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中图分类号: 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1672-1578(2016)01-0149-01







处于儿童期的小学生,天性好动,喜欢游戏、模仿,注意力不可能长时间集中,要想让他们在40分钟内保持良好的注意力,游戏不失一种好的方法。根据小学生年龄特点要精心设计游戏,这样可以更好地集中他们的注意力,引发他们的兴趣,以现实为背景,从熟悉的环境出发,从生活场景中取材,设计学生熟悉且贴近生活的情景,学生也会主动参与到游戏中,在游戏中学习新内容,在游戏中练习新知识,在交际中体验外国文化。在游戏的同时,不仅巩固了之前的知识,也练习了语言能力。游戏可以有效地刺激小学生对语言的运用,许多游戏都需要小学生动手的同时也要用脑思考,做到手脑有机结合,学生在游戏中既学到了新知识,又锻炼了灵活运用语言的能力,真正做到寓学习于游戏之中。如:在教人体部位的单词face、mouth、nose、ear时,先让他们做"Touch your face/ mouth/ nose/ear.等动作,再让他们学唱歌曲《Head,shoulders,knees and toes》,边唱边表演,通过这些游戏,学生很容易掌握这些单词。如果遇到单词表示抽象意义的时候,可以采用我国的传统游戏――击鼓传花,让单词卡片在学生手中传递,当老师说stop时,手中有卡片的学生站起来,念出手中的单词,这样可以让更多的学生去说练英语,多为学生提供听、说、练英语的机会,通过游戏进一步提高学生学习英语语言的能力,从而进一步强化学生运用英语语言的素质。




作为现代教育者要经常利用录音机、幻灯机、计算机等进行英语教学。这些辅助工具形象直观、生动活泼,有助于学生直接理解所学的英语。如:新版五年英语上册Unit 1 时,先录下牛、狗、猫等动物的声音,在课堂上放录音,学生们有声有色地模仿这些动物的叫声,而当录音机放出这些动物相应的单词读音时,他们又兴致勃勃地大声跟读"cow,dog,cat…",课堂上响起了动物们的叫声和英语朗读声,伴随而来的是一片欢笑声,整个教室洋溢着愉快的气氛。有时还利用幻灯片将所教物体与单词显现出来,刺激他们的感官,加深印象,把教科书中的图片与无声的对话变成动态的有声语言,把声音和形象结合起来,让语言与情景相交融,让学生进入语言活动的真实情境,从而给学生营造一个听说英语的环境。通过多媒体为学生提供更多的提高语言素质的机会,强化学生对英语语言的综合运用能力,从而提高学生的语言素质,达到语言目标。




When I first read “gone with the wind”, I saw that some of the passages that were not so attractive at the time were around, but only scarletts strength and her words: Tomorrow is another day.

When I first read “gone with the wind”, I did not know scarlett, and thought she was a very annoying and very young lady, but I was very proud to have the beauty of her country. After reading it, I felt more and more that I was disgusted with scarlett, perhaps only because of jealousy. She was jealous of her beauty, jealous of her beauty, and envious of her superior birth. At that time I realized that I was a very ordinary citizen, how narrow the mind is, how much to shame oneself. Only to see scarletts glamour, she did not notice scarletts strength and bravery during the civil war, and did not notice that scarlett was only seventeen years old. What were we doing when we were seventeen? What is scarlett doing?

The most let I was moved to act, the book is see scarlett to find mead doctor this section for Melanie, see scarlett quickly read the page list that death, go far to see old Mr Wilkes to war after cross ones heart that scarlett, wipe a lot of paper towels. It was a moment to understand that scarlett was not just a vase, as I thought. She was my favorite strong, brave woman.

The civil war, close your eyes feel myself in Atlanta, and groups of people gather in the driveway and so on name list of death, tarleton four brothers are all finished, Tom and the twins were completed, Wilkes, ASHLEYs father, white hair old man hit by artillery also, Mrs. Meades eldest son died, the younger son less than 16 wounded on the battlefield, it is a compelling war, hundreds of thousands of casualties, fluttering flies, dirty bandage, blood, sweat... The south lost, the yankees came...

