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n.申请,施用,实施appointee n.被任命人appraisal n.估量,估价

v.赏识,体谅,增值appropriate v.拨出(款项)approve v.赞成,同意,批准aptitude n.天资,才能arbitrage n.套arbitration n.仲裁arrears n.欠账


line n.装配线,流水作业线assess v.评定,估价

n.资产current assetn.流动资产fixed asset n.固定资产frozen asset n.冻结资产intangible assets n.无形资产liquid assets n.速动资产tangible assets n.有形资产assistv.援助,协助,出席audit n.查账,审计

v.使某事物自动操作averagen.平均,平均水准awarenessn.意识;警觉backing n.财务支持,赞助backhander n.贿赂

n.积压(工作或订货)bad debt死账(无法收回的欠款)balancen.收支差额,余额

of payments n.贸易支付差额balance sheet n.资产负债表bankrupt adj.破产的bankruptcy n.破产

statement n.银行结算清单(给帐户的),银行对账单

chartn.条形图,柱状图bargain v.谈判,讲价basen.基地,根据地

n.一批,一组,一群batch production批量生产

market n.熊市beatv.超过,胜过behave v.表现,运转




利益,补助金,保险金得益fringe benefits附加福利

benefit疾病补助费bid n.出价,投标

bid n.盘进(一个公司)的出价bill n.账单,票据

n.(路边)广告牌,招贴板black adj.违法的

the black有盈余,贷方black list黑名单,禁止贸易的(货物、公司及个人)名单

Monday n.黑色星期一,指1987年10月国际股票市场崩溃的日子blue chips蓝筹股,绩优股


of Directors n.董事会Bond n.债券


value n.账面价值,(公司或股票)净值bookkeeper n.簿记员,记账人boomn.繁荣,暴涨

提高,增加,宣扬bottleneck n.瓶颈,窄路,阻碍


v.支票因签发人无钱而遭拒付并退回brainstorm n./v.点子会议,献计策,头脑风暴branch n.分支,分部


leader n.占市场最大份额的品牌,名牌brand loyalty n.(消费者)对品牌的忠实break even v.收支相抵,不亏不盈

even point收支相抵点,盈亏平衡点breakthrough n.突破brief n.摘要brochuren.小册子

n.经纪人,代理人bull market牛市budget n.预算

n.大量(货物)adj.大量的`bust adj.破了产的

n.买下全部产权CAD(=Computer Aided Design)计算机辅助设计calln.打电话

on v.呼吁,约请,拜访campaign战役,运动

求职者,候选人canteen n.食堂

v.征求意见,劝说capacity n.生产额,(最大)产量caption n.照片或图片下的简短说明capital n.资本,资金capturev.赢得


flow n.现金流量case study n.案例分析catalogue n.目录,产品目录catastrophen.大灾难,大祸

=Chief Executive Officer(美)总经理chain n.连锁店challenger n.挑战者

n.(商品流通的)渠道chargen.使承担,要(价),把…记入… chart n.图表checkoutn.付款台

adj.主要的,首席的,总的CIF, 成本保险费加运费

n.传阅的小册子(传单等)circulate v.传阅claim n./v.要求,索赔client n.委托人,顾客

adj.没人找上门来的,生意清淡的commercialize v.使商品化commission n.佣金commitment n.承诺commodity商品,货物companyn.公司

(liability) company股份有限公司public limited company (plc) n.股票上市公司compensate v.补偿,酬报compensation n补偿,酬金competev.比赛,竞争competition n.比赛,竞争competitorn.竞争者,对手competitive adj.竞争性的

n.机器元件、组件、部件,部分concentrated marketing n.集中营销策略condition n.条件,状况



n.综合商社,多元化集团公司consolidate v.账目合并consortium n.财团

恒定的,不断的,经常的consultantn.咨询人员,顾问,会诊医生consumables n-阿拉文库§ .消耗品

durables n.耐用消费品(如:洗衣机) consumer goods n.消费品,生活资料contingency n.意外事件continuum n.连续时间

n.合同,契约contractor n.承办商,承建人contribute v.提供,捐献

n贡献,捐献,税conversion n.改装,改造



n.成本fixed costs固定成本running costs日常管理费用variable costs可变成本

-effective adj.合算的,有效益的costing n.成本计算,成本会计credit n.赊购,赊购制度


of credit信用证credit limit赊销限额

rating信贷的信用等级,信誉评价creditor n.债权人,贷方

n.信贷价值,信贷信用crisis n.危机,转折点


account往来账户,活期(存款)户current assets n.流动资产current liabilities n.流动负债


adj.残酷的,激烈的cut-price a.削价(出售)的CV(=curriculum vitae)n.简历,履历cycle time n.循环时间damages n.损害,损失

