very thing I was sure that I didn’t want to do! I detested the office policies, the suits I had to wear and the downtown environment that I had to drive to every day. I knew this was not where I belonged.

But god knew what path my career was to follow. A position opened up at the most exclusive health club in our city, so I applied. This was my kind of environment——an active, vibrant kind of place——completely at the opposite end of the spectrum from the office environment where I found myself. The position required that I work Saturday nights and Sunday mornings. Perfect, I thought! I could keep my office job Monday through Friday and work at my dream job on the weekends. This arrangement lasted several months until, eventually, a full-time position opened up and I was able to resign from my office job.

Over the next few years, I worked my way up the leader, gaining experience in several different departments. I found my niche as the director of member services——catering to our clientele and providing them with numerous cutting-edge programs. I would have stayed at that job forever——it seemed to be the pinnacle of all my dreams fulfilled. Here were fellow employees who had a passion for the same things that I did——health and fitness. Yet again, god had other plans for my two years, a newer, bigger, better and more state-of-the-art health club facility was built——just five miles down the road. And, in turn, the owner lost many members to that club. And, in turn, the owner lost thousands of dollars. One by one we were each laid off.

After trying unsuccessfully to land another similar position elsewhere, I knew what I had to do. Go back to school!thanks!


For a little peace and tranquility in the financial zone that is Lujiazui, take some time off to smell the roses in an unlikely setting.

Just by the looming Oriental Pearl TV Tower behemoth is a newly-installed park complete with artificial waterways and resident geese. If this sounds cheesy, rest assured, it's not.

To complete the other-worldliness of this verdant garden, a few classical European-style villas are being built within the compound. One already-completed building houses the perfect representation of this safe haven within the business district. The Golden Atrium Garden Restaurant is quite unlike anything one has come to expect from the city's freshly-flush property developers. The villa is tasteful, inviting and homely - a far cry from some of the hideous monstrosities that have spawned from the ground below in recent times.

In fact, the building looks like it belongs in a painting, a fact not lost on the establishment's proprietors. "We were looking to find a special peaceful place in Pudong," said Phylia Wang, co-founder of Golden Atrium. "This place, with the Pearl Tower in the background, is quite unique."

The restaurant owners were interested in a few key factors. Firstly, the surroundings had to be pleasant. That they certainly are. Despite the premises being located deep within the park, prominent signs on the main road point diners in the right direction.

Secondly, the interior had to be done to their satisfaction. "We didn't want it to look like it was done for the nouveau riche," the Chinese Taiwan resident said. "That meant no gaudy ornaments or glaring chandeliers."

The restaurant is wonderfully understated. The interior, which received the bulk of the US$1 million investment, would not disagree with minor European aristocracy. Simple, elegant furniture and quality finishing prove this to be money well spent, and not squandered on ostentatious ornamentation.

The art theme, which is the third leg of the owners' strategy, is central to the overall strategy. Wang, who is in the IT business, is also a massive art buff. Her refined manner of dress reveals her gentile manner; she is clearly a lady of exquisite taste. As such, her selection of the art work that hangs in the 140-seater continues her theme of simplicity wonderfully.

The top floor of the three-story building is a dedicated event space, with works on display by one-man-shows that rotate every few months. Until December 16, local artist Xu Wenhua's piece de resistance can be appreciated. The floor can hold about 90 people, and is perfect for basic events, business conferences or for wine tastings.

All this is jolly and good, but the basis of any restaurant is its food. Here, the Chinese Taiwanese chef delivers fare that is as grand as the building itself.

For 380 yuan (US$48) diners can tuck into a set menu offering braised shark's fin, deep-fried prawns with salt and pepper, and roasted pigeon. The bird is served slightly smoked, crisping the skin and impacting flavor without sacrificing juiciness and succulence. To finish the meal, vegetables and fried rice are served, followed by dessert.

Golden Atrium also offers set lunch menus starting at 98 yuan. D][iners can choose a dim sum set or a typical Cantonese lunch of sweet and sour pork, kung pow chicken or beef stew, with vegetables and fried rice.

The restaurant takes itself seriously, but not too much so, which is a refreshing change. Almost as refreshing as the park itself.

Address: 36 Dongyuan Road

Tel: 021-5888-9525


then, badly needed comforting words and touch came from grandma. i gradually regained my sense of pride and a sensible control of my feelings. yet, head down, i said: “grandma, i have no choice, and i have to give up, right?” “look at me, my dear!”she said gently. i looked up, straight into her eyes. what i saw was a shining, sweet, and loving stream from the bottom of her heart! then, there came the gentle voice of hers: “no, no, no…” her head shaking, while eyes smiling. “why dont you give more attention to the details?” she continued.

no other words were needed any more! i started practicing and rehearsing once again, paying special attention to those little things that i used to ignore. as a consequence, my overall performance was quickly elevated to a new high! without much trouble, in another singing contest held months later, i won!

what do i learn from this experience? never give up lightly! lifes full of opportunities, and lots of them! to realize your dreams and fulfill your potential, you must learn to work hard and smart and steer your lifeboat wisely! as a li lings sportswear commercial goes “everything is possible!” but not without sweat, devotion, and tears sometimes!

life is a long journey, during which we are surely going to face many challenges, experience lots of failures, and equally, many opportunities are waving to us, while sweet rewards are waiting for us! to transform these opportunities into fruitful results, or turn those challenges and failures into valuable assets, we must learn to seize the good ones and not to retreat lightly in front of difficulties.

winners can never be quitters!

thank you all!



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