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Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. My mother, father, sister and brother and I went to Xitian temple to pay tribute to my dear grandfather.

Spring rain is falling one after another in the sky, as if we are sad about the loss of our loved ones. Along the way, there were many people like us who rushed to the cemetery to pay tribute to their relatives. At this time, I can't help but think of the poem written by Du Mu, "it rains one after another during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls".

With endless thoughts of Grandpa, we came to Grandpa's tomb. First, my mother wiped the grandfather's portrait engraved on the tombstone with a white paper towel. We cleaned the surroundings of Grandpa's tombstone together. My sister and brother and I put flowers in front of Grandpa's tomb and bowed deeply to Grandpa three times to express our condolences to him. Finally, mom and dad lit the paper money and ingots they brought and burned them. With the birth of a wisp of smoke, we brought our endless thoughts and greetings to the "heaven". I seem to hear and see the justice in heaven, smiling and saying to me, "good boy, thank you for coming to see me. Grandpa hopes you can study hard and be a useful person to the society in the future." When I grow up, I will make a good contribution to the construction of the motherland

Dear grandpa, goodbye. We'll visit you again on next year's Tomb Sweeping Day and report my study to you.







On this tomb sweeping day, because my father's unit has to work overtime for one day, we don't have enough time to go back to our hometown in Jiangsu to go to the grave. My father invited my grandfather and grandmother to worship on behalf of the whole family in advance, so I can arrange my own activities on Tomb Sweeping Day.

In the morning, I was awakened by a series of alarm bells, dressed and ran to the living room. I found that my mother was putting Qingming dumplings on the table. Qingming dumplings were green, like small solid balls, very attractive. I picked up one and put it in my mouth. Hey, it tastes really good!

After breakfast, my parents decided to take me to the train park next to my home to practice roller skating. When I got there, I found a lot of people taking photos around many trains. Some of them climbed onto the locomotive, some stood on the railway, some held the train door, learned from the film and posed in all kinds of good-looking poses.

After practicing roller skating, my parents and I took a walk around the train park. We saw willows, green flowers and green grass. In the slight spring breeze, peach blossoms shook their smiling faces, Magnolia shook its snow-white gauze skirt, cherry blossoms exuded charming fragrance, and ten thousand flowers bloomed, just as they were holding a lively beauty contest, and the thawed brook was flowing and playing music for the beauty contest.

Qingming Festival is really a beautiful time of year!





Today, my father and I went to sifangtian village for spring outing.

When we came to sifangtian village, we scanned the endless fields. Ah! What a sifangtian village. It is really a beautiful small mountain village. As we walked forward step by step, our eyes were full of green: yellow green, green, dark green.。. Of course, there were many vegetables: celery, coriander, lettuce, cabbage, cabbage.。. A gust of wind blew, and many dishes at the station bent down; Peach blossoms spread out their pink face, which is very cute. We came to the river and saw many fish. There are perch, crucian carp, carp and silver carp.。. The fish rippled in the river, and some even spit bubbles from time to time. What's the sound of "rustle"?

I followed the sound step by step. It turned out that several beautiful village girls were washing their clothes by the clear stream. They sang country songs loudly as they washed their clothes. Suddenly, I saw a dish that didn't grow together like coriander. I asked my father curiously, "Dad, what is this?" My father told me it was shepherd's purse, a kind of edible dish. He saw many shepherd's purse and said to me, "Yangyang, let's dig shepherd's purse together!" So we started digging. At first, I didn't know him, so I asked my father to teach me. My father pointed out that I would dig. Later, when I met, I dug it up myself. After a while, I dug a bag. So we dug a lot of shepherd's purse.

Looking at the setting sun, we reluctantly went home.



"It rained in succession during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road wanted to break their souls..." Every year in this solar term, we will recite the poem of Du Mu, a poet of Tang Dynasty, to express our yearning for our ancestors.


On this day, we will come to the tomb, place a bunch of flowers, burn some paper money, so as to express our thoughts and blessings for our relatives, and silently pray for them in our hearts, wishing them the same happiness and happy life as us on the other side of heaven. At this time, we can't help but think of the years they spent together with us. Those pictures seem to be fresh in our eyes. I can't help but cry when I think of them.


The scenery of spring in the distance came into my eyes. The birds sang the sonata of spring. The peach blossoms and the willows were all over the mountain. The golden rape flowers were everywhere. The green shoots came out. It was a season full of hopes and blessings. In the Qingming Festival, let's remember the past, but also hope for the future, cherish life, make our life more meaningful, and don't waste such a wonderful life. But also to have a new understanding of life, so that their every day is full of substantial, so that they will not regret, and can afford to others.



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