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Teaching points: Grasp the[] important words and phrases.

一、Warming up: 1. Greeting:

T: Hello, boys and girls. Let us recite the seasons. Ok?

Ss: Ok.

T and Ss: spring, summer, autumn and winter.

T: What day is it today?

Ss: Today is ……

2. Saying a chant:

Hello, Meg, hello, Ted.

What’s his name? He is Ben.

What’s her name? She is Pat.

How old is she? She is eight.

How old is he? He is nine.

3. Singing “Head, shoulders, knees and toes.

二、New concept.

T: Oh, you are great .Today let us learn

Module 6Activities

Unit 1 What do you do at the weekend? (Writing and reading)

1. T: Do you like playing football?

Ss: Yes, I do.

T: What do you do at the weekend? (explain in Chinese )

Ss: I play basketball.

T: I like reading at the weekend .What about you?

Ss: I like swimming.

T: You are great.

T: And what do you have at school?

You can say: I have ……

Ss: I have English and Chinese.

T: Do you like maths?

Ss: Yes, I do. / (No, I don’t.)

T: What do you do at 5 o’clock in the morning?

I sleep in the morning. What about you?

Ss: I sleep too.

2. Do exercises: On the board write the following list

1) What do you do at the weekend?


2) What do you have at school?

I have …… and ……

3. Listen and say. Play the tape, pause it after each utterance and let the Ss repeat the sentences.

4. Show the Ss some books .For example “Maths” “Chinese” “Science”

Show the Ss some pictures “football” “sleep” “swimming

5. Text 1) Listen and look.

2) Answer questions:

What do you do at ……o’clock in the morning?

What do you have at school?

三、Homework: 1) Read the text frequently and recite the text.

2) Copy the following sentences 2 times.

What do you do at the weekend?

What do you have at school?








句型: This is …/Hw ld are u? I ‘ …








Wrds: brther,sisiter



能够正确运用This is …/Hw ld are u? I ‘ …

句型进行对话表演;能够熟练的表达出brther, sister等单词



教 愉快教学法, 情境教学法, 任务型教学, 评价法



1. 课前播放歌曲Father and ther,渲染课堂气氛。

2. 唱歌曲Father and ther

3. 复习上节课单词句子,father ther This is…

4. 学生四人一组,分别戴上father,ther,gawei的头饰表演

Lessn 13的对话。

5. Listen and d活动,教师给出指令Act lie a father/ther/teacher/


6. 将爸爸、妈妈、兄弟、姐妹的头饰贴在黑板上,利用图片教学单词。

7. 教师向全体学生介绍家庭成员引出本课的新句型:This is brther.

This is sisiter.

8. 引导学生跟读模仿课文会话内容。

9. 放录像展示ust tal部分的`教学内容让学生跟读模仿。分组、分队


10. 趣味操练,教师发给学生一张卡通全家福,教师发出指令:shw e

ur father…学生将对应的卡通人物找出来,比比那组最快。



Unit 14 M fail

Lessn 79

A: L, listen and nuber.

This is fail. There are 10 peple in fail. This is grandfather. He is n the chair. He is thin. This is grandther. She is n the chair, t. She is big. This is father. M father is tall. That is uncle. M uncle is shrt. This is ther and that’s aunt. M ther’s hair is lng and aunt’s hair is shrt. This is brther. He has

This is ther. She has lng hair. She is a nurse.

This is uncle. He is big. He is a anager.

M aunt is next t uncle. She is a taxi-driver.

What abut ur cusin? What’s ur cusin’s b?

M cusin is a plicean.


C: Let’s sing.

I lve u. u lve e. We are a happ fail. With aunt and uncle and sister and brther. With granda and grandpa and father.

I help u. u help e. We are a happ fail. With aunt and uncle and sister and brther. With granda and grandpa and ther.

Lessn 84

A: L, listen and stic.

This is uncle. He is tall. He is a plicean.

This is ther. She is prett. She is a nurse.

This is cusin. He is shrt. He is a

What a I ding?

u are reading.

C: Listen and repeat.

Aa /ei/,//

ate baed an apple cae. She put it n the at.

The apple cae that ate baed

C: Let’s sing.

What are u ding? I’ feeding the fish.

What are u ding? I’ Her clthes are br

C: L, read and label.

Hng’s father is a fisheran.

’s fail lives in an apartent. His ther is taling n the phne.

’s fail lives in a red huse. It’s sall and beautiful.

’s fail stas in a cabin fr their hlidas.

D: Grup the

M grandfather is feeding the fish.

There is a b next t the cputer.

M cusin is drawing in the bedr. She has lng hair.

Luc is in the bathr.

Is there a telephne in the living r? es, there is.

B: L and sa.

The grandther is watching TV in the living r.

C: Let’s pla.


Where is Lil?

Is there a itchen in the huse?

Where’s the bedr?

This is the living r, right?

There are … peple in this fail. The are ….

What’s ur uncle’s b?

What’s ur grandther ding?

What’s her father’s b?

Is there a sfa in the bedr?

Where is Luc? What’s he ding?



1、 vocabulary:uncle,bike,present,like,ride,can.,swim,run.

2、 sentences:can you ride a bike?yes,i can./no,i can’t.

3、 sing a song:my little bicycle.



2、句子:can you ride a bike?yes,i can./no,i can’t. i can swim.


