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在复合句中起定语作用、修饰某一名词或代词的从句称为定语从句,被修饰的名词或代词称为先行词。定语从句由关系代词(that, which , who, whom等)和关系副词(when, where, why等)引导,位于先行词之后。关系代词在从句中作主语、表语、宾语或定语。在这里我们只简单介绍关系代词在定语从句中的用法:


China is a country which/that has a long history. 中国是个具有悠久历史的国家。(which/that代替先行词country,在从句中作主语。)

I always remember the stories which/that my mother told me during my childhood. 我总是记得童年时母亲给我讲的故事。(which/that代替先行词stories,在从句中作told的宾语。)

2. 先行词指人时,关系代词用who, whom, whose或that。

The students who studies hard is not afraid of the examination. 学习用功的学生不怕考试。(who代替先行词student,在从句中作主语。)

This is the girl who/whom you want to see. 这就是你想见的那个女孩。(who/whom代替先行词girl,并在从句中作see 的宾语。)

This is the boy whose bag was lost yesterday. 这就是昨天丢失了书包的那个男孩。(whose代替the boy's,在从句中作定语。)


, who knows nothing but pretends to knoweverything, is indeed a good-for-nothing.不懂装懂,永世饭桶。

that is ill to himself will be good tonobody.人不自爱,焉能爱人?

laughs best who laughs last.谁笑在最后, 谁笑得最好。

who nothing questions, nothing learns.什么也不问的人什么也学不到。

that is master of himself will soon bemaster of others.能自制者方能制人。

that travels far knows much.行万里者,见多识广。

that cannot ask cannot live.万事不求人,哪里能生存?

is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.朋友就是这样的人──他了解你的一切而仍然喜欢你。

is not gold that glitters.闪闪发光者,未必皆黄金。

’s well that ends well.结果好就一切都好。

those who help themselves.自助者天助。

& luck always showsappreciation for those who are bold in struggling.机遇和幸运总是垂青勇于奋斗的人。

is the peculiarity of knowledge that thosewho really thirst for it always get it.凡真正渴求知识者总能得之,这就是知识的独特之处。

who make most people happy are thehappiest in the world.─Karl Marx能使大多数人幸福的人是世界上最幸福的人。──卡尔·马克思

who find faults with others often losetheir glamour.─Gorky爱找别人阴暗面的人,自己也常常失去魅力。──高尔基

conquers twice, who upon victory overcomeshimself.─Francis Bacon在获得胜利之后而能克制自己的人,获得了双重的胜利。 ──弗朗西斯·培根






一。指人的关系代词有who、whose、whom、that. 试分析:

The old man who/whom /that we visited yesterday is a famous artist.

Miss Wang is taking care of the child whose parents have gone to Beijing .

The man with whom my father shook hands just now is our headmaster. (=The man who/whom that my father shook hands with just now is our headmaster.)注:

A. 指人时有时只用who不宜用that。


(1)The comrade I want to learn from is the one who studies hard and works hard.

(2)Anyone who breaks the law should be punished.


These who are going to Beijing are the best students of our school.

3.在there be 开头的句子中

There is a student who wants to see you.


The student that won the first prize is the monitor who works hards.


A。I met a friend of mine in the street, who had just come from Japan.


二。指物的关系代词有which、whose(=of which)、that. 试分析:

1. I like the books which / that were written by Lu Xun.

2. The desks (which/that) we made last year were very good.

3. This is the house in which we lived last year. (= This is the house which /that we lived in last year.)

4. I live in the room whose windows face south. (= I live in the room ,the windows of which face south.)


A. 介词如果位于作为其宾语的关系代词之前时,只能用whom、which不能用who或that.

(1). The girl about whom they were talking is our monitor.

(2). The book in which there are many interesting things was written by Li Ming.

B. 部分短语动词中的介词不可与动词拆开,在定语从句中其介词不可前置,只能放在其动词之后。

Is this the book which she is looking for?

The old man who/whom they are waiting for is Professor Li.

The child who/whom she is looking after is Wang Ping’s son.

