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英语六级阅读理解真题及答案 (菁选【优秀4篇】

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It is doing something better than other people that makes us unique. Yet a surprising number of people still see individuality as a surface thing. They wear bright clothes, dye their hair strange colors and decorate their skin with tattoos (文身) to make some kind of social statement.

The whole purpose of individuality is excellence. The people who comprehend the simple principle of being unique through performance make our entire political and economic system work. Those who invent, who improve, who know more about a subject than other people do, and who take something that doesn't work and make it work—these people are the very soul of capitalism.

Charles Kettering didn't like the idea of cranking a car to make it start, so he invented the electric starter. Henry Ford figured out the assembly-line technique and made it possible to mass-produce automobiles. Lewis Waterman saw no need to go on dipping a pen into an inkwell, so he put the ink into the pen. George Westinghouse told the world how to stop a train, and Elisha Otis, inventor of the elevator, indirectly created the city skyline. These people understood that individualism means working at the top of one's capacity.

Fortunately, enough Americans have been inspired to do something with their uniqueness that we have developed in less than three centuries from a frontier outpost into not only a country of freedom but a country strong enough to protect that freedom. These people prized the notions of individuality and excellence above all things and thus kept the great machine functioning. The ones with the purple hair and the horrorable jewelry are just along for the ride, trying to be "different" and not knowing how to go about it.

1 The student who earns A's on his report card has grasped the idea and has found the real meaning of individuality. So has the youngster who has designed his own spaceship, who paints pictures of the world around him, or who can name all the states and their capitals. According to the author unique individuals are persons who______.

A. do something better than other people

B. know more about a subject than other people

C. excel others in work

D. all of the above

2、People who regard individuality as a surface thing always do the following EXCEPT

A. wearing bright clothes B. coloring their hair

C. doing better than others D. decorating their skin with tattoos

3、Which is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. Henry Ford invented assembly-line technique.

B. Elisha Otis was the inventor of the lift

C. George Westinghouse created cranks.

D. Lewis Waterman put the ink into the pen.

4、It can be inferred from the passage that______.

A. the real secret to being unique lies in our excellent work

B. if we want to be different we'd gain more profit

C the student who earns A's on the report card has not grasped the real meaning of individuality

D. all Americans work miracles In the writer's opinion

5、who has understood the sense of individuality?

A. The youngster who designed his own spaceship.

B. The youngster who painted worthy pictures.

C. The youngster who was interested in wearing strange clothes.

D. Both A and B.




Two astronauts face a not-so-merry Christmas after being told to ration their food and hope a cargo ship with extra supplies docks on Dec. 21. Russian cosmonaut Salizhan Sharipov and American Leroy Chiao have been asked to cut out calories equal to three cans of Coke from their daily diet—around 10 percent of their daily __1__ and an amount that would be little noticed, NASA said.

Russian officials, quoted in the local media, have __2__ blamed the previous crew for overeating during their one-month mission earlier this year, leaving a __3__ of meat and milk and a surplus of juice and confectionery .

The Dec. 24 launch of the next Progress is now __4__ for the crew, stationed in orbit since October. It is due to __5__ with the ISS on Dec. 21.

NASA officials said their situation was not so different from being cut off on Earth, and their lives were not at risk. If they do not receive __6__supplies, the astronauts would have to __7__ the station and return to Earth on the Soyuz capsule that is docked there.

Russia has been the sole lifeline to the ISS for almost two years when the United States grounded its __8__ fleet after the fatal Columbia accident. Russia has often __9__ of its financial struggle to keep the ISS fully serviced single-handedly. Shuttle flights could __10__in May, officials have said, but in the meantime Russia will continue to launch all manned and cargo ships.