With such a background, it was only then that scarlett, a troubled woman, was a great one. The name of the film has always been a good one, highlighting the change of scarlett, the lady of the Irish farm owner, who suddenly became a strong and beautiful wild rose from the delicate greenhouse rose. If scarlett had not met rhett, would scarlett be strong enough to challenge tomorrow at the end of the story? If she had not met rhett, scarlett would have known ashhi her own favorite. When rhett left, scarlett realized that what she needed was not ashhi, but rhett. It was too late when she knew rhetts love. Love is always unpredictable and always likes to leave.

Maybe the moment we lose love, many people will be devastated. At that moment, scarlett did not, scarlett merely said, “Tomorrow is another day.”


Henry was born in Greensboro, North Carolina. His father, Algemon Sidney Porter, was a physician. When William was three, his mother died, and he was raised by his parental grandmother and paternal aunt. William was an avid reader, but at the age of fifteen he left school and then worked in a drug store and on a Texas ranch. He continued to Houston, where he had a number of jobs, including that of bank clerk. After moving in 1882 to Texas, he worked on a ranch in LaSalle County for two years. In 1887 he married Athol Estes Roach; they had one daughter and one son., he died in New York on June 5th 1910.

In this novel, there are many short ficition,every of them are worth reading,but The Gift of the Magi left me a deep impression is, I think this is a good article I have ever read, it is meaningful.

In this article, used his style of writing narrated a winding and simple story with humorous and a light sad, in western literary area this theme of presenting the gift in the Christmas eve is so ordinary, some of them is wonderful, but I think The Gift of the Magi is the best one.

First, let’s looked from the content. the entire article took one pair of poorly love husbands and wives in American presenting the Christmas gift as a middle line, The family housewife in order to save each coin, she count each one. Even though, entire family only left one dollar and eighty-seven cents on Christmas Eve. The author did not describe much about the poor family, he used one dollar and eighty-seven cents to draw the whole novel, the housewife Della who loves her husband deeply count the money three times, she cried sadly for she could not buy her husband an satisfactory gift. was good at using little words to make the sketch and build atmosphere, then the reader will lost in the article, tasting and pondering the character“s destiny. The gloomy atmosphere which was built by one dollar and eighty-seven cents through the whole novel, even when the couples saw gifts, it still contained a little pain. The author had written a poor husband”s and wife“s pain, also enlightens for the people let them obtain beautiful influencing and lead the reader’s interest to a deep boundary when he was describe the character’s thought disposition and plot. This is the true value of The Gift of the Magi.

In order to give her husband an exquisite watch chain, Della sold her beautiful hair though his husband James loved it. James realized that Della had worshipped long for the set of combs, side and back, in Broadway window, he also sold his valuable watch which belonged his grandparents. Della’s hair and James’ gold watch is the most precious property which in this poor family. In order to expresses the deep sincere love to the spouse, all of them had lost these two at the Christmas eve. Happiness in a twinkling had paid the expensive price, but following is the deep pain. after consider the true life ,O Henry had screened the main plot carefully, made this ordinary theme bright again, gold watch and beautiful hair are the great wealth for the poor family which gain 20 dollar per week, This regret brought astringent feeling, caused each reader’s heart to tremble. This is condensing the real contradiction which the social real life is unable to solve multiplies really because of the writer deep style of writing, cause reader”s pitying with the sympathy, and lead them to a more profound ponder. For a while sentimental impulse Della and James had extremely sacrificed most precious thing for each other. In those only money all-powerful societies, their gift can not regard as wisdom, they lost wealth, but they deepened the precious sincere love. In love and in wealth contradiction they have sacrificed the latter.

The novel revelation society reality does not depend on preaching, but depend on the development of character’s emotion. Inspires the reader to touch, feels the character who have the tragedy color. In this society which money can buy love, psychology and sentiment appear the distortion, the sincere deep love between James and Della has filled with writer’s idealism. oes not write the money to ruin love in this society, but wrote the artistic flavor in this gloomy lens, admired the intelligence of James and Della, This is certainly unusual manpower pen, Therefore, the work gives us is not depression and gloomy, But is the beautiful pursue and the attachment, Thus lead the reader to the noble boundary.

