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Helen Keller (June 17, 1880 - June 1, 1968), the famous American writer, educator, philanthropist, social activist. In the nineteen months due to suffering from acute gastric congestion, cerebral congestion and was taken away vision and hearing. In 1887 met with Sally teacher. In 1899 June admitted to Harvard University Radcliffe Women's College. June 1, 1968 died, at the age of 87 years old, there are 86 years living in the lightless, silent world. In this time, she has completed 14 books. One of the most famous are: “If you give me three days bright” “My life story” “stone wall story”。 She was committed to the benefit of the disabled, the establishment of many charities, in 1964 won the “President of the Medal of Freedom”, the following year selected the United States, “Time” named “Twentieth Century American ten hero idol” one.



Marco Polo (September 15, 1354 - January 8, 1324), the Venetian traveler, businessman, with the famous “Marco Polo Travels”。

According to Marco Polo himself described the “Marco Polo Travels” (the following description of their own experience, all from the “Marco Polo Travels”), its description of the experience of China, in the history of Chinese and Western There is a certain controversy, and both sides can not have sufficient evidence to prove that the past or the future of China.

“Marco Polo Travels” describes his richest country in the East - China's knowledge, aroused the warmth of the East for the East, the future development of the new route had a huge impact. But also the history of China's Yuan Dynasty and the history of the important historical records.

Although there are some loopholes and fallacies in Marco Polo's travels, some people hastily think that their oral “Marco Polo Travel” is a purely fiction, according to “Marco Polo Travels” It can not deny the positive significance of this legend and his works in the academic circles, literary circles and Chinese and Western cultural exchanges.


Marco Polo [September 15, 1354 to January 8, 1324], the world famous traveler and businessman. 1254 was born in Venice, a businessman family. His father Nicolo and his uncle Mateo are all businessmen of Venice. At the age of 17, Marco Polo went to China with his father and his uncle for about four years. He arrived in the capital of the Yuan Dynasty in 1275 and established friendship with the Kublai Khan. He traveled in China for 17 years, visited many ancient cities of China at that time, and traveled to the southwest of Yunnan and southeast. After returning to Venice, Marco Polo was captured in a naval battle between Venice and Genoa, in the prison oral travel experience, written by Rustichello da Pisa “Marco Polo Travels” (Il Milione). But in the end it has not been to China has sparked controversy.

“Marco Polo Travels” (also known as “Marco Polo”, “Oriental see recorded”) described Marco Polo in the East's richest country - what China saw and heard, and later Europe is widely circulated, aroused the warmth of the East for the East, the future development of the new route had a huge impact. At the same time, Western geographers also based on the description of the book, drawing the early “world map”。

Marco Polo, his father and his uncle to the East business, came to the yuan (today's Beijing) and seen the Mongolian Empire Kublai Khan sweat, but also brought back to the Pope to the Pope's letter. After they go home, the pony can be wrapped around the story of the East travel. These stories aroused the interest of Pony and Polo, so that he was determined to go with his father and his uncle to China. In 1271, Marco Polo was 17 years old, his father and uncle took the Pope's reply and gifts, led Marco Polo and a dozen travel companions together to the East embarked. They entered Venice from the Mediterranean Sea, and then crossed the Black Sea, after the two river basin to the Middle East city of Baghdad, from here to the Persian Gulf estuary, you can travel by boat in China. However, at this time there was an accident. When they were buying money in a town, they were bitten by the robbers, who grabbed them and slept them at night when they slept at night. In the middle of the night, Marco Polo and his father escaped. When they come to rescue, the robbers have long left, in addition to uncle, the other travel companions also disappeared. His experience inspired many of Columbus and many other travelers. There are a lot of literary works are based on his travels. Marco Polo also influenced the production of maps in Europe, leading to the emergence of the Map of Fla Mao.


