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短语carry on的中文翻译是什么精编2篇

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短语carry on的中文翻译是什么1

adj. 手提的


carry on luggage随身携带的行李

carry on brooder后期育雏器

carry it获胜,占优势;表现,行事

carry intovt.把。带进去

carry on withv.继续,与。调情

carry on1. 从事;经营;进行;继续 2.(尤指迎着困难)进行下去,继续进行,坚持下去 3.口举止放肆;举动愚蠢胡闹;吵闹 4. 发怒;悲伤 5. 喋喋不休地诉说 6. 调情

carry in输入

carry to入帐

to carry on前进

carry an election竞选获胜,当选


carry onadj. 手提的

carryv.[T] 1. 运送,运载 2.(用手、肩等)提,抱,挑,背,扛,搬 3. 携带;留有;怀着,记住 4. 怀(胎) 5. 传递(消息等);把。从一地带到另一地 6.美方陪同,护

no carry计 无进位

carry in经 转入库存

cash and carrya. 现购自运的 n. 现购自运

pseudo carry计 伪进位

carry overn. 1.遗留,遗留物

carry delay进位迟延

carry along携带型的

carry complete进位完毕

短语carry on的中文翻译是什么2

carry on的中文翻译

英 [kri n] 美 [kri ɑn]

carry on 基本解释

经营; <非正>继续进行; 争吵; 吵闹

carry on 相关例句


1. They managed to carry on their experiments in spite of the difficulties.


carry on的单语例句

1. In order to carry on their business, they started to learn English from scratch.

2. Many of these students have already become the backbone force to carry on the cultural exchange and the business intercourse with China.

3. China urged North Korea on Wednesday to act with calm and restraint, the day after the country announced that it planned to carry out a nuclear test.

4. Temperatures in the capital shot up to 36 C in a heat wave that will carry on for another couple of days.

5. If cable and satellite TV providers can hang on to more subscribers, broadcasters can then demand more money from them to carry their stations on the lineups.

6. The Ministry of Education also issued a circular in January this year, calling on local education departments to carry out the program based on their own circumstances.

7. UN human rights experts also identified " serious procedural shortcomings " and called on Iraq not to carry out the death sentences.

8. The farmers claimed they did not want compensation, and they just want to stay put and carry on with their lives.

9. And the first thing among these efforts is to remain modest and carry on with the ongoing reforms.

carry on的双语例句

1. Then we carry on a questionnaire survey about periodical community of the Ministry of Education subordinate university.


2. One good way to carry your Skis is to place them on one shoulder with the tips in front.


3. In order to improve water environment and to use water resource in reservoirs persistently, it is important for us to carry out the research on water environment protection of reservoirs.


4. A: I've got two pieces of baggage to check in; one is carry-on.


5. Every passenger is allowed to have one carry-on baggage.




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