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2023年六年级看电影英语作文 六年级英语读后感字左右4篇精编

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六年级看电影英语作文 六年级英语读后感字左右篇1

_jurassic park_ is one of the biggest movies ever made. it tells the story of dinosaur regeneration. john hammond (richard attenborough) is the owner of a newly developed dinosaur park, but after an employee was killed in an accident, he needed to introduce a team of dinosaur digger sam neill (his girlfriend, paleontologist ellie) to satisfy the lawyers question to prove that the park is safe satler (laura donne mathematician jeff goldblum and lawyer martin ferrero, another hammonds man) met the lawyers questions.

employees, a computer technician named wayne knight, were hired by an outside organization to steal dinosaur embryos. according to michael clayton, the stars of jurassic park are definitely dinosaurs. there are a lot of people who deserve credit for bringing these extinct animals to the screen, but the four are stan winston, michael lantiri, dennis mullen and phil tippett, who mix some incredibly great sound effects.

these dinosaurs are one of the most amazing visual effects ive ever seen, and they certainly got aus terex, the king of dinosaurs, is an amazing creature, but surprisingly, it was overtaken by raptors. these raptors provided some very suspense moments. people will never forget dinosaurs.

the main complaint i read is that human characters are not developed, and scenes without dinosaurs are boring, which surprised me because i think this film is made by stephen· directed by spielberg, they dont need to go any further, because jurassic park is a movie that doesnt need too much boredom, and i never knew it would get exciting, thanks in part to the characters, special effects and john williams scores. there are a few places in this conversation that are tacky, which may explain why people dont like fairies.


《侏罗纪公园》是有史以来最大的电影之一,讲述了恐龙再生的故事。约翰·哈蒙德(理查德·阿滕伯勒饰)是一个新开发的恐龙公园的主人,但在一名员工在事故中丧生后,他需要通过引入一个团队来满足律师的问题,以证明公园是安全的,团队包括恐龙挖掘者艾伦·格兰特(sam neill,他的女朋友,古生物学家ellie satler)(·德恩数学家马尔科姆(jeff goldblum)和律师唐纳德·根纳罗(martin ferrero,另一个哈蒙德的人)来满足律师的提问雇员们,一个叫丹尼斯·内德利(韦恩·奈特)的电脑技术员被一个外部组织雇佣去偷恐龙胚胎。根据迈克尔·克莱顿的书,《侏罗纪公园》的明星们绝对是恐龙。


六年级看电影英语作文 六年级英语读后感字左右篇2

today, i saw a movie -- _public servant_.

the hero is called gu wenchang, is the secretary of dongshan county.

although dongshan county is near the sea, it is a desert.

in order to turn the desert into an oasis, gu wenchang led the people to plant trees in the storm for a while, and planted trees under the burning sun for a while.

this one is decades.

finally, thousands of miles of desert turned into forests and cities.

look, look, i was moved, tears.

i want to learn the spirit of uncle gu wenchangs love for the motherland and devotion to the people. when i grow up, i will be a useful person to the country and the people.

六年级看电影英语作文 六年级英语读后感字左右篇3

thanks to the recommendation of my friends, i have seen a lot of good-looking movies recently. last week, the movie roman holiday left a deep impression on me. this is a great work in the film history.

it is really worth seeing. it can be summed up in a delightful story (which may be a spoiler tip): princess anne, one night, audrey hepburn, tired of her limited itinerary during a public tour of rome, sneaked out of her luxurious home and fell asleep on a public bench in central rome. however, she was discovered by american news reporter joe bradley.

gregory park joe took her home without knowing who she was. after the truth came out, he secretly interviewed the princess and made a lot of money. however, it was not the case.

he swam around with safety ring and had a good time with her. he forced himself to say goodbye to her because he knew between them romance shouldnt happen because their status is very different, even if they fall in love. the ending of the romantic movie really disappoints most of the audience.

although it should be imagined at the beginning, audrey hepburn successfully turns ann into a naughty, innocent angel. she orders an expensive glass of champagne without thinking. she smokes her first cigarette curiously and falls in love with a poor but kind man.

finally, she firmly returns to the place she hates because of her sense of responsibility, she is really charming and elegant, not only because of her innocent eyes and expressions, but also because of her unique personality.


罗马假日多亏了朋友们的推荐,我最近看了很多好看的电影,上周,电影《罗马假日》给我留下了深刻的印象,这是电影史上一部了不起的作品,这部电影真的很值得一看。它可以总结成这样一个令人愉快的故事(这可能是一个剧透):安妮公主,一天晚上,奥黛丽·赫本(audrey hepburn)在罗一次公开巡回演出中厌倦了自己有限的行程,她偷偷溜出自己豪华的住所,在罗马市中心的一张公共长椅上睡着了。然而,她被报纸记者乔·布拉德利发现,格雷戈里·派克·乔在不知道她到底是谁的情况下把她带回家,在出来后,他秘密采访了公主,赚了一大笔钱,但事实并非如此,他带着安环游了一圈,和她玩得很开心,他强迫自己向她道别,因为他知道他们之间的浪漫是不应该发生的,因为他们的地位相差很大,即使他们相爱了。


六年级看电影英语作文 六年级英语读后感字左右篇4

_i would have no objection,_ said the wolf, _if i could only get a place._ _i will easily arrange that for you,_ said the dog; _come with me to my master and you shall share my work._

so the wolf and the dog went towards the town together. on the way there the wolf noticed that the hair on a certain part of the dogs neck was very much worn away, so he asked him how that had come about. _oh, it is nothing,_ said the dog.

_that is only the place where the collar is put on at night to keep me chained up; it chafes a bit, but one soon gets used to it._ _is that all?_ said the wolf. _then good-bye to you, master dog.

_ better starve be a fat day before yesterday, i saw a film named ring king it is said the film has won the oscar award.

before filming, the director spent seven years planning. there are about one thousand actors and actresses taking part.

the film is about a powerful ring which affects the fate of the beings. in their fight for peace, many people lost their lives.

but in the end, justice defeated the evil.

the film tells us that persistence and courage are the source of success. with persistence and courage, you are sure to win no matter how weak you are. i enjoyed the film very much. its worth seeing although its

(dear parents,thank you for your love)

dear father and mother,

first,thank for your love you, always take care of example,help me with my home when l am ill,you always care for me very sometimes l cannot understand you very always make you very now,l want to say sorry to will be mothers birthday l will prepare a nice present for you.

at last,l want to say,_l love you,my parents._



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