“Marco Polo Travels” is the first European man to write a detailed description of Chinese history, culture and art travel. In the 16th century, Italian collector and geographer Ramusio said that Marco Polo wrote “Travels” in 1299, “a few months later, this book has been seen everywhere in Italy” (note : Lach, ). In March 1324 Marco Polo's death, “Marco Polo Travels” has been translated into a variety of European languages, widely circulated. The existing “Marco Polo Travels” has 119 kinds of various versions of the text. In the transfer of Chinese culture and art to Europe, “Marco Polo travel” is of great significance. Western study Marco Polo scholar Maurice Collis (MauriceCollis) that Marco Polo's travels “is not a simple travel, but the Enlightenment works, for the occlusion of Europeans, no Different from the enlightening, for the Europeans show a new field of knowledge and significance of this book is that it led to the extensive revival of the European humanities.

Yuan Dynasty, the Sino-foreign exchanges are very frequent, the Italian traveler Marco Polo came to China in the Yuan Dynasty, lived more than ten years. ”Marco Polo“ is the main content of Marco Polo in China's travel documentary, and the way of West Asia, Central Asia and Southeast Asia and some other countries and regions. The book of the book in a documentary way, describes his in China, including the Western Regions, the South China Sea and other places of knowledge, recorded the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty political affairs, war, palace secret, festivals, hunting, etc., in particular, detailed account of the yuan economy and cultural Customs, as well as Xi'an, Kaifeng, Nanjing, Zhenjiang, Yangzhou, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Fuzhou, Quanzhou and other major cities and commercial port prosperity. For the first time, it introduced the developed Chinese material civilization and spiritual civilization to the Europeans, and displayed the image of Chinese culture and culture in the face of the world.


In 1867 the ”grass leaves set“ fourth edition only eight new poems, but the income of the ”drum set“ and its sequel. It is worth noting that the long article published in 1871 ”democratic vision“, it summed up the author's literary and political ideas.

The fifth edition of the ”Grass Leaf Set“ was printed once in 1871 and 1872.

The first income of 13 new poems, the second income general critics recognized as the poet's last important long poem ”Road to India“ and a few new poems. In January 1873 Whitman was suffering from paralysis, writing ability from also depressed. But his optimism, love and sensitivity to life, his ideal of democracy, or so to death. His old age depressed unsuccessful, in addition to the preparation of several versions, and occasionally write some poetry. In 1876, the 6th edition of the ”Grass Leaves“ was published to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. This is a collection of essays, including the two volumes, the first volume of the fifth edition of the content, the second volume he named ”two streams“, including prose, 18 new poems, ”leading to India Road “and poems, poems tend to abstract. The text of the seventh edition (1881-1882) of the ”Grass Leaf Set“, the title of each poem and the order of the arrangement, have been finalized, and this edition has received 20 new poems. Whitman continued to write poetry until his death in 1892.

In 1882 the poet published his essay collection ”Typical Days“, which included the ”democratic vision“ article. Published in 1888, ”November“, the income of 62 new poems and some articles, concentrated poems later income ”grass leaves set“ 8th edition (1889), and become ”poem“. In 1891 Philadelphia's publisher published Whitman's new work ”Goodbye, my fantasy“, where the poem became ”grass leaves“ and ”poem“. ”9“ (1892), including ”poem“, ”seventy years“ and ”attached poem two“ ”goodbye, my fantasy.“ Poet after the death of the poem ”Elderly echo“, as ”with poetry“. See 1897 to 1898 published collection, after the collection of the whole collection also income. After 1898 the universal collection, is the so-called ”dying version“, that is published in 1892 edition 9.

”Flying in freedom and strength“ was incorporated into the second edition of the first semester of the seventh edition of the seventh edition.



Walt Whitman (Walt Whitman, May 31, 1819 - March 26, 1892) was born in Long Island, New York, a famous American poet, humanist, who created the free body of poetry ), Its representative works are poems ”grass leaves set“.



Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, January 27, 1756 - December 5, 1791), was born in the Holy Roman Empire during the Salzburg. European classical music composer.