掌握swim,run,ride a bike,sing,dance,draw等表示动作的单词及运用。






step1:warming up.

1. sing a song:hello,hello,how are you?

2. review the letters.


1. 向学生发放新年礼物,并教学单词“present”,在充分联系后,要求学生拆开礼物,并大声的用英语说出里头的礼物,以此帮助学生复习上个学期的旧知,完成由上个学期至本学期的过渡。

2. 教学礼物之一:“bike”,并自编歌谣“bike,bike,bike,i like bike.”解释单词“like”的意思,带领学生操练句型“i like bike.”

3. do the actions.带领学生边做动作,边说单词,并以此种方式复习单词“sing,dance,draw”,教学新单词“swim,run,ride a bike”。引导学生用英语告诉别人自己的能力“i can ……”

4. ask the question:“can you sing?”让学生猜猜看句子的意思,并尝试回答,可能大部分的学生会使用“i can sing.”来回答,此时,教给学生简单的`回答方法:“yes,i can./no,i can’t.”

5. pracise in pairs.让学生用同桌互问互答的合作方式,进行操练,并上台演示。

6. 介绍chen ling’s uncle,同时教学单词“uncle”,告诉学生chen ling’s uncle准备送chen ling一份礼物,引入课文。

7. listen to the tape,and teach“clever”。

8. listen and point.

9. listen and repeat.

10. listen and learn to say part1、2、3

step3:sing a song.“my little bicycle.”

1、listen and explain.

2、listen and repeat.

3、sing it.


1、 熟读本课涉及的各项单词、对话、歌曲。

2、 完成《一册通》中本课的练习


unit1 lesson 1

uncle bike present like can.

swim run ride

can you ride a bike?

yes,i can.

no,i can’t..

lesson 2


1、 vocabulary:fly,lay,bird,but

2、 sentences:can you swim,miss bird?no,i can’t,but i can fly.

3、 say a chant;i can sing.



2、句子:can you swim,miss bird?no,i can’t,but i can fly.

教学难点:掌握句子can you swim,miss bird?no,i can’t,but i can fly.及运用。




step1:warming up.

1. sing a song: “my little bicycle.”


课题Recycle 1 第一课时


教学难点新出现的句型:What’s in your box? Guess. Let’s share.







1. 师生一起唱第一册所学歌曲 “Hello”。

2. 播放本册Unit 1B部分Let’s sing歌曲 “Boy and girll”,把歌词改为:I’m…You are… Do you want to be my friends? (人名可更换)

3. 师生进行对话练习。

T: Hello, I’m…

A: Hello, I’m…

T: Nice to meet you.

A: Nice to meet you, too.

T: Who’s that boy/girl?

A: He/She is …

T: Where are you from?

B: I’m from…

T: Welcom.

4. 鼓励学生两人或三人一组模仿做对话。

5. 教师出示事先准备的图画,教师提问:How many… can you see? 让学生用完整句子回答:I can see…

(二)呈现新课 (Presentation)

1. 教师出示一个盒子说:Look! I have a box.(教读box)教师把盒子打开对学生说:Look, it’s want to put something in it?

2. 教师找一名学生往盒子里放东西,让其他学生闭上眼睛。当这名学生把东西放好后,在让大家把眼睛睁开,引导学生去问:What’s in your box? 再引导那名学生说:Guess.学生每猜一次,教师便和拿着盒子的学生说:Let’s open it and see.学生猜对了,要及时给与表扬。

3. 教师可再找2-3名学生继续往盒子里放东西,重复上面的语言和动作。

4. 教师又拿出一个一模一样的盒子,对学生说:Here is a box, too. But it isn’t empty. There are something in it. Guess. What’s in my box?(教师一边摇盒子一边问)

5. 学生猜不到,教师就把盒子递给一名学生,并带领全班一起说:open it and see, please. 学生拿出里面的巧克力和曲奇饼。教师指着它们说:Oh, chocolates and cookies.并教读这两个词。

6. 教师手拿一袋巧克力问学生:How many chocolate? Guess.

7. 不论学生回答的'对不对,教师说:OK. Let’s count together.全班一起数。

8. 教师说:Oh, so many chocolates! Let’s share! OK? 引导学生说:Good idea!

9. 看对话录像。

10. 让学生对课文内容回答问题:

Who’s that boy?

Who’s that girl?

What’s in the box?

How many chocolates?

11. 播放动画课件Let’s act 的内容,模仿跟读课文对话。教师要注意纠正chocolate, cookie, Let’s share 和good idea的发音。

(三)趣味操练 (Practice)

1. Let’s act.


2.Play a game.


A: Look! I have a bag.

B: What’s in your bag?

A: Guess.

B: Books.

C: Pencils.

A: Pencils. You are right. How many pencils?

B: 12.

C: 17.

B: 15.

A: Open it and see.

B,C: Let’s count. Oh, … pencils.


3. 传话。每一纵排为一组,全班分成若干组。教师分别发给每一组最后一排的学生一张纸,上面写一句话,在教师说“开始”后,最后一排的学生即用耳语说纸上的话告诉前面的学生,这位学生再把听到的话告诉前面的学生…这样依次进行下去。最后一排的学生把所传的话说给大家听,看一看那组同学最后的答案与老师写在纸上的句子相同或相近。





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