2023年专升本 英国 英国大学专升本的学校实用
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专升本 英国 英国大学专升本的学校篇1
·kent (肯特大学)
business - top up - ba (hons)
·hull (赫尔大学)
education and learning top-up (ba)
learning and teaching top-up (ba)
international business top-up(ba)
·oxford brooks (牛津布鲁克斯大学)
accounting and finance (dg) – years 2 and 3
business (db) - years 2 and 3
business and management (bu) - years 2 and 3
business and marketing management (bk) - year 2 and 3
economics, finance and international business (df) - year 2 and 3
economics, politics and international relations (ix) – year 2 only
international business management (bt) - year 2 and 3
·nottingham trent (诺丁汉特伦特大学)
ba (hons) marketing management
ba (hons) international business administration
ba (hons) management and information system
ba (hons) international fashion business
ba (hons) business finance *
accounting and finance, ba (hons) (direct to year two)
accounting and information systems, bsc (hons) (direct to year two)
·bournemouth (波恩茅斯大学)
animal behaviour and welfare bsc (hons) - (top-up)
applied animal management bsc (hons) - (top-up)
landscape design bsc (hons) - (top-up) 景观设计理学士
3d computer generated imagery: modelling and animation bsc (hons) - (top-up)
3d 计算机生成图像: 建模和动画理学士
3d computer generated imagery: architectural visualisation bsc (hons) - (top-up)
3d 计算机生成图像: 建筑可视化理学士
international hospitality & tourism management ba (hons) - (top-up)
international hospitality management ba (hons) - (top-up)
international tourism management ba (hons) - (top-up)
information systems management bsc (hons) - (top-up)
information technology bsc (hons) - (top-up)
applied computing bsc (hons) - (top-up)
design engineering bsc (hons) - (top-up)
finance and law ba (hons) - (top-up)
·northumbria (诺桑比亚大学)
ba (hons) international business management 1月开学
ba (hons) accounting and finance 金融会计学
ba (hons) business administration 商务管理
ba (hons) international hospitality and tourism management 国际酒店与旅游管理
ba (hons) logistics and supply chain management 物流及供应链管理
ba (hons) business creation 业务创建
bsc (hons) business information technology 商务信息技术
bsc (hons) business information management (completion) 商务信息管理
·plymouth (普利茅斯大学)
ba (h) business administration (top up)
·hertfordshire 63 (赫特福特大学)
business management top up ba hons
hospitality and tourism management ba (hons) one year top-up国际酒店和旅游管理
computer science (direct entry to the final year) bsc honours
·central lancashire 69 (中央兰开夏大学)
business administration (final year top-up)
european business management (year 3 top-up)
global business management (final year top-up) 1月
management in events (final year top-up)
management in hospitality (final year top-up)
·brighton 71 (布莱顿大学)
ba (hons) business management (top-up degree)
ba (hons) broadcast media (top-up degree) 广播媒体
·sheffield hallam72 (谢菲尔德哈莱姆大学)
ba (honours) business and finance (top up)
ba (honours) business management (top up)
ba (honours) international business studies (top up)
ba (honours) international banking and investment (top up)
bsc (honours) internet and business technologies (top up)
bsc (honours) internet and business technologies (top up)
bsc (honours) network management (top up)
bsc (honours) multimedia technologies (top up)
bsc (honours) software development (top up)
bsc (honours) forensic and security technologies (top up)
ba (honours) performance and professional practice (top up)
bsc (honours) biosciences (top up)
bsc (honours) events and leisure management (top up)
bsc (honours) events management with arts and entertainment (top up)
bsc (honours) food marketing management (top up)
bsc (honours) food and nutrition (top up)
bsc (honours) hospitality business management with conference and events (top up)
bsc (honours) hospitality business management with culinary arts (top up)
bsc (honours) hospitality business management (top up)
bsc (honours) international hotel management (top up)
bsc (honours) tourism management (top up)
bsc (honours) games and interactive media technologies (top up)
beng (honours) telecommunication and electronic engineering (top up)
ba (honours) youth and community studies (top up
·huddersfield 73 (哈德斯菲尔德大学)
ba (hons)human resource management (top-up)
·portsmouths 74 (朴茨茅斯大学)
-ba (hons) communication and english studies
-ba (hons) international business communication
-ba (hons) international trade and business communication
-ba (hons) business with business communication
-ba (hons) finance with business communication
-ba (hons) law with business communication
-ba (hons) international trade, logistics and business communication
-ba (hons) marketing with business communication
-ba(hons) logistics and business communication
-bsc (hons) sports business management
·sunderland 79 (桑德兰大学)
accounting and financial management (top-up)
banking and finance (top-up)
business and marketing (top-up)
business management (top-up)
business law (1 year top-up)
·birmingham city 85 (伯明翰城市大学)
business administration (top-up)
international business (top-up)
international finance (top-up)
international marketing (top-up)
·coventry 84 (考文垂大学)
ba (hons) international business
ba (hons) international tourism
ba (hons) hospitality management
ba (hons) international disaster management
ba (hons) environment management
coventry london campus:
ba(hons) accounting and finance for international business 会计与金融国际商务方向
ba(hons) global business 国际商务
ba(hons) global marketing 国际市场营销
ba(hons) international hospitality and tourism management 国际酒店和旅游管理
·northampton 89 (北安普顿大学)
ba (hons) human resource management (top-up)
·teesside 90 (提赛德大学)
ba (hons) business management, final-year entry (top-up)
·kingston 92 (金斯顿大学)
ba (hons) business administration top up
·glamorgan 94 (格拉摩根大学)
ba (hons) accounting
ba (hons) finance
ba (hons) marketing
ba (hons) logistic and supply chain management
ba (hons) international business
ba (hons) business communication
ba (hons) nursing 护理
·middlesex 105 (密德塞克斯大学)
ba (h) business communication (top up)
ba (h) tourism with business studies (year two/three)
·bolton 108 (博尔顿大学)
ba (hons) business management (hrm) top-up