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网友发表时间 537620



企业办社会 enterprises burdened with social responsibilities

企业集团战略 corporate group strategy

企业兼并重组 company merger and restructuring

企业领导班子 enterprise management

企业所得税 enterprise(corporate)income tax

企业效益 corporate profitability

企业资金违规流入股市 irregular flow of enterprise funds into the stock market

欠税 tax arrears

欠息 overdue interest

强化税收征管 to strengthen tax administration

强制措施 enforcement action

翘尾因素 carryover effect

切一刀 partial application

清理收回贷款 clean up and recover loans

(破产)清算 liquidation

倾斜政策 preferential policy

区别对待 differential treatment

趋势加强 intensifying trend

全球化 globalization

权益回报率 returns on equity(ROE)

缺乏后劲 unsustainable momentum



绕规模贷款 to circumvent credit ceiling

人均国内生产总值 per capita GDP

人均收入 per capita income

人民币升值压力 upward pressure on the Renminbi(exchange rate)

认缴资本 subscribed capital

软贷款 soft loans

软预算约束 soft budget constraint

软着陆 soft landing


开办人民币业务 to engage in RMB business

可维持(可持续)经济增长 sustainable economic growth

可变成本 variable cost

可自由兑换货币 freely convertible currency

控制现金投放 control currency issuance

扣除物价因素 in real terms;on inflation-adjusted basis

库存产品 inventory

跨国银行业务 cross-border banking

跨年度采购 cross-year procurement

会计准则 accounting standard


内部控制 internal control

内部审计 internal audit

内地与香港 the mainland and Hong Kong

内债 domestic debt

扭亏为盈 to turn a loss-making enterprise into a profitable one

扭曲金融分配 distorted allocation of financial resources

农副产品采购支出 outlays for agricultural procurement

农村信用社 rural credit cooperatives(RCCs)


合理预期 rational expectation

核心资本 core capital

合资企业 joint-venture enterprises

红利 dividend

宏观经济运营良好 sound macroeconomic performance

宏观经济基本状况 macroeconomic fundamentals

宏观调控 macroeconomic management(or adjustment)

宏观调控目标 macroeconomic objectives(or targets)

坏账 bad debt

还本付息 debt service

换汇成本 unit export cost;local currency cost of export earnings

汇兑在途 funds in float

汇兑支出 advance payment of remittance by the beneficiary's bank

汇率并轨 unification of exchange rates

活期存款 demand deposits

汇率失调 exchange rate misalignment

混合所有制 diversified(mixed)ownership

货币政策态势 monetary policy stance

货款拖欠 overdue obligations to suppliers



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