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在本组课文的学习中,教材首次提出开展“记录自己课余生活” 的综合性学习的要求,安排在《我们的民族小学》的后面,目的是使师生了解安排此项活动意义、目的及开展活动的`方法。因综合性学习不是一次完成的,因此,在《爬天都峰》的后面,又编排了“综合性学习提示”,提醒学生继续完成综合性学习的任务。

本组无论是阅读、还是口语交际、习作、综合性学习等训练,都与丰富多彩的儿童生活这一主题密切相关。比如,在导读中,点出了本组的专题,课文为这一专题提供了丰富多彩的内容;口语交际、习作、综合性学习,从课内到课外,继续围绕本组专题展开,“语文园地” 中的“展示台” 则是这一专题训练的拓展和延伸。教学中要加强整合的意识,注意发挥整体优势,使本组教学形成一个有机整体














unit 3 art and architecture

i. brief statements based on the unit

in this unit, ss will read about art and architecture, learn to express preferences, learn about the past participle used as object complement, and learn to write a review of a painting. in the first period, ss will learn to express preferences by making dialogues with the help of the given expressions. also they

will do some listening practice to improve their listening ability. in the second period, ss will read a passage about modern architecture. they will learn about some famous architects and their works as well as some famous buildings in the world. in this period, ss will learn some useful words and expressions, too. in the third period of this unit, the useful words are revised first and also ss will learn to use a new sentence pattern:a is to b what c is to d. ss can master it after finishing the practice provided in this part. the grammar item is the past participle used as object complement. this is an important item. teacher should give some explanations to help ss understand it and then after ss finish the exercises they will master it better. teacher may provide more practice if necessary. in the fourth period, ss will do some reading and writing practice to improve their integrating skills. after the study of this unit, ss may know more about art and architecture and they will also make progress in their listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities.

ii .teaching goals

1. talk about art and architecture.

2. learn to express preferences.

3. learn about the past participle(2) : used as object complement.

4. write a review of a painting.

iii. teaching time: four periods

iv. background information

1. the great wall of china

in 221 the first emperor started to build a great wall right across the north of his empire. he wanted to keep the tribes of huns and tartars outside his country. there were earlier walls built in some places by different kings of china, but the first emperor, now that he ruled all china, decided to complete the wall. he decided to make it run right across from tibet to the sea, a distance of over 1 500 miles. it took seven years to build.

the great wall ran across wild, steep, mountainous country, over the mountains and down the valleys. north and west of it there were only wild mountains and deserts, and south and east there were the rich yellow river plains. it was built higher than a double-decker bus. in most places it was wide enough for eight men to march side by side along the top. it was built of stones and clay. there were huge blocks of stones on the sides, and on the top there were more stones. cars could travel along the top.

about every two hundred yards there were tall, strong towers where soldiers could keep watch for the enemy, and where they could light fires to signal to each other. there were always soldiers inside these towers, winter and summer, keeping guard against attacks from the huns. there were a few well-guarded gateways with huge wooden gates, strengthened with iron nails. these connected the main roads of china to other roads through the mountains and across the desert.

the great wall has often been rebuilt through the centuries, and much of it is still standing today. visitors can still see it running like a snake across the country and can still walk along the top. much of the traffic which passes through the ancient gateways has not changed much. but today, as well as horses and carts there are motor cars and trucks.

to build such an enormous wall across such wild and mountainous country without any modern tractors or other heavy machines was very difficult. all the emperors builders were thousands of men, often prisoners of war. they lifted the earth in buckets and dragged the stones in teams with ropes over their shoulders. they worked in such wild and distant places that it was difficult to supply them with enough food or to make proper shelters in which they could sleep. thousands of workers died and were buried in the clay inside the wall. the people hated the emperor for his cruelty but he made them finish the wall. many people were seized and forced to work on the wall far away from their homes. many of them never came back.

superstitious people who believed in magic used to say that the emperor had ridden across the mountains on magic horses. the wall appeared under him as he went along. wherever the horse stamped its foot, a watch-tower appeared. but the wall was not made by magic. it was made by the work and lives of thousands of men.

2. the yellow crane tower

on may 20, 1985 the newly-rebuilt yellow crane tower(huanghe tower) was completed and opened to the public.

the rebuilding of the tower took four years and cost 15 million yuan.

this five-storeyed building stands on the top of the snake hill(mount she) by the changjiang river in hubei province. it is metres high. in the halls of the first four storeys there are many pictures, portraits and wall-paintings. they are about fairy tales, chinese history and the history of the tower.

do you know when the tower was first built? and why do we call it “the yellow crane tower”?

there is a legend that long long ago an old man named wang zhian rode on the backof a yellow crane, flew away from the tower and later became an immortal being. it is also said that another man named fei wenyi returned to the tower to have a rest with the help of a yellow crane.

another story goes like this: a window by the name of xin set up a public house by the snake hill in wuchang. a taoist often came to drink here. each time he was allowed to drink without payment. once before leaving, the taoist drew a yellow crane on the wall with a piece of orange skin. the yellow crane flew down off the wall and danced happily immediately after the people clapped their hands. on hearing the news many, many people came here for a drink. mrs xin got richer and richer. so she decided to build a tower in memory of the crane. it was named the yellow crane tower.

in fact, the yellow crane tower was first built more than 1 600 years ago. that is in the early years of the three-kingdom period. it stood on the south bank of the changjiang river in wuchang.

in the beginning, the tower was only used by the armies, but after a certain period of time it was open to the public. the tower has been destroyed and rebuilt many times, and it has been a well-known historical building for centuries. many poets wrote excellent poems in praise of the tower.

however, before liberation, the yellow crane tower was not well protected. when wuhan was liberated, only a very shabby tower remained.

in october 1981, the government decided to rebuild the yellow crane tower, and now on the top of the snake hill stands a new magnificent five-storeyed yellow crane tower, overlooking the beautiful river city of wuban.

who says that the yellow crane had flown away and would never come back? with the rapid development of our socialist country, the yellow crane tower is reborn! seeing the great yellow crane tower, everychinese should certainly have a sense of national pride.

the first period

teaching aims:

1. improve the students listening ability.

