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片段一:2003年的一堂县公开课,pep book 1unit 3 alet’slearn,5个颜色单词的教学。选择其中一个片段,以purple为例,教师由已学过的文具单词结合颜色提问^v^what’s this?what colour is it?^v^引出新词purple后机械跟读,学生结合已学知识练说^v^purple pencil,purple…^v^,然后围绕purple自由编儿歌。课的最后活动是listen and draw.教师发指令drawanose/…colouritred/…学生听音画画。整堂课教学效果据说挺不错。




基于语篇意识的词汇教学,选择pep6 unit1 blet’slearn为例。本课的主要语言点为动词短语:climb mountains,go shopping,play the piano,visit grandparents,go hiking.句型:what do you do on the weekend?i often…通过教学,希望学生能够运用四会动词短语来介绍自己的周末,并且鼓励学生能够运用所学知识,主动和家人朋友交流,自然学得语言。其中,mountains,grandparents的正确拼写与visitgrandparents的正确发音是本堂课的教学难点。基于这些语言知识目标,如何设计更贴近并能更激发学生语言点的活动呢?如何才能在语篇中有效激活旧知、有效呈现及运用新知并最终完成^v^语量^v^的积累呢?以pep6 unit 1 blet’slearn课例的动态构建与发展过程为例。








forrest gump

it is one of the greatest novels that i have ever read。 the main role called forrest gump。let me introduce him shortly。 forrest gump, who is unfortunately born with a rather low iq, has already created a miracle, achieving a great deal of incredible success。 he is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire。 stupid as he is, he gains his brilliant life indeed。

at the beginning of reading this novel, i thought an idiot’s life must be more difficult than others。 his life must be full of mocks。 my thoughts are proved in the book。  because he is an idiot, all the people look down upon him。 most of boys don’t want to share one seat with him on bus; many bad guys throw stones to hit him; he cannot be allowed to study into primary school at first; jenny is the only girl that he loves all his life。 but she thinks forrest gump doesn’t understand what’s love at first ……

after finish reading this novel, i learned a lot。 sometimes i think he is not a fool but a genius。    his attitude to life is even clever than ordinary people。

firstly, he is optimistic。 he doesn’t do anything wrong but the society is unfair to forrest。 i felt very sad to him。 however, forrest is as optimistic as his mother 。he always remembers his mother’s words: “ stupid is someone who did stupid things。” he does not do something stupid。

secondly, he has strong willed。 because his iq is lower than others, he has to concentrate on one thing。 so he does well on everything he works。 he loves jenny from the first sight at her to her death。 at last, he gets married with her and has a son; he runs for 3 years just because he likes running; he loads a gun faster than other soldiers…

thirdly, he is ideal husband。 he is a man with a sense of responsibility。 he loves jenny very much。 when others hurt her, he tries his best to protect her。 he can earn a lot of money and he is a famous person in america。

so he is clever than others。 maybe a lot of people say he has good lucks。 but i think character is bond to person’s fate。 his attitude and his efforts to life make him has a happiness results at last。

in addition, i want to say something about destiny。

sometimes we think god gives everyone different fates。 someone has good looking while someone is born in rich family; someone is good at sports while someone is good at arts。 take forrest for an example。 he is a fool but he has talent on sports, such as running or playing pingpong。so everyone has his or her own gifts。 god gives him a great mother。 she is clever。 she can earn enough money to support her one parent family。   she i is also optimistic。 she never feels ashamed of her son。 she is proud of her son。 she never thinks forrest is a fool。 she wants her son can lead a life as an ordinary person。 in order to let him study into school, she has sex with the headmaster。 she is also intelligent。 every night she reads some books for forrest and tells some simple truths to him。 such as “theres an awful lot you could tell about a person by their shoes。 where theyre going。 where theyve been。” “life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get。”

thus, do not plain that you do not have something。 just like yourself and make your advantages better and better。

sometimes we think we have bad luck。 but in fact it is a good thing for us。 i remember one classic sentence: life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you will get from it。 for example, because forrest

always runs to avoid being hit by stones, his speed is faster than others。 so he is chosen to baseball team and bee to a famous player。 he is so excellent that he has got chance to meet president。 so whenever you are in trouble, do not think it is a bad luck。 it is just a challenge。 after overing it, you will gain more than you lost。

for me, i want to say, last one month i got very bad luck。 i got break up with my boyfriend and i met traffic accident on my way to school。 and my back was hurt。 because of being shot ct, a lot of es appear on my face。 furthermore, my study is influenced。

