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when i was small, i like to eat a lot of food, but i have a habit, i will not eat up all the food, i just like to taste all of my mother saw this, she felt bad for me, she told me that all the food was the farmers’ hard work, i should not waste ng about this, i felt so shameful about my bad behavior, i decided to eat up the g the food should be condemned, especially in the cities, people like to waste the food, they want to keep thin and only eat small , the government advocates people clean the plate, this movement is welcomed by the public, more and more people have the idea not to waste the food.在我小的时候,我喜欢吃很多东西,但是我有一个习惯,我不会把东西吃完,我喜欢浪费食物。当我的妈妈看到这些,她对我感觉不好,她告诉我所有的食物都是农民辛勤劳作的,我不应该浪费食物。想到这些,我对自己的坏习惯感到惭愧,我决定吃完所有的食物。浪费食物应该受到谴责,特别是在大城市,人们喜欢浪费食物,他们想要保持苗条,只吃小部分。现在,政府提倡人们光盘,这个做法得到了大众的肯定,越来越多的人意识到不浪费食物。


what is happiness? different people have different believe that happiness is that they have much money so that they can live a better r, others regard happiness as having a good job or making a progress.幸福是什么?不同的人有不同的看法。有些人认为幸福就是他们有很多的钱,让他们过上更好的生活。然而,其他人则认为幸福是有一份好的工作或者进步。actually, happiness is a true feeling from our inner heart!实际上,幸福就是来自内心的真实感受!

we can consider carefully what our feeling is when we are in the following situations.我们可以认真想想当我们遇到下面的情形时我们的感受是怎么样的。

first, we help an elderly across the road, or give some solutions to our classmates’ learning problems.首先,我们帮助老人过马路的时候,或者帮助同学解决学习上的问题。second, we get some help from others when we are in need.第二,在我们需要帮助的时候得到他人的帮助。

third, we make new friends, or have a meal with families, or have a conversation with parents and so on.第三,我们交新朋友,和家人吃东西,或者和父母聊聊天等。

everyone would appreciate the people who give us a ’s more, we are glad when we stay with friends and of these stand for we are happy.大家都会很感激那些曾经给予我们帮助的人。而且,和父母或者朋友呆在一起我们也会很开心。所有这些都说明了我们很幸福。happiness is just simple like these!幸福就是那么的简单!



著名主持人杨澜曾说过这样一句话:“宁可在尝试中失败,也不在保守中成功。”我们往往对那些艰难的任务,难做的事情畏缩,所以我们总是停留在原处。美国南北战争结束了。一位叫马维尔的记者去采访林肯,他问道:“上两届总统都曾想过废除黑奴制,《解放黑奴宣言》也早在他们那个时期就已草就,可是他们都没拿起笔签署它。请问总统先生,他们是不是想把这一伟业留下来,给您去成就英名? ”林肯回答道:“可能有这个意思吧。不过,如果他们知道拿起笔需要的仅是一点勇气,我想他们一定非常懊丧。” 看来幼年的经历在林肯心中打下了永久的烙印,他深谙“试一试也许就能行”的道理,鼓起勇气尝试了,奋斗了,也就获得了成功。看来,很多时候,敢不敢尝试,是区分伟大与常人的试金石。













opening microblogs has advantages and , let's discuss the ts can share their ideas and minds each other through two people’s thinking has much in common, they may become , it is well known that the news and information on the internet is always being updated and logging makes it easy for students to know what is going on in the mes, however, microblogs may bring some trouble to sly, not all the news and information on the internet is bad people may put false information on the microblogs, so students may be cheated for , students won't have enough time to have a good rest and study if they spend too much time on the can present problems in regard to health and earning good a word, as students, we must pay attention to use microblogs correctly if we hope to benefit from them.以下是另1篇较为剪短的:

first, i can make friends with different people through i have a variety of friends, i will not be , i can quickly keep up to date on the news and other information on the there is a lot of information

on , no matter where you are, you can navigate/ access microblogs easily if you have a mobile phone that can surf the in all, microblogs can bring me many benefits.





