2. improve the students speaking ability.

3. learn and master some useful words and expressions.

teaching important point:

train the students listening and speaking abilities.

teaching difficult points:

1. how to help students to improve their listening ability.

2. how to help students to learn to express preferences.

teaching methods:

1. discussion to make the students talk about art and architecture.

2. inspanidual or pair work to make the students practise their speaking ability.

3. listening practice to improve the students listening ability.

teaching aids:

1. a tape recorder

2. a projector

3. the blackboard

teaching procedures:

step i greetings and warming-up

greet the whole class as usual.

t: (walk to one student)wang jing,

where do you live?

s: i live at no. 26 zhonghua street.

t: what kind of house do you live in? a traditional house or an apartment?

s: i live in an apartment.

t: do you like living in an apartment?

s: yes.

t: can you tell us why?

s: its clean and safe, and its easy to keep warm in winter, since it has the

heating system.

t: whats the disadvantage of living in an apartment?

s: its not convenient for you to carry things home and its not easy for you

to get sunlight.

t: ok. please sit down. (walk to another student.)li xiao, what kind of house

do you live in? do you live in an apartment, too?

s: no. i live in a traditional house.

t: do you like living in a traditional house?

s2: not very much. because its not safe when there is nobody at home, and it gives you much trouble to keep warm in winter, but it has some advantages. it’s convenient for you to carry things home, and you can take exercise in the yard. if you like, you can keep some pets, such as a dog, a cat and so on. and you can grow some flowers, very interesting.

t: good. i must pay a visit to your house one day. now, look at the questions on

the screen and have a discussion in pairs.

(show the following on the screen.)


if you were free to design your own dream house, what would your house look like? what materials would you use? explain why you made certain choices about your dream house.

(after the discussion, collect their answers.)

s3: lf i were free to design my own dream house, i would like it to look modern and comfortable. i would lay a wooden floor in the rooms. i would have a glass tea table placed in the kitchen. i would like some modern steel chairs designed in special styles. i would have a set of leather sofa in the living room.

s4: i have a different opinion. i would like my dream house to look traditional. i like wooden furniture very much. i would have a wooden floor laid first.

and then i would buy some wooden furniture, such as a wooden tea table, some wooden chairs, a big wooden bed and one wooden bookcase. i would have two chinese traditional paintings put up on the wall in my living room. and i would place a pair of cloisonné vases in the living room. 1 think wooden furniture makes people feel friendly and peaceful.


t: all your designs are wonderful. youre all good architects. this unit is about

art and architecture. what words and phrases do you think will be useful when you want to talk about them? who knows?

s6: i think“pattern, style, modern, material, traditional, be made of, be covered

by” are useful.

t: good. who can tell us more?

s7: let me try. high, low, steel, be famous for, look like, and so on.

t: very good. now, work in groups of four and find out the history of art and

architecture, names of artists and architects, famous buildings and works of art in the world.

(a moment later, teacher may ask some students to say their answers.)

step ii speaking

t: now, please open your books and turn to page 17. look at the two pictures.

what do you see?

ss: modern buildings and a traditional house.

t: just now, we talked about their advantages and disadvantages. now, please

work in pairs to make a short dialogue. tell each other which you prefer

and try to explain why you prefer one thing to the other.

(students prepare for a while.)

t: are you ready?

ss: yes.

t: which pair volunteers to act our your dialogue?

ss: let us try....

(the pair acts out their dialogue. teacher then shows the following on the screen. )

t: very good. now, please look at the screen. what beautiful chairs they are!

do you like them?

ss: yes.

t: which do you like better?

(ss may have different answers.)

t: ok. now, please turn to page 18 and look at the sample dialogue in speaking and some useful expressions on page 19. theyre useful when you are making your dialogue expressing preferences. read them carefully and then make a dialogue with your partner.

(a moment later, ask some students to act out their dialogues.)

sample dialogue:

a: do you prefer classical chairs or do you like modern chairs better?

b: id rather have modern chairs.

a: can you tell me why?

b: in my opinion, modern chairs are lighter and more colorful. ] dont like the

hard wooden chairs which i think are uncomfortable.

a: i really prefer classical chairs. i like seeing something old and classical and

i like the different designs of the chairs.

step iii preparation for listening

t: ok. weve talked much about art and architecture. and we also designed our

own dream houses. now, imagine that youre moving into your new house, but you need to buy some furniture. what kind of furniture would you like to buy and why do you prefer them? have a short discussion in pairs, please.

(allow the students a few minutes to prepare for the dialogue and ask one or

two pairs to act out if time permits. )

step iv listening

t: well done. now, well do some listening practice. youll listen to a talk

between amy and danny. they want to buy some furniture for their new house. they visit a shop and talk with the sales assistant about their taste and preferences. before we listen to the tape, let’s go through the requirements together.

(help ss to know what to do and make them guess the answers. )

t: ok. now, youve known what to do. listen carefully and finish the exercises by yourself first and then cheek your answers with your partner.

