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My grandmother was an iron-willed woman, the feared matriarch of our New York family back in the 1950s.

When I was five years old, she invited some friends and relatives to her Bronx apartment for a party. Among the guests was a neighborhood big shot who was doing well in business. His wife was proud of their social status and let everyone at the party know it. They had a little girl about my age who was spoiled and very much used to getting her own way.

Grandmother spent a lot of time with the big shot and his family. She considered them the most important members of her social circle and worked hard at currying their favor.




心灵鸡汤英语美文:The Year of Wandering【第二篇】

Between the preparation and the work,the apprenticeship and the actual dealing with a task or an art,there comes, in the experience of many young men,a period of uncertainty and wandering which is often misunderstood and counted as time wasted,when it is, in fact, a period rich in full and free development.

It is as natural for ardent and courageous youth to wish to know what is in life, what it means, and what it holds for its children,as for a child to reach for and search the things that surround and attract every real worker in the world is a real man, and a man has a right to know the conditions under which he must live,and the choices of knowledge, power, and activity which are offered the education of many men and women, therefore, there comes the year of wandering;the experience of traveling from knowledge to knowledge and from occupation to occupation.

The forces which go to the making of a powerful man can rarely be adjusted and blended without some disturbance of relations and disturbance is sometimes injurious, because it affects the moral foundations upon which character rests;and for this reason the significance of the experience in its relation to development ought to be sympathetically birth of the imagination and of the passions, the perception of the richness of life,and the consciousness of the possession of the power to master and use that wealth, create a critical moment in the history of youth,—a moment richer in possibilities of all kinds than comes at any later period.

Agitation and ferment of soul are inevitable in that wonderful are times when agitation is as normal as is self-control at other and less critical year of wandering is not a manifestation of aimlessness, but of aspiration,and that in its ferment and uncertainty youth is often guided to and finally prepared for its task.







When love is not madness, it is not love.


Time does not dye,Memories do not light.


I believe time can cure everything.


l still fight while l can fight.


Don\'t surrender to thisdark woeld.


Youth gives you light please don't let it down.

青春赋予你光芒 请你别让它失望。

Time cut scar is called growth.


Do not let dream just be your dream.


You are a landscape, no need in the scenery inside looking up to others.

你就是一道景色 ,没必要在他人景色里面仰视。

Never hate your it will affect your judgem


[you can turn off the sun, but i am still gonno shine.


Do not take the memory of the past, to torture yourself now.


Keep your face to the sunshine and you abbot see the shadow.


心灵鸡汤英语美文:The Fascinating Moonrise【第四篇】

There is a hill near my home that I often climb at night. The noise of the city is a far-off murmur. In the hush of dark I share the cheerfulness of crickets and the confidence of owls. But it is the drama of the moonrise that I come to see. For that restores in me a quiet and clarity that the city spends too freely.

From this hill I have watched many moons rise. Each one had its own mood. There have been broad, confident harvest moons in autumn; shy, misty moons in spring; lonely, white winter moons rising into the utter silence of an ink-black sky and smoke-smudged orange moons over the dry fields of summer. Each, like fine music, excited my heart and then calmed my soul.

But we, who live indoors, have lost contact with the moon. The glare of street lights and the dust of pollution veil the night sky. Though men have walked on the moon, it grows less familiar. Few of us can say what time the moon will rise tonight.

Still, it tugs at our minds.

If we unexpectedly encounter the full moon, huge and yellow over the horizon, we are helpless but to stare back at its commanding presence. And the moon has gifts to bestow upon those who watch.

I learned about its gifts one July evening in the mountains. My car had mysteriously stalled, and I was stranded and alone. The sun had set, and I was watching what seemed to be the bright-orange glow of a forest fire beyond a ridge to the east. Suddenly, the ridge itself seemed to burst into flame. Then, the rising moon, huge and red and grotesquely misshapen by the dust and sweat of the summer atmosphere, loomed up out of the woods. Distorted thus by the hot breath of earth, the moon seemed ill-tempered and imperfect. Dogs at nearby farmhouse barked nervously, as if this strange light had wakened evil spirits in the weeds.

But as the moon lifted off the ridge it gathered firmness and authority. Its complexion changed from red, to orange, to gold, to impassive yellow. It seemed to draw light out of the darkening earth, for as it rose, the hills and valleys below grew dimmer. By the time the moon stood clear of the horizon, full-chested and round and of the colour of ivory, the valleys were deep shadows in the landscape. The dogs, reassured that this was the familiar moon, stopped barking. And all at once I felt a confidence and joy close to laughter.

The drama took an hour. Moonrise is slow and serried with subtleties. To watch it, we must slip into an older, more patient sense of time.

To watch the moon move inflexibly higher is to find an unusual stillness within ourselves. Our imaginations become aware of the vast distance of space, the immensity of the earth and the huge improbability of our own existence. We feel small but privileged.

Moonlight shows us none of life’s harder edges. Hillsides seem silken and silvery, the oceans still and blue in its light. In moonlight we become less calculating, more drawn to our feelings.



在我家的附近有座小山, 我常在晚间爬上山去。此时,城市的喧嚣成了遥远的低语。在这黑夜的静谧中,我尽情地分享蟋蟀的欢乐,感受猫头鹰的自信。不过,我上山是来看月出的,因为这可以让我的内心重新感到被城市消耗殆尽的平静与清新。




如果我们偶然遇见一轮黄灿灿的满月高高挂在空中, 我们都会禁不住抬头凝望她那高贵的仪容。而月亮会向那些注视她的人赐予厚礼。






Everyday of your life,it is important to take the timeto“smelltheroses”—to appreciate the experiences that lead to is part of being truly happy.

Happiness is a state of starts with accepting where you are,knowing where you are going and planning to enjoy every moment a long the know how to be happy,and feel that you have enough time or money or love or what every you need to achieve your ust feeling that you have enough of everything means that you doing deed have enough.

You have to choose to be happy,and focus upon being happy,inorder to be you instead focus upon knowing that you will be happy if you achieve something,you will never be happy,as you have notl earned to“smelltheroses”。Their on yis that when you are happy,you are inevitably more productive,and far more likely to achieve what everything-seekers are seeking.






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