In 1760, Mozart began to study composer. From 1763 to 1773, Mozart traveled with his father, Leopold Mozart, in European countries. In 1781, Mozart to Vienna began 10 years of creative career. At 5:51 on December 5, 1791, Mozart died at the age of 35 years old, the cause of death is unknown.

Mozart's important works left all the music types. His symphony, symphony, sonata, serenade, play music later became the main form of classical music.


Life background

On January 27, 1756, Mozart was born in Salzburg, Austria, a family of court musicians, the origin of Germany, his father Leopold Mozart is the city of the palace of the Catholic Orchestra violinist, is also a Composer; mother Anna Maria Mozette is also keen on music and will pull the cello and violin. Mozart is home to the youngest child ranked seventh.


In 1760, 4-year-old Mozart studied piano with his father Leopold Mozart and began to compose music.

In 1762, 6-year-old Mozart under the leadership of his father to Munich, Vienna, Presburg made a pilot tour.

June 1763 to March 1773, Mozart and his father has to Germany, France, Britain, the Netherlands, Italy and other countries for a period of ten years of travel performances. The show made Mozart know about the most advanced Italian opera, the French opera, the German instrumental music and other genres, but also met JC Bach, GB Martini, GB Samartini and other composers and learn their composition Technology, then the works have shown Mozart creative genre of the extensive and his interest in opera creation.

Gradually mature

At the end of 1773, Mozart returned to Salzburg with his father. Mozart was dissatisfied with his humble slaves, and in the fight for personal and creative freedom, he finally reached the consent of the Archbishop in September 1777 and spent two years traveling with his mother. In order to find a job in order to stay away from Salzburg, he has taught and performed in Munich and Mannheim, and further deepened his understanding and experience of the system of inequality. At Mannheim, he got the help and sympathy of some citizen musicians, and came into contact with the important Mannheim musicians of Europe at that time, hearing the first-class orchestra playing.

In May 1778, Mozart arrived in Paris, due to the death of his mother, plus failed to find a job, so in January 1779 returned to Salzburg. During this period, Mozart created two flute concertoes, an oboe concerto, seven piano violin sonatas and three piano sonatas in Mannheim, which reflected the influence of the Mannheim musicians.

In 1780, Mozart completed the opera “Ido Mein”。 During this period Mozart's work rigorous, in the content reflects the impact of the boom movement at that time, in the form of new elements, such as the sonata of the first movement of the presentation, appeared with the first theme of the second (Or more) themes in the reproduction department, often change the order of the subject appear, sometimes the subject material is also different from the presentation of the processing, in the first and second movement, with a strong intensity of contrast, these practices , Enhanced his dramatic works of drama, so that “classical sonata” to further form.

Vienna period

In June 1781, Mozart could no longer endure the humiliation of the Archbishop, decided to resign to the Archbishop, became the first European history to get rid of the court of musicians, to make a living in Vienna. After he was nominally a freelance composer, he was still unable to resist the oppression of the feudal society. The suffering of life has had a profound impact on his thoughts and creations, and in Vienna for 10 years, he has been the most important of his creation for 10 years.

July 1782, Mozart created the “harem escaped” in the Vienna Borg Theater premiere.

In 1784, he participated in the Freemasonry, which he preached the freedom, equality, fraternity ideas have a strong resonance, and in this idea inspired the creation of new works.

In 1785, once the collapse of the Vienna Folk Opera House began to recover, Mozart has engaged in opera creation opportunities, created a comedy opera “theater manager”。

In 1786, the creation of opera “Figaro wedding”。

In 1787, Mozart completed the opera “Don Juan”。

In January 1790, Mozart's opera “woman's heart” staged.

In 1791, Mozart created the opera “Tito's kindness” but was unsuccessful. In September, complete the last opera “Magic Flute”。 After Mozart began to create large-scale religious music works “Requiem”, at 5:55 on December 5 “Requiem” has not yet completed Mozart on the bizarre death, at the age of 35, buried in Vienna.



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