(play the tape twice for ss to listen and finish the exercises and then play

it a third time for students to check their answers. at last cheek the answers with the whole class. )

step v summary and homework

t: today weve learnt how to express preferences. who can write the useful expressions on the blackboard?

s: let me try. (write some on the blackboard. )

t: good. who has anything else to add?

s: ill try. (write some other expressions on the blackboard. )

t: good. after class, you should try to use them more to learn them by heart. they are very useful. in the next period, we’ll read more about architecture. please remember to preview the reading passage. ok. thats all for today. see you tomorrow!

ss: see you tomorrow!

step vi the design of the writing on the blackboard

unit 3 art and architecture

the first period

useful expressions:

id rather…

i dont get excited about…

im much more interested…

if you ask me, then…

in my opinion…

i prefer something that…

i really prefer…

i like seeing something…

i wouldnt feel happy if…

what i like is…

im not very interested in.…

i cant stand…

step vii record after teaching




















































i. brief statements based on the unit

do you like poetry? have you read a limerick? the whole contents of unit 4 are about poetry. four separate parts consist of this unit. first, the simple questions bring the students back to the poems, songs and rhymes they have learned. by reciting them, the students will be struck by the words and colorful meaning of some poems. then they are arranged to read and enjoy a special, funny poem-a limerick, listen to a passage about poems and talk about all kinds of poems written by some great masters. this will greatly raise the students interests about poems. they will be sure to want further information about english poems. the text“english poetry”describes the advantages of reading poems. plenty of detailed information about the history and development of english poems is also given in the text. the comparison of english and chinese poems shows us a clear picture of the similarity and difference between the poems of the two countries. the text sings high praise for the two great translators --lu xun and guo moruo. however, at the end of the text, the writer tells us that something of the spirit of the original works is lost in translated works. this means that we should read original works instead of translated ones as many as possible. plenty of exercises before and after the text get the students to understand the whole text and grasp its detailed information. the third part is mainly about past participle used as attribute and adverbial. through different kinds of exercises the students can master this part well. at the end of this unit,

a simple but interesting passage tells us a lot and gives us a perfect answer to the question why people read and sometimes even write poetry. a simple and practical way to enjoy the poems is shown to us. this will encourage more students to join in the learning and appreciating poetry. the students will improve their ability to listen, speak, read and write as well as learning plenty of useful words and expressions after they learn the unit.

ii. teaching goals

1. talk about english poetry.

2. practice expressing intention and learn about the past participle (3) used as adverbial.

4. write about a poem.

iii. teaching time: five periods

iv. background information

1. shakespeare

for any englishman, there can never be any discussion as to who is the worlds greatest poet and greatest dramatist. only one name can possibly suggest itself to him: that of william shakespeare. every englishman has some knowledge, however slight, of the work of our greatest writer. all of us use words, phrases and quotations from shakespeares writings that have become part of the common property of english-speaking people. most of the time we are probably unaware of the source of the words we use. rather like the old lady who was taken to see a performance of hamlet and complained that it was full of well-know proverbs and quotations!

shakespeare, more perhaps than any other writer, made full use of the great resources of the english language. most of us use about five thousand words in our normal employment of english; shakespeare in his works used about twenty-five thousand! there is probably no better way for a foreigner (or an englishman) to appreciate the richness and variety of the english language than by studying the various ways in which shakespeare used it. such a study is well worth the effort (it is not, of course, recommended to beginners), even though some aspects of english usage, and the meaning of many words, have changed since shakespeares day.

it is paradoxical that we should know comparatively little about the life of the greatest english author. we know that shakespeare was born in 1564 in stratford-on-avon and he died there in 1616. he almost certainly attended the grammar school in the town, but of this we cannot be sure. we know he was married there in 1582 to anne hathaway and that he had three children, a boy and two girls. we know that he spent much of his life in london writing his masterpieces. but this is almost all that we do know.

however, what is important about shakespeares life is not its incidental details but his products, the plays and the poems. for many years scholars have been trying to add a few facts about shakespeares life to the small number we already possess and for an equally long time critics have been theorising about the plays. sometimes, indeed, it seems that the poetry of shakespeare will disappear beneath the great mass of comment that has been written upon it.

fortunately this is not likely to happen. shakespeares poetry and shakespeares people ( macbeth, othello, hamlet, falstaff and the others) have long delighted not just the english but lovers of literature everywhere, and will continue to do so after the scholars and commentators and all their works have been forgotten.

2. about shakespeares plays

william shakespeare ( 1564 ~ 1616), english dramatist and poet, is regarded by many people as the greatest english writer of all time. he wrote his first play when he was twenty-six years old. within about twenty- two years of this writing career, he gave to the world nearly forty plays, including comedies, histories and tragedies. of all his plays,“hamlet” is perhaps the best known. his plays, written in the late 16th and early 17th centuries for a small theatre, are today per- formed more often and in more countries than ever before. many of the words first used by him, and many of his expressions have become everyday usage in english speech and writing.

of shakespeares plays have come down to us. their probable chronological order is arranged as follows: the first period(1590~1600)

1590--henry vi, part i.

henry vi, part ii.

1591--henry vi, part iii.

1592--richard iii.

the comedy of errors.

1593--titus andronicus.

the taming of the shrew.

1594--the two gentlemen of verona.

loves labours lost.

romeo and juliet.

1595--richard ii

a mid-summer nights dream.

1596--king john.

the merchant of venice.

1597--henry iv, part i.

henry iv, part ii.

1598--much ado about nothing.

henry v.

the merry wives of windsor.

1599--julius caesar.

as you like it.

1600--twelfth night.

the second period( 1601~ 1608) :

1601-- hamlet.

1602--troilus and cressida.

alls well that ends well.

1604--measure for measure.


1605--king lear.


1606--antony and cleopatra.


timon of athens.


the third period(1609~1612) :


1610---the winters tale.