before i was 10, i lived in my hometown, it was a small and beautiful village, i love my hometown so remembered when it rained with the sunshine, there would be the rainbow in the the sky was so blue, the rainbow was very big, just like i was in front of the rainbow, it was so i moved to the city, i never see the rainbow as beautiful as what i saw in my the city, there are so many building that they cover people’s eyesight, what’s more, the environment is polluted so heavy that the sky is wish to see the beautiful rainbow again.

dear terry,how are you doing? in your last letter, you asked me about being a guest to a chinese friend’s , i am writing to inform you of some relevant begin with, according to our tradition, you are supposed to arrive early, so that you can help the family prepare the dinner, which is meaningful and s, you’d better bring some gifts, like a book or a chinese ’s more, when you are enjoying the meal, you need to avoid making noises while chewing lly, these suggestions would be helpful for have the confidence that you will have a great wishes!



in order to have a better understanding of our school, an outstanding english short movie about our school will be shown in the library from 2:30 to 4:00in the afternoon on june is organized by the student are some relevant details about begin with, the name of the movie is growing together, which is about the development of our beloved we all expect, it will be not only eaningful but also ’s more, everyone of you will be welcome to take part(participate)in it, enjoying the movie, having a heated discussion afterwards and giving your own student union

what can a good book bring us just as an old saying goes, reading a good book is like talking a great many wise and noble people in the that, we can draw a safe conclusion that a good book can bring us not onlywisdom of the wise people in history, but also the progress and development of both ourselves and we human order to benefit from reading good books, we should first learn to tell good books from bad most people’s opinion, books are all bad should of course avoid reading such the contrary , those books reading good books, we can get not only the pleasure of reading andrich knowledge but also broaden our horizons and enrich our spiritual the same time, what we get from these good books can be of great help to our healthy

i have a twomonths summer the holiday, i was very happy, because i did nothave to focus on my study all the i still spent some time in want to learn more in the s, i spent a lot of time inplaying, such as meeting friends, watching tv, searching the internet, playingcomputer games and so addition, i help my mother do some house reduce some burden of her and learn to be short, i have agood and rich holiday.我有两个月的暑假。假期期间,我玩得很开心,因为我没有把所有的时间都花到学习上。但是,我仍然花了些时间在学习上。我想要在假期期间学更多东西。此外,我花了很多时间在玩耍上,比如说见朋友,看电视,上网,玩游戏等等。另外,我帮助我妈妈做些家务。我能够帮她减少负担并学会了独立。总之,我度过了开心丰富的假期。


when winter comes, the topic of haze will never be it comes,many pictures will be make fun of these pictures and theyactually laugh at themselves, living with these poison in the daytime,people can’t see their faces beyond 10 schools choose to stop theclass and let the students stay at is obvious that haze is a greatthreat to people’s new type of destruction is the result ofpolluted ssmen chase for the profit and take the cost ofpolluting the their offspring have to suffer from isnever too late to do something to protect our earth.

nwadas,we,high schl students,are faced with se ental are suffering fr have a high level f anxiet ,se lac enugh dubt, thse d har t ur what can we d t ae a change?

first f all ,in pinin , we shuld learn t relieve pressure and relax urselves b ding seing interesting ,r turning t teacher r parents fr ,it is necessar t tae part in utdr activities and wr ut s ,it is better t have a health and balanced in all ,bth schl and fail shuld create a relaxing and pleasant envirnent fr us.




































to whom it may concern,i am a student in this university who regularly comes to the library to spend my spare lly speaking, the services you offer here are quite good;however, i have some suggestions for you to i would like to extend my greatest appreciation if you are so kind as to take my suggestions into begin with, will you please prolong the time for reading? in the daytime, most of the students are having classes, so they can’t come to the er, some of the books on shelves are out of you are so kind as to provide us sincerely,li ming


english is very important today, we have english classes in school every do i study english? in the morning before i go to school, i will listen to the english text recording, follow the recording to read the before the class in the school, we will have an english words school i will do some english the evening, before i go to bed, i will listen to the english channel on the radio to improve my also have some foreign net friends, we can talk in english on line so i can practice my are how i study english.


