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长城英文导游词 长城的英语导游词汇总5篇

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Mutianyu Great Wall Travel Area is situated in Huairou District of Beijing. It has a longer history and is bestowed with brilliant cultures. In according to historic record, Mutianyu Great Wall was supervised and built up by a subordinate general to Zhu Yuanzhang, Xu Da based on the relic of the Great Wall in Northern Qi . In 1987, Mutianyu Great Wall was appraised as one of the 16 scenic spots in new Beijing and in 1992, it was appraised as the World Best of Beijing Tourism. In2002, it was appraised as 4A grade scenic area and is the essence of Great Wall.

The architecture of Mutianyu Great Wall is of special style. It has closely packed enemy towers and [perilous passes. It was built up with battlements on both side of walls. On southeast side, there is one general gateway platform connected with three enemy

towers together, which is quite rare in the whole Great Wall; in northwest side, there are the Great Wallsection named as Ox Horn Edge built above the sea level of over 1000 meters and thesections named as Arrow Buckle and Flying Eagle Facing Upward built on the knife-steep mountain peak, which look extraordinary and rugged. The whole section of Great Wall stretches and winds like a huge flying dragon.

Mutianyu Great Wall Travel Area is surrounded with mountains and is of beautiful scenery. In spring, fragrant flowers are vying with each other in beauty and are blooming; in summer, mountains are covered with green coats and you can listen to music of flowing lake; by autumn, it is fruitful and can see red leaves dancing; by winter, Great Wall is painted of pure white and coated with silver costume, showing a northland scene. It enjoys a reputation of “Mutianyu surpassing others of Great Wall” and is the best scenic spot.

Mutianyu Great Wall Travel Area is equippedwith complete devices and functions and can provide you an all-around service. Within the scenic area, there are cable cars, runningwith complete automatic operation systems, so climbing the Great Wall by taking the cable car will bring security, convenience and rapidness. The cable car is reputed as “No. 1 Cable Car for Great Wall”。 The mountain lodge of Great Wall sits in the root of Great Wall and its architecture is of ancient style. Its court is unsophisticated and elegant. It is bestowed with fresh air and admirable scenery. In2000, it was appraised as the second grade of hotel and is able toaccommodate 100 at the same time.

Mutianyu Great Wall Travel Area will provide you abundant contents and it is built up with Chinese Dream Stone City and SHIBIDE slideway. Chinese Dream Stone City has gathered rare stones and extracts collectedfromall over the country. SHIBIDE Slidewayis named as Dry-Land Sledge. Taking SHIBIDE Slideway will bring you surprise and excitement, suitable for all ages of people. The tourists can finish their visits of the whole travel area with one day.

The transportation to Mutianyu Great Wall Travel Area is quite convenient. The Dedicated Line Bus runsfromBeijing urban city to Mutianyu Great Wall and it departs each morning in Xuanwumen and Dongsishitiao, directly reaching the travel area. The travelers taking air can startfromCapital airport toward north, and go through Jing-Mi Expressway, then turn left at Yingbing North Ring Island in Huairou and finally reach the travel Travel Area, with its beautiful scenery, superior service and grand Great Wall,welcomes your presence.


The Great Wall, like the Pyramids of Egypt, the Taj Mahal(1) in India and the Hanging Garden of Babylon(2), is one of the great wonders of the world.

Starting out in the east on the banks of the Yalu River in Liaoning Province, the Wall stretches westwards for 12,700 kilometers to Jiayuguan in the Gobi desert, thus known as the Ten Thousand Li Wall in China. The Wall climbs up and down, twists and turns along the ridges of the Yanshan and Yinshan Mountain Chains through five provinces——Liaoning, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Gansu and two autonomous regions——Ningxia and Inner Mongolia, binding the northern China together.

Historical records trace the construction of the origin of the Wall to defensive fortification back to the year 656 during the reign of King Cheng of the States of Chu. Its construction continued throughout the Warring States period in the fifth Century when ducal states Yan, Zhao, Wei, and Qin were frequently plundered by the nomadic peoples living north of the Yinshan and Yanshan mountain ranges. Walls, then, were built separately by these ducal states to ward off such harassments. Later in 221 , when Qin conquered the other states and unified China, Emperor Qinshihuang ordered the connection of these individual walls and further extensions to form the basis of the present great wall. As a matter of fact, a separate outer wall was constructed north of the Yinshan range in the Han Dynasty(206 BC——1644 BC.), which went to ruin through years of neglect. In the many intervening centuries, succeeding dynasties rebuilt parts of the Wall. The most extensive reinforcements and renovations were carried out in the Ming Dynasty (1368——1644) when altogether 18 lengthy stretches were reinforced with bricks and rocks. it is mostly the Ming Dynasty Wall that visitors see today.

lThe Great Wall is divided into two sections, the east and west, with Shanxi Province as the dividing line. The west part is a rammed earth construction, about meters high on average. In the eastern part, the core of the Wall is rammed earth as well, but the outer shell is reinforced with bricks and rocks. The most imposing and best preserved sections of the Great Wall are at Badaling and Mutianyu, not far from Beijing and both are open to visitors.