Processing novel ending, Is O Henry’s most creative contribution, also causes him enjoys the great reputation in American and in the world history of literature. He is good at designing plot theatrically, lays down the foreshadowing, finally appears a beyond expectation result in the ending which makes the reader to feel suddenly sees the light, joy after sorrow, also beside anticipation and in reason, strike the table and shout bravo.

Henry is worth the world famous novelist, his excellent writing technique enabled his novel to have the title of

I have read many kinds of article, before reading ’s article, I liked detective book, but after reading this book, I knew short fiction is better, Henry’s humors gave me a deep impression, it will never feel boring no matter how many times you have read.


关键词:小学英语 朗读 教学

中图分类号: 文献标识码: C 文章编号:1672-1578(2012)11-0184-01


1 指导正确的朗读方法,养成良好的朗读习惯

心理学研究表明,个体的“读”是建立在“听”的基础之上的。听的正确,听的能力提高了,才会读的流利。学习英语,学生首先得听,然后指导学生如何读,读的效果就会好起来。教师要帮助学生掌握朗读技巧,在讲读课文时,不妨让最难读的句子,放到多媒体上,利用音频的效果,指导学生如何听、如何读。例如:在教学牛津小学英语5A Urdtl A部分时,可以抓住句子“Axe there any reading rooms in the building”训练学生的朗读,第一次播放录音时,要求学生听懂意思即可,第二次播放时,要求学生语音及语调,并跟着模仿,有些学生能听出来这句话最后用的是升调,再请同学说说这句话末尾用是什么语调。在老师的引导下,学生基本上能听准语音与语调,并准确的模仿出来,第三次听录音时,要求学生分清重音与停顿的地方,并标上一些朗读符号,学生再读时效果就明显提高了。刚训练时,在一节课中可以用几分钟时间针对一个句子进行指导读,时间长了就会形成朗读技巧,养成良好的习惯。

2 体会朗读的要领,有感情地进行朗读

心理学研究表明,朗读需要视觉、听觉、动觉的共同参与,即眼到、口到、心到。只有各大器官合力,做到有口有心,才会取得事半功倍的效果。如,5 A Unit 3 At a Music lesson,由于其句型较Unit 1和Unit 2富于感情同时课文内容更富于灵活且深入学生学习生活,因此,首先要“有求而读”,其次是引导学生读出西方优美的语音语调,即语感。教学大纲中指出:“学好语音是学好英语的基础,语音训练在很大程度上是一种习惯的养成过程,从一开始就要严格要求,坚持训练,使学生养成良好的习惯。重视朗读训练和朗读技巧的指导是学好英语的基础。发音标准、朗读流畅是运用英语进行交流的基础。”从视、听、动三者出发,具体落实于眼睛要全面而快速地看,看的速度略快于读,成为读的“引导者”;在读的过程中要让舌头在口腔中跳舞,如跳芭蕾一样,滑润、收放自如地雀跃起来,使朗读材料成为绵延不绝的整体,而非生硬地断裂甚至破裂;同时,朗读者的心将贯穿于眼和动的每一个环节,用心地体会朗读的要领,感受语言材料的内涵,感受语音语调,感悟语言的真正魅力,使朗读变为“品读”,成为掌握或精通英语的有效途径。

3 养成良好的朗读习惯,有助于英语语感的培养

语感是人对语言的敏锐感受力。学习英语与学习汉语一样,需要对语言有一种敏锐的感受力。一个人英语说得是否纯正、流畅,或写出的文章像不像标准的英文,一个有敏锐语感的人会仅凭感觉直接觉察到,能分析出该句子或文章在用词和语法上是否有错误。有时候一个句子即使没有明显的语法错误,也会让人感觉不好,这是因为他的表达方式不符合英语的表达习惯。如,英国人不说“The taste of this apple is very sour”,而说“This apple tastes sour.”这是英语的固定表达方式。如果死啃语法或仅靠靠查词典的方式学习,那是很难形成语感的。现代著名美学家朱光潜说:“在英语学习中,与其费那么大的精力去死记单词,做那繁琐的语法练习,倒不如精读几篇经得起推敲的好文章,把它读透、背熟,真正变成自己的东西,这样就会形成敏锐的感受力。”所以,通过加强朗读,文章的脉络、作者的情感、语言的节奏,就会潜移默化浸润到学生的思维,从而对语言的感受力变得更加敏锐。

