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网友发表时间 1017614



your sleeping position and your personality

everyone has got two personalities — the one that is shown to the world and the other that is secret and don’t show your secret personality when you’re awake because you can control your behavior, but when you’re asleep, your sleeping position shows the real you. in a normal night, of course, people frequently change their position. the important position is the one that you go to sleep in.

if you go to sleep on your back, you’re a very open person. you normally trust people and you are easily influenced by fashion or new ideas. you don’t like to upset people, so you never express your real feelings. you’re quite shy and you aren’t very confident.

if you sleep on your stomach, you are a rather secretive person. you worry a lot and you’re always easily upset. you’re very stubborn, but you aren’t very ambitious. you usually live for today but not tomorrow. this means that you enjoy having a good time.

if you sleep curled up, you are probably a very nervous person. you have a low opinion of yourself and so you’re often defensive. you’re shy and you don’t normally like meeting people. you prefer to be on your own. you’re easily hurt.

if you sleep on your side, you have usually got a well-balanced personality. you know your strengths and weaknesses. you’re usually careful. you have a confident personality. you sometimes feel anxious, but you don’t often get depressed. you always say what you think even if it annoys people


on the senior empty nests

for most senior students in universities, the last academic year has nothing to do with academics. to the frustration of professors, few courses are attended by students. and dorms are almost vacant with few lodgers. this kind of phenomenon, which has been called “senior empty nests”, is common among universities of china.

where have those absent senior students gone? some lucky dogs have gone to their new jobs while the majority are still striving to get a job or engaging in their internship outside of the campus. the severe employment pressure has pushed senior students into employment market earlier. the anxiety of getting a job before graduation disturbs the restless mind of every student, which leads to skipping school of most students.

in my view, with senior students leaving campus earlier, their time of education has been reduced, which puts them in a disadvantaged position in the employment market. students should start job hunting after finishing the courses of the last academic year. at the same time, the universities should provide career education for senior students.


the resources of the earth are limited. we should cherish and cherish these resources. so were going to do garbage sorting, and reuse the available resources again.

at home, remind everybody garbage classification, water bottles, cans, such as waste paper packed together to sell, resources recycling, and made money, the waste batteries, cartridges, etc in the recycling bins. in school, you can reuse and reuse garbage, put in two different trash cans, one is recyclable and one is unrecyclable. learn from your classmates and discuss ways to classify rubbish. in the suburbs, we will use two bags to classify garbage, pick up the garbage that we see and classify it, so that it is the best young pioneers. this allows you to easily categorize.

everyone is sorting garbage, and the earth is beautiful. we will see the thick wood, the clear water, the blue sky and the blue sea, everyone has a sweet smile.


please protect our earth


although the world develops much faster and better, the resources on the earth get fewer and order to protect them,something must be done.

save water. water is the source of life. no water, no life. so it s very important for us to do only should we protect drinking water and stop polluting it, but also make full use of it.

save electricity. it is crucial. we can t imagine what the life will be like without should do his best to save electricity. don t forget to turn off lights or other electric machines when we finish working.

save forests. they are useful .please stop cutting them down and use recycled paper instead. make our world a green one to live in.

recycle useful rubbish. plenty of rubbish can be recycled like cans,paper, bottles, and so on. we can save resources in this way.



for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on e-learning, try to imagine what will happen when more and more people study on-line instead ofgoing to school. you should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

currently, an increasing numberofpeople begin to use internet to take courses and acquire is booming all around the world. it is providingmany options withlearners in terms of time, locations, subjects andcosts.

online learning ’ studying efficiency and teachers’ a result, updatedknowledge will reach those students in isolatedareas at a higher speed, whichcan make many of them keep pace withthe time. additionally, students candecide their learning locationand time much more freely. notably, because will not trouble e-learners, learning cost will belargelylowered. these advantages might decrease the number ofpeople who routinelyattend schoollearning.

from my point of view, teachers and students in schools isirreplaceable. it is a good ideathat we combine e-learning andattending school together. learning is not asimple multiple-choicequestion but an important issue that needs your .


youth comes only once in a lifetime, therefore, it is important that we should not waste thoseyears in idleness and bad living. this is also the time when our memories are best. we are ableto learn more during this time than when we become older. during our younger years, we havethe enthusiasm to set high goals for ourselves. we also try to overcome obstacles which areplaced in our way.

if we realize how preciou s youth is, we will be fulfilled when we are young as well as when weare older. if we waste our youth, we will spend the rest of our lives wishing we could be youngagain.

waste those yea rs in idlenes s 蹉跎年华

set goals for 制定目标

obstacle n . 障碍

be fulfilled 充实完善

spend the rest of our lives wishing we could be young again 有生之年将在追悔中度过






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