The Wall of those sections is meters high and meters wide at its base, narrowing to meters on the ramparts, wide enough for five horses to gallop abreast. There are ramparts, embrasures, peep-holes and apertures for archers on the top, besides gutters with gargoyles to drain rain-water off the parapet walk. Two-storied watch-towers are built at approximately 400-meters internals. The top stories of the watch-tower were designed for observing enemy movements, while the first was used for storing grain, fodder, military equipment and gunpowder as well as for quartering garrison soldiers. The highest watch-tower at Badaling standing on a hill-top, is reached only after a steep climb, like "climbing a ladder to heaven". The view from the top is rewarding, hoverer. The Wall follows the contour of mountains that rise one behind the other until they finally fade and merge with distant haze.

A signal system formerly existed that served to communicate military information to the dynastic capital. This consisted of beacon towers on the Wall i


Located in Huairou District, Mutianyu Great Wall is one of the 16 new sights in Beijing. The western part of the the Great Wall is located at Ju Yong Guan, east of gexi Kou, and the open 2250 meter the Great Wall section is characterized by both sides of the the Great Wall, especially the three enemy towers of the Guan Tai, and the famous the Great Wall landscape buckles, ox horns, eagle flying and so on are located at theendof the west side.

The Great Wall in Mutianyu has overlapping mountains, with a vegetation coverage rate of more than 90%. In spring, the flowers are blooming; in summer, the mountains are green and the water is flowing; in autumn, the mountains are full of fruits and red leaves; in winter, the snow is white and the silver is plain, which is a kind of northern scenery. At home and abroad, it enjoys the reputation of "the Great Wall, the only beautiful Mutianyu".

Mutianyu Great Wall is equipped with the first-class cable car climbing the city in China, the development of China dream stone city, shibide slide and other projects, formingan organic combination of Great Wall culture, stone culture and sports fitness and entertainment. Former British Prime Minister Major, former US President Clinton and other foreign leadersvisited Mutianyu.


last summer, i went to beijing to travel. there were so many scenic spots, but the most memorable thing i had to remember was the the badaling great wall.

people say, "no the great wall is not a good man." that day, i take the bus to the badaling great wall, after bear park, at the foot of the great wall, far see the great wall, it is like a long, winding between the high mountains and lofty hills. the great wall shanhaiguan east, west to jiayuguan, about more than 6700 km. the the great wall are built on steep mountains, is magnificent and arduous, of great momentum, like the dragon pentium, called the symbol of the chinese nation. the great wall is located in the badaling, tall and sturdy, is built with huge stone and thousands of tons of bricks, the middle of the road, don't look at it just to leave, this road can hold five or six horses parallel walls, along with more than two meters high on the battlements, those at the mouth and shoot mouth, for watching and shooting war, when necessary. every certain distance on the the great wall, there is a square city platform, in the war between the city and taiwan can meet each other, people call it "beacon tower". after more than 2000 years of construction, it is the longest artificial building in the world and one of the seven wonders of the world.

don't look at the the great wall is so majestic, but you have not thought about that time in the qin shihuang unified, it is difficult to build the great wall no longer difficult, at that time, no train, no car, no crane, we as can be imagined: "the great wall was built?" with countless shoulders and countless hands, it was very difficult to carry the steep mountains step by step. because of hard work, many people are ill and can not be treated, and they are eventually tortured to death by the disease. even some of them starved to death because of the lack of food. the hard work of people, with their own sweat and wisdom, it condenses into this before does not see the head, but not the tail of the the great wall.

thinking about the great contribution of building the great wall, i had to put up my thumbs up and say it! i'm just getting on the top of this small part and "rest", and how amazing it is to create that long dragon like the great wall. such an ambitious project is a great miracle in the history of the world.


Dear visitors:

Everybody is good! Welcome to badaling scenic area tourism. Chen guided me today to visit with everyone, hope everybody can spend happy day in badaling.

Visitors, we now come to the front of a "dragon", it is - the Great Wall. From shanhaiguan east to west of jiayuguan, has more than thirteen thousand long! You stunned by is it now? Climb the Great Wall you will be more surprised, want to go? Then tell me Let, s go!

Dear visitors, now we come to the dragon's back, the dragon is built against the huge ChengZhuan and stone, and its back is very smooth, like a wide road, WuLiuPi horse can be parallel. You see, along the outside wall is two meters tall rows of buttress, t buttress on the square at the mouth and the nozzle, is for the benefit of the outlook and shooting. In ancient times, when war between countries, we stood in the dragon's back. Bang, making the enemy out of the water.

Visitors, you can gently stroked the dragon of the dragon phosphorus, however, in order to protect the Great Wall was not damaged, you must not use cutter! To be a civilized tourists.

The beacon tower is below, see the beacon tower, and then tell you a story, < < balefire drama governors, the zhou dynasty had a king named you king zhou, he seems, there is a beautiful woman called praised her temper very strange, always don't smile, think of some way to you king. Then he lit a distress signal, the result of vassal to a trip to the white, but praised si ha ha laugh, you king is also very happy. But, really have an enemy to attack, you king lit the fire, but no one come, you king was killed.



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