1612--the tempest.

henry viii.

the first period

teaching aims:

1. talking about poems to raise the students interest in poems.

2. listening to improve the students listening making up dialogues to improve the students speaking ability.

teaching important points:

1. how to get the students to grasp the main idea of a passage by listening.

2. how to improve the students speaking ability.

teaching difficult point:

how to direct the students to grasp the detailed information to finish the listening task.

teaching methods:

1. pair work or group work to make every student join in the class activities.

2. discussion to make every student express himself freely.

teaching aids:

1. a tape recorder

2. a computer

3. a projector

teaching procedures:

step i greetings and revision

t: good morning, everyone!

ss: good morning, mrs/mr × !

t: sit down, please. have you finished your homework?

ss: yes.

t: please take out your exercise-books. lets check your homework. wu dong, …

(teacher checks the students homework. then the teacher and students learn the new words of this period together. )

step ii warming up

t: do you like poetry, sa?

sa: yes, i do. i like it very much.

t: why do you like it?

sa: i learn a great deal from poetry. when i was a small child, my mother taught

me the poem: 锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土。谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。and she explained the meaning of it. i know from a little child that grain comes from pains and we should not waste whatever we eat.

t: how about you, sb ?

sb: i dont like poetry very much, because i had a bad memory when i was a small child. i like to make something.

t: what english poems, song words or rhymes have you read? can you recite any?

sc:ive read some english poems when i was in junior middle school. and it is

like this:

i love the sun

i love the sun,

i love the spring,

i love the birds,

that gaily sing.

i love my school,

i love my play,

and i love all,

that is nice and gay.

sd: i remember ive read a poem about the names of the months. it is:

thirty days have september.

april, june and november,

all the rest have thirty-one,

excepting february alone,

and that has twenty-eight days clear,

and twenty nine in each leap year.

t: very good. now turn to page 25. do the third part. do you know“打油诗”?

in english limerick is like“打油诗”in chinese. it is a special, funny poem and is written just to make people laugh. read the two limericks and enjoy them.

(students read the poems together and at last two students are asked to read them.)

t: what is the pattern of each poem? “pattern” means “格调”.

se: its funny. it is written just to make others laugh, i think.

t: now, please answer the last question on page 25.

sf :to talk about poets and poetry, we often use the words :“good, bad,

interesting, funny, dull, meaningful, meaningless, etc”.

sa: we will also use“ moving, instructive, encouraging, make me happy, sad, etc”.

t: what phrases do you think will be useful when you express your intentions

and reach decisions?

sh :when we want to express our intentions, we often say: im going to…; i

intend/mean/plan to… ; i will…; i feel like (doing sth. )…; id like to… ; im ready to…; i would rather not…etc.

si:when we want to reach decisions, we often use: in my opinion, we should…;

whats your opinion? i think/believe/suppose we should…;i dont think its

necessary to…; we must decide…; i hope we can reach/come to/arrive at/ take/make a decision, etc.

step iii listening

t: now lets do listening. please turn to page 25 and read the instructions first. (students begin to read the instructions. some minutes later, teacher says the following. )

t: do you know what you should do after you listen to the tape?

ss: yes.

t: now ill play the tape. when i play it for the first time, do ex. 1, please.

when i play it for the second time, do ex. 2. if you have anything you dont

hear clearly, please let me know. at the end of listening, ill play the tape once more and give you enough time to check your answers. then check your answers with your partner. ill ask one or two students to give us their answers at last. do you understand what ive said?

ss: yes.

step iv speaking

t: lets do speaking. please open your books on page 26. there are four circles on this page. each circle lists some information about poems. they are topics for poems, periods of time, groups or names of poets and human feeling shown in poems. ask your partner what kind of poetry he or she might want to read. choose a word from each circle and explain why you want to read a poem like that or not. work in groups or pairs. have a discussion and make up a dialogue to express what you want to say. the useful expressions on the screen might be helpful to you.

(teacher shows the screen.)

useful expressions

im interested to…but…

i think it will be too difficult to…

i think i might want to…

i think it will be boring…

i want to…

im very interested in…so…

id like to…

im not very interested in…so…

ive never heard of…so…

i hope to find…

ive never read any…so…

i dont know much about…


t :( after a few minutes. ) have you finished?

ss: yes. t: now who will tell us your opinions? volunteers?

sa: and sb : (standing up. )well try. …

sample dialogue: sa--a; sb--b

a: what kind of poetry do you like to read?

b: i like to read poems about nature.

a: why are you interested to read such poems? b: when i read this kind of poem, it seems that i was in a different world. the things described in the poem seems to be real ones. they seem to be around me. i feel them and enjoy them.

a: what kind of poems are you not interested in?

b: im not interested in poems about pets. we have a lot of important things to do and i think i have no time to have pets. what about you?

a: im interested in poems about humour, because it can bring happiness to us. all the unhappy things are gone with the laughter.

t: very good. who else will do this?

sc and sd : well try. …

sample dialogue:

sc-a; sd--b

a: i know that you can recite plenty of poems. can you tell me what kind of poems you like?

b: i like the poems by li bai, especially the ones to describe nature.

a: for what reason do you like them?

b: when i read them, i feel comfortable. a poem of his is a beautiful picture hanging before us. i would go into the picture as i read them.

a: what kind of poems are you not interested in?

b: poems about broken hearts. they make me sad. whats your opinion?

a: i like the poems about the sea and i dont like the noes about death and broken hearts.

b: just like me!

