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we all know that ants are ferocious eaters. they differ widely in their diets and may be carnivorous, herbivorous, or omnivorous, meaning that some eat meat; others eat only plants while others eat a combination of both.由后面的解释我们可以得知:“carnivorous”的意思是“食肉的”;“herbivorous”的意思是“食草的”;“omnivorous”的意思是“杂食的”。

today, i’d like to talk about some of the changes land can undergo, specifically desertification, process through which land becomes part of a desert.


after breakfast, many people go to church; but the children will be playing with their new toys, and the mother will probably be preparing the christmas dinner. this includes poultry for the main course ( chicken, turkey, duck, goose), salads, breads, and vegetable, and features a variety of desserts, for example, pies, puddings, and ice cream.

“chicken, turkey, duck, goose”同属“poultry:家禽”。

jane was talking with others while eliza remained reticent all the time.


the hot-air balloon took off. it was as buoyant in the air as a cork (软木塞) in water.

把热气球比作水中的软木塞,说明“buoyant ”的意义:“漂浮;浮力。”

venus rotates retrograde, or “backwards”, spinning in the opposite direction of its orbit around the sun.


the door was so low that i hit my head on the lintel.


more recently, scientists have documented an alarmingly high occurrence of frogs with malformations.

form是词根, formation“形式”,mal-:构词前缀,可表示“坏、恶、不良”,还可表示“不、不正常、不当、非法。”malformation的意思就应该是“畸形。”更多的例子如:malnutrition: 营养不良;malconduct:(公职人员的)胡作非为;maladjustive: 引起失调的;不利调节的。




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