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一、 说教材

本单元主要是围绕生日展开教学,要求学生掌握十二个月份和序数词的变化,以及日期和生日的表达。我上的是第二课 时 ,在第一课时中,学生已经学习了十二个月份和序数词,本课时主要是要求学生掌握日期的表达,以及能正确说出自己的生日, 能掌握四会句型: When’s your birthday? My birthday is on the… of … What would you like as a birthday present? I’d like …

二、 说学生

十二个月份和序数词已经在第一课时学习过,大多数学生掌握良好,但六年级学生在课堂上不爱表现自己,部分学生对于 英语学习缺少兴趣。

三、 说教法

1、 游戏教学。兴趣是最好的老师。在复习单词时设计了What’s missing?的游戏,让学生在课的一开始就感受学习的快乐,为进一步的学习做铺垫。

2、 朗读教学。英语是一门语言,交际是学习的目的,因此,课堂上朗读和运用是必不可少的,教师设计了多种朗读和练习方式,例如:小组朗读,个人朗读,男女对读,同桌讨论等,让学生在有限的课堂时间内得到最多的练习。

3 任务教学。在巩固句型时,设计了Do a survey 的教学任务。学生在调查时能运用语言,巩固语言知识。


1、 在课的一开始主要通过Free talk :How many days are there in a week? How many months are there in a year? 引出复习单词, 在复习单词时通过询问Which is the first/second.。 month in a year来初步复习一下序数词。接着设计了What’s missing?这个游戏来进一步复习月份,同时也激发了学生学习的积极性。之后引出句型复习: When’s your birthday? My birthday is in…。

2、通过复习句型When’s your birthday? My birthday is in…。引出我的生日在几月几日,以及Helen 和Jim 的生日,重点掌握序数词,通过总结让学生对序数词的变化有一个整体的了解。在学生掌握序数词的基础上,让学生了解日期的表达,因为学生对于单词还不能默写,所以日期的练习只限于口头讨论和朗读。学生掌握了日期之后让学生说说自己的生日,引出本课的重点句型When’s your birthday? My birthday is on the… of …。 What would you like as a birthday present? I’d like … Present


3、通过讨论练习C 部分句型进一步巩固句型,最后设计了Do a survey教学活动,学生在调查时再次巩固句型,并学会了用第三人陈述重点句型。




1) Important vocabularies

Daily; advertisement; check interview; fix; develop; hand; add; deliver; speed; latest; publish; avoid; besides; get down to ; face-to face; be popular with somebody; as well; care for

2)Daily expressions

Are you /Will you be free then?

Yes, Id be fee. Id like to go.

Lets go together then. Ill meet you at the theatre at six - thirty 。

Good! See you then.

What time shall we meet?

Where is the best place to meet?

What about meeting outside? I suggest…

3) Useful phases

Whats on…? Is there anything good on?

They are said to be very good.

Finally, there is no more time left for adding new stories.

4) Grammar

V.-ing Form is used to be Subject and Object









Lesson 13:口头练习:对话交际功能——日常生活用语。

Lesson 14:学生扮演主编介绍报纸出版的过程。

Lesson 15:学生扮演主编介绍《中国日报》的内容。

Lesson 16:笔头练习:写1篇介绍一种报纸或杂志的英语论文。


从本单元的对话来看,主要是学习如何用英语提出约会以及如何应答约会的日常用语,如:询问对方是否有空,建议会面时间和地点及如何应答的日常用语,并能运用Will you be free?到It’s.。 What about…?等最为普通的语言功能进行日常交际, 同时也注重check, fix, face-to face, deliver, take a photograph, pass on, get down to, as well, what’s on 等重点词汇和短语在本单元中学习,本单元中的阅读课主要内容是了解报社一天的工作和报纸的出版过程及《中国日报》的一些情况,同时在这里运用了重点语法知识,V.-ing形式充当主语和宾语的用法。





students to learn the useful words and expressions in this unit.

eyesight,ambition,disabled,beneficial,in other words,clumsy,adapt,microscope,out of breath,absence,stupid,fellow,annoyed,all in all,industry,tank,make fun of,encouragement,adapt to

students to learn about disabilities and life of the disabled.


students read the passage Marty's Story to develop their reading ability.

students to know that people with disabilities can also live well.


talking about disabilities and life of the disabled,make sure students can learn some positive stories of the disabled.

them understand more about how challenging life can be for the disabled.

students' sense of cooperative learning.



Get students inspired by positive stories of the people with disabilities.


students' reading ability.

students understand the difficulties the disabled have to overcome.


?Step 1 Warming up

up by discussing

First ask students to talk about people with a mental or physical disability to see how much they know about disabilities. Then show some photos of people with disabilities. Students will be asked to discuss the following questions in small groups.

Do you know any famous people who are disabled?

What difficulties do they have to overcome in daily life?

What have they achieved?

Suggested answers:

Steven Hawking has a muscle disease,but he makes great contributions in science and puts forward his theory about black holes.

Beethoven was deaf in one ear when he was 26 and totally deaf at the age of 35,but he was a great composer.