step v summary and homework

t: in this period, our topic is about poems. we have talked a lot about

poems. what kind of poems do you like? this is an interesting topic. after class, go on with you topics and discussion. you can use the expressions we just mentioned on the screen. do you remember them? ok. please tell us. (students repeat the expressions and teacher writes them on the blackboard. ) thats all for today. class is over

step v the design of the writing on the blackboard

unit 4 a garden of poems the first period

useful expressions:

im interested to…but…

i think i might want to…

i want to…

id like to…

ive never heard of…so…

ive never read any…so…

i think it will be too difficult to…

i think it will be boring…

im very interested in…so…

im not very interested in… so…

i hope to find…

i dont know much about…but……

step vii record after teaching






都说数学教学是清清楚楚一条线,而语文教学却是模模糊糊一大片。这句话形象地说明了语文与数学两门学科教学上的差别。 数学老师上课往往围绕一个知识点讲解、分析、练习、反馈,十分简洁。语文老师上课,则上对一个个零散知识点的讲解分析,教学生字新词,到概括主要内容,指导分段,概括段意,逐节讲解课文,归纳中心思想等等。如果说将数学课比喻为在一堂课里挖深一个洞,那么语文课在一堂课里挖下许多洞,至于挖得深浅如何,则是另外一回事了。于是,语文课被评价为“耗时多,效率低”。

特级教师李吉林老师说, 知识的规律是不可能从一个知识点去揭示的,而是从许多相同的、相关的、相似的内容上抽象概括出来的 ,即所谓触类旁通。优化教学结构,强化教学内容,可从根本上便于学生掌握规律。那如何将语文教学中那零散的知识点化为知识块或知识链,从而改变学生的认知结构,提高他们的学习能力呢?本学期,我尝试着采用了单元整体混合式教学法,效果不错。

所谓单元整体混合教学法,就是根据单元教学目标,在一个课时内几篇课文进行同步教学,俗称“一锅煮”。课前让学生充分预习好整个单元的课文,将课文读熟,课中以学生自学探究为主,逐步落实各个知识点和训练点,现以浙江省义务教材小学语文第七册第二单元为例, 谈谈我在单元整体混合式教学中的几点做法。



(1)出示这单元的3篇课文题目:《雨中》、《当飞机遇险的时候》、 《罗盛教》。根据课题猜测课文的主要内容。

(2)略读3篇课文,完成填空:《雨中》主要写(  谁  )在雨中为姑娘(    干什么);《当飞机遇险的时候》主要写(  谁  )在飞机遇险的时候(怎么样);《罗盛教》主要写罗盛教(  怎么样  )。





(1)出示归类的词语,分为名词、动词、拟声词等,如 a、箩筐、卡车、轿车、雨帘、周恩来、螺旋桨、机械、罗盛教、窟窿  b、蹬车、皱眉、焦虑、嬉笑、安葬、继续、命令、封锁、下坠、一 哄而散  c 、 嘟嘟、喀嚓  d、黄澄澄、湿漉漉   e、层层叠叠。

(2)要求读准字音。请去掉 已经在课外阅读中掌握的词语,将难念的词语多读几遍。小组交流学习,全班交流反馈。


哪些词语的意思你已经在课外阅读里理解了?请划去这些词语。圈出你还不理解的词语,运用查字典,联系上下文,联系生活实际,找近义词、反义词等方法来理解 。




在小学四年级,识字仍是一个教学重点。 学生已有了一定的识字能力,不需要教师花费很大的精力,关键是教给记忆方法。识字中强调“哪些字词你已经认识了”这个问题,使学生以多识字为荣,养成主动识字的习惯。 理解词语重视培养学生主动独立理解词语能力。


[1] [2]



摘   要英语单元整体教学能促进学生综合语言运用能力的发展,提升教师处理教材的能力以及提高课堂教学效率。本文结合课例阐述了小学英语单元整体教学的设计和实践操作方法,即准确定位,整体设计单元目标,凸显递进性;主线贯穿,整体设计单元话题,凸显语境性;有序推进,整体设计单元板块,凸显功能性;及时反馈,整体设计单元作业,凸显延续性。



本文将以某教师执教译林版《英语》三年级上册unit 3 my friends的单元教学为例,具体阐述基于小学英语单元整体教学的设计理念和操作方法。




其次,单元目标整体设计是指教学目标设计应涵盖语言知识、语言技能、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识五个方面。教师在制定教学目标时应以学生的整体发展为出发点,将语言知识、语言技能、学习策略、文化意识和情感态度五项内容进行融合,使教学中诸多因素相互渗透,纵横贯通,从而达到整体联动、一举多得、事半功倍的立体效果,促使学生逐步提升英语语言运用能力。基于整体教学理念,执教教师对my friends这一单元的教学目标和分课时教学目标作了如下设计:


1. 认知目标

(1)能听懂、会说、会读句型与日常交际用语“hes/shes my friend.” “goodbye.”。




2. 能力目标

能较熟练地运用句型“this is . . .” “hes/shes . . .”介绍自己的朋友或家人。


1. 认知目标

(1)能初步理解he、she、hes、shes、my friend的意思。

(2)能初步感知story time板块文本对话的意思。

2. 能力目标

能较熟练地朗读story time板块的对话,感知句型“hes/shes . . .”。

3. 情感目标



1. 认知目标

(1)会读、会说、会运用句型“hes/shes . . .” “hes/shes my friend too.”。


2. 能力目标

能运用句型“hes/shes . . .” “hes/shes my friend too.”向他人介绍自己的朋友。

3. 情感目标



1. 认知目标

(1)能听懂、会说、会读句型“this is . . .”。

(2)能朗读、表演cartoon time板块的文本内容。


2. 能力目标

(1)能运用句型“this is . . .” “hes/shes . . .”介绍自己的朋友或家人。




仔细观察上述单元目标和三个分课时目标可以发现,课时目标与单元目标相统一,课时目标服务于单元目标。其一,分课时目标以单元总目标为基准,但又经过再设计,体现了分课时目标要求。其二,分课时目标制定完善,考虑到学生综合能力的全面发展,涉及了认知、能力和情感目标,兼顾了三维目标的整合。其三,分课时目标的设定由易到难,以逐渐递进的态势实现本单元各课时教学目标的一体化。例如,对于本单元目标语言“hes my friend.”和“shes my friend.”的处理:第一课时的教学目标定位为学生能较熟练朗读story time板块的对话,感知语言;第二课时的教学目标定位为学生能向他人介绍自己的朋友,运用语言;第三课时的教学目标定位为学生能介绍自己的朋友或家人,并补充cartoon time板块中的句型“this is . . .”。分课时目标是系统的、递进的、连续的和相互联系的。



