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商务英语阅读 商务英语阅读练习题及答案【实用4篇】

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Today’s society is of knowledge economy age,in which new knowledge emerges much faster than ever ,knowledge plays an important part in the whole ,everyone finds it necessary to renew his(or her) knowledge,otherwise he(or her) will be left behind the society.

There are some ways to the one hand,one can attend different courses at all types of schools,either part-time or full- the other hand,self-study is,in a sense,a more convenient and practical method by which one can effectively renew his(or her) knowledge.

In my view,I have primarily depended on self-taught method in the recent I am busy doing daily work,I still insist on teaching myself at this way,I can not only keep up with the swift development of society but also apply new knowledge to my practical work,which benefits me a lot.


The campus,which is believed to be a place for students to gain knowledge,but as the world gets globalized,many business centers have moved into the enjoy the commercial environment,but some people think that the commercial environment will have negative effect to the think the campus should be pure.

On the one hand,campus is the place for students to learn the school should create the environment which is suitable for the students to as the school can open the shops to sell the books,or the things which are related to the study.

On the other hand,the commercial centers will distract students’ attention from their shop,the theater and other shops have built in some campus,it makes the students can’t focus their minds,they just want to finish their class and then go original purpose has been forgotten by the students.

Though the commercialize of campus brings students convenience,it is not suitable to let those shops open,students’ main duty is to study and the commercialize will interfere them.


Some while ago I read a newspaper story saying male cyclists who rode a lot risked impotence because of the damaging effect of the saddle on their reproductive quite made my my opinion,anything that stops cyclists breeding is to be welcomed as an unmitigated good.

I hate least,I hate the ones I see in London every ,they may appear to be nice,respectable,law-abiding,middle-class people,and perhaps they normally the moment they straddle their bikes,something snaps.

It is not just the self-righteousness that gets to is a deep-seated sense of the one hand,they feel smug and superior,yet on the other,they are constantly humiliated by the knowledge of their acute unfairness of it all fills them with such outrage that they turn into complete nutters,gripped by a desire for vengeance on a world that has wronged them so cruelly.

Their contempt for the law is routinely ignore red traffic lights,menacing pedestrians crossing the road when it ought to be cycle the wrong way along one-way streets,notably outside our local primary school where they play dodge ’em with the parents and children every race over pedestrian crossings and along the pavements whenever it suits them,the more aggressive of them screaming abuse at anyone who gets in their heaven help anyone,car driver or pedestrian,who strays even momentarily into a cycle lane.

Does it matter? Yes,very ,cyclists’ flagrant disrespect for the law is a threat to public also affects the quality of life in London,not just by making walking unpleasant and sometimes even frightening,but by contributing to a sense of lawlessness and disorder.

More important,it is bad enough that a particular group of road users should regard themselves as above the law; it is much worse that the government and police should connive in should cyclists be allowed to commit dangerous traffic offences at will while vast numbers of police,traffic wardens and private sector contractors,assisted by spy cameras and other technology,are ready to pounce on car drivers for even the most trivial violations and punish them with heavy fines,the confiscation of their vehicles or worse?

It is time London cracked down on cyclists’ do not want to stop people cycling but I do want them to realise that the green halo hovering over their helmets does not put them in a special category of road users to whom no laws apply,any more than cycling to the supermarket gives them the right to shoplift with impunity.

I realise the present,it is difficult to punish cyclists for breaking the police stop a cyclist for jumping a red light,she gives them a false name and address and off she goes,the wrong way up a one way is nothing much anyone can do.

Except,there is time to introduce cyclist cyclists over the age of 16 using public roads should be required to hold a would not need to pass a test to obtain one but the system would have to be self-financing,requiring applicants to pay a is not asking much when you consider that cyclists are otherwise freeloaders on road infrastructure that is overwhelmingly paid for by motorists.

Licensing would transform would be required to carry their licences with them at all times,providing proof of their stopped for an offence who failed to produce one would have their cycles confiscated until they did with motorists,cyclists endangering pedestrians or other road users would have their licences endorsed,with three offences leading to a ban.

Today’s piffling fines – £30 for riding on the pavement – should also be drastically ,enforcement could become with motorists,local authorities could employ teams of wardens to hunt down and penalise errant cyclists,or else turn the job over to private contractors.

I realise not all cyclists are bad; just a few months ago,I saw one stop at a red the good ones will benefit from these measures if the rest of us hate cyclists that is what I would would introduce cyclist licensing now,for a safer,fairer and altogether more civil society.


The dynamic lifestyle people lead nowadays causes many reactions in our bodies and the one that isthe most frequent of all is the many times have you come back from work and feltterribly tired,feeling like your head is going to explode?

Sounds familiar,right? Well,there are several ways to reduce the frequency of headaches,and thoseare: eating healthy through the day,making sure your body is well hydrated,getting some exercise toeliminate the negative energy,and helping yourself with a short massage on your head.

For all those women who tend to wear their hair in a ponytail during the day,we advise them tomake sure they release their tight hair because,believe it or not,sometimes that might be the reasonfor a headache.

However,instead of unconsciously reaching for the Advil on your shelf you should drink a glass ofwater and prepare our easy recipe which will instantly put a smile on your face after your workday.



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