Helen Keller was deaf and blind,but she was a great writer.

up by talking

First,ask students to look at the pictures and read what these people have achieved even though they each have a disability. Next,work with partners to talk about what disability they might have according to each description below the picture.

Suggested answers:

Rosalyn is in a wheelchair. She has walking difficulty.

Richard has difficulty with eyesight,so he can't read the questions or write the answers for his college entrance exams.

Sally has hearing problems (though not deaf as she can still understand loud speech in the cinema)。

Gao Qiang was born with Down's Syndrome,which is a mental disability. Some Doun's Syndrome Down's Sufferers have made a good career as actors.

?Step 2 Pre-reading

Ask students to read the short paragraph in Pre-reading carefully and find out the purpose of the website “Family Village”。

Suggested answers:

give ordinary young people with a disability a chance to share their stories with others.

inspire other disabled people.

get non-disabled people to understand more about how challenging life can be for people with disabilities.

?Step 3 Reading

Give students 2 minutes;ask them to read the passage fast to fill in the blanks:

Sum up the main idea of each paragraph:

Paragraph 1:A(n)______ to Marty and his muscle disease.

Paragraph 2:How the disease ______.

Paragraph 3:Marty met a lot of ______ at school.

Paragraph 4:How his life has become ______.

Paragraph 5:The ______ of his disease.

Suggested answers:

Paragraph 1:An introduction to Marty and his muscle disease.

Paragraph 2:How the disease developed/started.

Paragraph 3:Marty met a lot of difficulties at school.

Paragraph 4:How his life has bec ome easier.

Paragraph 5:The advantages of his disease.

for detailed information

Ask students to read the passage carefully to locate the detailed information.

(1)First ask students to read paragraph one and complete the chart below.

(2)Next read paragraphs two and three and choose the best answer.

Why did the doctors cut out a piece of muscle from Marty's leg?

they could cure the disease by cutting it out.

they wanted to use it as a specimen(标本)。

they w ould transplant(移植) the new muscle.

they wanted to find out the cause of the disease.


(3)Read paragraph four and answer the following questions:

①What is Marty's ambition?

②What is Marty's achievement?

③What is Marty's hobby?

Suggested answers:

①Marty's ambition is to work for a firm that develops computer software when he grows up.

②Marty invented a co mputer football game and a big company decided to buy it from him.

③As well as going to the movies and football matc hes with his friends,he spends a lot of time with his has two rabbits,a parrot,a tank full of fish and a tortoise.

(4)Ask students to find Marty's advice in paragraph five.

Suggested answers:

Don't feel sorry for the 't make fun of 't ignore them for who they them to live as rich and full a life as healthy people do.

?Step 4 Consolidation

students to read the whole passage and choose the best answers.

(1)Which of the following is false?

there are a few students who look down upon him,Marty never gets annoyed.

leads a meaningful life and does not feel sorry for being disabled.

only spends time with his pets and never with his friends.

's disability has made him more independent.

(2)From the passage we can infer that ______ 。

asks others to feel sorry for him

never loses heart

is afraid of being made fun of

will not accept any encouragement because he has grown stronger psychologically

Keys:(1)C (2)B

students to work together to write a mini biography for Marty according to the text.

in pairs to get the main idea of the passage by filling in the blanks.

Though he is a ______ person,Marty never feels ______ for himself and he ______ his life.

Suggested answers:disabled;sorry;enjoys

?Step 5 Discussion

students to discuss the following questions in small groups.

(1)How did Marty's feeling changed over time?

(2)What kind of person do you think Marty is?Can you use adjective words to describe him?

Suggested answers:

(1)The change of Marty's feeling over time:

hopeful→hopeless→stupid→not get annoyed→good/busy

(2)We can see Marty is optimistic/brave/independent/strong-minded.

a video of “Qianshou Guanyin” t o the students and encourage them to remember the famous saying:“Where there is a will,there is a way.”

?Step 6 Appreciation

Ask students to read two poems for appreciation when facing obstacles in the future.

Facing Obstacles (Two poems by Tom Krause)

The Heart of the Strong

Strong is the heart that knows not the way

of comfort and ease while living each day.

Yet continues to believe from the depths of its soul

that the future is destined to silver and gold.

Strong is the heart whose yearning is waned

by storms in life filled with heartache and pain.

Yet still gives its all—everything that it can

in search of a dream—God's ultimate plan.

When there is a victor y—when battles are won

when burdens are lifted and bright shines the sun—

when struggling souls gather—where heroes belong—

they find in themselves—the heart of the strong.

Carry On

At times when you feel troubled

when your happiness is gone

look to the heart within you

for the strength to c arry on.

In your heart you will find special virtues

such as faith and hope and love.

These gifts have been sent down to you

from a power up above.

It is faith that keeps the soul searching

for the joy the heart hopes for.

It is lo ve that heals the spirit

making it stronger than before.

And if your heart be broken

if your strength should fade away

the power of these virtues

will still win out the day.

So remember when you are troubled

when your happiness is gone

look to the heart within you

for the strength to carry on.



Marty's Story according to the minibiography.

the Internet to learn more about the life ofdisabled people.