在对my friends这一单元话题进行整体设计时,执教教师对单元话题和分课时话题作了如下巧妙设计,创设了多元化的语境,让学生置身真实的语言环境中,开展真实对话。



第一课时的教学内容主要为story time板块,分别出现了miss li、helen、mike、yang ling等人物。教师以关键人物mike为抓手,将话题再构为mikes friends,借助教材文本资源,创设文本语境。教师首先导入对mike的身份标注,通过介绍mike的朋友,复习前两个单元中出现的人物;接着转换场景,教学mike和朋友们下课后向老师告别的情景,以及mike和yang ling放学后向家人介绍朋友的情景。各环节紧扣课时话题,语境的创设和引入流畅、自然。

第二课时的教学内容主要为fun time和letter time板块,这两个板块的内容相对独立,缺乏内在联系,教师将话题再构为miss gs friends,以活动巧妙连接两个板块,为学生创设自主体验的游戏语境。教师呈现了一系列趣味、生动的活动:guess my friends(猜猜我的朋友),衔接第一课时的文本内容,复习和巩固目标语言;guess who(猜猜是谁),结合学生生活实际,拓展运用目标语言;get to know letter friends(认识字母朋友),过渡至四个字母的学习,重点夯实对四个字母的认读和辨析。各项活动的内容围绕friends展开,语境创设新颖独特,引人入胜。

第三课时的教学内容主要为cartoon time和letter time板块。教师依托cartoon time板块中的动画人物形象sam将话题再构为sams friends,创设让学生充分展现自我的多元语境。上课伊始,教师设计yes or no活动,创设活动语境;而后设疑导入动画,创设动画语境,开展新授、表演、运用等活动;最后又巧妙引入hide and seek动画画面,指导学生用“this is big k. this is small i.”等句子来描述自己发现的字母,在真实的场景中拓展语言。


译林版《英语》教材每个单元都由诸多板块构成,这些板块具有各自的板块功能:story time为语篇阅读板块,强调对学生阅读策略的指导和阅读技能的培养;fun time为词汇与句型操练板块,旨在通过多样化的语言实践活动,帮助学生掌握单元目标语言等。“单元板块整体设计要求教师了解各个板块在单元教学中各自承载的不同作用,充分挖掘板块功能,根据学生的认知特点,遵循学生语言发展、认知的规律,将单元内各板块合理规划,有效完成单元知识的输入和输出,实现课堂教学效益的最大化”(任洁,)。

在整体设计my friends单元板块时,执教教师依据各课时目标选择与之匹配的单元板块作为教学内容,板块内容的安排体现了每一课时语言知识和语言能力的推进过程。

[story time]输入文本对话,整体感知

1. 学生整体感知、理解story time板块的文本。

2. 学生朗读对话,感知目标语言:hes my friend. shes my friend.

story time板块作为第一课时,重在引导学生整体感知语篇文本,教给学生初步阅读语篇的策略和把握主干信息的能力。三年级的内容较浅显,对于文本的处理要定位准确,既不可拔高,也不能偏易。

[fun time & letter time]体验实践活动,夯实训练和初步接触字母

1. 学生进一步学习单元目标语言,在游戏中自主体验和归纳。

2. 学生初步感知字母,逐一认读字母及字母组合。

fun time板块通过趣味性、互动性较强的语言实践活动,帮助学生掌握本单元所学词汇、句型和日常用语。该板块列出了单元中的重点目标语言和语法知识点,需要教师引导学生通过参与不同的活动,达成充分训练目标语言的目的。

[cartoon time & letter time]输出语言内容,拓展运用和再次辨析字母,指导书写

1. 综合运用单元目标语言,关注语言拓展提升。

2. 学生熟练辨析字母,能正确、清晰地书写字母。

cartoon time板块旨在通过趣味卡通故事,帮助学生强化语言知识,训练语言技能,关注训练学生的综合语言运用能力。









在整体设计my friends单元作业时,执教教师对作业进行了如下规划:


1. read story time at least three times after the tape.

2. use “hes/shes . . .” and “hes/shes my friend.” to introduce your friends.

3. make a friend card.


1. stick your posters on the wall.

2. talk about your friends with cards.

3. read the letters from hh to kk.


1. make a cartoon friend card.

2. read and act out cartoon time.

3. copy letters hh, ii, jj, kk.




首先,作业设计符合学生的年龄特征。三年级的学生活泼好动,充满好奇和探究欲,更喜欢动静结合的作业。教师在每份作业单中除了布置书面抄写类的作业和口头朗读类的作业之外,还设计了动手操作类的作业,形式多样的作业让学生更乐于参与,乐于完成。其次,教师要求学生以海报的形式呈现动手操作类的作业,图文并茂,具有开放性,能有效激发学生的创造性思维。最后,分课时作业有效体现了单元整体教学理念,具有衔接性和延续性。比如,第一课时的作业中设计了“make a friend card.”,第二课时上课伊始就插入了反馈环节,让学生借助名片介绍自己的好朋友;而后作业中再次设计“talk about your friends with cards.”的活动,语言目标也不再局限于课堂,延伸至课外。第三课时的作业则结合卡通板块,要求学生设计卡通人物的名片,卡通人物形象数不胜数、可爱有趣,学生对此很感兴趣,进一步拓宽了学以致用的渠道。




杜娟. 2006. 新课程教学问题实践与研究(小学英语)[m]. 北京:中央民族大学出版社.