C. 指物时,下列情况下只能用that ,不宜用which。

(1)先行词为不定代词,如All、much、anything、everything、nothing、something、none、the one等。

We are willing to do anything that is good to the people.

I have told them all (that) I know.

All that can be done has been done.


The first book that I read last night was an English novel.


This is one of the most interesting films that I have ever seen.

This is the best that can be done now.


We know nothing about the doctors and the hospitals that you are talking about.

There are sheep and men that can be seen on the hill.

(5)如果先行词被the only、the very、the last、the same、any、few 、little、no、all 、one of、just修饰时。

This is the only book that can be lent to you.


Which is the dictionary that he used yesterday ?



This is the factory in which we once worked.


This is the book, which is written by Lu Xun.


Those which are on the desk are English books.

E.先行词前有such、the same、as时, 关系代词用as,不用that, 但the same…as…表示同样的, the same…that…表示同一的

He knows as many people as are present at the meeting.

Such people as you refer to are rare nowadays.

三。比较When/which、where /which、why.

which I still never forget.

This is the day when I joined the party.

which he spent reading the books.

where I found the book.

which makes machines.

This is the place which we once visited.

which I will never forget.

which I am looking for.




All the students who study hard have passed.学习努力的学生都考试及格了。(只有努力的及格了,不努力的没及格。) All the students ,who study hard have passed.所有的学生都及格了,他们学习努力。(没有人不及格,这些学生都很努力。)

从句是先行词不可缺少的定语(如去掉,主句意思就不完整或不正确。) 从句是对先行词的附加说明(如去掉,主句意思仍清楚,不受影响。) 与主句关系密切,不用逗号 与主句关系不十分密切,用逗号与主句隔开译为汉语时,从句译在先行词前,与先行词用“的”连接 译为汉语时,从句放在主句后面关系代词that可以代替who、whom(指人)、which(指物) 关系代词不用that,只用who、whom(指人)、which(指物) 关系代词代替宾语时可以省略 关系代词不能省略关系代词as和which


○ elephant is like a snake, as /which everybody can see. =As everybody can see, this elephant is like a snake. 任何人都看得出来,这头象像条蛇。

○ didn’t pass the physics exam, which made his parents very angry. Tom物理考试不及格,这使得他父亲很生气。


1. 在形式上as引导的非限制性定语从句可位于主句的后面,也可位于主句的前面;而which引导的非限制性定语从句只能位于主句的后面,不能位于主句的前面。

2. 在意义上,as引导的定语从句和主句的关系一般为一致关系,常译为“正如……”,“就像……”,而which引导的定语从句和主句的关系是因果关系,或which引导的定语从句是对主句的评论。因此,在意思通顺的情况下,which可代替as,而as许多时候不能代替which,如句○2。再如:

was late again, as / which we had expected. =As we had expected, he was late again. 正如我们所料,他又迟到了。/他又迟到了这是我们早就料到的。

2. The street hasn’t been cleared for weeks, which makes it very dirty. 街道好多星期没有打扫了,因此整条街很脏。(不用as)

young man cheated his friend of much money, which was disgraceful. 那年轻人诈骗了他朋友许多钱财,这是不光彩的。(不 用as)

takes exercise everyday, which has done a lot of good to his health. 他每天运动,这对他的身体很有好处。(不用as)

has already been pointed out, English is rather difficult for a foreigner. 正如已经指出的那样,英语对于初学者说,是相当难学的。在such…as…、the same…as…、as…、as many…/much as…等结构中,as不能用which代替。如:

books as this are too difficult for beginners. 这样的'书对于初学的人来说是太难了。

=Books such as this are …

=Books like this are …

live in the same building as he (does). 我和他住再同一座大楼里。

knows as many people as are present at the meeting. 他认识所有到会的人。

day we all got up early as usual. 那天我们和平时一样,都起得很早。

“One of the +复数名词”后面定语从句中谓语单复数情况


1. That is one of the books that are required for study at school.

2. This is one of the most wonderful novels that have been published since 1990.

3. She is one of the few persons who know Spanish .

4. This is one of the most famous plays that were written in the thirties,

如果one of +复数名词这一结构前面带有the only、the very之类的限定语,后面定语从句的谓语动词则要用单数形式,这是因为定语从句在意义上修饰的是而不是那个复数名词。如:

is the only one of the teachers who knows French in our school.( 修饰the only one)