nwadas,we,high schl students,are faced with se ental are suffering fr have a high level f anxiet ,se lac enugh dubt, thse d har t ur what can we d t ae a change?

first f all ,in pinin , we shuld learn t relieve pressure and relax urselves b ding seing interesting ,r turning t teacher r parents fr ,it is necessar t tae part in utdr activities and wr ut s ,it is better t have a health and balanced in all ,bth schl and fail shuld create a relaxing and pleasant envirnent fr us.


分享就是关爱 sharing is caring

nowadays, many parents choose to send their children to study abroad, because everyone believes that foreign education takes the lead in the can't deny the fact that education in the developed countries has many advantages, especially the idea of sharing is education pays special attention to the return of aim to cultivate the students to be nice and schools expects students to make a contribution to the world with what they have learned at idea of sharing is caring calls for students to be the ones who care about others and are willing to offer help when someone is in aim of education is to let students improve their talents and then find their places in the the same time, they can make the world better with their skills.如今,许多父母选择送孩子出国留学,因为大家都认为外国的教育是世界领先的。我们不能否认,教育在发达国家确实有很多优势,特别是分享就是关爱的理念。教育注重对社会的回报,他们的目标是培养为友好、考虑周到的学生。学校希望学生用他们在学校里学到的知识对世界做出贡献。分享就是关爱的理念要求学生关心他人,当别人需要的时候愿意提供帮助。教育的目的是让学生提高他们的才能,然后在世界上找到他们的位置,与此同时,他们用自己的技能让世界变得更美好。

人工智能 artificial intelligence

today, with the fast development of science and technology, the artificial intelligence has gone much further than people can imagine, such as the the first robot is admitted to be a citizen, which scares so many scientists had predicted that someday robots would replace human being not only in physical work, but also in terrible it would is said that scientists saw two robots discussing by creating a new language, then they decided to turn down the machine and made them stop knew clearly the danger may happen in the people have thought about self-consciousness that robot may have some day, but scientists still have a lot of passion in searching the want to complete no one can make sure what they can bring for human being.今天,随着科技的快速发展,人工智能比人们想象中走得更远,比如机器人。现在有了第一个成为公民的机器人,这让许多人感到恐慌。许多科学家预测,总有一天机器人将取代人类,不仅在体力劳动方面,还在思想上。这是多么可怕啊。据说科学家们看到了两个机器人通过创建新的语言在讨论,然后他们决定关掉机器,让它们停止工作。他们显然知道将来可能发生的危险。大多数人认为机器人将来可能会有自我意识,但科学家们仍然富含激情去探索机器人,完善所有的事情。但是没有人能确保他们可以为人类带来什么。

中国制造的改变 the change of made in china

made in china was once the presentation of low price and bad western movies, when people saw the label of made in china, they would look down upon the products, or just made fun of these now, chinese products astonish foreigners by good quality and low price, and many of them are willing to spend money on the products that labelled with made in guangxi made a speech in the new york university about the changes of made in said when he started his business and sought cooperation with foreign manufacturers, they refused, because they feared chinese his business is successful and many foreigners are willing to do business with great change shows the rise of the future, more chinese products will be admitted in the world.中国制造曾经代表着低价格和质量差。在西方电影中,当人们看到中国制造的标签时,他们会看不起这些产品,或者取笑这些产品。但是现在,中国产品由于质量好、价格低,让外国人感到震惊,很多人愿意把钱花在标明中国制造的产品上。陈冠希在纽约大学做了一个关于中国制造变化的演讲。他说当他开始他的生意时,想与外国制造商谈合作时,他们拒绝了自己,因为他们担心中国产品质量不行。现在他的生意成功了,很多外国人都愿意与他做生意。巨大的变化显示了中国的崛起。在不久的将来,世界上将有更多的中国产品会得到承认。

