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网友发表时间 2803120



Dear Holly, I don't have much time. I don't mean literally, I mean you're out buying ice cream and you'll be home soon. But I have a feeling this is the last letter, because there is only one thing left to tell you. It isn't to go down memory lane or make you buy a lamp, you can take care of yourself without any help from me. It's to tell you how much you move me, how you changed me. You made me a man, by loving me Holly. And for that, I am eternally grateful.。. literally. If you can promise me anything, promise me that whenever you're sad, or unsure, or you lose complete faith, that you'll try to see yourself through my eyes. Thank you for the honor of being my wife. I'm a man with no regrets. How lucky am I. You made my life, Holly. But I'm just one chapter in yours. There'll be more. I promise. So here it comes, the big one. Don't be afraid to fall in love again. Watch out for that signal, when life as you know it ends.

I will always love you


China’s Singles’ Day tops US$ in first three minutes


It’s a shopping spree of epic proportions and all it took was three minutes for the numbers on this screen to reach 10 billion yuan.


That’s the equivalent of more than billion dollars and it’s just the beginning forsales and Alibaba’s Singles Day, an annual online discount sales gala that’sbecome the world’s biggest spender-thon.


Once a celebration for China’s Lonely Hearts, Singles day has become a 24-hourextravaganza that outsells Black Friday and Cyber Monday US sales combined.


The event has shoppers around China scouting for bargains while delivery men and robots brace foran estimated billion parcels expected over the next few days.

活动激动人心,吸引全中国的顾客搜罗特价商品,快递员和快递机器人预期要在未来几天派送 15亿件包裹。

Alibaba says the rise in China’s middle class consumers is driving the sales and theoverall total is likely to top last year’s, something analysts and investors will be watching closely in the coming hours.



(1) It's a sunny day. The girl and the goose get in the goat's cart. They are going for a spring outing.阳光明媚。小女孩和鹅上了山羊的马车。他们要一起去春游。

(2) Here are some cows. "Hello, cows," says the girl and the goat. The goose says nothing.他们看到许多奶牛。“你们好,”小女孩和山羊说。鹅什么也没说。

(3)Here are some crows. "Hello, crows," says the girl and the goat. The goose says nothing.他们看到许多乌鸦。“你们好,”小女孩和山羊说。鹅什么也没说。

(4) "Why are you so quiet?" the girl asks the goose. "Because I can't see anything," says the goose.“你怎么这么安静?”小女孩问鹅。“因为我什么都看不到,”鹅回答。

(5) The cart stops. Then it starts again. "Now I can see just fine," says the goose.马车停了。然后又出发了。“我现在都能看到了,”鹅说。

(6) They come to a pond. The goose swims. The goat drinks. The girl catches a fish. Then they let the fish go.他们来到一个池塘。鹅游泳。山羊喝水。小女孩抓到一条鱼。然后他们又放走了。

(7) After that, they sail a boat.之后,他们一起划船。

(8) The goose, the goat and the girl are tired. They take a nap on the grass. What a nice day it is!鹅,山羊和小女孩玩累了。他们在草地上睡了一会儿。多么美好的一天啊!


If you're trying to lose weight at this moment in time, then you might well be struggling with the winter months. Most of us find that our mood is generally lower during the winter. We experience more colds and coughs, more extreme weather, and drink more warm drinks. All of this means that we're likely to put weight on which is never good news when thinking about our diet. Luckily, there are things that you can

do to try and minimize the effects of the weather this winter, and perhaps even lose weight instead of gaining it.

1、 Sort out your mood.

If you suffer from depression, then winter might mean that it is more obvious that there is something wrong with your mood. When we're depressed, it makes us more likely to feel the need to comfort eat, and this can be hugely detrimental to our diets when we're trying to lose weight. You should think about the things in your life that are making you stressed, and see what you can do to try and change that. If you are feeling down about your work load, then why not try talking to your boss and see if there is anyone else within your department who might be able to take on some of the work that you're struggling with

2、 Keep up regular exercise.

You need to do this, or your body will become unfit again and it will be a struggle when you get back to the summer months. In addition to this, exercise improves our mood and also speeds up our blood circulation and this means that we will be able to keep a lot warmer. This can cheer us up, and can stop us from feeling as though we need to eat comfort food during this time.

3、 Save money on your heating.

It can't have escaped your attention that heating your home is very expensive these days. Luckily, if your body needs to heat up more, you will burn more calories, so this might mean that it is actually better for you if you should choose to turn the heating down a couple of degrees.

4、 Buy healthy foods.

Instead of stocking up on chocolate and sweets, why not stock up on fruit insteadThings such as nuts and rasins can be yummy, but won't have as much of an effect on your waistband as chocolate might have done. You could always try salted vegetable crisps, too, if you are a savoury kind of person, as these are much better for

you than other brands of crisps that you might be a little bit addicted to at this moment in time.



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