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实用一年级作文语音课怎么上 一年级小学语文作文精编5篇

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一年级作文语音课怎么上 一年级小学语文作文篇1


i like dogs, because they are mans good friends. they can do many helpful things to us, such as guarding our houses, greeting guests, helping the police, and so on. some trained dogs can even lead the blind people and save peoples lives. so theyre treated as our family members. i hope someday dogs will be in great harmony with human-beings.


i have a parrot. its my favorite animal. its name is gaga because it always makes sounds like that. we picked it up in the parking lot six years ago. we released a revelation but had no one to claim. it doesnt change a lot but its color becomes more and more beautiful. we say that its a handsome boy. it can imitate some simple words and phrases, like hello or greet to my grandmother. my grandmother often talks to it or plays music for it. we think that its some kind of clever, because it always makes sounds when its boring or hungry. it adds a lot of fun to our lives.


the weather of these days is really bad. its foggy and there is haze in the , we cant see the things very morning, when i pull back the curtain, i only can see the building dozens miles i go to school, i must be very careful when i go across the , the air is dirty because of the haze. i even feel hard to mother tells me to wear a respirator. i do as she of the bad weather, car accidents happen more frequently. i hope drivers can drive more carefully and keep safe.


i have a good sister. she has short hair, small eyes, big ears and a big nose. shes quiet and cute. she speaks chinese well. she likes music and painting. can you guess whats her name?


the weather of these days is really bad. its foggy and there is haze in the , we cant see the things very morning, when i pull back the curtain, i only can see the building dozens miles i go to school, i must be very careful when i go across the , the air is dirty because of the haze. i even feel hard to mother tells me to wear a respirator. i do as she of the bad weather, car accidents happen more frequently. i hope drivers can drive more carefully and keep safe.


my mother is a great woman, she does all the house work, now i have grown up, so i want to help her with her work.

i will wash the dishes after the meal and i wash my own clothes. my mother is so happy to see me doing this, she tells her friend that how good i am.

i am happy i can help my mom, i want to do better in the future.

一年级作文语音课怎么上 一年级小学语文作文篇2


1. hello 你好

2. hi 嗨

3. goodbye 再见

4. bye 再见

5. i’m 我是

6. i 我

7. am 是

8. fine (身体)很好

9. good 好的

10. morning 早晨,上午

11. what’s 是什么

12. what 什么

13. is 是

14. my 我的

15. your 你的

16. name 名字

17. a 一(个,件……)

18. bird 鸟

19. panda 熊猫

20. boy 男孩

21. girl 女孩

22. afternoon 下午

23. count 数数

24. how many 多少

25. one 1

26. two 2

27. three 3

28. four 4

29. five 5

30. six 6

31. seven 7

32. eight 8

33. nine 9

34. ten 10

35. yes 是

36. no 不,不是

37. green 绿色

38. black 黑色

39. blue 蓝色

40. white 白色

41. red 红色

42. yellow 黄色

43. pink 粉色

44. orange 桔色,桔子

45. purple 紫色

46. colour 颜色

47. ball 球

48. stand 站

49. up 向上

50. stand up 起立

51. open 打开

52. the 这(那)个(些)

53. window 窗

54. door 门

55. sit 座

56. down 向下

57. sit down 座下

58. it’s 它是

59. it 它

60. point 指,指向

61. to 去,到,向

62. too 也

63. ceiling 天花板

64. floor 地板

65. ms 女士

66. come 来

67. go 去

68. this 这个

69. that 那个

70. our 我们的

71. classroom 教室

72. desk 书桌

73. and 和

74. seat 座位

75. chair 椅子

76. teacher 老师

77. cat 猫

78. dog 狗

79. cap 帽子

80. hat 帽子

81. school bag 书包

82. pen 钢笔

83. ruler 尺

84. book 书

85. pencil 铅笔

86. pencil-box 铅笔盒

87. eraser 橡皮

88. crayon 蜡笔

89. look 看

90. say 说

91. sing 唱

92. fox 狐狸

93. frog 青蛙

94. friend 朋友

95. kite 风筝

96. house 房子

97. box 盒子

98. how old 几岁

99. you’re 你是

100. you 你

101. are 是

102. happy 高兴的

103. birthday 生日

104. thank you 谢谢你

105. thank 谢谢

106. for 为

107. welcome 欢迎

108. where’s 在哪里

109. where 哪里

110. in 在…里

111. on 在…上

112. under 在…下

113. bed 床

114. balloon 气球

115. doll 洋娃娃

116. bear 熊

117. head 头

118. hand 手


一年级作文语音课怎么上 一年级小学语文作文篇3

my classmates

i have many friends in my class. theyre interesting and lovely. i would like to introduce some of them. sue is very cute. shes also kind to everyone and shes very enthusiastic.

shes always ready to help everyone, but she is forgetful. she always forgets to bring her text books, but our teachers always forgive her. ken is the most talkative boy in our class. his nickname is “chatterbox.” he has a great sense of humor and he always makes me laugh lily is a quiet student.

she is good at every subject but she never shows off. ken is a very tall boy. he plays basketball very well and he is on our school team. he often says, “playing basketball is good for your health.” how about your classmates? do you like them? try to admire your classmates. you will be happier.