n.最后期限deal n.营业协议,数量v.交易dealer n.商人

n.借方,欠的钱v.记入账户的借方debtn.欠款,债务to get into debt负债

be out of debt不欠债to pay off a debt还清债务debtor n.债务人

debtors长期债务人declare v.申报,声明

n./v.衰退,缓慢,下降decrease v.减少deduct v.扣除,减去

n.违约,未履行defect n.缺陷

adj.有缺点的defer v.推迟

paymentsn.延期支付deficit n.赤字

cyclen.交货周期demand management n.需求规划

adj.消极的,冷谈的deposit n.储蓄,预付(定金)depot n.仓库depreciate v.贬值,(对资产)折旧depressingadj.令人沮丧的deputy n.代理人,副职,代理devalue v.货币贬值(相对于其它货币)dietn.饮食,食物,特种饮食differentiationn.区分,鉴别dimensionsn.尺寸,面积,规模direct v管理,指导


Director n.总经理direct cost n.直接成本

mail n.(商店为招揽生意而向人们投寄的)直接邮件

selling n.直销,直接销售directory n.指南,号码簿discount n.折扣,贴现

v.让……离开,打发走dismissal n.打发走dispatch n./v.调遣



n分配,分发,分送产品diversify v.从事多种经营;多样化divest v.剥夺

股息,红利,年息division n.部门dogn.滞销品

a./ad.低档商品的down-time/downtime n.设备闲置期

(=Data Processing) n.计算机数据处理,计算机数据处理部门



n.工资,收入efficiency n.效率endorse v.背书,接受engage v.雇用entitle v.授权

应得的权利holiday entitlement n.休假权equity n.股东权益equity capital股本equities普通股,股

demand n.估计需求evaluate v.估价,评价eventual adj.最终exaggeratev.夸张exceed v.超过exhibit n.展览,表现

n花费,支出额expense n.费用,支出expense accountn.费用帐户expenses n.费用,业务津贴expertise n.专长,专门知识和技能



layout n.设备的布局规划、计划facilities location n.设备安置factoring n.折价购买债券fail-safe system n.安全系统feasibility study n.可行性研究feedbackn.反馈,反馈的信息field n.办公室外边,具体业务

n.文件集,卷宗,档案,文件v.归档fill v.充任

n.资金,财政v.提供资金financial adj.财政的

n.提供资金,筹借资金finished goods n.制成品firm n.公司

v.解雇fix v.确定,使固定在fix upv.解决,商妥


n.同类中最成功的商品,佼佼者flexibleadj.有弹性的,灵活的flextime n.弹性工作时间制flier(=flyer) n.促销传单floatv.发行股票flopn.失败flow shopn.车间fluctuatev.波动,涨落,起伏FOB, n.离岸价

n.细节落实,接连要做的事forecast v.预测four P's指产品produce、价格price、地点place、促销promotion


n.特许经销权v.特许经销franchisee n.特许经营人franchiser n.授予特许经营权者fraud n.欺骗

n.(非正式的)赠品,免费促销的商品freelance n.& adj.自由职业者(的)funds n.资金,基金futures n.期货交易gap n.缺口,空隙



adj.进行的,运转中的going rate n.产品的市场价格goods n.货物,商品goodwill n.声誉go public v.首次公开发行股票

withv.与……搏斗,尽力解决grievance n.申诉,抱怨grossadj.总的,毛的

margin n.毛利率gross profit n.毛利

yieldn.毛收益gradually adv.逐渐地

n.(由若干公司联合而成的)集团grow v.增长,扩大growth n.增长,发展guarantee n.保证,保单

指导方针,准则hand in v.呈送hand in one's notice递交辞呈handle v.经营hands on adj.有直接经验的hard sell n.强行推销hazard n.危险,危害行为