A) deficit B) complaine C) severely D) allowance

E) considerately F) shuttle G) evacuate H) absently

I) adequate J) dock K) resume L) vital

M) trivial N) evaluate O) fresh


1. D 空格前为形容词daily,空格后为连词and和an amount,分析句子结构可知,此处应填入一个名词。原文提到,俄罗斯和美国宇航员被要求减少摄取饮食中的热量,被减少的热量相当于三杯可乐的热量,大约减少了他们日常的10%,显然破折号前面的daily diet和此处的daily 表达相同的含义,结合选项可知daily allowance最合适,意为“每日供给量”。

2. C 空格前为have,空格后为blamed,判断此处应该填一个副词。选项中可以修饰blame的只有severely “严厉地”。

3. A 空格前为不定冠词a,判断此处应该填一个名词。分析句子结构可知,a of meat and milk和a surplus of juice and confectionery为并列结构,故此处应填一个和surplus相对或者相近的名词,结合选项,此处可填入 deficit,意为“不足”。

4. L 空格前出现了系动词is,空格后为for the crew,此处要表达下一阶段的12月24日的发射对自从10月份就驻扎在太空轨道中的宇航员们来说是…,结合选项中给出的形容词,只有vital合适,意为“重要的”。

5. J 空格前为不定式符号to,后为介词with,分析此处应填入动词原形,且与with构成搭配。根据上下文语境:在12月21日,它将和国际空间站…,动词选项中只有dock符合文意,dock with为固定结构,意为“与 对接”。

6. O 空格前为动词,空格后为名词,分析此处应填一个形容词,来修饰空格后的名词。此处指出,如果他们没有收到供给,宇航员就不得不返回地球,结合选项中的形容词,此处填入fresh符合句意,fresh supplies意为 “新鲜供应”,也指“新增补给”。

7. G 空格前为have to,空格后为the station,分析此处应填一个动词原形。此处语境为:但如果他们没有收到新鲜的`供给,宇航员就不得不…空间站并返回到位于地球的联盟号宇宙飞船中。回到地球,肯定就要“离开”空间 站,选项中只有表示“离开,撤离”。

8. F 空格前为形容词性物主代词its(指美国的),空后为名词fleet,显然its fleet要表达的是“美国的 舰队”。此处语境为:自哥伦比亚号失事后,美国停飞了它的……,而这两年的时间里俄罗斯一直是国际空间站的唯一的生命线。此处显然要填表示“飞机;飞船” 的单词,shuttle fleet意为“航天飞机”,为固定搭配,符合句意。

9. B 空格前有助动词has,空格后为介词of,判断空处应填一个动词的过去分词,且可与of搭配。此处要表达:俄罗斯经常…它独自维持国际空间站运营的财政困难,结合选项,俄罗斯显然是在“抱怨”,complain of...意 为“抱怨……”,符合句意。

10. K空格前为情态动词could,空格后为in May,判断此处应填一个不及物动词。此句意为“官员说道,航天飞机会在五月…,但同时,俄罗斯会继续发射载人和载物飞船。”结合选项只有resume符合文意,意为“重新开始 (飞行)”


The General Electric Company, often criticized for the complexity of its structure and the resulting opacity of its numbers, said yesterday that it would break GE Capital, by far its largest business, into four businesses. The reorganization effectively eliminates the job of Denis J. Nayden, 48, the chairman of GE Capital. Each of the new units will have its own chief, who Will report directly to Jeffrey R. Immelt, G. E.'s chairman. "The reason for doing this is simple. I want more direct contact with the financial services teams," Mr. Immelt said.

The new businesses are GE Commercial Finance, GE Insurance, SE Consumer Finance and GE Equipment Management. Some support functions within GE Capital, including risk management and treasury, will now report to Dennis Dammerman, 57, a G. E. vice chairman who preceded Mr. Nayden as GE Capital's chlef. Mr, Nayden will remain at G. E. as an adviser for now, but is expected to leave shortly to start a financial services firm.