教育可以改变命运吗 could education change fate

when i was very small, the elder always told me that if i did not study hard, then i wouldn’t change my fate by making little i grow up, i start to realize education can change a person's thought and makes him a charming one of my friend, she likes reading so many time when we discuss about something, she always explains to us and shows us more admire her so brain is like the data base, which is full of all kinds of ion makes a person become can chase his dream by equipping himself with many essential am not sure whether education can change fate, but i am sure that reading more books can help us to be a better think that is enough for me.在我很小的时候,长辈们总是告诉我,如果不努力学习,那么我就无法改变自己的命运、挣不了很多的钱。当我长大后,我开始意识到教育可以改变一个人的思想,让他变成一个有魅力的人。像我的一个朋友,她喜欢看很多书。每次当我们讨论一些事情,她总是能给我们做出解释,给我们更多的信息。我们很钦佩她,她的大脑就像数据库一样,充满了各种各样的知识。教育使一个人变得更强,可以追逐自己的梦想。我们用基本技能武装自己。我不确定教育是否可以改变命运,但我相信,多阅读可以帮助我们成为一个更好的人。我认为这对我来说就足够了。

好心有好报 good heart brings happy ending

though we have been educated to be nice to others, or offer our help when someone is in during recent years, so many bad guys make use of the public's kind hearts and then people start to become still we can see the inspiring news and feel the world is girl from america was stuck in the wild land at midnight, because her car was ran out of she got out of the car and checked the oil, a tramp walked asked the girl to stay in the car, then he showed up again with a bottle of the girl wanted to pay him, she found she had no money at tramp knew her problem and just let the girl go home girl was so thankful that she took the food and clothes to the tramp now and then, even raised money to help the man back to life heart brings happy ending most of the time.尽管我们已经受过教育要善待他人,或当别人需要帮助的时给予帮助。但最近几年,很多坏人利用公众的善良,然后人们开始变得冷漠。但我们仍可以看到一些振奋人心的消息,觉得世界还是美好的。一个来自美国的女孩一天夜里因为她的车油已经耗尽被困在野外。当她下车,检查油的时候,一个流浪汉路过。他叫女孩呆在车里,然后再出现的时候手里拿了一瓶油。当女孩想给他钱的时候,发现自己手头上并没有钱,流浪汉知道她的困境,就只让女孩安全回家。女孩非常感激,她时不时带些食物和衣服给流浪汉,甚至筹集资金帮助他重新开始生活。好心总是有好报的。

perhaps it is the dream of everyone to be a good student at school, but quite a few students feel at a loss on how to make my opinion it is rather easy if you can act on the following of all, make full use of your time and work ’t put off till tomorrow what should be done today, as time past will never come fast developing society requires adequate knowledge, which presses us to spare no efforts to course, your hard work will be rewarded one ly, use your own head and present your point of ous(轻信的)attitude will only make you take anything for your own judgment you will be able to tell right from wrong and set up your own y, set aside enough time for relaxation, entertainment, ’t ignore the harm of all work and no sports will build up your body and improve the efficiency of your be a good student is easier said than done, for it needs a student’s consistent nothing is difficult to a man if he puts his heart into it.

iraq is a part of the middle east next to iran & kuwa is very important to the rest of the world because of its underground petroleum is said that oil is industrial blood and for this reason perhaps the war september 11,20__,the twin towers in new york as well as parts of the pentagon were destroyed by an airplane planned by terrorists, which made george bush declared to fight the country’s was said that iraq still possessed many weapons of mass destruction and weapon inspectors were sent to the country by the un to find the no evidence was found, america still wanted to go to war with iraq and the main target is sadam war was just like the quiet battle between france and china in was said that a relation of sadam betrayed think war is not just a matter of two persons or two-family is related to so many victims’ a leader, one must always think for all the people, so will his country be prosperous for always.高二作文英语

are frequently used to show yourself familiar with and good at things, so when people face the difficulties and challenges, the first thought is back, so lost much beyond their own opportunities, and can't play to their potential, this is very fact, people can overcome difficult things to make themselves progress, to do unexpected people dare to challenge the impossible and succeed.

