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网友发表时间 2211113




If the past has taught us anything, it is that every cause brings effect - every action has a thought, in my opinion, is the moral foundation of the universe; it applies equally in this world andthe next.

We Chinese have a saying: “If a man plants melons, he will reap melons; if he sows beans, he will reap beans.”And this is true of every man’s life: good begets good, and evil leads to evil.

True enough, the sun shines on the saint and sinner alike, and too often it seems that the wicked wax and we can say with certitude that, with the individual as with the nation,the flourishing of the wicked is an illusion, for, unceasingly, life keeps books on us all.

In the end, we are all the sum total of our actions. Character cannot be counterfeited,nor can it be put on and cast off as if it were a garment to meet the whim of the the markings on wood which are ingrained in the very heart of the tree,character requires time and nurture for growth and development.

Thus also, day by day, we write our own destiny, for inexorably we become what we , I believe, is the supreme logic and the law of life.







While popular in the , the April Fool’s Day tradition is even more prevalent in European countries,such as France and Great Britain. Although the roots of the traditional trickings are unclear,the French andthe British both have claims on the origin of the celebration.

One theory holds that the first April Fool’s Day was on April 1 of the year when King of France instituted the new new system placed the day that had formerly been the first day of a new year on April people were reluctant to adjust to the new calandar and continued to celebrate New Year’s Day on what had become the first day of , they become the first April began to give gaggifts on the day to mock the foolishness of thosewho continued to celebrate the new year on April 1.

An English story about the day, however, holds that it began sometime during the the time, King John of England was in the habit of making a road out of nearly every path he walked citizensof one particular farm village were aware of avoid having their green meadows and pastures disturbed with one of the king’s roads,they built a fence that prevented the king from walking through their king sent a group of messengers to inform the villagers that they must remove the hearing that the king was planning to do this, however, the villagers developed a plan of their messengers arrived, they found what appeared to be a community of lunatics,with people behaving in a bizarre manner, throwing things and running around messengers, alarmed at what they had found, reported to king John that these people were so mad as to be beyond , the villagers saved their farmland by tricking the King. In Great Britain,tradition only allows April Fool’s tricks from midnightto noon on April 1. Those who try to play tricks in the afternoon become the fools themselves.




阅读的好处 The Benefit of Reading【第三篇】

Speaking of reading, many people are excited because reading brings them both knowledge and entertainment. By reading, we can learn lots of information and know our history. But for some people, reading is not their priority. They will choose to watch movies to have fun. However, I think people can benefit a lot by reading.


First of all, reading can let us know what have happened in history. Since history is recorded in books, if we read books, then we can not only what have happened in history but also we can better understand the great figures of the age.


Secondly, reading can enrich our knowledge. By reading, we can know different kinds of things, how things happen and how to avoid bad things from happening. Books record a wide range of things about life. Through reading, we can know various aspects of life.


Thirdly, reading teaches us skills. There are so many books about how to learn a certain language, how to get a good job, how to become popular in your circle, how to cook and so on. Thus, these kinds of books can make us more skillful if we do a certain thing.


All in all, we can find lots of benefits through reading.



Young King Arthur was ambushed and imprisoned by the monarch of a neighboring kingdom. The monarch could have killed him but was moved by Arthur's youthful happiness. So he offered him freedom, as long as he could answer a very difficult question. Arthur, would have a year to figure out the answer. If, after a year, he still had no answer, he would be killed.

The question was: What do women really want? Such a question would have perplexed even the most knowledgeable man, and, to young Arthur, it seemed an impossible query. Since it was better than death, however, he accepted the monarch's proposition to have an answer by year's end.

He returned to his kingdom and began to poll everybody; the princess, the prostitutes, priests, the wise men, and the court jester. In all, he spoke with everyone but no one could give him a satisfactory answer. What most people did tell him was to consult the old witch, as only she would know the answer. The price would be high as the witch was famous for the exorbitant prices she charged.

The last day of the year arrived and Arthur had no alternative but to talk to the witch. She agreed to answer his question, but he'd have to accept her price; the old witch wanted to marry Gawain, the most noble of the Knights of the Round table and Arthur's closest friend! Young Arthur was horrified, she was hunchbacked and awfully hideous, had only one tooth, smelled like a sewer and often made obscene noises. He had never run across such a repugnant creature. He refused to force his friend to marry her and to have to endure such a burden.

Gawain upon learning of the proposal, spoke with Arthur. He told him that nothing was too big a sacrifice compared to Arthur's life and the preservation of the Round table. Hence, their wedding was proclaimed, and the witch answered Arthur's question.

What a woman really wants is to be able to be in charge of her own life.

Everyone instantly knew that the witch had uttered a great truth and that Arthur's life would be spared. And so it went. The neighboring monarch spared Arthur's life and granted him total freedom.

What a wedding Gawain and the witch had! Arthur was torn between relief and anguish. Gawain was proper as always, gentle and courteous. The old witch put her worst manners on display. She ate with her hands, belched and farted, and made everyone uncomfortable. The wedding night approached: Gawain, steeling himself for a horrific night, entered the bedroom. What a sight awaited! The most beautiful woman he'd ever seen lay before him! Gawain was astounded and asked what had happened.

The beauty replied that since he had been so kind to her when she'd been a witch, half the time she would be her horrible, deformed self. And the other half, she would be her beautiful maiden self. Which would,he want her to be during the day and which during the night? What a cruel question! Gawain began to think of his predicament.

During the day a beautiful woman to show off to his friends, but at night, in the privacy of his home, an old spooky witch? Or would he prefer having by day a hideous witch, but by night a beautiful woman to enjoy many intimate moments.

What would you do?

What Gawain chose follows below, but don't read until you'vemade your own choice.

Noble Gawain replied that he would let her choose for herself.

Upon hearing this, she announced that she would be beautiful all the time, because he had respected her and had let her be in charge of her own life.

What is the moral of the story?

The moral is that it doesn't matter if a woman is pretty or ugly, smart or dumb. Underneath it all, she's still a . . . . . witch!!!



















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