Mr. Dammerman insisted that the reorganization had nothing to do with the increasing clamor from investors, regulators and the news media for greater transparency in accounting and for chief executives to take more responsibility for businesses: Analysts seem to believe him. "This is just what it appears to be, a managerial, reorganization which gives leaders more direct access to the office of the chairman," said Martin A. Sankey, a G. E. analyst.

The executives leading the new units will also sit on G.. E. 's corporate executive council, a committee made up of the company's top 25 executives, which meets periodically and discusses various strategic and management issues.

GE Capital, the company's largest nit, provided $55 billion of G. E. 's $124 billion in revenue last year and $ billion of its $ billion in pretax profits. The rest of G. E. had been divided into 11 other businesses, many of them--lighting and appliances are examples-much smaller than the new GE Capital units, yet each run by someone who reports directly to the chairman. Mr. Dammermn said that Mr. Immelt began talking about breaking GE Capital into more manageable pieces as soon as he took over as chief executive last September. "Jeff didn't like the extra layer between him and the GE Capital businesses,"

G. E. has tried to make GE Capital less mysterious to 'the outside world. Although GE Capital was officially one unit, it had begun to report quarterly results in live product-related segments--a number that will be reduced to four with the new organization. And analysts say GE Capital's management has been more accessible than it was in past years, and that Mr. Immelt and other G. E. corporate executives have been willing to discuss GE Capital in more depth.

57. After the reorganization, GE will have altogether ______.

A) six businesses B) sixteen businesses

C) four businesses . D) fifteen businesses

58. Which of the following statements is NOT true of Dennis Dammerman?

A) He is now a GE's vice chairman.

B) He is expected to leave GE to start a new financial services firm.

C) He was once the chairman of GE Capital.

D) He regards the reorganization of GE as an initiative of its own.

59. All the following statements are False of Denis Nayden EXCEPT that ______.

A) the reorganization makes him lose his position as a chairman

B) he will remain for some time at GE as an analyst

C) he is currently GE's chairman

D) he is expected to start a new GE financial firm in the near future

60. The reorganization will enable GE's chief executive to ______.

A) quiet down the unrest in the world

B) work in a more friendly business environment

C) have more direct contact with GE's financial services teams

D) appear less mysterious to the outside world

61. The General Electric Capital ______.

A) is divided into five product-related segments now

B) provided more than 1/3 of GE's revenue last year

C) is going to be broken into more businesses

D) now has smaller units than all other businesses in GE


57.文章第五段提到“the rest of ,had been divided into 11 other businesses”,也就是除 GE Capital之外共有11家公司。文章第一段指出GE Capital将被分成4家公司。因此,调整结构以后,GE共有15家公司。答案为D项。

58.第二段第二句指出Dennis Dammerman是GE的副总裁,曾在Nayden之前做过GE Capital的主席。因此,选项A和C都排除。第三段中,Dammerman否认GE的结构调整和外界的压力有关,因此选项D说结构调整是GE自己的主动性举措符合原文意思,可排除。而第二段的最后一句中明确陈述即将离开GE的是Nayden,故答案为B项。

59.根据文章第一段中的“The reorganization effectively eliminates the job of Denis J. Nayden,48,the chairman of GE Capital.”可知正确答案为A项。

60.第三段的最后一句“This is just what it appears to be,a managerial reorganization which gives leaders more direct access to the office of the chairman”即“And analysts say GE Capital's management has been more accessible than it was in past years”,因此,答案为C项。

61.此题是关于GE Capital的细节信息题。文章第五段第一句“GE Capital,the company's largest nit,provided $55 billion of 's $124 billion in revenue last year and $ billion of its $ billion in pretax profits.”提到去年GE Capital收入550亿美金占GE总收入1240亿的三分之一多。因此,正确答案为B项。


Part III Reading Comprehension

Section A

26、 [C] driven

27、 [O] vulnerable

28、 [E] malignant

29、 [G] premises

30、 [H] random

31、 [K] temptation

32、 [N] unique

33、 [D] engaged

34、 [J] spiritually

35、 [B] closer


26题空格前的has been和后面的by fear,判断此处要填入一个动词的完成时,CD容易混淆,一般engaged会和in搭配,driven和by搭配,后面的题再经排除,可以锁定为C;



32题根据前面的冠词an,判断此处需要填一个以元音开头的形容词,A和C符号要求,再看到32题后面to find new ways to,新的方式说明以前没有,目前是独一无二的,所以应该选N unique.