late one afternoon, i was on my way home from walked slowly along the street with my head scenes on both sides of the street were beautiful, but i had no interest in them at walked and walked, thinking of what had happened that a few minutes before the second class began that afternoon, i was asked to go to the teachers heard my teacher talking to my mother with could you dare to go to see a film this morning without permission? mother said at the top of her voice, slapping me in the face look at mother, dumbfounded…

i walked more slowly, for i had seen my house ahead, where mother was always standing at the door, smiling at me, at this time every now, she wasnt heard was beating even didnt dare to open the door for fear that mother should beat knowing what to do, i sat on the ground near the door, blaming myself for what i had was lost in deep ly a soft hand patted me on the looked up, seeing mother standing beside couldnt help crying, mum!tears rolling down my cheeks.

the night before christmas, people are bringing a sleeping quietly under the moonlight, the earth, on a quiet, they are waiting, waiting for the arrival of the new , thats who, a quietly sat in the window, watching the moon, seemed to be waiting for someone, but he was waiting for whom? now, who else would come? i was somewhat puzzled by his he is still sitting in the window waiting for, but sometimes look back at the clock

bell rang, which means that the upcoming new year, the boys face appeared in a trace of a smile, suddenly, two reindeer pulling a car from the moon ben lai, the car away from the boys, getting closer, boys excited : “santa came!birth to old laila!” he instinctively ran outside, loudly calling santa claus, santa claus with a smile, said: “my child, what gift you want?” “my lame foot, and students often do not, and i play, i am very sad.”“ i know you want anything.”santa claus finished and walked morning sun is so bright, the boy blinked his eyes, and found himself in the foot, and no good, he began to not believe in santa claus, then, the boy walking out of bed, watching the students the freedom to playing, watching watching, he smiled , laughed so naive, bright, he had never had such a gradually realized that santa claus gave him the best in the world is a gift-happy

on sunday morning, the sound of water woke me up from my got outof bed and thought the sewer was leaking!but when i walked into the bathroomand was shocked at the of sight at once, the water faucet of the flow, splash,but dad is not afraid of cold, is leisurely washing towel!at that time, myheart was in the fire, and i said to my father, “father, how can you wastewater!you are not ignorant of the water in our xinjiang!” but father saidcarelessly, “this little water is worth a few cents!” “but if our whole familyis wasting water like you, there are more than a few in a week!” i argue thatdad with a sigh, “alas,” and then said: “the good daughter, you give my dad alesson today, is my bad, i later cant waste water.”

the father smiled, i also smiled, the fathers smile was the knowledge ofthe mistake changed the later smile, and my smile is saving the resource, theprotection of the environment smile!

as is known to all, waste on campus has become a more and more serious can easily see many students dump a lot of food in the garbage students spend thousands of yuan buying fashionable clothes and so negative effects of waste can be shown in the following the first place, it makes some students dependent on their parents for money, which is harmful to their they don和rsquo;t learn to support themselves, they will be useless people和;when they the second place, it is not easy for our parents to arrange for our but not the least important, there is no denying the fact that our country is still are many people who cannot go to university and many poor people still need our far as i am concerned, i should set a good example to reduce waste on of all, i will refrain from wasting anything, from food to 和rsquo;s more, i和rsquo;m determined to call on more schoolmates to fight against through these measures can we hope to reduce waste on campus.

hello!my dear friends!first, let me introduce myself to name is wu dongxiang and my friend usually call me a 20-year-old girl who comes from guilin guangxi ’s known to all,guilin is a beautiful city in you ever been to guilin? if the answer is no, don“t warry about come on, i am very glad to be you e to our city!

in my college, i majored in tourism and want to be a tour guide when i graduate from my e im a lovely girl and i like to travel to different have about ten courses to learn this about you?

i have a lot of my spare time, i often go sightseeing, play badminton and go out mes go shopping or stay at also like reading and planting you have the same hobby with me?if you want to talk with me, please send me an e-mail.