主管,负责health and safety n.健康和安全hedge n.套期保值hidden adj.隐藏的,不明显的

n.等级制度,统治集团,领导层hire v.雇用hire purchase n.分期付款购物法hit v.击中,到达holder n.持有者holding company n.控股公司hostile adj.不友好的,恶意的HRD n.人力资源发展部human resources n.人力资源

n.天花乱坠的(夸张)广告宣传impact n.冲击,强烈影响

v.实施,执行implication n隐含意义incentiven.刺激;鼓励

n.工资或薪金收入,经营或投资的收入earned income劳动收入,劳动所得

income非劳动收入,投资所得incrementv.定期增加incur v招致,承担indemnity n.偿还,赔偿index n.指数,索引retail price index零售价格指数indirect costsn.间接成本inductionn.就职industrial adj.工业的

action n.(罢工、怠工等)劳工行动industrial relationsn.劳资关系inefficiency n.低效率,不称职inflate v.抬高(物价),使通货等)膨胀inflationn.通货膨胀infringe v.违法,违章initial adj.初步的innovate v.革新input n.投入insolvent adj.无清偿力的installment n.部分,分期付款insure v.给……保险,投保insurance n.保险

n.利息,兴趣interest raten.利率interim n.中期,过渡期间

production n.阶段性生产interviewn./v.面试interviewee n.被面试的人

n.主持面试的人,招聘者introduce v.介绍,提出inventory n.库存

inventory用于应付突发性需求的存货capacity inventory用于将来某时使用的存货cycle inventory n.循环盘存

inventory保险性存货(以应付万一)finished goods inventory制成品存货(盘存)pipeline inventory n.在途存货

materials inventory n.原材料存货

inventory在制品盘存(存货)invest v.投资investment n.投资investor n.投资者

n.发票v.给(某人)开发票irrevocable adj.不可撤消的,不能改变的issuen.发行股票

issuen.优先认股权IT=Information Technology信息技术itemn.货物,条目,条款job n.工作


lot n.一次生产的部分或少数产品job mobility工作流动job rotation工作轮换

satisfaction工作的满意感(自豪感)job shop n.专门车间



bank account(几人的)联合银行存款账户journal n.专业杂志jurisdiction n.管辖(权)

雅思口语a library范文【第二篇】

Describe a library

Although I have been to many libraries, the one that has given me the deepest impression is Wuhan Library. Wuhan Library is located in the heart of downtown of Hankou.

The library contains a large amount of books, approximately 5 million. It is regarded as the largest library in China. According to the latest report, the books there can be classified for 5000 categories. Many of them are extremely rare and out of edition. I have been to Wuhan Library for several times when I was a freshman. The library is supposed to be a perfect combination of modern technology and traditional culture. You may find modern computer equipment around each corner of the library. They are designed for people who’d love to check the latest information.

I especially enjoyed the comfortable seats there, and the reading conditions are very desirable. But it is too far away from my home.


Describe a good thing that can help improve your health

Honestly speaking, I have a great affection for mastering a musical instrument, especially playing the cello. Compared with doing sports activities, playing the cello does not enhance my physical health, but it is a good thing that can cultivate my soul, another way to improve my health. To tell you the truth, when I was a kid, I always attended training classes to learn the skills of play the cello. Thus, playing the cello gradually became one of my hobbies, then a habit. Whenever I play it, it will calm me down and let me to a world out of this world. I easily carry away without trace. Personally speaking, I believe, relaxation is what I could get out from such a habit. Well, you see, I am only a student, and I have to cope with all sorts of hard work or even trial things, but whenever I pick up the cello, I could feel much more soothed and relieved.


socialist economy 社会主义经济

capitalist economy 资本主义经济

collective economy 集体经济

planned economy 计划经济

controlled economy 管制经济

rural economics 农村经济

liberal economy 经济

mixed economy 混合经济

political economy 政治经济学

protectionism 保护主义

primary sector 初级成分

private sector 私营成分,私营部门

public sector 公共部门,公共成分

economic channels 经济渠道

economic balance 经济平衡

economic fluctuation 经济波动

economic depression 经济衰退

economic stability 经济稳定

economic policy 经济政策

economic recovery 经济复原

holding company 控股公司

rate of growth 增长

economic trend 经济趋势

economic situation 经济形势

infrastructure 基本建设

standard of living 生活标准,生活水平

purchasing power, buying power 购买力

scarcity 短缺

stagnation 停滞,萧条,不景气

underdevelopment 不发达

underdeveloped 不发达的

developing 发展中的

initial capital 创办资本

frozen assets 冻结资产

fixed assets 固定资产

real estate 不动产,房地产



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