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英语演讲小故事 英语小故事演讲【范例5篇】

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Little Robert asked mother for two cents. "What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?"

"I gave it to a poor old woman," he answered.

"You're a good boy," said the mother proudly. "Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?"

"She is the one who sells the candy."


not long after an old chinese woman came back to china from her visit to her daughter in the states, she went to a city bank to deposit the us dollars her daughter gave her. at the bank counter, the clerk checked each note carefully to see if the money was real. it made the old lady out of patience.

at last she could not hold any more, uttering. "trust me, sir, and trust the money. they are real us dollars. they are directly from america."


the lion and the fox

the lion once said that he was sick on his death bed. So he asked all the animals to come and listen to his last wishes. the goat came to the lion’s cave. He stood there and listened for a long time. then a sheep went in. Before she came out, a rabbit entered to hear the last wishes of the king of beasts. But soon the lion seemed to recover, and went to the mouth of his cave. He saw a fox waiting outside. “Why don’t you come in?“ asked the lion to the fox. “I beg Your Majesty’s pardon,“ said the fox, “I have seen many animals enter your cave, but none of them come out. Till they come out again, I prefer to wait outside.“


A man goes into a bar with his dog. He goes up to the bar and asks for a drink.

The bartender says You can't bring that dog in here! The guy, without missing a beat, says This is my seeing-eye dog.

Oh man, the bartender says, I'm sorry, here, the first one's on me. The man takes his drink and goes to a table near the door.

Another guy walks into the bar with a Chihuahua. The first guys sees him, stops him and says You can't bring that dog in here unless you tell him it's a seeing-eye dog.

The second man graciously thanks the first man and continues to the bar. He asks for a drink. The bartender says Hey, you can't bring that dog in here!

The second man replies This is my seeing-eye dog. The bartender says, No, I don't think so. They do not have Chihuahuas as seeing-eye dogs.

The man pauses for a half-second and replies What?!?! They gave me a Chihuahua?!?


Homemade Ship

Hans Andersen, a life-long fisherman, had a dream. He wanted to sail around the world. And he did it. He got several sponsors who subsidized his trip. He bought a beautiful 40-foot yacht, with all the latest technical and safety gear, and had a pleasant voyage. Well, except for almost sinking while going around the tips of South America and Africa.

The voyage went so smoothly that, looking back on it, he felt it was too easy. He needed a new challenge. He decided to build his own boat. But that was nothing new. Several people had built their own boats and sailed them around the world. No, he needed a unique boat. Watching TV commercials one day, he got it—ice cream sticks! He would be the first man to sail around the world in a boat built exclusively of ice cream sticks.

He put out the word. Within three years, school children from all over Holland had sent Hans 15 million ice cream sticks. He used these sticks to build a 45-foot replica of a Viking ship. After all the sticks were glued together, Hans took his new boat out to sea on a one-week voyage. “It’s magnificent, and totally sea-worthy,” he proclaimed.

He plans to set sail in early 20xx with a crew of two. He will sail across the Atlantic to Canada, and then down to Florida and through the Panama Canal. Then he’ll travel to Los Angeles, Honolulu, Tokyo, around the tip of Africa, and back to Holland. “If this trip succeeds,” he joked, “my next goal will be to build a plane out of ice cream sticks and fly it around the world!”



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