as it is known to us all, there are 55 minority groups in china, each with its traditional customs, costumes and lets take a look at the tibetan tibetan minority group live in qinghai, gansu, sichuan and yunnan the highest ridge in the world─beautiful and mysterious tibet is their major the fertilized prairie stretches around the habitants as far as the eyes can see, most people live on animal husbandry, raising sheep, goats, cattle and growing a special kind of plant called account of the unique climate, people often wear warm and comfortable boots in winter, and they are always dressed in delicate robes which are made of the fur of they take off one sleeve of the clothes and tie it around their waists in order to work easily and use it as warm quilts at men and women there like wearing silver ornaments, which look very mysterious and full of magical they are good at singing and dancing, and the men there can have braids they meet an important guest, they will present him or her a hada, a piece of long white silk cloth to show their they will also treat the guest to a special kind of drink called suyou tea, which some people find hard to s, the habitants have developed both their own written and spoken languages, and the long poems they wrote play an important role in chinese there are many well-protected culture relics as well, taking the grand budala palace as an is a historical museum as well as an art treasury, where people can share their spirit belief in buddhism and get artistic entertainment of the carved paintings and the beautifully-written chirographies.

after studying a great many of historic materials , books and unearthed relics , he summarize the sani culture in yunnan as ah shi-ma points out that the traditional sani culture comprises four types , namely the hill culture represented by mizhi woods and mizhi festival , the fire culture by fire pray and torch festival , stone culture by stone worship and zulin-bimo(priests) author comprehensively explains the four psychological features deposit in the traditional sani culture , that is the rational tragedy consciousness , the ideal of searching for utopian home ah zhuo-di , the wise lifestyle rooted from migration and creativity , the open mind to face nonnative culture


how to prevent flu people are most likely to get flu as autumn is coming, especially when the weather senior three students to make full preparations for preventing of all, keeping clean, and remember to wash your hands before ly, when you are your mouth and ’ s more, you’ d better keep away from others when getting a mask if you have to go addition to the above measures, i think that


identifying chips

no bigger than a grain of rice and embedded beneath a person’s skin, the computer identifying chips will be the future id card cards are easy to counterfeit while the chips are extremely hard to remove or addition, the chip has no power supply;rather, it has a millimeter-long magnetic coil that is activated when a scanning device is running across the skin above tiny transmitter on the chip sends out the without the scanning device the chip can’t be limiting the use of scanners can people control what the technology is used ts, nuclear plants and other high-security facilities to avoid the problem of negligence on the part of security uses include satellite tracking of an inspanidual’s energy movement to the storage data such as medical it’s good news for those who are afraid of being kidnapped, requiring paramedical services or suffering from serious s, with chips which can be implanted into animals being made, owners can find the lost pets with you lost your id card? no, it’s still in your body.


everyone gets the itch to succeed, but only part of them can make their dreams come maybe wonder: what is the key to success? the answer is to keep the desire to the desire to learn, and you will never be satisfied with what you have keep a curious mind to all the mysterious parts of the the desire to learn, and whatever difficulties you face, the

with the improvement of living level, the goods' package have become more and more complicated and , the phenomenon of the excessive packaging is common around as mid-autumn moon what factors contribute to this phenomenon?

firstly, as we all know, a large number of markets and stores think that goods which are well-decorated could attract consumers and inspire consumers to purchase they can earn more ly, consumers hold the idea that the more elegant the goods look, the better quality of the commodity 's more, the government didn't make relevant rules to prevent this ally speaking, excessive packaging has a bad influence on our environment, which also wastes precious we should increase our awareness of consuming and save rare the same time, some useful measures should be taken by the 's high time we took action to prevent this in this way can we put an end to this trend.高二英语作文必备范文

