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网友发表时间 2011790




Manager: I’ve just looked over your resume and I must admit I am quite impressed.


Sales Rep: Thank you. I’ve worked pretty hard to be able to list those accomplishments.


Manager: You’ve got plenty of training and experience. I wonder if you could tell me something about your goals. Where do you see yourself ten years from now?


Rep: To be honest, I don’t plan in that much detail. My goals tend to be general; I define success according to the job at hand. I see myself advancing as I succeed, but I don’t necessarily dwell on the timing of each step.


Manager: interesting! And how do you feel about decision-making? Are you an independent thinker, or do you depend more on your superior for direction?

有意思! 你对“作决定”有什么看法? 你是个独立思考者,还是更多地依赖上级的指示?

Rep: That depends a bit on the problem at hand. There are certain situations in which a manager can give a general directive, and expect his employees to know how to take the initiative on the details. I am known for taking the initiative, but I believe I also have the discernment to wait for direction when the situation calls for that.


Manager: Sounds good. Everyone is taking about teams these days. Can you describe your role as a member of a sales team?


Rep: I see myself as an encourager. Of course, sales can be quite competitive and sometimes people in this field have a secret desire for others to fail. In my last job, each representative handled a different region. I developed a system for sharing sales gimmicks that worked. Soon the whole sales team started saving up stories, not just to brag, but to share.


Manager: So, your experience is as impressive in practice as it is on paper.



“When I first started this job, it took me quite a while to learn the ropes. I guess many new-comers have the same problem and have to ask their co-workers for help. I didn’t know how to use the system or where to find things. On my first day I wandered around for twenty minutes before I could find the copy room. Fortunately my co-workers were very helpful and supportive, so it didn’t take me long to get the hang of it. I just kept working hard, and in the end all my hard work really paid off. Things are going just great!”




The tiger is a giant cat. His body is nearly covered with black stripes.


Unlike the lion, he runs so fast that the swiftest horse can not overtake him.

和狮子不同的是,它跑得很快, 连跑得最快的马也赶不上它。

He goes over the ground by making bounds or springs, one after another.


By night, as well as by day, the tiger watches for his prey.


With a frightful roar, he will seize a man, and carry him off.


Have you ever thought what use whiskers are to cats?


Lions have great whiskers, and so have tigers and all other animals of the cat kind.


Whenever you find an animal with whiskers like the cat's, you may be sure that animal steals softly among branches and thick bushes.

一旦你找到了一只长着和猫一样的胡须的动物, 你可能会发现,他们常常安静地藏在树枝和茂密的灌木丛里。

By the slightest touch on the tiger's whiskers, he knows when there is anything in his road.


A few years ago, some English officers went out to hunt.


When coming home from their day's sport, they found a little tiger kitten.


They took it with them and tied it, with a collar and chain, to the pole of their tent.


It played about, to the delight of all who saw it.


One evening, just as it was growing dark, they heard a sound that frightened them greatly.


It was the roar of a tiger.


The kitten pulled at the chain, and tried to break away.


With a sharp cry, it answered the voice outside.


All at once, a large tigress bounded into the middle of the tent.


She caught her kitten by the neck, and broke the chain which bound it.


Then turning to the door of the tent, she dashed away as suddenly as she had come.




What makes a home? Love and sympathy and confidence. It is a place where kindly affections exist among all the members of the family. The parents take good care of their children, and the children are interested in the activities of their parents. Thus all of them are bound together by affection, and they find their home to be the cheeriest place in the world.


A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is a man. Every civilized person is a social being. No one should live alone. A man may lead a successful and prosperous life, but prosperity alone can by no means insure happiness. Many great personages in the world history had deep affections for their homes.


Your home may be poor and humble, but duty lies there. You should try to make it cheerful and comfortable. The greater the difficulties, the richer will be your reward.


A home is more than a family dwelling. It is a school in which people are trained for citizenship. A man will not render good services to his country if he can do nothing good for his home; for in proportion as he loves his home, will he love his country. The home is the birthplace of true patriotism. It is the secret of social welfare and national greatness. It is the basis and origin of civilization.




We all want to believe that we are capable of great feats, of reaching our fullest potential. We need dreams. They give us a vision of a better future. They nourish our spirit。

我们都相信自己有成就伟业的能力,能发挥出自己的最 大潜能,我们需要梦想,它会给我们展现一番更好的前景,它能滋养我们的灵魂。

They represent possibility even then we are dragged down by reality. They keep us going. Most successful people are dreamers Dreamers are not content with being merely mediocre, because no one ever dreams of going halfway.


When we were little kids, we didn’t dream of a life of struggle and frustration. We dreamed of doing something big and splashy, something significant. We dreamed big.


We know now that we have to put in the effort to reach our dreams, but the tough part is that most of us don’t know where to start working. We might have every intention of becoming Vice President in five years or running across the finish line in a marathon or completing the novel we started years ago. But often we have no idea how to translate these dreams into actions.


In order to make real steps toward fulfilling our ultimate, big, splashy dreams, we have to start with concrete objective. These are our goals.




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