33 题看到介词in,此处是一个固定的短语搭配,找到可以匹配的engaged in

Section B

36、 [E] It seems some people today dream that a cutting-edge new technology 。.。

37、 [I] According to one great thinker, It is most unfortunate if we lose the ability to think differently.

38、 [C] urgent attention should be paid to…

39、 [K] Even in the fast-food nation America, the number of vegetarians is on the rise.

40、 [D] The deterioration of ecological system is accelerating…

41、 [H] It is obvious that solutions must be…。

42、 [A] Many people believe changing in the world is possible…

43、 [F] It might be wrong to expect that our world would be saved at one stroke…

44、 [G] It is human nature to cheris hopes for a better world.

45、 [B] Technology has given us humans the power to change the natural world


37题干中的绝对词the most unfortunate可以帮助定位I段的the most tragic form, 以及该段出现的哲学家对应题干的great thinker

38题干的关键信息是ecological problems和comfortable life,定位C段中出现in search for comfort,段尾出现的各种环境生态问题。

39题干中的fast food nation America也可以快速定位到K段中间出现的相同信息。

42题干中的setback还有changing is possible,迅速定位到A段的相同信息。

43题干的关键信息at one stroke with,定位至F段出现的stroke,再浏览附近的信息表达的是相同主旨,即拯救地球并不是依靠科技能够一蹴而就的。

Section C

Passage One

46、 [B] People’s reluctance to be compelled to eat plant-based food.

47、 [C] Make them even more undernourished.

48、 [B] Many people simply do not have access to foods they prefer.

49、 [D] It may worsen the nourishment problem in low-income countries.

50、 [A] It accepts them at the expense of the long-term interests of its people.


46题由题干中的“more visible”可定位到原文中的开头第一段。D选项是无中生有,这里并没有提到“eating habits”。 由“compulsion (强迫)”可以排除A,C选项。因为这两个选项中分别有“positive”和“preferences”两个词。B选项中的“reluctance”译为“不情愿,抗拒”,与“强迫”对应。故这里答案应为B。

47题由题干中的“in countries like India”可定位到原文第二段最后一句。A和D选项是无中生有。原文中提到“aggravate an already tense political situation”, B选项与此句意思相反。C选项是对“stress already undernourished populations”的同义转述。故这里答案应为C。

50题由 题干中的“the Indian government”可定位到原文最后一段。选项B与原文意思不符:原文倒数第二段提到”EAT-Lancet claimed its intention was to spark conversations among all Indian stakeholders”, 选项B的主语错误,非印度政府,故排除选项B。原文中并未提到营养专家的反对意见,选项C为无中生有。原文中最后一段提到rather than,译为“并非是”,是对D选项的否定。选项A中的“at the expense of ”, 译为“以…为代价”,由最后一句中的“danger”可知选项A正确。

Passage Two

51、 C They constantly dismiss other’s proposals while taking no responsibility…

52、 D A distinction should be drawn between responsibilty and fault.

53、 A Stop them from going further by agreeing with them.

54、 B They are prompted to come up with ideas for making possible

55、 C Assuming responsibility to free oneself.




53 题是关于其他人如何跟习惯抱怨的人相处,一种应对策略,定位到第三段there’s an ingenious way to shut it down. 后面就是具体的办法。也就是当他们抱怨时,直接先肯定他们。而BCD三项只会让这些习惯抱怨的人接着滔滔不绝地继续抱怨。