He is one of the teachers who know French in our school.( 修饰the teachers)

is the only one of the rooms that is free now. (修饰the only one)

This is one of the rooms that are free now. (修饰rooms)



1. 关系代词引导的定语从句居句首时。 As we all know, the earth is round.

2. 当与such或the same连用时,一般用as。 Such books as you tell me are interesting. I have the same plan as you.

3. 当从句和主句语义一致时,用as,反之则用which。 She has married again, as was expected. She has married again, which was unexpected.

4. as在从句中作主语时,后面常接行为动词的被动语态,如be known,be said,be reported等,如从句中行为动词是主动语态,一般要用which作主语。

She has been late again, as was expected.

Tom has made great progress, which made us happy.




关系副词:when,where,why, that等。



This is the hospital(that)we visited yesterday.


又如:We visited a factory_which or that_makes toys for children.

We visited the factory __where__ Li Ming’s father once worked.

○2掌握 which和that使用上的区别。

a. 只能用which的情况:


This is the home in which(=where)Lu Xun once lived.


如:The room which/that we live in is clean.


Last night I saw a very good film, which was about the Anti-Japanese War.


That book which Tom bought yesterday is useful.


(1)先行词为all, everything, nothing,something,anything,little,no,much,the only,the same,the very,the first,the last,any,every时。如:

Is there anything(that)1 can do for you in town?

He was the only teacher(that)I knew in your schoo1.


This is one of the most exciting football games (that) I have ever seen.

It was the finest art exhibition that we ever saw.


Can you see a man and his horse that are crossing the bridge?


The man____was a friend of mine!

A. that you just talked to B. whom you just talked to him

C. who you just talked to him D. which you just talked to

○4as 和which可代表全句意思,但其用法有差别。它们引导非限制性定语从句,可以用整个主句作为先行词,指代上面或下面所说的一件事。区别如下:

a. as引导的从句可放在主句之前或之后,而which只可放在主句之后。如:

As is known to us all, we have made great progress in science and technology.

Tom failed in the exam, which made us so sorry.

b. 从句中的谓语动词是describe, do, tell, know, expect,see, hear, watch, say, show等实义动词时,用as.

As we all know, Shakespeare is a famous writer.

To shut your eyes to facts, as many of you do, is foolish.

There is great disorder, as the newspapers will have told you.

c. 当从句的谓语动词是否定形式或从句谓语带有一个复合宾语结构时,一般用which而不用as。


You pretended not to know me, which I didn’t understand.

He admires everyone in the class, which I find quite strange.

d. as 作关系代词常与the same, such配合使用。


I had the same things as you.

Metals are such things as iron, silver and gold.

○5 介词加关系代词中介词的选用

(1) 根据与先行词的习惯搭配。

I will never forget the day on which I joined the Party.

(2) 根据和从句中动词的固定搭配。

This is not the dictionary of which the teacher spoke in class.

(3) 根据句子的具体意义。

He invented a telescope, with which he could study the sky.



The mm who lives downstairs speaks English fluently.

The students who are in Grade Three are going to climb the hi11 tomorrow。



There is an expression in his eyes that I can’t understand.

The days are gone forever when the Chinese people were looked down upon。



0ctober l,1949 was the day on which(=when)the People’s Republic of China was founded.


The dictionary which you are looking for is on the desk.

The sick man whom she is 1ooking after is her father.



定语从句(Attributive Clauses)在句中做定语,修饰一个名词或代词,被修饰的名词,词组或代词即先行词。定语从句通常出现在先行词之后,由关系词(关系代词或关系副词)引出。

关系代词有:who, whom, whose, that, which等。

关系副词有:when, where, why等。