4 培养学生寻读能力,增强大脑的记忆能力

在小学英语朗读中,着重培养学生的寻读能力。寻读指带有明确的目的性,有针对性地寻找问题的答案。在学生朗读前提出问题,要求捕捉文章重要的信息,这不但增强了学生对文章的理解,而且可以提高朗读效率。学好英语必须过好词汇关。对于一些英语学习者来讲,词汇是英语学习的最大障碍。不少学生就是由于在课堂教学的有限时间里无法掌握教材中的词汇而掉队,从而影响了朗读能力的发展,为他们的英语学习造成了很大困难。因此,教师要重视对学生单词记忆方法的指导,增强他们记忆单词的能力。一般来讲,小学阶段记忆单词有读音记忆、联想记忆和构词法记忆。读音记忆是根据单词的读音来记忆单词,这是培养学生记忆能力的一个有效方法。读音记忆法的前提是学生的读音一定要准确,并掌握一定的发音规律。联想记忆法是设法把单词的音、形、义联系起来。如拼写联想,就是将拼写类似的单词集中在一起记忆,如peach beach teach,book look cook,boy toy等;利用构词法记忆,也是猜测单词的一个好方法。英语中许多单词是由一个词根派生而来的,派生而来的词由词根加前缀或后缀构成,而前、后缀都有一定的意义。如:形容词-ly就转化为副词,careful care fully,beautiful beauty fully;动词-er转变为名词,work worker,teach tea cher。





“Not to be left forever in a riot, to be favored to have a bullying.” Eason chans red rose, how many peoples voices are heard. How many people see themselves or others in this song. And I seem to have seen the giggle of the troubled beauty.

“Her heavy eardrop hanging on a long chain of gold, from neatly net with curly hair hangs down, swings around the brown eyes, the eyes like the winter leaves glittering in the bright of the lake, two brown leaf flash reflection from the quiet water of the lake”, she is such a beautiful woman. As the daughter of a southern farmer, she is carefree, cheerful and cheerful, and her fathers doting has made her a proud, rebellious, stubborn and vain character. She is the heroine of gone with the wind -- scarlett. She is beautiful, but she is better at using her beauty, using some tricks, so there are many suitors around her. When she is keen to dance, only wear conspicuous clothes, shuttling between the man and become the centre of each ball, sinking looked at the men in her beauty, her heart is filled with pride. She walked around, refused to return, and watched the men fight for him and pay her respects, and she was just a little bullying.

And it was only ASHLEY that she could not get. ASHLEY was a gentleman, gentle, gentle, and a good book, and he was kind, which attracted scarlett. Scarlett, surrounded by men, was confident that ASHLEY loved her and belonged to her. So when she learned that ASHLEY was about to marry Melanie, she had an unprecedented anxiety and anxiety when she learned that ASHLEY had not belonged to her. The unreable ASHLEY kept stirring scarletts heart. She was relieved that ASHLEY was fond of her, and would be penitant for herself, and dress up to attract mens attention. In the end ASHLEY didnt run away with her as she had expected, and scarlett was married to him in a flash of lightning -- with Melanies brother Charles.

Scarlett did not put down ASHLEY, but with the civil war and the turmoil of her life. Scarlett gradually realized that she did not like ASHLEY so much. When ASHLEY came back alive from the battlefield, he was ragged and haggard, and his noble qualities had vanished. When tara was suffering, ASHLEY was weak. When ASHLEY was managed by scarlett, he managed a lumber mill, but it was badly run. Scarlett could not but acknowledge the years. In fact, I love only the perfect ASHLEY, so many years of persistence because I didnt get it.

Sometimes we struggle and persist for what we cant get, and forget whether it is a matter of thinking or feeling. It was like scarlett finally realized that she was really in love with rhett, before her obsession and obsession, just because she couldnt get it. There are always a lot of things in life that you cant get, but its time to let go and take a long view. Sometimes, not get, dont, pay more attention to the people and things around them, polish their hearts, there will be other discoveries.



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