_____ is becoming more and more popular are two sides of opinions of people say ____ is their hold their view for the reason of is more,_____。moreover, others think that _____ is a better choice in the following three y,ly(besides),y(finally), my point of view, i think reason is that a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my me, the former is surely a wise choice.段中句

most obvious reason for this phenomenon is that uently, matter you like it or not, aaa has become more and more popular and there are many reasons for ’s an urgent task for us to change this unfavorable situation: ______________. picture can reminds you of some strange, yet familiar phenomena existing in our great number of solutions are being people suggest that argue that nted with aaa, we should take a serious of effective measures to cope with the r, ______________ may cause some , it is , y, ________, it is clear that ______________ has its advantages and gh ______________ has a great advantage of ______________, it can’t compete with ______________ in ______________.9.______________ may be preferable to ______________, but ______________ suffers from the disadvantages that advantages of ______________ are much greater that those of ________ instance, ______________.11.______________ may be preferable to ______________, but it also suffers from the disadvantages that i don’t think it is a very good way to solve ________ instance, __________ of all, are many ways to , , , the contrary, there are some people in favor of believe er, they think ______________.1re are several measures for us to , we can ______________, there are a number of advantages of r solution is to is high time that something was done about example, addition, these measures will certainly are some other people, who _________ir reasons are different, sometimes for ______________, sometimes for ______________, and sometimes simply for ______________.18.______________ is necessary and important to our country’s development and , ________’s more, _________ important of all, r, if not managed properly, ______________ can create many mes rmore, fore, ______________ has been gaining public are probably many reasons for , , y, , why is there ______________? i think there might be two is ______________, and the other is are, i think, two main reasons for the first place, the second place, fore, ______________? for one thing, ________ another, s the main reason is is no easy job to find the reasons for this tendency which involves several complicated some ________ others ______________? the first reason is that _________ second reason is _________ third is ________ all this, the main cause of ______________ is due to is reasonable to maintain that ______________, but it would be foolish to persist that are three reasons explanation for this problem involves many one thins, ________ another, causes for ______________ are include s the main cause is eventual result it brings out is perhaps the most obvious result of ______________ is r, just like everything has both its good and bad sides, ______________ also has its own disadvantages, such as, s, ______________.31.______________ will bring the society many one thing, ________ another thing, ______________? some the most common case is that _________ notable example is to are many reasons responsible for this instance, and the following are the typical one thing, ______________, in addition, _________ main reason is that had figured out many ways to solve this y this method has its good sides like it can of its bad sides it brings about is that it can reasons can explain the , , , of the reasons that is given for ______________ is that ______________. further reason why i advocate an attitude of ______________ is that is more, the essence of ______________ is that ______________, although we cannot, most of us eless, i reckon that ______________ is more a personal perspective, i also prefer to ______________ because make a moral point, i feel that ______________ is important for ______________ is that main reason why i feel that ______________ is important for ______________ is that ______________.43.______________ is superior in several ways, of which perhaps the most fundamental is that are numerous reasons why ______________, and i shall here explore only a few of the most important very

my favorite novel is which is written by jules author was born in france and devoted himself to literature and wrote several scientific romances which gained him the name——father of modern science fiction”.this is a book of science fiction which tells us an exciting story about an english gentleman s fogg who makes a bet with his clubmates and manages to travel around the world in eighty gives us a vivid description of the many difficulties and incidents which happen on his this story we can see the author's deep love for the sea travel and adventure which played a vital role in his are also astonished and convinced by his fertile imagination and scientific and geographical knowledge.我最喜欢的小说<环游世界八十天 >是由儒勒·凡尔纳写的。作者出生在法国,致力于文学写作并写了很多科幻小说,使他赢得“——现代科幻小说之父”之称。




hi, boys and girls, may i have your attention, please!i have an announcement to summer holiday is just around the i know, all of you work very hard during school time, so you should take a good rest during the i hope you can try to help your parents with ’s more, keep studying some new knowledge every day and get prepared for next s, please pay attention to your health, so i suggest you doing exercises every day if you finally, pay attention to safety while playing outside and get home on the way, please write a diary to remember your life in holidays if you think it’s worth ’s you for your attention.