她随时都准备着帮助别人,但是她非常健忘,她总是忘了把她的课本,但我们的老师总是原谅她。 肯是我们班最健谈的男孩,他的绰号是“话匣子”,他有很棒的幽默感而且总是逗笑安静的莉莉。


一年级作文语音课怎么上 一年级小学语文作文篇4

a little thing

on my way home, i saw two boys running to small recreation hurried to ask them do not runnig from the small recreation vehicle.

when the two boys stop,i told them it was dangerous to do that.

they thanked me and we said goodbye to eash felt heppy to heip the two doys.




一年级作文语音课怎么上 一年级小学语文作文篇5

本课是小学英语pep第一册第四单元第二课时,主要内容是:let’s learn, let’s do.

根据这一主要内容,我确定了本课的目标如下所示,重点为单词:monkey, duck, panda, cat, rabbit, dog 和句子:act like a monkey….依据内容我采用了听、说、学和做的四步



teaching aims and demands:

:students can learn the words about animals as followings:

dog duck cat monkey panda rabbit.

:students can understand and do the actions: act like a cat / duck / panda / monkey / rabbit / dog .

3. feeling: can love the animals and protect the animals.

main points:

students can learn the six words: dog duck cat monkey panda rabbit .

difficult points:

can point and say out the six animals .

can pronounce “ panda rabbit act like“ correctly .

teaching aids:

tape ,tape-recorder, six animal pictures, cards, six toy animals, six kinds of exercise .

teaching methods: the principle of the situation; total physical response.

teaching periods: one

v: teaching steps:教学过程

1. warm-up (热身)organize teaching组织教学. sing a song.

t: nice to meet you.

ss: nice to meet you ,too.

t: today we’ll study the new lesson. at first, we’ll sing a song together, ok?

ss: ok.

t: let’s sing.


new lesson导入新课:the teacher says: this is zoom. today is zoom ’s birthday. some animals are going to take part in his party. listen and look, please.


3. presentation新课展现 :show a forest on the cream. listen who is coming? learn the words

设计意图:通过课件,为学生创设一个森林中动物去赴宴的前景,一个个小动物出现,把学生带入一个生动的画面中,激发学生的学习兴趣,为let’s learn中单词的学习和动画的出现做了铺垫。

’s learn.学

1) show out the animals: 用图片出示小动物

ask the students to look at the picture and tell the teacher: what can you see on the picturer? the students should know the meaning of the animal.


2) learn to say new words by computer and tape .通过电脑和录音机来学说单词

have the students look at the word on the computer. look and listen carefully, and learn to say. play the tape once and let the students listen carefully. play it a second time, pause it after each utterance and get the students to say out.


3) act like some animals.表演各种动物

have the students look at the computer, repeat the sentences and act out the animals.

设计意图:通过演示文稿,展现移动的小动物,激发学生的求知欲,产生主动学习的自主性。让学生在观看中学习模仿动物名称的英语单词,跟着学、说、做,特别是对act like duck等句子的表演及跟读,充分掌握单词、句子并加深了对单词、句子的理解。

4) check: connect with word and picture. 识字检测

设计意图:融合在游戏listern, pat, and stick 中,把直观的图片与抽象的单词结合起来,也达到了识字检测的目的。

5) play a game. 做小游戏活动

have a rest, play a game. show out the four-six pictures of the animals, have the students watch carefully, and then close the eyes. at this time, the teacher take one away, and make the students open the eyes, then guess: what’s missing?

设计意图:爱玩是孩子们的天性,设计小游戏。此游戏为what’s missing?游戏,出示4-6个动物图片,让学生注意观察,然后闭上眼睛,教师去掉一个,睁开眼睛再猜什么丢了?学生在猜的过程中可以把直观的图片与抽象的单词结合起来,做到在教学中,不用实物也能说出所学的英文单词。在游戏过程中让学生走上讲台,展现在学习过程中的所得,让他们在课堂中体验学习的乐趣,增强收获成就感,充分树立学习英语的自信心。

6) let’s do.做的当 中,understand the meaning of act like a monkey by computer通过电脑理解句意

act out the animals, so as act like monkey…it ‘s so easy to understand the meaning of the sentence for the students. also, its makes difficult sentence become easily. of cause , the class will be full of the lovely.

设计意图:让学生跟着课件做出动物的特性表演,像act like monkey等,不用教师解释句子的意思,学生就可以在表演中理解句意,边表演边说,难的句子也就成了有趣的话语,做到了化难为易的效用。

8) listen and do by computer.在课件的辅助下学习表演have the students listen to the tape twice , and then ,ask students to do.


9) let’s act. (teacher and students do together)师生互动

the teacher joins to the activity of the action, shares the happiness with students, it’s better to study english for the students. we’d better make the students feel the happiness in the class.


6. consolidation and extension.延伸拓展

say something each other after class.

have the students continue the activity in pairs or with their parents. tell the students to find a friend or their parents to practice the english, bring the gain to class the following day.


vii: thinking over after class.课后反思

a) get some effect.效果.

students like playing a game in the class ,also they like watching computer/tv in the class, in a word, they are interested in new idea, new view, new things. because of their thought ,they all like playing all kinds of game.


b) add new content .增加的新内容

beside the animals in the text, the teacher can help the students to find the other animals ,and they can play with them in or out class. it’s better to make the students interest in the other knowledge. also give a chance to the students that they can have a chance to play with each other in or out of the class.


c) the others.其他.

give a place of free talking to the students, it maybe takes one class or two classes, even too much time to wide the students’ eyesight. we need much time to do it better and better .




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