杜廷云. 2015. 小学高年级英语单元整合策略实践与思考[j]. 小学教学设计,(12):14-16.

教育部. . 义务教育英语课程标准(20版)[m]. 北京:北京师范大学出版社.

任洁. 2014. 在整体中建构单元各板块有效教学[j]. 中小学英语教学与研究,(2):21-25.

译林出版社. 2014. 义务教育教科书・英语(三年级起点)三年级上册[t]. 南京:译林出版社.


附作者信息:曹伟华   江苏省无锡市梁溪区教育局教研室

张   琦   江苏省无锡市山北中心小学


清潭中学 姜贺










work, group work, team work 等活动方式,让每一个学生都能得到语言技能训练的机会。


1.单元教学内容分析: 21单元的话题是谈论过去的经历。教学目标: (1). 学习情态动词could的用法(2).



2. 分课时教学模式:


1. 复习:谈论寒假生活及春节活动。 2. 导入新课:让学生仔细听老师说, i can skate on the real ice. i

could do it when i was nine years old. nobody taught me .i learned it all

by myself. 问几个问题 1. what can i do ? 2. when could i do it ? 3. did anybody

teach me ? 4. how did i learn it ? 然后让学生仿说,再让其同学用第三人称复述. 同时指出could是can过去式

3. 朗读并表演part 1 (1)(可将81课两幅图先画在投影上)问:what’s she doing ? (she’s riding a

bike.) can she ride a bike?(no, she can’t. because she fell off the bike.)

she hurt herself, didn’t she ? ( no, she didn’t )

用同样的方法进行第二节对话,将有用的短语写在黑板上并领读 fall off, hurt oneself, teach oneself =

learn…all by oneself (2)朗读并表演(3)迁移与拓展 让学生整理已学过含有反身代词的词组 enjoy oneself,

look after oneself, help oneself to, buy oneself, wash oneself, say

oneself to… 整理各种人称的反身代词(口头)。 4. 问答:读后仿说 ( in pairs )。(part 2 )用could you

……when you were….years old ? yes, i could. 然后改变人称用she or he. 5.

操练:创设语境多方练说。(part 3 ) could you 1. sing english songs 3. write

the piano 5. play computer games when you were four? name answers 1

2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 让学生先填表,老师问:“what did you find out about ….?”

学生答: i found out that he/she could read when she was 4. 6.练习与作业: 完成l 81 of

wb (p97)复习并整理反身代词。 lesson 82 the moonlight sonata



学会有关音乐及贝多芬知识的词汇。如,piano, moonlight, sonata, poor, afford, to one’s

surprise, lose oneself in….等。能力目标: 培养学生阅读理解能力。德育目标:




教体手段:多媒体辅助教学,贯穿整个教学过程。增加了直观性和趣味性,加大课堂教学密度,提高教学效果。八、课时: 两教时九、教学程序:第一教时

begin with a piece of beethoven’s music (picture 1)(欢乐颂) step 1 : (

picture 2 ) ask the students two questions about the music (1) what’s the

name of the music ?(2)who composed it ? ( beethoven ) (3)how many pieces

of his music do you know ? now i’ll introduce you one of his piano music.

would you like to listen? play the music and the students listen and watch

. ( picture 3) step 2: (picture 4 ) now answer the questions : (1) what’s

the name of the music ? (the moonlight sonata) (2) what do you know about

beethoven ? then tell them more information about beethoven. ( picture 5 )

step 3: (lead to the lesson ) today we’re going to learn how and where he

composed his moonlight sonata. step 4: show “the knowledge aims”: (picture

6 ) (1)learn some useful expressions and be able to use them. (2)read the

passage fluently. step 5. (picture 7) ask one question : “how did the girl

learn the music?” the teacher will tell the main idea of the text while

the students listen and look at the pictures. (at the same time the useful

expressions are shown.) reach the new words and expressions after the

teacher. step 6: and read after the tape. then tell yes-no

questions. (picture 8) 1. did the girl find it easy to play beethoven’s

sonata in f ?2. did the girl live alone ? 3. did the girl really believe

her dream would come true? 4. did beethoven teach the girl learn to play

his sonata in f ? 5. did the girl and the young man like the music played

by beethoven ? 2. ask the ss to read the text more carefully again

(picture 9) , and answer the questions according to it, then give them

some minutes to prepare ,then ask and answer them in pairs. ( picture 10)

1. why did beethoven stop outside a little house when he was walking in a

street one evening? 2. how did the girl find beethoven’s sonata in f ? 3.

what did the young man say when he heard the girl’s wish ? 4. what

surprised beethoven when he saw the girl ? 5. how did the girl learn to

play this music ? 6. did beethoven teach the girl to play his sonata in f

? what did he do instead ? 7. did the girl and young man like the music

played by beethoven ? how do know that ? 8. what did beethoven call that

new piece of music ? 3. try to retell the story according to the answers

or key words. spanided the passage into three parts: (1) one evening, walk,

stop, hear sb. playing, come one’s voice, be difficult to play, how i

wish…., cannot afford to do sth., say it for fun (2) knock at, in the dim

candle light, sit before…, to one’s surprise, learn it by ear, listen to

sb. for a long time (3) say no more, sit down, shine brightly, look up,

say to oneself, listen to …. silently, lose oneself in…, al night, call

it… step 7: now we’ve known more about the music “the moonlight sonata ”.

