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In our daily life, we are dealing with different kinds of people, no matter at home, in school, or at some other places. Everyone needs help, I think. And only who are willing to help others will also be helped.


One day I saw a little girl in the street carrying a heavy schoolbag on her back. She was walking happily.


Then suddenly an old man fell down while he was crossing a street. She ran towards him at once, but she was too short to help him to stand. I helped her and we together brought the old man to safety. He thanked us over and over. I think the little girl was, though very young, a very warm-hearted person.

















My name is Li Hua. I am from a workers family. There are six people in my family. They are my grandfather, my grandmother, my father, my mother, my sister and I.

Every member in my family works for his or her own trade①。 My grandfather and grandmother are peasants. They do farm work every day in my hometown. My father is a senior engineer. He is now working in Africa, helping to build a power station. My mother is a teacher. She teaches English in a middle school. My sister, five years older than I, is a doctor in the Peoples Hospital of our county. She loves her work and does it well. I am a middle school is my family. All the members in my family live in harmony.


There are two dormitories(宿舍) for our classs boys. I live in 2110.

We seven boys share the dormitory 2110. Every morning we get up at 6 oclock. Sometimes one or two boys may wake up a little later. After washing, we go to the playground to do morning exercise.

At night, after the self-teaching classes, we go back to the dormitory. Some roommates enjoy singing loudly before the lights go out, some enjoy sharing their snacks and drinks with others, some go to bed early, and others read books or listen to the pop music late. We often tell jokes in the dormitory. The room is always full of cheers and laughter.

On the evening of , the Chinese national football team got their place in the World Cup. Its the first time for our Chinese team. The Chinese people have dreamed of it for 44 years. Though the light was out we jumped up and down and shouted: We are the winner! We are the winner! At the very moment, Bang! Bang! Bang! We heard the noises of knocking at the door and a teacher shouted: Dont be so excited. Go to sleep now. So we dared not make any noise. We even smiled in our dreams that night.


Your dormitory life sounds very exciting and enjoyable. When China was accepted to the World Cup I was watching it and very excited too. I am not surprised you were so happy. Well written!


根据中文提示和英文提示词语,写1篇意思连贯、符合逻辑的短文。所给英文提示词语必须都用上。词数 60 - 70 左右。

( 1 )昨天晚上我和妈妈出去散步。

( 2 )在路上我们遇见了一个外国人。

( 3 )他向我询问如何去温泉饭店。

( 4 )我告诉他沿路往前走,在第三个转弯处向左拐就能看见饭店。

( 5 )他非常感谢我,我也为能帮他而高兴。

提示词语: go out for a walk , on the road , the way to , walk along , on the left , thank for , be happy that 。

Yesterday evening , I went out for a walk with my mother 。 On the road , we met a foreigner 。 He asked me the way to the Hot Spring Hotel 。 I told him to walk along the road and take the third turning on the left , then he could see the hotel 。 He thanked me very much for my help 。 I was happy thatI could help him 。