after many years' learning of second language, have you enjoyed learning it?i bet most of your guys will say no, because second language is like a curse bounding to you, since we go to school, we just can't get rid of ly, if we learn to enjoy the beauty of language, we will find its power of language expresses in its ge makes people from all around the world in different countries speak different languages, it is hard for them to understand each other, while the power of language connects people together, english is the worldwide language, people have the idea to learn the same language to understand each china, people learn english as the second language, so there is no problem for them to communicate with foreign ge provides the stage for people to understand each other, its power is so

i am getting my internship now, i am being an english teacher in a college, i really enjoy being a teacher, passing my knowledge to the students, i also like to communicate with my students, we share own opinion and talk those internship days, i realize that a good teacher should also be the students’ a teacher, my duty is to teach my students with my knowledge, i will do my best to teach them, making them learn knowledge at the easiest the same time, i also need to improve myself, so that i will keep pace with the world and refresh my knowledge, teaching my students with the newest a friend, the students are willing to talk to me, they like to share their happiness and sorrow with me, they need a listener and i am their best the students’ friend closers our distance, i can get to know them and give my best good teacher must be a good friend to students, that is what i have learned during my internship days, i want to do my job well in the following days.

i am the only child in my family, my parents give me all the things i want and i don’t feel like missing in the table for eating, my parents always leave me the best i don’t eat much, i lack of appetite all the y, my friend asked me to come to his family for joining the her family, the atmosphere was so lively, because there were two kids in the they were eating, my friend and her sister fought for the food, they ate a lot and laughed joined them to fight for the food, i felt so happily and also ate a got to know that the eating atmosphere was very important, when someone shared the food for you, we would eat with good mood.我是家里唯一的孩子,我的父母给了我所想要的一切东西,我觉得自己没有缺什么东西。在桌子上吃饭,我的父母总是给我留下最好的菜。但是我不吃,我没有食欲。有一天,我的朋友邀请我到他家去吃晚餐。在她的家里,气氛很热闹,因为这个家庭有两个孩子。当他们吃饭的时候,我的朋友和她的妹妹争取食物,他们吃了很多,笑得很开心。我加入他们去争夺食物,我感到很开心,也吃了很多。我知道用餐氛围是非常重要的,当有人和你分享食物时,我们会吃得很开心。


世界上最幸福的女孩 the happiest girl in the world

david beckham perhaps is the most handsome and famous male athlete in the world, his wife victoria is also very popular around the world, they are the beloved couple for the couple has three boys, two year ago, they finally got their first keep their eyes on the star family, they love to see their news, when the girl came to the family, not only david and victoria were happy, but also the public, they love to see this cute girl, they call her the most happiest girl in the this little girl has the handsome father and beautiful mother, what’s more, she also has three brothers, her destiny means to be perfect.大卫贝克汉姆或许是世上最帅和最出名的男运动员,他的妻子维多利亚在世上也广受欢迎,大众很喜爱这对夫妇。这对夫妇有三个男孩子,就在两年前,他们终于迎来了第一个女儿。人们关注着这个明星家庭,他们喜欢看到有关他们的新文明,当这个女孩到来这个家庭,不仅仅是大卫和维多利亚高兴,大众也很高兴,他们喜欢看到这个可爱的女孩子,叫她是这个世界上最幸福的女孩。这个小女孩有帅气的父亲和美丽的母亲,而且,她还有三个哥哥,她的命运注定很完美。

my dream is to be a teacher, because i like kids very i were a teacher



1.将自己的问题告诉老师和同学,请求得到他们的帮助; 2.不要总想着考试成绩,要多想想自己在哪些方面进步了,这样就会给自己自信;


dear paul

i quite sympathize with you and understand the great trouble you are suffering are some advices for you and i hope it can help y you should manage to telling your teachers and classmates about your problems and asking for their ly you had best not always think the test scores and to think more about where they have progressed so that will giver their ’s more you should doing more exercise is helpful to soothe you’re a good sleep as hope that you can take my advice very seriously and enjoy your life wishes!

yours sincerely

li ming



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