do you know about any other composer ? ( some students tell the names they

know ) now here is a piece of beautiful chinese music (《二泉映乐》)for you.

let’s enjoy it. ( picture 11 ) play it .(sing it together if they can .)

then talk about the music and the writer “ who composed it ? where and

when was he born ? who taught him music ? what’s the feeling of the music

,a happy one or a sad one ? (picture 12) and give them some minutes to

discuss it . step 8. ( picture 13) talk about their favourite music. 1.

what kind of music do you like best?( pop, rock, classical, light, country

…..) why ? 2. can you play the piano or any other instrument ? who taught

you ? (ask one student to act ) let’s invite her to play it. step 9:

(picture 14 ) practice : look at the pictures and talk about them (key

words given ). write the answers in their exercise-books. step 10: (

picture 15 ) do some exercises using the useful expressions. step 11 :

homework for today : read the text again and do the written work. ( that’s

all ) 第二教时: step 1. review l82 1. read the passage first then try to

retell it. 2. speak out the useful phrases and sentences. step 2: explain

some of language poits:(讲解、迁移、拓展) 1. he heard someone playing his sonata

in f. (1) difference between hear and listen (2) hear sb. do / doing sth.

(see, feel, watch ) we often hear him sing english songs in the next

room. can you hear someone singing in the next room ? 2. how i wish i

could …. (1) wish + clause ( past tense ) (can’t realize) i wish i

could answer the question. (that means i can’t ) (2) hope to do / wish sb.

to do she hopes to come to china next year. i wishes her to come to china

next year. 3. i couldn’t afford to do…. “afford” is often used with can,

can’t, could, couldn’t ) 迁移 afford and pay 4. play the piano ( “the” need

to put in front of instrument, but not ball games) 5. “quiet” and “silent”

“quiet” 表示静止的状态。用于人时,表示性格的安静,但并不指默默无声。this is a quiet fishing village. he

spent a quiet evening reading at home. he ia a quiet man. “silent”

表示“无声的、沉静的、一声不响的”,指没有任何声音。 that is a silent movie. he is silent about what

happened. 二、exercises: 1. translation 2. choose correct phrases to fill in

the blanks 3. composition: if you have lots of money, what will you do ?


but等并列连词连接的并列句 on a trip,too…to…, return, have a nice weekend


teaching steps: step 1. check their homework. if you have lots of money,

what will you do ? (1) review the reflexive pronouns by asking questions.

t: do you live by yourself ? s1: no. i live with my parents. t: do you

wash yourself ? s2: yes. i do. t: can you do your homework by yourselves ?

s3: yes. i do it all by ourselves. ask the others to change the personal

into the third (2) show the following sentences to the students: i hope

she didn’t hurt herself. she taught herself. did she learn all by herself

? how i wish i could hear beethoven himself play it! then he said to

himself,.. they both lose themselves in the beautiful music. i can buy

myself lots of good things. i don’t enjoy myself very much. could mr more

buy himself lots of good things ? my little brother is too young to look

after himself. help yourselves. 反身代词 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称单数 myself yourself

himself,herself,itself 复数 ourselves yourselves themselves (3) sum up : (by

the students) step2. presentation ( books closed ) ask “ does mr more

enjoy himself ?” play the first part of the tape for the students to find

the answer ( no ). then do the same with the second part. next open their

books. let them read the passage and answer the questions in pairs. play

again for the students to practise reading aloud. step 4: [议一议] point out

the compound sentences in the part 1 ask “what kind of sentences are they

?” they’re called compound sentence look at the form: the compound

sentence 连词 例句 代表的关系 and mary helps kate and ann helps lily 等同递进 but jim

likes chinese, but he needs help. 转折 or do you like apples or pears ?

选择,否则 so mike was ill, so he didn’t go to school 因果 [想一想] ask: are they

compound sentence ? why ? 1. jim and his family work in the same factory.

2. i turned on the tv, sat down and watched it 3. we sang and danced that

day. step 5: part 2. play the tape for the students to listen and repeat.

then in groups of three get them to read the dialogue together. step 6:

[练一练] do the exercises of wb 83 step 7: homework:(1)recite part 1 and part

2(2)finish wb and do some translation exercises.


teaching steps: step 1: revision. have a dictation. ask the students to

write down the sentences the teacher says ( they’re the answers to

yesterday’s homework ).then check their writing with the class. model . 1.

he could ride a bike all by himself when he was four. 2. the ice is too

thin to skate on. boys enjoyed themselves in the river just now. 4.

i saw the children playing football a moment ago. 5. mr green is reading

newspapers at the table, and mrs green is having breakfast at table. 6.

work hard, or you won’t catch up with the others. step 2: read and act (

part 1 ) play the tape of the first dialogue for the students to listen

and repeat, then get them to practise it in pairs. ask some pairs to act

it out. repeat with the second part in the same way. pay attention to

these: (1) it’s time ….. (2) get + (3) leave + someplace. step 3:

practice : ( part 2 ) in pairs, have the students practise the dialogue

orally. ( part 4 ) in pairs , have the students make sentences. then ask

some pairs to share some of their sentences with the class. do wb l84, ex

6 orally in pairs. step 4: listening. listen to the tape and fill in the

table below. step 5: writing have the students work inspanidually to

unscramble the note then change their answers to check. step 6:

[checkpoint 21] sum up by themselves first without their books. step 7:

homework for today. (1) finish all the exercises in the wb. (2) write down

the useful expressions in their notebooks.



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