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2023年英语比赛演讲稿范文 三年级英语比赛演讲稿范文3篇汇聚

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英语比赛演讲稿 三年级英语比赛演讲稿篇1

when i was still a freshman in college, one scottish professor complained to me about being overcharged at a grocery store. he explained that many business owners in china would assume that white “foreigners” are rich and unable to understand chinese. my amiable professor, unwilling to start a conflict, would always pay the undue price even though he was only meagerly paid by my university and was able to speak perfect mandarin.

as a student of humanities, i’m particularly intrigued by the ramifications of cross-cultural encounters entailed by the new era. we have to bear in mind that whenever we talk about the new era, there is always an old era that keeps haunting us in various ways. last year i went to the university of tokyo for a one-year exchange program. before i left, my grandma seemed quite distraught and apprehensive: she told me to take care of myself as if i was about to go to the battlefield.

but we chinese are not the only ones infested by outdated misconceptions. when i was bidding farewell to my american professor at an academic writing class in japan, she stopped me and asked me, “are you really from china?” at first i thought she was pointing at my handsomeness, asking me whether i had been to korea for plastic surgery. well, clearly this is another stereotype that we should get rid of. but to my disappointment, she was actually referring to my english skills. “i’ve never met any chinese student who can talk and write like you do,” she said, “you must have been stayed in the states for some time, haven’t you?” it does seem that even a specialist in linguistics can’t escape the illusion built up by the last generation of chinese students: gauche and diffident, unable to articulate themselves in english.

nevertheless, such stereotypes are becoming a thing of the past. when professors around the globe meet with an increasing number of students from china with both language proficiency and academic competence, well-qualified students will no longer be a surprise. moreover, with more people going abroad and enjoying firsthand encounters with different cultures, people like my grandma will no longer be subject to the fossilized, antiquated narrative of the past. the interesting thing is, after i told my grandma my experiences in japan, how clean, safe and beautiful their cities are and how nice, polite and considerate their people are, she gladly removed japan from the list of least-want-to-visit foreign countries and put it instead to the most-want-to-visit one.

even the shop owner near my campus is now repenting for his peccadillo. when gradually more international purchasers become his patrons, he would no longer treat them differently. and he would even occasionally call out for them, yelling “come, come,” “cheap, cheap,” “thanks thanks” with a very strong chinese accent. meanwhile, my scottish professor has now equipped himself with wechat and alipay, assimilating seamlessly into the local life here.

the old era is like a cocoon, protecting us from possible dangers outside and providing us with warmth and comfort. however, an overreliance on memories and experiences of a long-gone past can also hinder us from genuine, meaningful interactions for the future, just as the cocoon can also serve as a wall to bar us from the beautiful world outside. but in order to make a brand-new attire or to build a modern silk road, we have to plunge the cocoons into hot water and obtain the silk despite the pain. so ladies and gentlemen, don’t be trapped by the old era. transcend it, and embrace the new one.

thank you.

英语比赛演讲稿 三年级英语比赛演讲稿篇2

good morning, ladies and gentlemen,

by the time we are born onto this land, our own chinese story begins. only when we put our stories together, can we discover something new.

my mom was among the first generation in china to pick up a dual major, trade together with english. her mom, my grandma, was a professor at the same college. and now, i am following my family’s footsteps, at the same university. i want to accomplish a dream that has been passed on for three generations.

when grandma entered college, she was in the age of prime, but education wasn’t. it was an age when china had a literacy of merely over 50 percent; it was an age when one out of eight got enrolled by a university or college; it was an age when even the top-class universities in china were not recognized by the world. it was with the aspiration of changing education for the better that my grandma became a teacher, in pursuit of teaching students at home and learning more about the abroad.

when my mother crossed the threshold of higher education into college, she was experiencing the tides of the reform and opening-up. it was an age when china was ready to embrace the world. with the demand for english talents staying high, she brought her talents to the field of international trade, with the hope of broadening her horizon and telling her international clients a chinese story.

30 years later, it is already a new era when i step into the classroom where my mom and my grandma studied. the ambience in the renovated classroom is urging me to embark on a new journey; yet on the bookshelf, the books passed on since my grandma’s age is reminding me of a dream that has never changed: becoming a language scholar with a global vision, and be a good narrator of the chinese story.

i took out my grandma’s notebook, which was already old and gray, trying to learn something new from the past. on the frontpage, wrote one of the earliest chinese stories, taken from the great learning: “if you can do something new, then let it happen every day. with perseverance, every day becomes a new day.”

it was the moment when i realized that there has been something unchanged in the new era: that is always equipping ourselves with the new ideas and keep in pace with the time which never waits. only by bearing this virtue in our minds that has inherited by the chinese people for 5,000 years, can we gain both the confidence and the competence in telling a good chinese story to all.

tell the chinese story to the chinese people, for a new china with cultural confidence; tell the chinese story to every global citizen, and together we build a community of prosperity, peace, and a shared future. the story of my mom, my grandma and myself will always remind me of the mission of a language learner.

i’m now crossing the threshold into a new era, and now i fell i am ready to tell a new chinese story to new audience. thank you very much!

英语比赛演讲稿 三年级英语比赛演讲稿篇3

however, what we do see today is that china has risen up by selling our products around the globe and learning advanced technology from others. and africa is also believed to be the next china, another economic hub in the near future. so, although this might be an unfair game to play like what nuhu claims, what he fails to see is that globalization is the very ladder for nations, especially those at the bottom of the global hierarchy to climb up. this win-win globalization is not enough. we can have more of it.

but what is the backlash? we have been fearing that the tide of globalization, the outpouring of western values will undermine our own. so when the global stage is not hearing a lot from the chinese culture and not to mention the african culture, i guess nuhu is onto something. the globalization that amplifies some cultures while extinguishing the others should have been enough since the very beginning.

and yet that’s not the whole picture. we see that our traditional works like sun tzu’s art of war being worshiped by businessmen around the globe makes us start to relook at it and appreciate it again. and the nobel prize awarding for moyan’s literature leads us to reflect on the development of our villages. so in the past, only we, chinese people protect and pass on chinese culture; but now, the international scholars, professors or even just ordinary people all over the world who get interested in our culture are preserving it. the uniqueness not well-protected by us transforms into the spanersity universally-respected by global citizens. it is because of globalization that china and its culture are truly on a global stage.

so globalization is actually an on-going process that keeps surprising us while startling those worries and fears. it’s a dynamic system that we should look for ways to utilize and enhance.

but with the brexit and the success of trumpism, it seems major countries are all shifting away from globalization. but just because they are slowing down, making turns and adjusting themselves instead of peddling up, it doesn’t mean they are going for anti-globalization.

we are at an unprecedented point where the world becomes ever so connected that we need to figure out the boundaries and balance between censorship and openness; sameness and differences; patriotism and global citizenship. it’s the best time that every nation should seek for a better role to play in the globalization where we should continue to make improvements on.

it’s very understandable for nations to panic and make changes but we should never quit for it’s clear to us all that globalization is the only way that we seek for co-prosperity.

globalization is not a conspiracy planned already, but a beautifully unfinished song to be written by us all.

enough is so not enough.



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