at first i felt very sad。 i cannot know how to deal with it。 i think i lost a lot of things。 after reading the book, i changed my mind。 the accidence makes me lost a lot of things。 meanwhile it also made me gain a lot of things。 i gained a lot of love from my classmates, my teachers and my relatives。 i bee mature。 and now i pay more attention about my health。 if i can overe this terrible thing, i will be great。 and i can lead a splendid life in the foreseeable future。

after reading the novel, i watched the movie。 as the beautiful music, there is a beautiful feather dancing with the breeze, finally lighting at the foot of forrest gump sitting on the bench。 at the end of the film, the beautiful feather is going on floating in the sky。 in my view, life is just like a feather, which can be changeable with the breeze in the sky。 we cannot control the breeze。 what we can do is to adjust to the environment。 we should take advantage of our advantages。 and try our best to make us dancing more beautiful in the blue sky。 our iq is higher than forrest gump, so we have ability to live better than forrest。 just seek for a better life through work hard。


















review on forrest gump


ive never met anyone like forrest gump in a movie before, and for that matter ive never seen a movie quite like “forrest gump。” any attempt to describe him will risk ma-ki-ng the movie seem more conventional than it is, but let me try。 its a edy, i guess。 or maybe a drama。 or a dream。


the screenplay by eric roth has the plexity of modern fiction, not the formulas of modern movies。 its hero, played by tom hanks, is a thoroughly decent man with an iq of 75, who manages between the 1950s and the 1980s to bee involved in every major event in american history。 and he survives them all with only honesty and niceneas his shields。


and yet this is not a heartwarming story about a mentally retarded man。 that cubbyhole is much too small and limiting for forrest gump。 the movie is more of a meditation on our times, as seen through the eyes of a man who lacks cynicism and takes things for exactly what they are。 watch him carefully and you will understand why some people are criticized for being “too clever by half。” forrest is clever by just exactly enough。


tom hanks may be the only actor who could have played the role。


i cant think of anyone else as gump, after seeing how hanks makes him into a person so dignified, so straight-ahead。 the per formance is a breathtaking balancing act between edy and sadness, in a story rich in big laughs and quiet truths。


forrest is born to an alabama boardinghouse owner (sally field) who tries to correct his posture by ma-ki-ng him wear braces, but who never criticizes his mind。 when forrest is called “stupid,” his mother tells him, “stupid is as stupid does,” and forrest turns out to be incapable of doing anything lethan profound。 also, when the braces finally fall from his legs, it turns out he can run like the wind。


thats how he gets a college football scholarship, in a life story that eventually bees a running gag about his good luck。 gump the football hero bees gump the medal of honor winner in vietnam, and then gump the ping-pong champion, gump the shrimp boat captain, gump the millionaire stockholder (he gets shares in a new “fruit pany” named apple computer), and gump the man who runs acroamerica and then retraces his steps。


it could be argued that with his iq of 75 forrest does not quite understand everything that happens to him。 not so。 he understands everything he needs to know, and the rest, the movie suggests, is just surplus。 he even understands everything thats important about love, although jenny, the girl he falls in love with in grade school and never falls out of love with, tells him, “forrest, you dont know what love is。” she is a stripper by that time。


the movie is ingenious in taking forrest on his tour of recent american history。 the director, robert zemeckis, is experienced with the magic that special effects can do (his credits include the “back to the future” movies and “who framed roger rabbit”), and here he uses puterized visual legerdemain to place gump in historic situations with actual people。


forrest stands next to the schoolhouse door with george wallace, he teaches elvis how to swivel his hips, he visits the white house three times, hes on the dick cavett show with john lennon, and in a sequence that will have you rubbing your eyes with its realism, he addresses a vietnam-era peace rally on the mall in washington。 special effects are also used in creating the character of forrests vietnam friend lt。 dan (gary sinise), a ron kovic type who quite convincingly loses his legs。


using carefully selected tv clips and dubbed voices, zemeckis is able to create some hilarious moments, as when lbj examines the wound in what forrest describes as “my butt-ox。” and the biggest laugh in the movie es after nixon inquires where forrest is staying in washington, and then remends the watergate。 (thats not the laugh, just the setup。) as forrests life bees a guided tour of straight-arrow america, jenny (played by robin wright) goes on a parallel tour of the counterculture。 she goes to california, of course, and drops out, tunes in, and turns on。 shes into psychedelics and flower power, antiwar rallies and love-ins, drugs and needles。 eventually it bees clear that between them forrest and jenny have covered all of the landmarks of our recent cultural history, and the acmodation they arrive at in the end is like a dream of reconciliation for our society。 what a magical movie。




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